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Ecrire au créateur du site : Michel Jourdan

2011-03-26 - Eco Trail de Paris 50 km

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Eco Trail de Paris 50 km - 2011 : classement des 1291 finishers
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
1 BELHAJ Hamid 03:56:45 V1H - M 6028
2 LOBB Huw 04:00:41 SEM Serpentine? M 5993
3 HINET Jacques 04:19:00 V1H ENA Nagers? M 5971
4 PRIGENT Yann 04:34:43 V1H - M 5033
5 AVICE Michael 04:41:35 V1H Cap Conde? M 5577
6 REMACLE Laurent 04:43:22 SEM - M 5715
7 BARBETTE Frederic 04:44:41 SEM US METRO TRANSPORT? M 6134
8 GR NTHAL Jens 04:45:21 SEM - M 5841
9 ROUAUD Christophe 04:45:36 V1H US METRO TRANSPORT ( M 6437
10 COTELLE Claude 04:46:40 V1H cscv hirson? M 6410
11 MONCANUT Baptiste 04:53:50 SEM Running 41? M 6623
12 POURCHOT Laurent 04:57:20 V1H - M 5738
13 DEBORD GUIARD Bruno 04:57:49 V1H - M 6562
14 PARIZOT Christophe 04:59:04 V1H - M 6424
15 HERVE Agnes 05:00:12 SEF Team Outdoor - Champ F 1ere F 6738
16 GUITARD Yannick 05:00:39 SEM - M 5031
17 CHALET Bruno 05:01:29 V1H - M 6561
18 MATHIEU Damien 05:02:08 V1H - M 6381
19 DAOUDAL Yohann 05:02:39 SEM Rosporden Oxygene? M 5016
20 SEMLALI Zaina 05:02:44 V1F RCB? F 2eme F 5001
21 HERPE Jean Guillaume 05:03:28 SEM - M 5924
22 CORRIOU Yves 05:03:47 V1H Triath' Club Andresy M 5006
23 REVONGE Thierry 05:05:40 SEM - M 5152
24 BRETON Gwenael 05:06:04 SEM - M 6033
25 LANDON Damien 05:08:45 SEM Athle 72? M 6382
26 JUGAN Nicolas 05:09:47 SEM - M 5506
27 COLIN Renauld 05:10:20 SEM - M 5298
28 HUBERT Jean Bernard 05:10:37 V1H - M 5953
29 VATINEL Christophe 05:11:10 V1H - M 6748
30 LE BIS Nicolas 05:12:52 SEM Piranhas Triathlon C M 5507
31 DEKEYZER Eric 05:12:58 V1H AS MEUDON? M 6251
32 JOLY Laurent 05:13:06 V1H Val d'Orge Athletic? M 5733
33 THEVENOT Virginie 05:13:12 V1F EFCVO? F 3eme F 5056
34 BRIDONNEAU Vincent 05:13:35 SEM - M 5083
35 HIGHNAM James 05:14:25 V1H Foulees de Saint-Ger M 5970
36 TANCHOUX Bernard 05:15:06 SEM Runners des Vignes? M 6594
37 VERTENSTEIN Alexis 05:15:09 SEM OSML Triathlon? M 6697
38 SUBERVILLE Roger 05:15:46 V2H CCR 92? M 1er V2M 5288
39 DENAYS Roger 05:16:04 V2H RCB? M 2eme V2M 5287
40 JOLLET Eric 05:16:52 V1H Team Trail Touraine? M 6246
41 BOHELAY David 05:16:54 SEM Team Outdoor? M 6362
42 REVERSEAU Xavier 05:17:16 V1H - M 5045
43 MAXANT Olaf 05:17:42 SEM Kikourou? M 5491
44 VIAL Vincent 05:17:58 SEM AC-Tassin? M 5074
45 PAITIER Jerome 05:18:03 V1H - M 5821
46 GUIBEY Caroline 05:18:27 SEF CAP Conde? F 4eme F 6534
47 LACHAISE Claude 05:18:43 V1H - M 6411
48 MURAT Fabrice 05:18:45 SEM - M 6210
49 FOUBERT Jean Marie 05:19:06 V2H WFU? M 3eme V2M 5890
50 JUSSEAUME Laurent 05:19:24 SEM - M 5749
51 DIERICKX Renaud 05:20:22 SEM - M 5301
52 BARRET Philippe 05:20:50 V1H - M 5377
53 CHAMBRIS Henri 05:21:08 SEM - M 6020
54 EDEL Amandine 05:22:01 SEF - F 5eme F 6691
55 BASSINET David 05:22:33 SEM - M 6354
56 BOUTROIS Sebastien 05:23:05 V1H ASPTT Niort? M 5240
57 LAGUET Benoit 05:23:16 SEM Beaumont Triathlon? M 6599
58 PATIN Ludovic 05:24:11 V1H Piranhas Canicross? M 5668
59 WILD Heidi 05:24:39 SEF - F 6025
60 DE WINTER Remi 05:24:40 V1H - M 5308
61 LOUCHAERT Vincent 05:24:56 SEM Triathlon Club Lievi M 5086
62 CAYLA Jean Michel 05:25:05 SEM - M 5887
63 BIL Marjolein 05:25:31 SEF Hellas Triathlon? F 5614
64 DUPLESSY Bertrand 05:25:36 V1H granville ac? M 6576
65 VAUDIN Olivier 05:25:43 V1H - M 5474
66 GODNAIR Loic 05:26:13 SEM - M 5682
67 BROCHARD Pierre 05:26:41 V1H - M 5346
68 JOUBERT Frederic 05:27:04 SEM - M 6142
69 GAUTIER Jean Yves 05:27:39 V3H AS Aix-les-Bains? M 1er V3M 5842
70 LEBEAU Jerome 05:27:55 SEM CSM Puteaux? M 5828
71 COLUCCI Jean Charles 05:28:11 SEM Triathlon SQY? M 5952
72 ROSENBLATT Thomas 05:28:29 SEM - M 5119
