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Ecrire au créateur du site : Michel Jourdan

2008-08-31 - Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc - UTMB

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Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc - UTMB - 2008 : classement des 948 finishers
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
1 JORNET Kilian 20:56:59 ESH ES M 4048
2 SHERPA Dachhiri Dawa 21h 56mn52s SEM NP M 1er Senior H 5
3 CHORIER Julien 22:31:35 SEM FR M 2176
4 KABURAKI Tsuyoshi 23h 10mn47s V1H JP M 1er V1H 4051
5 ROMON Jesus Maria 23h 41mn28s SEM ES M 3399
6 GUILLON Antoine 23h 57mn28s SEM FR M 11
7 GIRARD Matthieu 24h 19mn57s SEM CH M 13
8 CSABA Nemeth 24h 21mn02s V1H HU M 2eme V1H 2801
9 CALMBACH Uli 24h 21mn20s V1H DE M 2904
10 TAGLIAFERRI Massimo 24h 24mn22s SEM IT M 3407
11 GAYLORD Topher 24h 55mn31s SEM US M 24
12 GROSS Ulrich 25h 06mn04s SEM IT M 3552
13 CALVO REDONDO Salvador 25h 08mn05s V1H ES M 3597
14 HAWKER Elisabeth 25:19:41 SEF GB F 1ere F 4009
15 OLIVAR Aurelio Antonio 25h 22mn39s V1H ES M 4057
16 CHALLIER Jerome 25h 37mn10s SEM FR M 2770
17 RANKIN Andrew 25h 37mn10s SEM GB M 2650
18 HUG Bernhard 25h 39mn05s SEM CH M 3160
19 BLANC Pascal 25h 42mn21s V1H FR M 18
20 CHAIGNEAU Sebastien 25h 42mn21s SEM FR M 4039
21 BAUMANN Ryan 25h 48mn03s SEM CH M 2689
22 STAUB Jean Vincent 25h 53mn51s SEM CH M 2850
24 OLIVIER Romain 26h 09mn36 SEM FR M 2647
25 FOISSAC Olivier 26h 14mn40s SEM FR M 3800
26 DURAND Bruno 26h 20mn54s V1H FR M 21
27 MARCHAND Xavier 26h 24mn53s SEM FR M 2756
28 MASSON Yves 26h 35mn33s V1H FR M 15
29 CHAMBRY Thierry 26h 44mn40 V1H FR - La Reunion M 4022
30 PACHE Jean Claude 26h 49mn15s V1H CH M 3080
31 VERDIER Philippe 26h 53mn45s V1H FR M 2807
32 COCHARD Bertrand 26h 56mn26s SEM FR M 2497
33 PEREZ DE NANCLARES Oscar 26h 57mn18s SEM ES M 3572
34 EVENO Lionel 27h 06mn57s V1H FR M 3939
35 CONTESTI COLL Toni 27h 14mn03s SEM ES M 30
36 PERIANAYAGOM Fabrice 27h 16mn00s SEM FR - Ile de la Reuni M 31
37 BELLANGER David 27h 27mn10s SEM FR M 2396
38 BRAGG Jez 27h 28mn07s SEM GB M 4028
39 HERRY Karine 27h 38mn35s V1F FR F 2eme F - 1ere V1F 88
40 ZAUGG Jean Marc 27h 38mn36s SEM FR M 3181
41 FAVRE FELIX Lionel 27h 39mn59s SEM FR M 3149
42 FARANO Sebastien 27h 39mn59s SEM FR M 175
43 PEREZ LOPEZ Oscar 27h 39mn59s SEM ES M 3022
44 TSANG Siu Keung 28h 00mn23s SEM CN M 4050
45 DAVIS Matthew 28h 09mn33s SEM GB M 3226
46 COINTEPAS Nicolas 28h 09mn34s SEM FR M 81
47 GUERAUD Laurent 28h 26mn55s V1H FR M 2143
48 VALDIVIELSO MAIZ Mikel 28h 28mn33s SEM ES M 75
49 LEITNER Alois 28h 28mn36s V1H AT M 2705
50 DELEMONTEZ Didier 28h 28mn58s V2H FR M 1er V2H 61
51 FLEETWOOD John 28h 30mn48s V1H GB M 430
52 DUBOIS Catherine 28h 30mn59s SEF FR F 3eme F 2870
53 BIANCHETTI David 28h 37mn07s SEM FR M 3672
54 PANIGADA Pierluigi 28h 37mn07s V1H IT M 350
55 MUDARRA SANCHEZ Miguel 28h 43mn49s SEM ES M 3431
56 BALDUCHELLI Yan 28h 45mn14s SEM CH M 62
57 BIGNOT CHRISTOPHE 28h 45mn33s V1H FR M 3404
58 ROBRES MONFORTE Francisco 28h 48mn30s SEM ES M 3540
59 CORDEUIL Olivier 28h 50mn17s SEM FR M 23
60 ROVERA Paolo 28h 57mn27s SEM IT M 2054
61 GINE CID Albert 29h 01mn52s SEM ES M 3386
62 PLANES Lionel 29h 06mn33s SEM FR M 80
63 VANNUCCI Marco 29h 09mn09s SEM IT M 3000
64 BERNARD Guillaume 29h 10mn20s SEM FR M 3161
65 LECOMTE Christophe 29h 11mn08s V1H FR M 2750
66 VAN WETTER renaud 29h 14mn04s SEM BE M 3347
67 DUMOULIN Frederic 29h 14mn17s V1H FR M 33
68 BERGUERAND Patrice 29h 25mn45s V1H FR M 265
69 RICHARD Yann 29h 28mn04s SEM FR M 98
70 BORDONI Carluccio 29h 29mn39s V2H IT M 2eme V2H 3355
71 HAYETINE Alexandre 29h 31mn24 SEM FR M 3307
72 REVERSAT Maxime 29h 31mn25s SEM FR M 3886
73 FABREGUES Dominique 29h 33mn49s V1H FR M 2383
74 DECHELETTE Franck 29h 35mn36s SEM FR M 2263
75 BURGAT Laurent 29h 36mn42s V1H FR M 385
76 SINDOU Arnaud 29h 38mn41s SEM FR M 2134
77 ICART Gilles 29h 38mn45s V1H FR M 3609
78 RIOUAL Erwan 29h 40mn20s V1H FR M 255
79 ERROTABEREA Gilles 29h 41mn38s SEM FR M 2096
80 COINTRE Cyril 29h 51mn28s SEM FR M 3988
81 ALEGRE MUNOZ Juan Antonio 29h 51mn28s SEM ES M 4058
82 BROSSARD Eric 29h 56mn52s SEM BE M 3354
83 ARMENGAU FERNANDEZ Jordi 29h 58mn10s SEM ES M 2804
84 RICHARD Alexandre 30h 02mn04s SEM FR M 247
85 ETIENNE FABRICE 30h 03mn16s SEM BE M 2955
86 FORTINEAU Nicolas 30h 03mn51s SEM FR M 3110
87 GOUX Philippe 30h 04mn05s V1H FR M 2560
88 MUNTENASU Petru 30h 04mn05s SEM DE M 3558
89 GANNAC Philippe 30h 09mn00s V1H FR M 3872
90 SOLE FABREGAT Xavier 30h 09mn31s SEM ES M 3166
91 BERANGER Sandrine 30h 11mn28s SEF FR F 4011
92 MACKIE Glenn 30h 11mn40s V1H US M 84
93 PITSCHEIDER Stephan 30h 12mn23s V1H IT M 34
94 ANTOINE Bruno 30h 28mn40s V1H FR M 2811
95 EGGENREICH Gerhard 30h 35mn17s V1H AT M 240
96 KARLOWITS JUHASZ Tamas 30h 35mn32s SEM HU M 2826
97 DEVEY Jean Marc 30h 40mn24s V2H FR M 497
98 ZECHMANN Eric 30h 40mn24s V1H FR M 413
99 MAUTONE David 30h 44mn34s SEM CH M 2321
100 SOUCHON Frederic 30h 46mn15s SEM FR M 2303
101 GOGGINS David 30h 49mn14s SEM US M 4026
102 CLARAMONTE GIL Juli 30h 51mn02s V1H ES M 3457
103 FRITSCHE Volker 30h 58mn15s V1H DE M 56
104 PIOVAN Jean Luc 31h 00mn42s V1H FR M 160
105 CAMPBELL Jared 31h 00mn49s SEM US M 3084
106 STAMOULIS Konstantinos 31h 00mn50s V1H GR M 3535
107 MASON Mike 31h 19mn00s SEM US M 2020
108 NALIN Guillaume 31h 21mn13s SEM FR M 106
109 MAISONNIER Paul 31h 23mn37s V1H FR M 115
110 CABANAS COMA Josep Maria 31h 36mn09s SEM ES M 103
111 DREVON Nicolas 31h 41mn22s SEM FR M 2937
112 BALANA PRATS Marc 31h 42mn53s SEM ES M 3927
113 SAND Yvan 31h 45mn07s SEM FR M 2834
114 BERNARDONI Stefano 31h 45mn30s V1H CH M 2024
115 HAGENBACH Pascal 31h 47mn00s V1H FR M 90
116 BOHELAY David 31h 47mn04s SEM FR M 2885
117 BLANC Bernard 31h 47mn40s V2H FR M 2698
118 PILKINGTON Alex 31h 49mn12s SEM GB M 3275
119 POTHIN Michel 31h 49mn46s V1H FR M 3904
120 DUPENLOUP Pascal 31h 49mn53s SEM FR M 2933
121 MEYNADIER Dominique 31h 51mn58s V1H FR M 3249
122 TREUIL Philippe 31h 53mn23s V1H FR M 66
123 BERTONE Silvio 31h 53mn58s V1H IT M 3408
124 FAIVRE DARCIER Nicolas 31h 55mn59s V1H FR M 3823
125 HAEGEL Helene 31h 57mn31s V1F FR F 2eme V1F 2865
126 BOUDAY Luc 32h 00mn32s V2H FR M 3721
127 FERENCAK Ivan 32h 02mn31s SEM HR M 685
128 FILGUEIRAS Miguel 32h 04mn37s SEM ES M 323
129 TERRY Martin 32h 05mn10s V1H GB M 2962
130 CHAUVIN Guillaume 32h 09mn11s SEM FR M 216
131 COMAS Jordi 32h 14mn55s SEM ES M 3537
132 BALIZET Patrick 32h 17mn40s V1H FR M 100
133 BUCEK Igor 32h 25mn51s V1H SK M 4044
134 LESTRADE Stephane 32h 26mn40s SEM FR M 2402
135 KUENTZMANN Remi 32h 27mn14s V1H FR M 3263
136 ANCEY Francois 32h 29mn17s V1H FR M 194
137 GALLOT Patrick 32h 33mn35s V1H FR M 3154
138 LAFFORGUE Olivier 32h 34mn00s V1H FR M 2771
139 GILLAUX Jacques 32h 34mn14s V1H BR M 233
140 MARIN Janne 32h 34mn14s SEM FI M 235
141 MARQUINEZ BLANCO Eduardo 32h 37mn50s SEM ES M 3595
142 SANTIAGO DELGADO Juan Carlos 32h 37mn50s V1H ES M 2071
143 FELLAY Patrick 32h 42mn49s V1H CH M 121
144 MOTSCH Mathieu 32h 42mn50s SEM FR M 3635
145 HERBRON Franck 32h 42mn59s SEM FR M 303
146 ANSOLEAGA URRUTIA Gotzon 32h 47mn05s SEM ES M 3502
147 PELBOIS Jean Marc 32h 48mn10s SEM FR M 162
148 PFEND Stephane 32h 49mn41s SEM FR M 193
149 SERVAIS Olivier 32h 53mn55s SEM BE M 3315
150 PETIT Emmanuel 32h 54mn12s V1H FR M 3049
151 VETTORI Paolo 32h 54mn39s V2H IT M 3126
152 CLERC Denis 32h 55mn39s V1H FR M 4013
153 ROTH ETIENNE 32h 57mn41s SEM FR M 2102
154 CESCONETTO Daniele 32h 57mn52s SEM IT M 109
155 MOMPARLER David 32h 58mn12s SEM ES M 2871
156 DESEBBE Olivier 32h 58mn18s SEM FR M 2961
157 COLOMBO Stefano 32h 58mn50s SEM IT M 3045
158 NEDELEC Fanny 33h 00mn34s SEF FR F 3834
159 CAVALLO Armando 33h 03mn34s SEM IT M 3255
160 PELLEGRINO Davide 33h 03mn35s V1H IT M 3487
161 CHARBERET Etienne 33h 04mn34s SEM FR M 2552
162 LALANNE CASSOU Serge 33h 07mn31s V2H FR M 3619
163 DUMONT SAINT PRIEST Luc 33h 09mn48s V1H FR M 2512
164 PETIAU Patrice 33h 14mn06s V1H FR M 3711
165 MARQUES David 33h 14mn08s V1H FR M 3702
166 THOMAS Josio 33h 14mn09s V1H FR M 3906
167 VERHAEGHE Michel 33h 15mn37s SEM FR M 256
168 PIRSTINGER Adolf 33h 15mn38s V1H AT M 3361
169 DOSSOT Jean Marc 33h 16mn22s V1H FR M 2751
170 HARDOUIN MONROY Ferdinando 33h 17mn20s V2H IT M 228
171 SMALLS Allen 33h 18mn36s V1H GB M 2384
172 BEGOU Patrick 33h 18mn36s V1H FR M 161
173 DOULAT Christophe 33h 18mn36s V1H FR M 2704
174 ROBIN Jean Patrick 33h 22mn29s V1H FR M 2206
175 DILMI LUDOVIC 33h 30mn28s V1H FR M 2277
176 FION Didier 33h 35mn54s V2H FR M 2466
177 DELORME Andre 33h 35mn55s V2H FR M 251
178 PIGEAULT Jean Luc 33h 36mn07s V1H FR M 79
179 MOTTA Alberto 33h 36mn07s V2H IT M 3994
180 MAIRE Florent 33h 37mn14s V1H FR M 2938
181 MERCHANTE ALFARO Angel 33h 45mn11s V1H ES M 2764
182 PENOT Pascal 33h 46mn29s V1H FR M 2299
183 NELSON Mike 33h 48mn23s V1H GB M 2999
184 EKMANNIAN Frank 33h 49mn08s SEM FR M 2476
185 FAYARD Benoit 33h 57mn21s SEM FR M 2504
186 FEASSON Michel 33h 58mn05s V3H FR M 1er V3H 2284
187 MERAND Yves 33h 59mn03s V1H FR M 2144
188 JOUNEAU Pierre Henri 34h 00mn51s V1H FR M 26
189 DESCATEAUX Christophe 34h 00mn58s SEM FR M 648
190 GRACIET Didier 34h 00mn59s SEM FR M 3096
191 PIERRE Frederic 34h 00mn59s V1H FR M 2276
192 PEREZ MEDINA Inaki 34h 01mn17s SEM ES M 3419
193 SCHWEIZER Werner 34h 05mn09s V3H CH M 2eme V3H 127
194 SICURELLI Ernesto 34h 06mn35s V3H CH M 87
195 GUALCO Francesca 34h 06mn35s SEF IT F 3229
196 HUBERT Matthieu 34h 07mn16s SEM FR M 2926
197 JEANNET Michael 34h 08mn38s SEM FR M 2736
198 BERTRAND Frederic 34h 08mn44s SEM FR M 3461
199 ARNOUX Alexandre 34h 08mn46s SEM FR M 292
200 PERINO Jean Louis 34h 11mn28s V2H FR M 3759
201 FANCOLI Massimiliano 34h 13mn54s SEM IT M 178
202 MORAVSKI Millo 34h 15mn48s SEM FR M 2553
203 MOLLARET Bruno 34h 17mn49s V1H FR M 1406
204 OLASO Eric 34h 17mn49s SEM FR M 2416
205 SIMON Christophe 34h 20mn33s SEM FR M 2388
206 DUFUS Fabrice 34h 20mn54s SEM FR M 2458
207 FIORI Andrea 34h 29mn02s SEM IT M 2684
208 DUVALET Philippe 34h 30mn25s V2H FR M 450
209 IMBERT Jerome 34h 32mn10s SEM FR M 2262
210 DEMMERLE thierry 34h 32mn10s SEM FR M 2026
211 HEUZE Franck 34h 34mn11s V1H FR M 236
212 BRUCHON Hubert 34h 37mn01s V1H FR M 2588
213 GOUTAGNY Georges 34h 38mn31s V1H FR M 2482
214 JALABERT Julien 34h 40mn54s SEM FR M 2677
215 GILLET Jean Luc 34h 40mn57s V1H FR M 378
216 SANZ Eric 34h 40mn57s V1H FR M 2118
217 EGLI Daniel 34h 40mn57s V1H CH M 556
218 POUPINET Benoit 34h 40mn58s V1H FR M 3267
219 PLAZANET Jean Paul 34h 41mn24s V1H FR M 3613
220 REBISCHUNG Raymond 34h 42mn31s V2H FR M 2554
221 ARLOT Christophe 34h 43mn24s V1H FR M 3484
222 DORNE Franck 34h 43mn25s V1H FR M 2355
223 RICHARD Fabien 34h 46mn53s V1H FR M 200
224 RICHEUX jean luc 34h 49mn08s V1H FR M 2063
225 MATHEVET CHRISTOPHE 34h 49mn08s V1H FR M 149
226 ELLIS Simon 34h 49mn36s V1H GB M 2763