73 ISMAILI Anisse 05:28:44 SEM - M 6686
74 ETIENNE Gaylord 05:30:17 SEM STE Athletique Canto M 6103
75 MECHAI Sofiane 05:30:18 SEM Garde Nationale Tuni M 5216
76 ALBI Didier 05:30:22 V1H Club Yerrois Triathl M 6322
77 RODRIGUEZ David 05:30:42 SEM - M 6361
78 PALOULACK Jean Paul 05:31:44 V1H RS 10 Athletisme? M 5877
79 GENDRON Jean 05:31:46 V3H - M 2eme V3M 5962
80 ANGOT Guillaume 05:33:30 SEM - M 6053
81 MORJON Laurent 05:33:37 V1H USRO? M 5746
82 LOUDES Marie Christine 05:34:03 SEF - F 5627
83 SENEJOUX Virginie 05:34:32 SEF Val d'Orge Athletic? F 5059
84 GUERER Daniel 05:34:39 V2H - M 6376
85 POIRIER Jean Francois 05:34:52 SEM les amis de steph? M 5927
86 GAUSSE Jean Pierre 05:34:59 V1H - M 5865
87 LEGROS Jean Marc 05:35:19 V2H - M 5896
88 FLANDIN Simon 05:36:17 SEM - M 5220
88 TAMBON Hubert 05:36:17 V2H - M 6001
88 KERHERVE Thibaut 05:36:17 SEM Versailles Triathlon M 5155
91 BALLY Pascale 05:36:43 V1F - F 5432
92 DUMAS Emile 05:37:28 SEM - M 6283
93 RICHARD Guillaume 05:38:57 SEM - M 6046
94 GRATEAU Marc 05:39:15 V1H - M 5651
95 LHOST Christian 05:39:16 V1H FER? M 6467
96 MERINO Roberto 05:40:04 SEM Lagardere Racing Clu M 5291
97 LE ROHELLEC Loic 05:40:05 SEM - M 5683
98 CHAUVET Antoine 05:41:17 SEM - M 6663
99 MARC Gilles 05:41:54 V1H Team HDB? M 6076
100 BODDAERT Isabelle 05:42:00 V1F A2M? F 5988
101 BUREAU Franck 05:42:01 V1H - M 6174
102 DESLANDES Marc 05:42:10 V2H PLM Conflans? M 5644
103 ANTOINE Arnaud 05:43:31 SEM - M 6643
104 CARREIN Olivier 05:43:34 V1H - M 5468
105 LEMAY Eric 05:43:55 V2H - M 6236
105 PROUST Jerome 05:43:55 V1H - M 5818
107 TESSIERES Denis 05:44:02 SEM - M 6333
108 LE GOFF Fabien 05:44:20 SEM - M 6215
109 BOURGOIS Antoine 05:44:32 SEM - M 6661
109 VOIRIN Nicolas 05:44:32 V1H - M 5496
109 BIENNE Antoine 05:44:32 V1H - M 6657
112 VALLEMONT Herve 05:45:08 V2H MEGA Lagny-sur-Marne M 6004
113 BERTHAULT Stephane 05:45:58 V1H - M 5185
113 RENAUD Nathan 05:45:58 SEM - M 5526
115 NICOLO Gaetan 05:46:06 SEM - M 6105
116 RAFFY Nicolas 05:46:25 V1H - M 5499
117 CHAMPENOIS Frederic 05:46:29 V1H - M 6125
118 LE STUM Olivier 05:47:28 V1H - M 5462
119 DUFAY Pierre Henri 05:47:41 SEM - M 5329
120 AUZOU Lionel 05:47:45 V2H CaP Conde? M 5691
121 ATZENI Laurie 05:47:48 SEF CLES Gardanne F 5714
122 BIVILLE Stephane 05:48:03 V2H Les Piranhas? M 5182
123 BEYNE Anthony 05:48:24 SEM - M 6665
124 RICHOUX Philippe 05:48:26 V1H - M 5373
124 HUCHON Alain 05:48:26 SEM CAP Conde? M 6731
126 ASSELIN Pierre 05:48:33 V1H - M 5344
127 KLEIN Francois 05:48:35 V2H - M 6161
128 DAL MAGRO Nicolas 05:48:53 SEM - M 5519
129 REBUFFET Laure 05:48:54 SEF - F 5767
130 FAIVRE Jean Claude 05:49:49 V1H - M 5943
130 ABEILLE Eric 05:49:49 SEM - M 6262
132 PICOT Thomas 05:50:15 SEM - M 5123
133 DEMONCEAUX Cedric 05:50:21 SEM Naours Run and BIke? M 6508
134 BOSCARO Luc 05:50:46 V1H - M 5677
135 CARDINAL Pierre Edouard 05:50:58 ESH - M 1er Espoir M 5332
136 DEPANNEMAECKER Eric 05:51:13 SEM - M 6259
136 BIZ Mickael 05:51:13 SEM - M 5552
138 SPENGLER Tiphaine 05:51:20 V1F - F 5109
138 BODIER Nicolas 05:51:20 SEM - M 5515
140 LAMBERT Franck 05:51:30 V1H - M 6181
141 PUIGMAL Alain 05:51:32 V2H - M 6719
142 GAUTIER Pierre 05:51:39 V1H Courir En Baie? M 5343
143 GENTIL Yannick 05:51:40 SEM - M 5032
144 CHARPENTIER Gilles 05:52:03 V1H - M 6075
145 DESPRES Eric 05:52:08 V1H - M 6254
146 KERVELLA Joseph 05:52:12 V2H - M 5799
147 CLOIX Aurelien 05:52:55 SEM - M 6629
148 GERY Laurent 05:52:56 V1H - M 5742
149 GUYOMAR Patrick 05:53:03 V2H SO Houilles Triathlo M 5411
150 WALKER Karen 05:53:05 V1F Athletic Coeur de Fr F 5779
151 ROBERT Gwendal 05:53:07 SEM EA St Quentin en Yve M 6030
152 BOUCQUEY Pascal 05:53:11 V1H - M 5438
153 MORICE Antoine 05:53:15 V2H - M 6655