227 DOLIANA Cristian 34h 52mn49s SEM IT M 2922
228 VARESCO Fabio 34h 52mn50s V1H IT M 3101
229 LEUENBERGER Patrick 34h 53mn13s SEM CH M 441
230 GABIOUD Jules Henri 34h 54mn21s ESH CH M 2eme ESH 2333
231 OBEIN GAEL 34h 57mn32s SEM FR M 810
232 LANFRANCHI Jean Philippe 35h 08mn58s SEM FR M 2469
233 GOUFFRANT jerome 35h 13mn28s V1H FR M 2518
234 KIRREN PATRICE 35h 17mn09s V1H FR M 3430
235 BRUSCA Girolamo 35h 17mn26s V1H IT M 2975
236 ETIEMBLE Marc 35h 17mn29s SEM FR M 3653
237 VULLIET Sylvie 35h 17mn41s V1F FR F 2112
238 OLLAGNIER Cyril 35h 18mn49s SEM FR M 4004
239 GINETTI Bernard 35h 19mn00s V1H BE M 177
240 MUDARRA SANCHEZ Antonio Luis 35h 19mn41s V1H ES M 2722
241 LAPERROUSAZ Pascal 35h 22mn46s V2H FR M 3772
242 NAUDENOT LAURENT 35h 27mn58s SEM FR M 2419
243 TRAVERS Jerome 35h 27mn59s SEM FR M 3893
244 GRUNDY Lewis 35h 28mn18s V1H GB M 3976
245 GUNSETT Patrick 35h 30mn39s V1H FR M 224
246 ANASTASIADIS Stergios 35h 39mn30s SEM GR M 2426
247 BERTOLINO Alessia 35h 43mn47s SEF IT F 3474
248 PRATI Alcide 35h 43mn47s V2H IT M 3420
249 HOREAU Pierre 35h 47mn18s SEM FR M 565
250 ELGART Marcel 35h 47mn19s V1H FR M 721
251 CORON Sylvain 35h 47mn19s SEM FR M 2345
252 ABBET Jean Maurice 35h 47mn33s V1H CH M 238
253 USANDISAGA Rene 35h 47mn43s V1H FR M 3104
254 THUR Erwin 35h 47mn43s V2H CH M 3596
255 GIULIANI Laurent 35h 47mn49s V1H CH M 3519
256 FERRIER Bernard 35h 47mn56s V2H FR M 2481
257 MACIAS GONZALEZ Carlos 35h 48mn35s V1H ES M 3248
258 VANZAN Gianni 35h 49mn34s SEM IT M 3383
259 CHEVALIER Christian 35h 53mn39s V1H FR M 2690
260 JABRI Mohsen 35h 53mn39s V2H TN M 488
261 CHERIET Raphael 35h 56mn17s V1H FR M 3826
262 FAURE Ludovic 35h 56mn18s V1H FR M 2861
263 SCHOENENBERGER Herve 35h 57mn03s V1H FR M 3803
264 POLY Roland 35h 57mn52s V2H FR M 77
265 ALLAIRE Pierre 35h 58mn02s V1H FR M 3606
266 BALARD Patrice 35h 58mn02s V1H FR M 128
267 DEMIRDJIAN Herve 36h 01mn44s V1H FR M 312
268 JUVENAL Magali 36h 01mn44s SEF FR F 143
269 BERTHE Stephane 36h 04mn12s SEM FR M 3113
270 RADAELLI Franco 36h 04mn55s V1H IT M 3302
271 HOLMES Todd 36h 08mn03s V2H US M 2724
272 HORVATH Peter 36h 09mn06s SEM HU M 2028
273 LAMBIN Claude 36h 11mn57s V1H BE M 2062
274 CHIRI Duilio 36h 12mn30s V2H IT M 2433
275 SOULIER Thierry 36h 14mn46s V1H FR M 3762
276 SIMON Marc 36h 17mn02s V2H BE M 2977
277 BAUDET Francis 36h 22mn20s V2H FR M 279
278 BENZ Felix 36h 22mn20s V1H CH M 3241
279 BENOIST Wilfried 36h 27mn21s SEM FR M 2203
280 DEDOUCHE Christophe 36h 27mn27s SEM FR M 3811
281 LELONG Romain 36h 27mn30s SEM FR M 3877
282 CANDELIER Pierre 36h 27mn33s V1H FR M 3825
283 KARIUS Serge 36h 28mn09s V2H FR M 3840
284 MAZZOCCHI Luigi 36h 29mn07s V1H IT M 359
285 JUDA Martina 36h 29mn52s SEF CZ F 602
286 RAMA Claude 36h 31mn04s V2H FR M 3405
287 LAZZAROTTO Christophe 36h 32mn51s SEM FR M 484
288 MAYER Olivier 36h 33mn46s SEM FR M 2732
289 CLARAMONTE GIL Tomas 36h 36mn29s V1H ES M 3530
290 DORIDANT Bruno 36h 39mn24s V1H FR M 3890
291 WIMBUSH Tony 36h 39mn24s V2H GB M 2859
292 CHAIGNEAU Denis 36h 39mn25s V2H FR M 533
293 LOCATELLI Serge 36h 40mn23s V1H FR M 3073
294 DEVIARDI Ernesto 36h 40mn53s V2H IT M 2965
295 CONTI Tommaso 36h 40mn53s SEM IT M 852
296 PENALVA Josep 36h 44mn16s V1H ES M 3590
297 TISSOT Laurent 36h 47mn17s V1H FR M 2548
298 CACHAN Eric 34h 17mn58 V1H France M 0
298 CACHAN Eric 34h17mn58 V1H France M 2352
298 CHARVIN Cedric 36h 47mn17s SEM FR M 2862
299 SERY Emmanuel 36h 47mn17s SEM FR M 321
300 PUIG MORRAL Jordi 36h 47mn59s V1H ES M 3458
301 MOLINA ESCRIBANO Ismael 36h 49mn53s SEM ES M 2066
302 POURADIER Patrice 36h 51mn22s V2H FR M 2072
303 MAZOYER Marie Laure 36h 52mn39s SEF FR F 643
304 SAVARY Gabriel 36h 53mn01s SEM CH M 2250
305 CARTON Hubert 36h 53mn18s V2H BE M 2422
306 LEISTNER Fabrice 36h 53mn35s SEM FR M 2185
307 CUNNINGHAM Richard 36h 53mn37s SEM GB M 3266
308 MIALOCQ pierre 36h 55mn09s V2H FR M 3219
309 BORDES Jean 36h 55mn10s V3H FR M 468
310 CATHERINE Bruno 36h 55mn12s V1H FR M 2746
311 AGIRREZABALAGA NUNEZ Inaki 36h 58mn25s SEM ES M 3527
312 BORTOLOTTO Gabriele 36h 59mn23s SEM IT M 660
313 KHAJAVI Jamshid 36h 59mn23s V2H US M 3978
314 LE BRUN Jean Marie 37h 01mn48s SEM FR M 3618
315 MORETTO Ginette 37h 02mn51s V2F FR F 1ere V2F 4000
316 MARTIN Laurent 37h 02mn52s V1H FR M 2357
317 JACQUEAU Olivier 37h 02mn54s V1H FR M 2973
318 DESPRINGRE Xavier 37h 02mn54s V1H FR M 2939
319 FRIDRICH Laszlo 37h 03mn33s SEM HU M 2793
320 SALVADOR GOZALBO Jose Miguel 37h 09mn38s SEM ES M 3974
321 DEVILLE DUC Thierry 37h 09mn56s V2H FR M 3892
322 BABICKY Jan 37h 10mn10s SEM CZ M 622
323 CARMINATI Christophe 37h 12mn56s V1H FR M 553
324 DELAPREZ thierry 37h 12mn 56 V1H FR M 3142
325 PLAKANS Atis 37h 13mn29s V1H LV M 242
326 CHAMPION Paul 37h 13mn49s V2H GB M 423
327 SMITH Gerald 37h 13mn51s SEM GB M 2839
328 GUYON Thierry 37h 14mn14s V1H FR M 2298
329 GRIMANI Alain 37h 15mn40s SEM FR M 3644
330 COURJAUD Lionel 37h 16mn59s V2H FR M 3765
331 ROUDNITSKA Stephane 37h 19mn20s SEM FR M 2845
332 ARNOLD Josef 37h 19mn56s V3H CH M 2508
333 MONIER Eric 37h 20mn47s V2H FR M 702
334 BOUTHEMY Guy 37h 21mn33s V2H FR M 2436
335 MORICE Pierre Yves 37h 23mn51s V1H FR M 3622
336 MARIETTE Eric 37h 26mn12s V1H FR M 2636
337 BALSAMO Luisa 37h 26mn44s V1F IT F 2282
338 CRENN Roland 37h 26mn47s V1H FR M 470
339 POMMIER Thierry 37h 28mn17s V1H FR M 3156
340 BOUISSET Eric 37h 28mn17s V2H FR M 2023
341 GALLETTO Marco 37h 31mn00s V1H IT M 356
342 BOSTJANCIC Darija 37h 35mn14s SEF HR F 2994
343 GABORIEAU Gerald 37h 35mn25s V1H FR M 2186
344 CHAU Xavier 37h 35mn27s V1H FR M 3119
345 FORTANE Jean Marc 37h 35mn46s V1H FR M 3880
346 MAURICI Jean Paul 37h 35mn47s V1H FR M 3088
347 LARSSON Per Erik 37h 37mn21s V1H SE M 2896
348 BOUTEILLE Denis 37h 38mn19s V1H FR M 2215
349 ASTRUC Jean MARC 37h 38mn37s V1H FR M 2668
350 HALBAUT Stephane 37h 38mn54s V1H FR M 618
351 HOUBRE Stephane 37h 39mn15s SEM FR 2374
352 VOULGARIDIS Chris 37h 39mn17s SEM GR 3476
353 VAN DOOREN Jerome 37h 39mn35s SEM BE 2569
354 JANIAUD Sebastien 37h 40mn22s SEM FR 3187
355 BOVY Michel 37h 43mn55s V2H FR 2657
356 ROUTIER Philippe 37h 44mn08s V1H FR 2378
357 PORRET Alain 37h 44mn08s V1H FR 2711
358 BENZERARA Jacques 37h 44mn49s V2H FR 3091
359 GABIOUD Candide 37h 46mn50s SEM CH 2180
360 CRUSSY Thierry 37h 48mn01s V1H FR 223
361 NEALE Matt 37h 49mn39s SEM GB 3969
362 LE ROUX Eric 37h 51mn12s SEM FR 2579
363 ATTEWELL Gary 37h 52mn05s V2H GB 3418
364 SAWFORD Glyn 37h 52mn05s V2H GB 3281
365 SETTIMI Rinaldo 37h 52mn05s V1H IT 3435
366 PETITJEAN Damien 37h 52mn23s SEM FR 2045
367 GIMBERT Philippe 37h 52mn37s V2H FR 547
368 ROUMAGNAC Bernard 37h 52mn55s V1H FR 3055
369 SERMET MAGDELAIN Bernard 37h 53mn35s V1H FR 630
370 GERBER Carol 37h 53mn35s V1F US 2093
371 BRANA FERNANDEZ Eva Maria 37h 54mn13s SEF ES 3934
372 PEREZ FERNANDEZ Francisco De Asis 37h 54mn13s V1H ES 3947
373 LATOUR Clement 37h 54mn16s SEM FR 2820
374 BARTHELON Claude 37h 54mn50s V1H FR 3832
375 FISCHER Manuel 37h 54mn54s V1H DE 455
376 GAILLARD Francis 37h 56mn22s V1H FR 2174
377 FRENCH Jason 37h 58mn04s SEM GB 3138
378 KERR Hugh 37h 58mn04s V1H GB 3308
379 BARBIE Frederic 37h 58mn57s SEM FR 717
380 COCHET John 37h 58mn57s SEM FR 2609
381 CHARPENTIER Laurent 37h 59mn13s SEM FR M 2463
382 SARAZIN Didier 38h 00mn40s V1H FR 2050
383 PAQUET Jean Pierre 38h 02mn51s V1H FR M 2646
384 DESCHAMPS Patrick 38h 02mn52s V2H FR 653
385 MELCHIORRI Marco 38h 04mn14s V1H IT 625
386 SORIANO Salvador 38h 04mn27s V1H FR 2448
387 BARDON SORIANO Genevieve 38h 04mn28s V1F FR F 3214
388 MARQUETTE Andre 38h 04mn36s V1H CA 2077
389 AGIRREBALZATEGI GURIDI Iker 38h 06mn 36 SEM ESP M 3173
390 ISASTI LAZKANO Iban 38h 06mn36s SEM ES 2600
391 ORNATI Cesare 38h 07mn20s V2H IT 3532
392 MELET Xavier 38h 08mn17s V2H FR 3676
393 MASTROTHEODOROS Anastassios 38h 10mn00s V1H GR 3390
394 MOLINA BALSERA Angel 38h 10mn06s V2H ES 3078
395 MONTEIL Loic 38h 11mn13s SEM FR 2301
396 TABAREAU Thierry 38h 11mn45s V1H FR 2286
397 ANGELLA Maurizio 38h 12mn22 V1H IT M 2915
398 JAVET Eric 38h 13mn26s V1H FR 3685
399 TESCARI Thierry 38h 16mn28s V1H FR 3469
400 SOULOUMIAC Arnaud 38h 19mn16s SEM FR 2392
401 LEHMANN Alain 38h 19mn37s V1H CH 2eme V2F 3082
402 BLANC Elisabeth 38h 20mn33s V2F FR 2658
403 DELLOYE Frederic 38h 22mn58s V1H FR 2940
404 POUJADE Olivier 38h 24mn13s SEM FR 2997
405 CERVERA Salvador 38h 24mn24s SEM FR 3675
406 DELMAS Franck 38h 26mn33s SEM FR 457
407 ROY Jean Camille 38h 26mn39s V2H FR 3684
408 BORT JUAN Jordi 38h 27mn27s SEM ES 3052
409 SALARIS Jean Marc 38h 28mn52s V1H FR M 1275
410 HAGUENIN Jerome 38h 29mn00s V1H FR 3761
411 VICTOIRE Henrico 38h 29mn09s SEM FR 3985
412 MALL Idriss 38h 29mn09s V1H FR - Ile de la Reuni 3999
413 RIBOTTE Ghislaine 38h 29mn09s SEF #REF! F 796
414 PASCAL Gilles 38h 30mn03s V2H FR 3033
415 DAQUIN Cecile 38h 30mn04s V1F FR 4056
416 ANTONOFF Christophe 38h 31mn19s SEM FR 3243
417 BRUNODET Gerard 38h 31mn27s SEM IT 2329
418 PROST Franck 38h 32mn54s V1H FR 3642
419 SEMINO Carlo 38h 34mn29s SEM IT 3220
420 DALLOCCHIO Marco 38h 34mn35s SEM IT 3286
421 DELANNOY Sebastien 38h 35mn27s SEM BE 3250
422 BLANC Patrice 38h 35mn28s V2H FR 579
423 ESQUIS Alain 38h 36mn25s V2H FR 2599
424 CAER Thierry 38h 36mn37s SEM FR 3600
425 BLOCH Remy 38h 36mn37s V1H FR 2800
426 SHARP Hilary 38h 39mn20s V1F GB 3010
427 FARANO Jerome 38h 39mn21s V1H FR 576
428 AUBERT michel 38h 40mn15s V3H FR 2415
429 LE MOAL Francois 38h 40mn32s V1H FR 646
430 FRANCOIS Patrice 38h 40mn46s V1H FR 3898
431 MICHELETTI Luciano 38h 43mn38s V2H IT 567
432 BEALE Martin 38h 44mn05s V1H GB 195
433 DESBORDES Claude 38h 44mn26s V1H FR 1020
434 BRIERE Francois 38h 44mn26s V1H FR 1022
435 DOUSSOT Laurent 38h 44mn26s V1H FR M 2892
436 ZADOKS Gideon 38h 44mn49s V1H NL 2787
437 TRUET Sebastien 38h 45mn21s SEM FR 2875
438 VAUGON Jean Pierre 38h 45mn22s V1H FR M 3447
439 MECHENTEL Pierre 38h 45mn26s V1H FR 2409
440 LETELLIER Jean Claude 38h 45mn33s SEM FR 2783
441 ANTOLIN Eric 38h 46mn13s V1H FR 616
442 RODRIGUEZ NUERO Felipe 38h 47mn18s V1H ES 2928
443 SALTES Arnaud 38h 47mn40s V1H FR 2325
444 DE ZANET Mickael 38h 49mn33s SEM FR 3412
445 POIVET Patrick 38h 49mn43s V1H FR 317
446 HIRTZ Franck 38h 50mn08s SEM FR 2814
447 KIRKMAN Colin 38h 51mn04s SEM GB 3400
448 VIZCAINO Emilio 38h 51mn29s SEM ES 3343
449 BALLU Jerome 38h 52mn15s SEM FR 3599
450 PERRIER Laurent 38h 52mn16s SEM FR M 2306
451 GIRARD Renaud 38h 52mn16s SEM FR 592
452 JAVEGNY David 38h 54mn34s V1H FR M 2535
453 KHATCHADOURIAN Ara 38h 54mn35s V1H LB 1er V4H 3673
454 FORMAZ Guy 38h 54mn55s V4H CH 453
455 FORMAZ Denis 38h 54mn56s SEM CH 452
456 BLONDEY luc 38h 55mn15s V1H FR 2927
457 TONCHI Stefano 38h 55mn26s V1H IT 260
458 ALLEGUEDE Stephane 38h 57mn17s SEM FR 3690
459 TERRAY Antoine 38h 59mn17s V1H FR 2373
460 GUEYFFIER Thibaud 38h 59mn17s SEM FR 2279
461 WATSON Johnnie 38h 59mn45s SEM GB 3529
462 ASCACIBAR SORIANOG Gregorio 38h 59mn52s V3H ES 3955