154 Basilio BRAVO BENITEZ Jesus 05:53:18 SEM Trangoworld Canarias M 5814
155 ARNAOUT Tamouze 05:53:23 SEM - M 5159
156 LEPAROUX Patrick 05:53:39 V1H Racing Club Nantais? M 5420
157 VERDON Alberic 05:53:47 SEM - M 6711
158 BOURDEAU Antoine 05:53:49 SEM - M 6660
159 PIAT Quentin 05:53:59 SEM - M 5322
160 PETTIER Arnaud 05:54:01 SEM - M 6644
161 QUARANTA Francesco 05:54:25 SEM ASD PAM Mondov?-Chiu M 6192
162 GAILLARD Murielle 05:54:53 V1F Athletic Club Salona F 5545
163 BINOVSKI Christophe 05:54:54 SEM Rambouillet Sports A M 6443
164 PAUILLACQ Christian 05:55:36 V1H - M 6483
165 LE LEON Nicolas 05:55:40 SEM - M 5509
166 VIGNOT Benjamin 05:55:46 SEM - M 6606
167 MERRIEN Noel 05:56:05 V3H - M 3eme V3M 5493
168 SCHEURING Simon 05:56:07 SEM - M 5223
169 CASTAY Vincent 05:56:10 SEM - M 5080
170 GONIN Beatrice 05:56:12 V3F - F 6613
170 GONIN Heloise 05:56:12 SEF - F 6021
172 ASSIER Haudrey 05:56:43 V1F Sporting Club Athlet F 6026
173 BISSERIER Philippe 05:56:44 V1H ASAM? M 5376
174 COUTEAULT Nathalie 05:56:48 V1F - F 5530
175 DEBLIECK Vincent 05:57:24 SEM - M 5084
176 LYON Francois 05:57:44 V2H US Chantilly? M 6159
177 BEAUMENIL Maxime 05:58:20 SEM - M 5582
178 FAU Hubert 05:58:25 V1H - M 5999
179 ROMEUR Marc 05:59:19 V1H - M 5650
180 MARCHAND Ludovic 05:59:36 SEM - M 5672
181 BACHELARD Bruno 06:00:24 V1H - M 6551
182 DE VOS Koen 06:00:34 V1H - M 5770
183 MORALES DE DESCATLLAR Marc 06:00:37 SEM - M 5640
184 OLARIA Herve 06:00:49 V1H - M 6009
185 BOREL Francoise 06:00:58 V2F - F 6154
186 LEVY Karine 06:01:08 SEF - F 5778
186 RAISIN Guillaume 06:01:08 V1H - M 6038
186 CABOT Veronique 06:01:08 V1F Caval Pertuis? F 5092
189 BASSINET Michel 06:01:21 V2H - M 5571
190 BIZ Delphine 06:01:29 SEF TL59? F 6337
191 VILLEMAGNE Bernard 06:01:31 V2H - M 6589
192 TRANCHANT Jacky 06:01:51 V1H Runner des Vignes? M 5980
192 STEENS Ludovic 06:01:51 SEM - M 5670
194 DEFFAY Patrick 06:01:55 V2H CS Meaux Athletisme? M 5419
195 LE GALL Erwan 06:02:04 V1H - M 6233
196 WARRAND Frederic 06:02:10 SEM - M 6132
197 DELABRE Annie 06:02:12 V2F PLM Conflans? F 6672
198 FOUQUEREAU Matthieu 06:02:28 SEM - M 5593
199 BETEGNIE Jean Baptiste 06:02:52 SEM - M 5959
200 MAJSTOROVIC Nina 06:03:00 SEF Le Chesnay 78 Athlet F 5494
201 PERES Thierry 06:03:09 V1H - M 5146
202 JACQUOT Thomas 06:03:19 SEM - M 5116
203 DESSEIN Gilles 06:03:25 V1H - M 6073
204 LANGLOIS Bruno 06:03:40 V1H - M 6560
205 BROCHOIRE Jean Francois 06:03:50 V1H ACLR? M 5934
206 BRAUNER Alexandre 06:03:54 SEM - M 6704
207 PIAU Hugues 06:03:58 SEM - M 5997
208 GAUTHIER Fabien 06:03:59 SEM - M 6219
209 RIVARD Claude 06:04:12 V2H - M 6407
210 DENIAU Teddy 06:04:17 SEM - M 5157
211 VEYRAT Jean Noel 06:04:38 SEM Team Trail Explorer? M 5879
212 RAVASSON Christophe 06:04:47 V1H val d4orge athletic? M 6439
213 FOLIE DESJARDINS Charles 06:04:57 SEM - M 6495
214 SIMONI Christophe 06:04:59 V1H Vallee Montmorency T M 6440
215 SAUGIER Eric 06:05:45 V2H - M 6242
216 SANS Frederic 06:06:10 SEM - M 6139
217 LEE Alex 06:06:33 SEM - M 6708
218 PEINGNEZ Laurent 06:06:37 V1H - M 5728
219 LEMOIGNE Annie 06:06:38 V3F Granville AC Les Pir F 6668
220 HATTAB Fabien 06:07:56 ESH COS VILLERS? M 2eme Espoir 6224
221 GIGON Marc 06:08:01 V1H - M 5656
221 CARRIERE Cyril 06:08:01 SEM - M 6391
223 BONDET Alain 06:08:03 V1H Amicale CHI Frejus? M 6728
223 CADRAN Rose Aimee 06:08:03 V2F US Ris-Orangis? F 5280
225 RENARD Charles 06:08:06 SEM - M 6496
226 TURKI Soffian 06:08:08 V1H - M 5217
227 BRUN NALIN Adeline 06:08:11 SEF - F 6739
228 CHOUPOT Herve 06:08:12 V1H - M 6007
229 LIMON Christophe 06:09:03 SEM - M 6453
230 MAGRE Frederic 06:09:39 V1H Piranhas? M 6119
231 KRONBORG NIELSEN Tom 06:09:58 SEM Lebleu? M 5108
232 BESNARD Julie 06:10:04 SEF - F 5794
232 BESNARD Franck 06:10:04 V1H - M 6179
234 BOUVIER Jean Pierre 06:10:06 V2H - M 5853
235 VIALA Jerome 06:10:10 SEM - M 5827
236 CROUZET Guillaume 06:10:12 SEM - M 6041
237 SIMON Franck 06:10:26 V1H Courir en Baie? M 6177
238 MORAS Chiara 06:10:29 SEF - F 6491
239 DELAVAUD Gerard 06:10:44 V2H - M 6087
240 CHARI Abdellah 06:10:48 V1H - M 6741
240 DUBOIS Matthieu 06:10:48 SEM USO Bezons? M 5595
242 MAS Michel 06:11:04 V2H Triathlon Laneuvevil M 5560
243 FOREST Frederic 06:11:15 SEM - M 6135
244 LEREDDE Yoann 06:11:19 SEM - M 5019
245 PEPIN Christophe 06:11:43 V1H - M 6433
246 CAPELLE Pascal 06:11:50 V1H - M 5447
247 MOREAU Benjamin 06:11:52 SEM - M 6604
248 MOREAU Eric 06:11:53 SEM - M 6261
249 THIZON Thierry 06:12:26 V2H PLM Conflans? M 5130
250 DUGAS Cedric 06:12:37 SEM - M 6511
251 LAFRAGETTE Bernard 06:12:51 V1H - M 6592
252 ROBERT Fabrice 06:13:02 V1H Team Trail Touraine? M 6204
253 FROUDIERE Jerome 06:13:07 SEM Cap Conde? M 5833
254 DURAND Regis 06:13:23 V1H - M 5312
255 MARQUET Paul 06:13:25 V1H - M 5399
256 HORENT GUERRA Franck 06:13:31 V1H - M 6180
257 LEBRETON Marc 06:13:36 V2H - M 5646
258 BERRET Bruno 06:13:42 V1H - M 6548
259 JOSSE Olivier 06:13:43 SEM USA 17? M 5477
260 ARGELICH TORRA Enric 06:14:00 V2H - M 6266
261 THOMAS Michel 06:14:03 V1H - M 5574
262 LE TOHIC Amelia 06:14:23 V1F AAS Fresnes? F 6688
263 MICHEL David 06:15:17 V1H - M 6349
264 LANZI Thomas 06:15:18 SEM MEGA? M 5115
265 FAUCHILLE Arnaud 06:15:30 SEM ASAV Triathlon? M 6638
266 JEAN Olivier 06:15:35 V1H - M 5471
267 LEROY Arnaud 06:15:47 V1H - M 6635
267 DELVALLE Jean Philippe 06:15:47 SEM - M 5875
269 BOUGEARD Franck 06:16:20 SEM - M 6185
270 GAILLARD Daniel 06:16:24 V1H - M 6378
271 MATHIEU Julien 06:16:47 V1H Versailles Triathlon M 5782
272 OSMOND Cedric 06:16:54 SEM Avia Club Issy-les-M M 6507
273 MACE Eric 06:16:56 SEM team hdb? M 6263
274 DESPOULAINS Eric 06:16:57 V1H Team HDB? M 6235
275 BLOQUEL Jessica 06:17:04 SEF RC PICQUIGNY? F 5815
276 DELACOURTE Yvan 06:17:10 V1H - M 5014
277 CASTAY Nicolas 06:17:21 SEM - M 5521
278 WEISS Jean Luc 06:17:29 V2H AS Altis-IBM-DPI? M 5910
279 TANGUY Arnaud 06:17:45 SEM Courbevoie Triathlon M 6642
280 CETTO Matthieu 06:17:46 SEM - M 5589
280 ABDELLAOUI Olivier 06:17:46 V1H - M 5470
282 FOURAGE Pascal 06:18:09 V1H - M 5450
282 COLLET Magali 06:18:09 SEF - F 5664
284 COLAS Sandrine 06:18:55 SEF ANTONY NATATION TRIA F 5271
285 BOULAY Bruno 06:18:56 SEM Kikourou? M 6566
286 LE DU Sandrine 06:19:00 SEF SQY Sport Nature? F 5270
287 MOUTHON Gael 06:19:09 SEF - F 6108
288 MERCIER Didier 06:19:21 V1H ACPB Baud M 6325
289 DA SILVA PEREIRA David 06:19:36 SEM East London Runners? M 6369
290 PAGOT Alexandre 06:19:38 SEM - M 6705
290 CHAUDOYE Fabien 06:19:38 SEM - M 6223
292 LENGRONNE Fabien 06:19:43 SEM - M 6222
293 BOULIER Philippe 06:19:49 V1H - M 5372
294 DUTHOIT Marielle 06:19:55 SEF - F 5622
295 BEDEZ Lionel 06:20:17 V1H - M 5698
296 FOURNIER Christophe 06:20:26 SEM - M 6446
297 BENET Thierry 06:20:28 V1H - M 5138
298 DUPANLOUP Xavier 06:20:35 V1H Coureurs d'Extreme? M 5041
299 THOMAS Yvric 06:20:36 V2H Granville AC Les Pir M 5002
300 NORCA Olivier 06:20:40 SEM issy triathlon? M 5485
301 MOREAUX Isabelle 06:21:10 V1F - F 5990
301 RUSSO Jean Pierre 06:21:10 V1H - M 5862
303 RISSO Carlo 06:21:14 V1H - M 6539
304 NAUDOUX Jean Pierre 06:21:40 V1H - M 5863
305 POUSSE Philippe 06:21:50 SEM - M 5394
306 PETTITI Laurent 06:21:57 V2H - M 5716
306 ABECASSIS Gaelle 06:21:57 SEF - F 6106
308 LAJOYE Philippe 06:21:59 V1H BSGA? M 5384
308 CHAULET Jerome 06:21:59 SEM - M 5836
310 LACHARITE Michel 06:22:15 SEM - M 5559
311 LE GALL Jose 06:22:17 SEM - M 5801
312 SCILLA Maurizio 06:22:20 V2H - M 5584
313 GRASSI Alessandra 06:22:21 V1F AS Gaglianico 1974? F 6709
314 AZAM Catherine 06:22:53 SEF - F 6531
315 THIERY Jean Philippe 06:23:02 SEM - M 5873