463 RICHARD Frederic 39h 00mn08s V1H FR 2935
464 ALARY Thierry 39h 00mn23s V1H FR 2506
465 BOURDONNEAU Marc 39h 00mn31s SEM FR 2860
466 ROUAULT Jean Marie 39h 01mn15s V1H FR 3637
467 FRANCOIS BRAZIER Marc 39h 01mn23s V1H FR 3793
468 TROUSSELIER Leon 39h 01mn37s V1H FR 469
469 JOHNSTON Lloyd 39h 03mn00s V1H GB 2653
470 LAMOUCHE Herve 39h 04mn20s V1H FR 2382
471 NEGRI Luigi 39h 04mn25s SEM IT 2222
472 PUIATI Stefano 39h 04mn25s V1H IT 284
473 OLASAGASTI Joseph 39h 04mn56s SEM FR 2496
474 SANCHEZ GARCIA Franc 39h 06mn14s SEM ES 3582
475 FIGOLS MORAL Jordi 39h 06mn14s SEM ES 3550
476 PALA SALA Xavier 39h 06mn15s SEM ES 3440
477 CORMIER Gilles 39h 08mn36s V1H FR 634
478 BLANC David 39h 08mn39s SEM FR M 2618
479 FINISTRE Gerard 39h 12mn15s V2H FR 570
480 CASTELLINO ALBERTO 39h 14mn10s V1H IT 2924
481 LEONARDI Pascal 39h 14mn31s V1H FR 3640
482 MIQUEL Jean Pierre 39h 15mn16s V1H FR M 3883
483 MONTPELLIER Jean Noel 39h 15mn17s V1H FR 3046
484 HILDEBRAND Carmen 39h 16mn03s SEF DE 2777
485 MORENO Inocencio 39h 17mn11s SEM ES 2796
486 VARAGNAT Yvette 39h 17mn27s SEF FR F 2065
487 WORSWICK Jonathan 39h 17mn38s V1H AU 3506
488 GALIMBERTI Andrea 39h 18mn24s SEM IT 3323
489 MIEGE Christian 39h 18mn59s V2H FR 3828
490 FORESTIERI Alexandre 39h 20mn20s SEM FR 1331
491 VIRTON Emeric 39h 22mn08s SEM FR 2541
492 THETE Didier 39h 22mn09s V1H FR 2694
493 KNODEL Ralf 39h 22mn51s V1H DE 442
494 MARGRAF Guenter 39h 22mn51s SEM DE 3276
495 FLICK Markus 39h 22mn52s V1H DE 443
496 GRANJON Jean Luc 39h 23mn02s V1H FR 2479
497 BERTINI Paolo 39h 24mn17s V1H IT 4008
498 HEILBOCK Jurgen 39h 25mn21s V1H DE 3936
499 GERGELE Laurent 39h 26mn24s SEM FR M 2339
500 GONZALEZ RUBIO Juan Carlos 39h 26mn35s V1H ES 2067
501 MASSON Yvan 39h 26mn43s SEM FR 3278
502 SAROGLIA Mauro 39h 27mn02s V1H IT 165
503 FOIADELLI ELIO 39h 27mn38s V1H IT 569
504 CATTANEO MARCO 39h 27mn38s V1H IT 568
505 BROOKS Mark 39h 27mn55s V1H GB 3972
506 ELIASSON Asgeir 39h 28mn06s V1H IS 3150
507 MOUSSION Pierre 39h 29mn27s V3H FR 3727
508 RECASENS Franck 39h 30mn02s V1H FR 795
509 IACUZZO PIERGIORGIO 39h 30mn06s V1H IT 3328
510 CLOSON Philippe 39h 32mn14s SEM BE 3019
511 COLOMER SABORIT Francesc 39h 32mn46s V1H ES 3498
512 MUNOZ MUNOZ Albert 39h 32mn46s SEM ES 3534
513 ILLAMOLA VILALTA Xavier 39h 32mn46s SEM ES 3533
514 FOSTROY Jean Marie 39h 32mn58s V2H BE 2105
515 FORT Marie Ange 39h 33mn22s V1F FR 2478
516 PETILLON GILBERT 39h 33mn56s V2H FR 2687
517 IRATZOQUY jean christophe 39h 34mn07s V1H FR 3093
518 ARVEUX Eric 39h 34mn07s V1H FR 3106
519 MOLET Claude 39h 34mn52s V2H FR 2450
520 VALADE Didier 39h 35mn29s V1H FR 2316
521 BONNET Gerard 39h 35mn29s V1H FR 3569
522 LAMOTTE Franck 39h 35mn32s SEM FR 2615
523 GOMORD Nicolas 39h 35mn47s SEM FR 3663
524 BERTELOOT Jackie 39h 37mn48s V1H FR 2275
525 ROUSSET SOUQUE Julia 39h 39mn42 SEF FR F 2960
526 HAUTEBAS Jerome 39h 39mn42s V1H FR 516
527 WEBER Vincent 39h 39mn43s SEM FR 517
528 ROUSSET ALEXANDRA 39h 39mn43s SEF FR 3076
529 REPUSSARD Jean Paul 39h 39mn44s V1H FR M 3188
530 RAETSCH Walter 39h 39mn52s V2H DE 709
531 RAGHEBOOM Roger 39h 39mn53s V1H FR 3783
532 JACKOWIAK Gregory 39h 39mn56s SEM FR 2798
533 PALOUS Philippe 39h 41mn02s SEM FR 3592
534 LALLA Agostino 39h 41mn07s SEM IT 3531
535 GUILHEM Jean Charles 39h 41mn51s V2H FR 3191
536 CLAPUYT Arnaud 39h 42mn07s SEM FR 2245
537 AMORE Lorenzo 39h 42mn13s SEM IT 3968
538 PLESSIS Bruno 39h 42mn46s V1H FR 2307
539 THIEL Jean Benoit 39h 44mn13s SEM FR 2385
540 SOULIE Laurent 39h 45mn04s V1H FR M 2674
541 CALLSEN Aldo 39h 45mn18s V1H FR 3525
542 MARET Brice 39h 45mn44s SEM FR 2832
543 DE PACO LOPEZ Francisco Jose 39h 46mn11s V1H ES 1097
544 MARTINEZ PEREZ M Encarnacion 39h 46mn38s SEF ES 3293
545 DE PAOLI DANIEL 39h 46mn57s V2H FR 2587
546 CASERRAS BUSQUETS Alfons 39h 48mn10s V1H ES 3105
547 BANON IZU Javier 39h 48mn41s SEM ES 4047
548 SEVE GILABERT Enric 39h 51mn10s SEM ES 3221
549 VISIGALLI Paolo 39h 51mn12s SEM IT 2874
550 PICCARDO Lorenzo 39h 51mn20s V1H IT 2200
551 VALERO BARRACHINA Sergio 39h 51mn28s SEM ES 2121
552 ERNOU Yannick 39h 53mn26s SEM FR 2879
553 BARTHE Jerome 39h 53mn26s SEM FR 2439
554 LUCAS Alexandre 39h 56mn15s SEM FR 3700
555 THIRIET Lionel 39h 56mn57s V1H FR 2046
556 FALQUY Jean Louis 39h 58mn28s V1H FR 2252
557 ALFIERI Nicola 39h 59mn39s SEM IT 3108
558 FORI Katia 39h 59mn39s SEF IT F 3427
559 BARBIER Patrick 40h 01mn03s V2H FR 2752
560 TURBY Gilles 40h 01mn43s V1H FR 3510
561 LINTON Brian 40h 03mn46s SEM GB 2720
562 HARDY Serge 40h 04mn21s V1H FR 2855
563 SIMPSON Peter 40h 05mn17s V3H GB 3949
564 ARNAUD LEFEVRE Jean Louis 40h 06mn10s V2H FR 3345
565 CAMELIN Thierry 40h 08mn04s V1H FR 351
566 FALCY Jean Pierre 40h 08mn06s V1H CH M 615
567 PIAZZA Claudio 40h 08mn07s V2H IT 3555
568 BONIN Charles 40h 08mn57s V1H FR 629
569 BATTRAW Michael 40h 08mn58s V1H US 2699
570 LEITNER Hannes Paul 40h 09mn24s ESH IT 2654
571 COQUEL Charles 40h 11mn21s V2H FR 3903
572 LACROIX Michel 40h 11mn52s V2H FR 3780
573 MELET Eric 40h 12mn15s V2H FR 2467
574 MUNDA Alain 40h 13mn24s SEM FR 3337
575 GOREAU Jean 40h 13mn56s V3H FR 607
576 SAVARY Pierre 40h 13mn58s V2H CH 2607
577 OTMANI Jean Paul 40h 14mn38s V1H FR M 290
578 TRELLE Pierre 40h 14mn45s V2H FR 885
579 VANDENHELSKEN loic 40h 17mn29s SEM FR 2727
580 COPPACK Peter 40h 18mn03s V2H GB 3090
581 MENINO Fabio 40h 19mn19s SEM IT 3017
582 ITURRIAGAETXEBARRIA Mikel 40h 19mn22s SEM ES 2890