316 RUBBENS Vincent 06:23:04 V1H - M 5069
317 VAZQUEZ Roberto 06:23:09 V1H Union Familiale de Q M 5292
318 DULON Stephane 06:23:23 SEM - M 5204
318 DE ROFFIGNAC Alexis 06:23:23 SEM - M 6694
320 BIGEY Pascal 06:23:31 V1H - M 5449
321 CHENAULT Jean Philippe 06:23:44 SEM - M 5872
322 LECOINTRE Guillaume 06:23:57 SEM - M 6036
323 PERROT MINNOT Christian 06:24:03 V2H Saint-Remy-l'Honore M 6470
324 RICHA Christophe 06:24:13 SEM - M 6444
325 ATHES Virginie 06:24:14 SEF Avia Club Issy-les-M F 5058
326 GRUSON COUSTENOBLE Veronique 06:25:02 V1F - F 5090
327 PERE Fabrice 06:25:27 V1H L'Ardente de Vinneui M 6206
328 URRIZALQUI URQUIA Fabien 06:25:38 V1H - M 6214
329 GAULON Aurelien 06:25:41 SEM - M 6628
329 PROUX Benjamin 06:25:41 SEM - M 6605
331 HALFON Isabelle 06:25:45 V1F ASPTT Yvelines? F 5989
332 BERTIN Guillaume 06:26:05 SEM - M 6045
333 CABECINHA Libanio 06:26:07 V1H - M 5707
334 BLIN Jean Christophe 06:26:25 V1H ASPTTcompiegne? M 5945
334 MELAYE Jean Jacques 06:26:25 V2H Les Amis du Palais? M 5920
336 SISTI Piero 06:26:36 V1H Team Pro Bike? M 5357
337 MACCIONI Claude 06:26:45 V2F Marseille Trail Club F 6409
338 BERTUCCHI Lionel 06:26:51 V1H cherry j'y cours? M 5693
339 DUBOIS David 06:26:59 SEM - M 6356
340 RIGO Bertrand 06:27:03 SEM - M 6583
341 DEJEAN Olivier 06:27:42 V1H - M 5463
341 PAUGAM Sebastien 06:27:42 SEM - M 5260
343 THIERRY Emmanuel 06:27:56 SEM ACBB? M 6280
344 RADUREAU Isabelle 06:27:59 V1F CA Pictave? F 5986
344 DUPONT Pierre 06:27:59 V3H - M 5337
346 ROBERT Yves 06:28:01 V2H ASDIF? M 5005
347 DOS SANTOS Manuel 06:28:02 V3H - M 5662
348 ROUTHIEAU Vincent 06:28:08 SEM Levallois Triathlon? M 5085
349 FREDERIC Marc 06:28:14 V1H - M 5652
350 DEBANT Eric 06:28:17 V1H - M 6256
351 BOIS Pierre Henri 06:28:28 V1H - M 5330
351 CHATAIGNIER Remi 06:28:28 V2H - M 5304
353 GOSSET Sylvain 06:28:29 SEM USEE? M 5176
354 BRUNEL Vincent 06:28:34 V1H UASG n? 075075? M 5062
355 ALLUITTE David 06:28:41 SEM - M 6367
356 STEIN Sylvain 06:28:45 V1H - M 5170
357 GILLAS Fabrice 06:28:52 V1H - M 6207
358 JAGER Marc 06:28:59 SEM - M 5661
359 GENTIL Loic 06:29:05 SEM - M 5686
360 GORREC Sophie 06:29:06 SEF RUEIL AC? F 5211
361 BOURLON Michel 06:29:12 V2H AS Bourse? M 5569
361 PASCAUD Raphael 06:29:12 SEM - M 5317
363 HAMONIC Jacques 06:29:31 V2H - M 5973
364 LE POULTIER Alain 06:29:35 SEM - M 6732
365 CONTERNO Monica 06:29:36 V1F - F 5548
366 LANCON Cecile 06:29:41 V1F - F 6513
367 DESCAMPS Denis 06:29:43 V2H Orteils en pointes? M 6328
368 MOIZAN Jean Pierre 06:30:00 V2H PLM Conflans? M 5854
369 GUET FRAPARD Yannick 06:30:01 V1H - M 5028
370 DHEROT Franck 06:30:05 V1H - M 6176
371 BONNET Franck 06:30:17 V1H - M 6172
372 SANTOS NUNES Philippe 06:30:20 SEM - M 5396
373 AUVINET Laurent 06:30:22 SEM - M 5753
373 DELOFFRE Antoine 06:30:22 SEM - M 6662
375 PETRY Raymond 06:30:27 V2H - M 5314
376 MARTEL Jean Yves 06:30:30 V1H - M 5848
377 NOE Isabelle 06:30:42 V1F - F 5987
377 DE WOOT Antoinette 06:30:42 V1F ESM? F 6653
379 BILON Eusebe 06:30:43 V2H ESM? M 6228
380 LEAUSTIC Vincent 06:30:44 SEM - M 5082
381 CREDOT Patrice 06:30:46 SEM - M 5431
382 OLIVIER Gilles 06:30:51 V2H AAS Fresnes Triathlo M 6071
383 BELLAIS Vincent 06:31:02 V1H World Trailander Lax M 5067
384 GIRARDIN Benjamin 06:31:12 SEM Team Raidlight? M 6607
385 REECE Christophe 06:31:14 V1H Stade Francais? M 6422
386 AUXENFANTS Eric 06:31:42 V1H - M 6248
387 SEGUI PIE Oriol 06:31:46 SEM Givaudan? M 5457
388 GUILLEMOT Michel Antoine 06:31:51 V1H - M 5557
389 LEFORT Sylvie 06:32:04 V2F - F 5160
390 PACCARD Vincent 06:32:05 SEM - M 5073
391 LACARRIERE Valerie 06:32:16 V1F - F 5102
392 VISNADI Florent 06:32:26 SEM - M 6198
393 LE MOIGNE Vincent 06:32:32 SEM - M 5072
394 LE LONS Arnaud 06:32:33 V1H Courir ensemble Plom M 6634
395 GUSTIN Eddy 06:32:50 V1H - M 6290
396 GUILLEMIN Christophe 06:33:03 SEM - M 6450
397 WERNER Philippe 06:33:22 V2H - M 5370
398 SEBE Marc 06:33:27 V2H - M 5643
399 LAPPARRA Sebastien 06:33:32 V1H ASCFF? M 5245
400 LEMONNIER Marc 06:33:41 SEM - M 5660
401 COQUET William 06:34:04 V1H Saone Mont d'Or Natu M 5050
402 ITHOURBURU Eric 06:34:15 V2H Ardente? M 6240
403 KHENAFOU Michel 06:34:22 V2H PLMC? M 5564
404 BERENGER Jean Michel 06:34:29 V2H Piranhas? M 5881
405 REY Sebastien 06:34:30 SEM - M 5252
406 PERROT Pierre Yves 06:34:37 V1H Racing Club Nantais? M 5325
407 BONNAMOUR Dominique 06:34:39 V1H ASAV Triathlon? M 6310
408 MARTIMORT Jerome 06:35:06 SEM Vallee Montmorency T M 5837
409 GRANDGUILLOT Laurent 06:35:29 V1H - M 5744
410 ARTIGUES Bruno 06:35:34 V1H - M 6559
411 ETENEAU Nicolas 06:35:37 SEM Pwc? M 5523
412 GUILLOUET Stephane 06:35:45 V1H - M 5188
413 JOB Christophe 06:35:49 SEM - M 6451
414 TEISSON Jerome 06:36:08 V2H - M 5817
415 PERRIER Christian 06:36:10 V2H KIKOUROU? M 6479
416 SAVEL Agnes 06:36:17 V1F - F 6737
417 MOREUX Pascal 06:36:29 V1H - M 5445
418 VILTER Sylvie 06:36:31 V2F ASM Meudon? F 5162
419 GOSSET Louis 06:36:32 V1H - M 5680
420 LEVEILLEY Pierre 06:36:48 SEM - M 5352
421 LEMOINE Lydie 06:36:58 V1F - F 5665
421 BENZONI Bruno 06:36:58 V1H - M 6542
423 POLS Simon 06:37:02 V2H AV Startban Amstelve M 5222
424 PARDONNET Brice 06:37:04 SEM - M 6570
425 OURCEAU Philippe 06:37:07 V2H USRO? M 5360
426 CENARD Laurent 06:37:09 V1H - M 5729
427 BRINKLEY Teddie 06:37:26 SEM - M 5158
428 WILLIAMS Thomas 06:37:29 SEM - M 5124
429 GUIDOT Francois 06:37:30 V1H - M 6163
429 GUIDOT Jean Pierre 06:37:30 V1H - M 5861
431 LECOUBLET Francois 06:37:34 V1H SAINT LO TRIATHLON? M 6162
432 VEGNANT Alain 06:38:01 V1H - M 6725
432 DUFRESNE Jean Francois 06:38:01 V2H - M 5930
434 COUCOURDE Daniele 06:38:02 SEM ASDP Pinerolo? M 6370
435 PETIT Emmanuel 06:38:03 SEM - M 6275
436 MARECHAUX Antoine 06:38:06 SEM - M 6664
437 LONDOT Claude 06:38:27 V2H - M 6406
438 BROCHON Jean Pierre 06:38:31 V2H - M 5857
439 DUMUSOY Thomas 06:38:32 SEM - M 5120
440 BROUDIC Claude 06:38:34 SEM - M 6412
441 BROUDIC Pierre 06:38:35 SEM - M 5353
442 BERTON Jean Pierre 06:38:36 V1H - M 5864
443 PERNIN Arnaud 06:38:37 SEM - M 6637
444 VALLON Johnny 06:38:46 V1H - M 5806
445 GILLARD Christophe 06:39:00 SEM La Legrays Club? M 6457
445 PANCHOU Michel 06:39:00 V1H Tourres & Cie? M 5573
447 RAPHANEL Bernard 06:39:16 V2H - M 6590
448 PARADOWSKI Olivier 06:39:23 V2H - M 5460
448 KOWALIK Johann 06:39:23 SEM - M 5809
450 CORLOSQUET Benedicte 06:39:25 SEF - F 6611
451 CANTERO Sylvain 06:39:26 SEM - M 5169
452 JEHL Jean Philippe 06:39:29 V1H - M 5870
452 SIRE Gilbert 06:39:29 V1H - M 6079
454 ANNE Pierre 06:39:55 V1H - M 5350
454 MENISSIER Hugues 06:39:55 V1H - M 5995
456 BONENFANT Christian 06:40:01 V2H GAG? M 6475
456 PETIT Laurent 06:40:01 V1H Ouest Esonne Athleti M 5737
458 DUCLOUX Pascal 06:40:04 V1H Xmen - US Chauvigny? M 5439
459 ADAM Dominique 06:40:05 V1H - M 6306
460 LONGUET Thierry 06:40:17 V1H - M 5151
460 NIGITO Laurent 06:40:17 V2H - M 5721
462 BOUQUET Jean Francois 06:40:27 V2H - M 5926
463 CARROT Geraldine 06:40:41 V1F ASCEA? F 6092
464 VAUCEL Sylvain 06:40:45 V1H Free Iron Team? M 5173
465 COUDERT Thomas 06:40:53 V1H Copains D'abord Vinc M 5114
465 LEPINE Eric 06:40:53 V2H USA 17? M 6244
467 TECHER Olivier 06:40:55 V1H Les TranKilos? M 5465
468 LEYGNAC Benoit 06:40:59 V1H - M 6595
468 DIGONNET Bertrand 06:40:59 V1H - M 6579
470 PRUNIER Thierry 06:41:03 V2H - M 5133
471 DOMMERGUES Jean Gabriel 06:41:04 V1H - M 5925
472 MASINARA Nadia 06:41:19 V1F - F 5542
473 SELLIER Philippe 06:41:49 V1H - M 5390
474 SAFFROY Patrick 06:42:17 V2H - M 5415
475 SABRI Laurent 06:42:19 V1H - M 5734