583 ULBRICHT Dieter 40h 20mn43s V1H DE 2424
584 BRIEND franck 40h 20mn57s V1H FR 2295
585 GAUTRON Francis 40h 21mn00s V1H FR 2857
586 GRANAT Patrick 40h 21mn04s V1H FR 3182
587 BLACHERE Christian 40h 21mn43s V1H FR 2520
588 QUELL Carsten 40h 24mn55s V1H CA 2595
589 ATRAX Christophe 40h 27mn33s V1H FR 3822
590 BANEGAS Philippe 40h 27mn33s SEM FR 2565
591 MIRABAUD Benoit 40h 27mn33s SEM FR 2846
592 BROUSSE Denis 40h 28mn02s V2H FR 508
593 TORTEROTOT Cyril 40h 28mn08s SEM FR 2379
594 VAN DEREN Diane 40h 29mn10s V1F US 367
595 MISEROCCHI stefano 40h 29mn 11 SEM IT M 3285
596 FLAMENT Eric Robin 40h 29mn57s V1H FR 3075
597 DUTZ Olivier 40h 31mn30s V1H BE 2418
598 JEANSON Hubert 40h 31mn52s V1H FR 3194
599 LEGRON Olivier 40h 32mn00s V1H FR 849
600 AGUSTI Xavier 40h 32mn56s SEM ES 2340
601 TRAPE GARROS Jordi 40h 32mn56s V1H ES 3319
602 MOREAU Guy 40h 35mn08s V3H FR 3837
603 DUVAL Frank 40h 35mn16s V1H FR 3152
604 JOUIN Jean Michel 40h 35mn18s V1H FR 3479
605 GUISNEL Remi 40h 36mn30s V1H FR 1010
606 LESBATS Stephane 40h 36mn30s SEM FR 496
607 GERMANAZ Yannick 40h 36mn46s SEM FR 2243
608 VUATTOUX Patrick 40h 36mn46s V1H FR 3719
609 MORAN MILANES Francesc 40h 37mn05s V2H ES 3452
610 DARRIOULAT David 40h 37mn16s SEM FR M 522
611 BEVALOT Fabien 40h 37mn39s SEM FR 2320
612 SUIVRE Pascal 40h 37mn49s V1H FR 2561
613 LAYACHI Pierre 40h 38mn24s V1H FR 2593
614 BAUDOUIN Fabrice 40h 38mn30s V1H FR M 2003
615 KARCH Dominique 40h 40mn28s SEM FR 2012
616 BLANCHARD Philippe 40h 41mn34s SEM FR 2160
617 LE PENNEC Dominique 40h 41mn40s V2H FR 3047
618 BELLANGER Frederic 40h 42mn05s V1H FR 3006
619 VINSON Bernard 40h 42mn21s V1H FR 2828
620 MILLET Marc 40h 42mn36s SEM FR 2033
621 TALBOT Rodolphe 40h 42mn38s V1H FR 2532
622 OLIVERO Mauro 40h 44mn21s V1H IT 773
623 PETAZZONI Philippe 40h 44mn45s V2H FR 2351
624 MONTGINOUX Laure 40h 44mn46s SEF FR 3678
625 HOESCHELE Jochen 40h 48mn15s V1H DE 3984
626 ILCZYSZYN Serge 40h 48mn37s V2H FR 2371
627 DHERVILLY Patrick 40h 48mn38s V1H FR 2517
628 PASCHETTO Renzo 40h 49mn18s V1H IT 3937
629 DELAMARRE Sebastien 40h 49mn33s SEM FR 901
630 VAILLANT Philippe 40h 49mn33s V1H FR 2412
631 SALMON Claude 40h 52mn20s V1H FR 3567
632 FORIEL Olivier 40h 52mn32s SEM FR 757
633 SANDOZ OTHENIN Pascal 40h 53mn06s V1H FR 293
634 BERTRAND Nicolas 40h 54mn19s V1H FR 2882
635 REANT Christophe 40h 54mn19s SEM FR 559
636 LE BOEDEC Arnaud 40h 55mn29s SEM FR 3330
637 PAPE Jeremy 40h 55mn30s SEM FR 2919
638 VARIGAS Luc 40h 56mn18s V1H FR 3322
639 SALAT MIRET Roger 40h 56mn35s SEM ES 3369
640 BILBAO UNDAGOITIA Aitor 40h 57mn00s SEM ES 3222
641 TERES Jaume 40h 58mn09s V1H ES 3225
642 PRAT LLORENS Marta 40h 58mn09s SEF ES 3576
643 DUFFAIT Jean Luc 41h 01mn31s V2H FR 2073
644 LEPLAT Guillaume 41h 01mn32s SEM FR 2401
645 ROMIEU Francois 41h 03mn13s SEM FR 3879
646 ROSSO Davide 41h 03mn21s SEM IT 2675
647 CLAUSER Hugues 41h 05mn23s V1H FR 3402
648 LECOUTRE David 41h 06mn21s SEM FR M 3021
649 LALOYAUX Jean Louis 41h 06mn42s SEM FR 1129
650 BIANCHI Patrice 41h 06mn45s V1H FR 725
651 SOLANS Nicolas 41h 06mn45s SEM FR 2356
652 GOYENECHE Gerard 41h 06mn46s V1H FR 944
653 JOUVE Didier 41h 06mn46s SEM FR 2776
654 ROCHET Pierre 41h 08mn25s V2H FR 2755
655 BON Thierry 41h 08mn56s V1H FR 2799
656 KLADENSKY Josef 41h 09mn18s V3H AT 3512
657 DOLEON Jean Marie 41h 09mn50s V1H FR 2453
658 ARROSSA Michel 41h 10mn25s V2H FR 3785
659 CUIBURU Jean Claude 41h 10mn25s V2H FR 3779
660 IPUTCHA Jean Marie 41h 10mn26s V1H FR 3743
661 LECLERCQ Christophe 41h 10mn48s SEM BE 3299
662 MESTRE BORRAS Jordi 41h 13mn54s SEM ES 3528
663 SERVIERES Patrick 41h 14mn24s V1H FR 2209
664 ROBERT Kevin 41h 14mn26s SEM FR 2363
665 POROT Cedric 41h 14mn41s SEM FR 2737
666 COULOMBIER Benoit 41h 16mn12s SEM FR 2507
667 BOUILLET Jean 41h 16mn13s V1H FR 498
668 COULOMBIER Stephane 41h 16mn14s V1H FR 499
669 BERTHIN Christian 41h 16mn36s V2H FR 759
670 PITTI Roberto 41h 16mn43s SEM IT 2338
671 BELITU Adrian 41h 16mn46s SEM RO 3309
672 MARMEY Stephane 41h 17mn01s V1H FR 2686
673 PENET Philippe 41h 17mn01s V1H FR 1246
674 BORTOLUZZI Stephane 41h 17mn09s V1H FR 969
675 BONTOVICS Timea 41h 17mn28s V1F HU 2119
676 GOUIFFES didier 41h 18mn44s V1H FR 3796
677 CATTO Cedric 41h 18mn44s SEM FR 3240
678 SERGE Christophe 41h 18mn44s SEM FR 686
679 DOUVIER Serge 41h 18mn57s V2H FR 2825
680 VERONI Giuseppe 41h 19mn10s V1H IT 3162
681 ESCOFFIER thierry 41h 19mn42s V2H FR 575
682 BREITENMOSER Roland 41h 19mn54s V2H CH 3443
683 FANCHETTI Sergio 41h 20mn47s V3H IT 3523
684 LANGDON Alex 41h 20mn47s V1F GB 941
685 DALOU Laurent 41h 22mn04s V2H FR M 2739
686 MARCONATO Valerio 41h 22mn16s V1H IT 2996
687 COURAND Annie 41h 22mn33s V1F FR 2129
688 BOYER Jean Luc 41h 22mn34s V2H FR 3011
689 CLOT Guillaume 41h 22mn54s SEM FR 3776
690 RENAULT Xavier 41h 22mn54s SEM FR 2805
691 HUET Christophe 41h 22mn56s SEM FR 2094
692 MOREAU Guillaume 41h 22mn57s SEM FR 2025
693 SEJOURNE Serge 41h 22mn59s V1H FR 3282
694 FOURNIER Christophe 41h 23mn23s V1H FR 2944
695 BOUTEILLE Christian 41h 23mn26s V1H FR 872
696 POLETTI David 41h 23mn28s ESH FR M 3273
697 CALLAS Didier 41h 26mn01s V2H FR 3163
698 REGNOUF DAVID 41h 26mn03s SEM FR M 2040
699 PUTOIS Arnaud 41h 26mn33s V1H FR 3661
700 LITTWIN Rudiger 41h 27mn41s V2H DE 4041
701 COCKBAIN Mark 41h 28mn40s SEM GB 3933
702 AVILA Ernest 41h 30mn15s V1H FR 2257
703 GIRAULT Stephane 41h 30mn52s SEM FR 2856
704 LAURENT Pascal 41h 30mn53s V1H FR 606
705 XAVIER Stephane 41h 31mn29s SEM FR 3689
706 BRUYAS Christophe 41h 33mn21s SEM FR 3433
707 APRUZZESE Sylvie 41h 34mn40s V2F FR 2018
708 TROBEC Simona 41h 35mn12s SEF SI 3421
709 PEREZ Anaime 41h 39mn41s SEM ES 1213
710 ROUDAUT Guy 41h 42mn40s V1H FR 3393
711 CAER Joel 41h 42mn40s SEM FR 3611
712 ORELLI Jean Marc 41h 43mn21s V2H FR M 2895
713 ADATTE Vincent 41h 43mn48s V1H CH 1265
714 TOASE Aidan 41h 43mn57s SEM GB 3975
715 ECOCHARD Jean Paul 41h 44mn35s V3H FR M 3767
716 ARCHER Bertrand 41h 44mn38s SEM FR 2380
717 BONINO Jean Marc 41h 45mn08s V2H FR M 3881
718 CHAUSSET Sebastien 41h 45mn26s SEM FR 3836
719 CARTE Thierry 41h 45mn27s V1H FR 3379
720 RACINNE Gerard 41h 46mn17s V2H FR M 2156
721 LAMBERT Thierry 41h 46mn17s V2H FR 2974
722 BAIGUE Christian 41h 46mn17s V2H FR 3114
723 LOUVEL Patrick 41h 46mn36s V2H FR 3853
724 PEREZ Patrice 41h 47mn04s SEM FR 2495
725 WEISS Georg 41h 48mn23s V1H DE 420
726 DRESCHER Anke 41h 48mn23 V1F DE F 419
727 PONTERI Marco 41h 49mn46s SEM IT 3970
728 ARNASON Borkur 41h 51mn23s SEM IS 374
729 DAUBE Philippe 41h 52mn32s V3H FR 2682
730 THIZY BERNARD 41h 52mn59s V1H FR 3326
731 PITAVAL Yves 41h 52mn59s V1H FR 3313
732 JAVET Michel 41h 53mn09s V1H FR 2098
733 NEDELEC Patrice 41h 53mn30s V1H FR 3133
734 PLANTIE Philippe 41h 54mn01s V1H FR M 812
735 BOURBON Pascal 41h 54mn24s V2H FR 3007
736 BON Dominique 41h 54mn24s V1H FR 3024
737 CORDONNIER Christophe 41h 54mn32s SEM FR 3140
738 BOIN Christophe 41h 54mn59s V1H FR 2376
739 MATTHYS Ignace 41h 55mn26s V2H BE 601
740 MARTIN RODRIGUEZ Pablo 41h 55mn48s V1H ES 3382
741 BLANCO Federico 41h 55mn55s V2H ES 2272
742 SCHAEGIS Daniel 41h 55mn59s SEM FR 957
743 SCHAEGIS Jasmine 41h 55mn59s SEF FR 2916
744 ETIENNE Stephane 41h 56mn21s SEM FR 3641
745 GUINET Benoit 41h 56mn21s V1H FR 3740
746 ALZINGRE pierre 41h 56mn25s V1H FR 2201
747 FORGIARINI Bruno 41h 56mn33s SEM FR 2395
748 SCORLETTI Laurent 41h 56mn33s SEM FR M 2707
749 GLADKOFF Herve 41h 56mn47s V1H FR 962
750 MARRI Fabio 41h 57mn03s V2H IT 780
751 ROGERS Jeffery 41h 58mn34s V1H US 2008
752 CHASSERANT Philippe 41h 59mn48s V1H FR 2300
753 SERGE Marie 42h 01mn40s V2F FR 811
754 CONSCIENCE Alain 42h 02mn17s V1H FR 2399
755 ROBERTI Jean Pierre 42h 02mn18s V1H FR M 3524
756 LOISEAU Didier 42h 02mn42s V2H FR 3738
757 BIGARD Alain 42h 03mn22s V1H FR 1194
758 DIDIER Regis 42h 03mn22s SEM FR 3768
759 GUILLERMINET Gilles 42h 03mn37s V1H FR 3859
760 PLATROZ Eric 42h 03mn46s V1H FR M 3594
761 LABRUNYE Frederic 42h 04mn59s SEM FR 2678
762 LABRUNYE Thomas 42h 04mn59s SEM FR 2688
763 VERGNES Daniel 42h 05mn29s V1H FR 2289
764 RICHARD Yves 42h 06mn02s V2H FR 3704
765 CREIGNOU Jean Yves 42h 06mn02s V1H FR 3563
766 DESIREE Jean Pierre 42h 06mn54s V2H FR M 3707
767 BAARS Ulrike 42h 07mn57s V1F DE 546
768 COUMBA Felicien 42h 09mn48s V1H FR 2534
769 SALVADOR VICENTE Jose 42h 10mn03s SEM ES 3464
770 TRIBONDEAU Olivier 42h 10mn27s V1H FR 229
771 POUILLY Boris 42h 10mn53s SEM FR 1032
772 CERFOGLINO Jacky 42h 12mn03s V2H FR 2391
773 ARAUJO Albin 42h 12mn10s V1H FR 1131
774 FALDA Fabio 42h 12mn25s SEM IT 3253
775 CREPALDI Maurizio 42h 12mn26s V2H IT 2194
776 MARCQ Bertrand 42h 13mn01s V2H FR 3615
777 MCGRATH Robert 42h 13mn25s SEM CA 2193
778 MELACARNE Michele 42h 14mn00s V2H IT 984
779 VIGNERON Dominique 42h 14mn11s V1H FR 2797
780 MACHLEIT Herbert 42h 14mn23s V2H DE 3940
781 CAPDEVILA VAZQUEZ Xavier 42h 14mn43s V2H ES 4025
782 ALVES Alexandre 42h 15mn03s SEM FR 3778
783 SZABO Gabor 42h 15mn12s SEM HU 2015
784 SPERDUTO Gerard 42h 17mn20s V2H FR 2346
785 CHAREYRON Eric 42h 17mn36s V1H FR 3629
786 FAYET gerard 42h 17mn37s V1H FR 2240
787 PERRET Jean Gilles 42h 17mn37s V1H FR 3674
788 PIAT Luigi Aldo 42h 17mn59s SEM IT 1156
789 PICHON NICOLAS 42h 18mn39s SEM FR 3206
790 ALPHAND Raymond 42h 19mn07s V2H FR 3202
791 BUFFLER Christophe 42h 19mn27s V1H FR 2483
792 ROL Joseph 42h 19mn50s V3H FR 2475
793 VERARDI Frederic 42h 20mn17s V1H FR 2223
794 KELLER Laurent 42h 20mn33s V1H CH M 2701
795 BULABOIS Herve 42h 20mn33s SEM FR 2703
796 FREI Andre 42h 20mn34s V1H CH 1386
797 THOMANN Philippe 42h 21mn21s V1H FR 3224
798 FIBLA REVERTER Hermini 42h 21mn43s SEM ES 3074
799 TUERLINGS Eric 42h 22mn21s V1H NL 1165
800 MORATTO Mario 42h 23mn43s V2H FR 2431
801 LESIEUR Patrick 42h 24mn18s V2H FR 2667
802 MARTINEZ GARCIA Carlos 42h 24mn32s V1H ES 2068
803 BRISSET Kevin 42h 25mn28s SEM FR 3070
804 DEGOUY FREDERIC 42h 25mn49s SEM FR 2197
805 LUCCOLI Roberto 42h 26mn06s SEM IT 2002
806 ALERTAS Georgios 42h 26mn30s SEM GR 2350
807 DULCET Josep 42h 27mn56s V2H ES 2949
808 CHARBONNIER bruno 42h 28mn00s V1H FR 659
809 COMPAGNON Yannick 42h 28mn23s SEM FR 2880
810 GUENTHER Maik 42h 28mn40s V1H DE 504
811 CARNIATO Renato 42h 30mn19s V2H FR 2623
812 DOUCET Patrick 42h 31mn56s V1H FR 2527
813 CRUELLS VILARDAGA Jordi 42h 32mn08s V1H ES 3193
814 MEYER Olivier 42h 32mn39s SEM FR 2986
815 MARCHANDISE Mickael 42h 32mn39s V1H FR 3543
816 PARIS Christophe 42h 33mn10s SEM FR 2108
817 BOHY Pascal 42h 33mn24s V1H FR 2766
818 TEMPERE Michel 42h 34mn03s V3H FR 716
819 CASSAGNANDE Michel 42h 34mn23s V1H FR 2188
820 HOARAU Clarisse 42h 35mn37s SEF FR 3208
821 POZZOBON Alain 42h 35mn54s V1H FR 1054
822 POZZOBON CLAUDE 42h 35mn54s V1H FR 961
823 DUGARDIN Denis 42h 36mn29s SEM FR 2913
824 DUGARDIN Arnaud 42h 36mn30s SEM FR 3139
825 LELONG Jean Pierre 42h 36mn30s V2H FR M 1065
826 MIRALLES I CORTIELLA Alfred 42h 36mn31s V2H ES 3301
827 FRANCO DOURAL Jose Luis 42h 36mn31s V2H ES 3406