476 BIDET Pierre 06:42:20 SEM - M 5356
476 NEEZ Jean Luc 06:42:20 V1H - M 5912
478 CARLIER Geoffroy 06:42:35 V1H - M 6101
479 DEMMERLE Celine 06:42:43 SEF - F 6502
479 DURAND Alexandre 06:42:43 V1H - M 6699
479 AUTRET Nicolas 06:42:43 V1H EAC Triathlon Evreux M 5497
479 DAGOMMER Wilfried 06:42:43 SEM - M 5052
483 LE HERISSE Claude Francois 06:43:14 V1H TEAM HDB? M 6405
484 SALLES Christian 06:43:15 V2H CROCO? M 6478
485 PATOUX Nicolas 06:43:20 SEM - M 5516
486 PICANDET Benoit 06:43:24 SEM - M 6598
487 BENOIST Didier 06:43:25 V2H Frog? M 6317
487 LEPAGNOT Francoise 06:43:25 V1F Cap Conde? F 6155
489 MARTIN Jean Jacques 06:43:26 V2H - M 5918
490 LUCUIX Jean Marie 06:43:27 V2H - M 5888
491 MENUT Denis 06:43:46 SEM - M 6334
492 BAUCHAIS Beatrice 06:43:50 V1F VAL D'ORGE ATHLETIC? F 6616
493 BUISSON Beatrice 06:43:51 V1F VOA? F 6618
493 BEN DAAS Abdelhamid 06:43:51 V1H Val d'Orge Athletic? M 6743
495 LE SAUX Philippe 06:44:06 V1H - M 5374
496 FLECHE Gilles 06:44:25 V3H EA Le Creusot? M 6069
497 VICART Frederic 06:44:27 V1H CS Meaux? M 6116
498 PAPIN Jerome 06:44:32 V1H Ouest Essonne Athlet M 5826
499 FEKIR Mehdi 06:44:37 SEM - M 5580
500 ICHALAL Leacine 06:44:59 V1H - M 5713
501 FILERE Sebastien 06:45:09 SEM - M 5257
502 LE DANVIC Regine 06:45:11 V2F - F 5313
502 PRIGENT Christian 06:45:11 V2H - M 6476
504 BEVING Christophe 06:45:25 SEM - M 6447
505 MOREAU Yves 06:45:46 SEM - M 5003
506 CABRERA Julien 06:46:02 SEM - M 5790
507 LE ROLLAND Camille 06:46:07 V1H - M 6541
508 KOUTSOUPIAS Dimitrios 06:46:22 V1H Cretan Marathon Club M 6313
509 AUSSEUR Christian 06:46:23 V2H - M 6472
509 Stephane BARBIER Dominique 06:46:23 V1H - M 6301
511 CLORENNEC Loic 06:46:26 V1H - M 5685
512 BOECHAT Lionel 06:46:36 V2H - M 5692
513 MOURLON Nicolas 06:46:37 SEM COCAA? M 5510
514 MARIE JOSEPH Sylvie 06:46:52 V2F - F 5163
515 MERCADIER Yannick 06:46:53 V1F VAL D'ORGE ATHLETIC? F 5027
516 OLIVIER Philippe 06:47:19 V1H - M 5387
517 EPINAT Antony 06:47:25 SEM - M 6652
517 JAMONNEAU Christophe 06:47:25 SEM - M 6456
517 LANDRON Michael 06:47:25 SEM - M 5578
520 MOISAN Gael 06:47:30 SEM - M 6110
520 CHATELAIN Nicolas 06:47:30 SEM Triathlon Levallois? M 5502
522 COL Thierry 06:47:33 V2H ASPTT Yvelines? M 5136
523 VERNET David 06:47:40 SEM - M 6368
524 KARIUS Serge 06:47:57 V2H - M 5232
525 PINET Severine 06:48:03 SEF - F 5226
526 JOUY Bruno 06:48:04 V1H OSM Lomme Athletisme M 6554
527 COVIAUX Marie 06:48:05 V1F - F 5633
528 GUEY Frederic 06:48:10 SEM - M 6129
529 DUFOUR Laurent 06:48:16 V1H VAL D'ORGE ATHLETIC? M 5732
530 DOREY Yannick 06:48:37 SEM - M 5023
531 YHARRASSARRY Brice 06:48:38 V1H - M 6569
532 TAMBOUR Estelle 06:48:39 SEF - F 6232
533 BESNIER Guillaume 06:48:48 V1H - M 6037
534 DECEUNINCK Herve 06:48:56 V1H - M 6008
535 MONIERE Sophie 06:49:00 V2F - F 5206
536 LE ROY Laurent 06:49:10 SEM - M 5717
536 BARBEAU Stephane 06:49:10 SEM - M 5195
538 PONS Christophe 06:49:20 V1H - M 6429
539 RICHARD Philippe 06:49:53 V2H CIV Chevreuse? M 5366
540 POUPLIN Jean Pierre 06:49:54 V2H Poitiers EC? M 5858
541 LE BERRE Olivier 06:49:57 V1H Comite du Val de Mar M 5473
542 BIZERAY Pascal 06:50:10 V1H Traic86? M 5442
543 CARON Marie Pierre 06:50:13 V2F - F 5617
544 VILLETTE Nicolas 06:50:17 SEM - M 5511
545 HOCHON Gregory 06:50:22 SEM - M 6060
546 FOCILLON Dominique 06:50:28 V2H - M 6296
546 Marie FOCILLON Brigitte 06:50:28 V2F - F 6567
548 CHAGNAUD Valerie 06:50:32 V1F - F 5103
549 BIDET Jean Noel 06:50:49 V1H Tremblay AC Athletis M 6746
550 GALAN Marc 06:51:01 SEM - M 5658
551 CHAUSSON Laurence 06:51:06 V1F - F 5758
551 BLAIS Sophie 06:51:06 V1F US Palaiseau Triathl F 5209
553 RENOTON Sebastien 06:51:09 SEM - M 5247
554 RAMBAULT Damien 06:51:17 V1H - M 6379
555 LEBOSSE Allain 06:51:28 V3H A-3 Alencon? M 6693