828 PONCET Dominique 42h 37mn17s V1H FR 2542
829 LECLERCQ Laurent 42h 37mn18s V1H BE M 3170
830 PISTONI Fabrizio 42h 37mn30s V1H IT 445
831 SPITZ Patrick 42h 38mn20s V1H FR 520
832 HARNISCH Etienne 42h 38mn22s V1H FR 2897
833 ROUXEL Erwan 42h 38mn25s SEM FR 3491
834 LUCAS Roque 42h 39mn30s V2H ES 973
835 ESTIENNE Philippe 42h 40mn38s V1H FR 2725
836 CURRAN Tom 42h 41mn39s SEM IE 1412
837 CLIFFORD Sean 42h 41mn39s SEM IE 428
838 BOYER Philippe 42h 41mn54s V2H FR 2523
839 MICHEL Alain 42h 42mn51s V1H FR 3557
840 CUFAR Zdravko 42h 43mn20s V2H SI 3588
841 GOUJON Jean Paul 42h 44mn09s V3H FR M 3639
842 DECROMBECQUE Herve 42h 45mn13s SEM FR 1004
843 DE STAEL Arnaud 42h 45mn37s V1H FR 1254
844 MAUJEAN Guy 42h 47mn35s SEM FR 739
845 LAVIGNE Joel 42h 47mn39s V1H FR 2869
846 DARMENDRAIL Xavier 42h 47mn40s V1H FR 274
847 HOLLEVILLE Hans 42h 47mn40s SEM FR 3198
848 COUDERT Christian 42h 47mn56s V2H FR 2437
849 ROUSSEAU Alain 42h 48mn10s V2H FR 2745
850 GORIEU Francois 42h 48mn10s SEM FR 719
851 WHITTAKER Timothy 42h 48mn12s V1H GB 3237
852 GERALDI Alan 42h 48mn42s V1H US 3562
853 BALMOZE Jean Pascal 42h 48mn43s SEM FR 2142
854 PICANON Jean Marc 42h 48mn43s V3H FR M 3556
855 LAGARDE Bruno 42h 50mn08s V1H FR 703
856 GINISTY Thierry 42h 50mn32s V1H FR 3297
857 GROGAN Kevin 42h 52mn23s V2H IE 3230
858 DOLZ Gilles 42h 53mn05s V2H FR 762
859 LETANOUX Pierre 42h 53mn06s V2H FR 763
860 DELVAUX David 42h 53mn50s SEM FR M 3708
861 HAMEL Jean Sebastien 42h 55mn20s SEM FR 3331
862 ROWE Steven 42h 55mn21s V1H GB 1279
863 DALLEMAGNE Ghislain 42h 55mn32s V2H FR 860
864 FOUCAULT jean pierre 42h 56mn01s V2H FR M 2123
865 TAILLEBOSQ Sylvain 42h 56mn05s V1H FR 3254
866 DIVIER Joel 42h 56mn06s V2H FR 3771
867 JEAN Philippe 42h 57mn50s V1H FR 3366
868 SEIGNOL Thierry 42h 57mn55s V1H FR 1219
869 ROMERO Michel 42h 58mn38s V2H FR 3907
870 JORDANT Benoit 42h 59mn05s V1H BE 1199
871 MORSCHEL Jean Marc 42h 59mn05s V1H FR M 3993
872 CHEVET christophe 42h 59mn26s SEM FR 3607
873 GALEA Eric 42h 59mn26s SEM FR 299
874 MIGNE Pascal 42h 59mn44s SEM FR 2537
875 DUMAS Herve 42h 59mn49s SEM FR 2211
876 HUE Alain 43h 00mn18s V3H FR 574
877 RAULINE Samuel 43h 02mn28s SEM FR 3107
878 BEAUDOUIN Michel 43h 02mn56s V1H FR 2691
879 MOUSSEL Francois 43h 02mn57s V2H FR 775
880 DUBOIS Alain 43h 04mn14s V1H FR 2773
881 MEWES Michael 43h 04mn45s V1H DE 2813
882 BELLART Jordi 43h 10mn56s SEM ES 3526
883 SENSERRICH PASAN Jaume 43h 10mn56s V1H ES 267
884 CAMPOY GUERRERO Carmen 43h 10mn56s SEF ES 3153
885 BUFFET Jean Yves 43h 11mn15s V1H FR 2503
886 DUBILLARD Frederic 43h 11mn20s SEM FR 2715
887 ZIMMER Christian 43h 11mn22s SEM DE 2270
888 CINTUREL Bruno 43h 11mn28s V2H FR 3824
889 HATEAU David 43h 11mn29s SEM FR M 3129
890 ALLAIRE Jean PHILIPPE 43h 11mn30s V1H FR 1339
891 AUBERT Christophe 43h 11mn58s SEM FR 2178
892 CASSETTO Bernard 43h 12mn27s V2H FR 2823
893 ALMELLONES Yves 43h 12mn42s V1H FR 4002
894 HALLOUIN David 43h 13mn03s SEM FR M 3190
895 TOUSSAINT Pierre 43h 13mn03s SEM FR 2932
896 CASTANO Valentin 43h 13mn37s SEM FR 3189
897 FEREZ Jany 43h 15mn03s V2H FR 2649
898 EL MOHLI Zouhair 43h 15mn03s V2H FR 782
899 POIX boris 43h 15mn53s SEM FR 2183
900 PAUWELS Mathieu 43h 16mn30s SEM FR 3123
901 BIACHE Pierre 43h 16mn35s V2H FR 3730
902 POTRAT Jean Hugues 43h 16mn45s SEM FR 3143
903 MARMIER Nataliya 43h 18mn20 V2F FR F 738
904 DUFLOS Benoit 43h 18mn53s V1H FR 3729
905 FAUVEL Henri 43h 20mn16s V2H FR 3788
906 MASON Michael 43h 20mn33s V2H GB 2754
907 NEDELEC Jean Rene 43h 20mn34s V1H FR 3897
908 RAFFAUD Frederic 43h 20mn54s V1H FR 3847
909 VOGEL Jean Yves 43h 20mn59s V2H FR 325
910 JEWKES Kenneth 43h 21mn05s V3H CA 3488
911 REY Mike 43h 21mn06s SEM IT 2423
912 LOUAULT Benoit 43h 21mn32s SEM FR 2164
913 FOUQUET Jean Pascal 43h 21mn38s V1H FR 2217
914 COSTA Felice 43h 22mn59s SEM IT 2594
915 SENDLHOFER Britta 43h 23mn10s SEF AT 2214
916 BENETEAU Stephane 43h 26mn03s SEM FR 3677
917 THEVENET Philippe 43h 26mn13s V2H FR 2700
918 FLOHIC Louis 43h 26mn36s V2H FR 1071
919 NAEGELEN Daniel 43h 27mn26s V1H FR 2225
920 RAMIREZ LOSILLA Enrique 43h 28mn14s SEM ES 2672
921 ESTEVENIN Michel 43h 29mn14s V2H FR 866
922 FERRERES SEBASTIA Maria Elena 43h 29mn25s V1F ES 2614
923 ARASA FAVA Isabel 43h 29mn30s V1F ES 2964
924 FRERIKS Willie 43h 30mn02s V1H NL 3998
925 NICASTRI Philippe 43h 30mn15s V1H FR 2602
926 ADAM Jerome 43h 30mn27s SEM FR 2368
927 DIVINCENZO Dominique 43h 31mn02s V1H FR 3083
928 MARTIN GARCIA Guacimara 43h 31mn35s SEF ES 3058
929 ALONSO ALONSO Claudio Javier 43h 31mn35s V1H ES 2341
930 DE ARMAS HERNANDEZ Fernando 43h 31mn41s SEM ES 3056
931 CORTES MARTINEZ David 43h 32mn51s SEM ES M 2665
932 PERON Roberta 43h 35mn40 V1F IT M 3521
933 TCHOUNIKINE Pierre 43h 36mn18s V1H FR 2248
934 LEFRANC Richard 43h 37mn44s SEM FR 2954
935 VELTZ Jean Noel 43h 38mn25s V3H FR 2288
936 CHEVALIER Stephane 43h 38mn28s SEM FR 2184
937 FERRER FIGUERAS Francisco 43h 38mn43s V2H ES 3482
938 DIAZ CANIZARES Felix 43h 38mn56s V2H ES 3213
939 MISCHLER Francis 43h 39mn18s V1H FR 1091
940 SAULAY Joel 43h 39mn20s V1H FR 3732
941 COUMES GANCHET Laurent 43h 39mn22s SEM FR M 2413
942 DILASSEUR Matthieu 43h 39mn53s SEM FR 3210
943 MEZIOU Nordine 43h 39mn54s V1H FR 2640
944 DUBREUIL Jerome 43h 40mn45s SEM FR 2014
945 DE LA SALLE Regis 43h 40mn48s V2H FR 2099
946 RUNDSTADLER Laurent 43h 40mn53s SEM FR M 2389

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