556 VACHER Jonathan 06:51:32 SEM - M 5805
557 VAUTRIN Olivier 06:51:39 SEM - M 5480
558 STRUYF Paul 06:51:41 V2H - M 5397
559 TURQUOIS Dominique 06:51:43 V2H - M 6300
559 BARBETTE Gerard 06:51:43 V2H - M 6091
561 CASENOBE Cecile 06:51:44 V1F Asv K?ln Triathlon? F 6512
561 TOURNY Vincent 06:51:44 SEM - M 5079
563 GRITTI Antony 06:51:46 V1H - M 6651
563 LETELLIER Sylvain 06:51:46 SEM - M 5177
563 PRUNET Alexandre 06:51:46 SEM - M 6703
566 MICHEL Pierre Alain 06:51:55 V3H OAHU? M 5336
567 GRANET Christian 06:51:57 V2H Avia Club Issy-Les-M M 6473
568 ATRIDE Sabine 06:51:58 SEF - F 5277
569 RAGOT Gerald 06:52:04 SEM Trailers des Fonds d M 6095
569 GUEGAN Yves 06:52:04 SEM Trailers des fonds d M 5011
571 LEBRUN Patrick 06:52:06 V2H - M 5414
571 NOEL Gerard 06:52:06 V2H - M 6090
573 DELORME Jean Marc 06:52:09 SEM Asphalte 94? M 6744
574 LE MEUR Bertrand 06:52:15 V1H - M 6749
575 FROIDEVAUX Thomas 06:52:27 SEM Team Trail Explorer? M 5117
576 DOMISE Sebastien 06:52:46 V1H - M 5243
577 LECOANET Frederique 06:52:53 V2F - F 6113
578 GEORGES Amandine 06:52:54 SEF - F 6692
579 SEGOUIN Alexandre 06:52:55 V1H - M 6698
580 FOREST Sebastien 06:53:07 SEM - M 5258
580 HECQUET DE BEAUFORT Ceydric 06:53:07 SEM - M 6498
582 ESTEVES Jean Marc 06:53:08 V1H CHIERRY J' Y COURS? M 5899
583 LEPLEUX Pascal 06:53:10 V1H - M 5437
584 FLORIMOND Anne 06:53:54 V1F - F 6679
585 MAITRE Julien 06:53:55 SEM - M 5789
586 MARTIN Loic 06:53:56 ESH - M 3eme Espoir 5687
587 HERBEZ Emmanuel 06:54:16 V1H - M 6271
587 LANOIR Serge 06:54:16 V2H - M 5231
589 LEBESIS Georgios 06:54:29 SEM - M 6096
590 BONNEFOY Lilian 06:54:31 SEM - M 5706
591 GYLLIN Anna Tova 06:54:39 SEF - F 6685
592 MORCANT Frank 06:54:46 V1H - M 6149
593 POUCHAIN Valery 06:54:50 V1H - M 5096
594 LAURET Vincent 06:54:54 V1H - M 5066
595 MeHAULT Michel 06:55:15 V2H Club 49 Babylone? M 5567
596 SUZON Daniel 06:55:18 V2H FSPF? M 6377
597 SENNE Corine 06:55:32 V1F BARBATRUK? F 6399
598 DI MARCO Claudio 06:55:34 SEM FER? M 6404
599 LECHNER Thomas 06:55:36 V1H - M 5111
600 BORTOLUSSI Gregory 06:55:40 SEM - M 6058
601 LELONG Vincent 06:55:42 SEM Naours Run and Bike? M 5075
601 THUMERELLE Laurent 06:55:42 V1H Naours run and bike? M 5723
603 FONTEIX Thierry 06:55:46 V1H - M 5153
604 KALI Sonia 06:55:48 V1F Courir a Vezin? F 5214
605 FOUBERT Beatrice 06:55:51 V1F WFU? F 6617
605 FAVEY Sidonie 06:55:51 SEF - F 5225
607 TERROIR Mathieu 06:56:13 SEM Nogent Solidarite Tr M 5599
608 PECHEREAU Jean Pierre 06:56:17 V3H Le Team Profica? M 5852
609 ROBBIANI Helene 06:56:18 V1F Les Rob? F 6022
610 SOYER Didier 06:56:40 V2H Esperance Endurance M 6318
611 SOUDAN Catherine 06:56:41 V1F ASL CHATENAY? F 6526
612 BEAUSSARD Herve 06:56:42 SEM ASL CHATENAY? M 6015
613 MARCHAND Pierre 06:57:04 V2H - M 5339
614 PICARD Christelle 06:57:06 SEF Trankilos? F 6487
615 ALAIN Denis 06:57:20 V1H - M 6330
616 SABLE Benoit 06:57:27 SEM - M 6600
616 BALLADUR Philippe 06:57:27 V2H - M 5371
618 THERESY Jean Charles 06:57:28 V2H - M 5950
619 MEUROU Jean Yves 06:57:32 V2H - M 5845
620 BALMAYER Vincent 06:57:33 SEM - M 5071
621 DIEUDONNE Olivier 06:57:36 SEM TNL? M 5482
622 TARENNE Gilles 06:57:50 V2H AS Nandy Athletisme? M 6070
623 FOULQUIER Philippe 06:58:00 V1H - M 5385
624 FAVEY Sebastien 06:58:04 V1H - M 5244
624 FAVENNEC Corentin 06:58:04 SEM - M 6400
626 LAGRANGE Matthieu 06:58:10 SEM - M 5588
627 ROLLAND Patrick 06:58:12 V1H - M 5403
628 GOIZIN Francois 06:58:16 V1H - M 6165
629 BOUQUET Dominique 06:58:18 V1H - M 6308
629 GASTE Arnaud 06:58:18 SEM - M 6639
631 MOREAU Linda 06:58:34 V2F SOH? F 5704
632 FONTAINE Romain 06:58:41 SEM - M 5286
633 DUPUY David Marius 06:58:45 SEM - M 6338
634 BROCHARD Patrick 06:58:46 V3H PLMC? M 5405
635 BONNET Jean Francois 06:58:54 V2H - M 5931
636 LINDE Patrick 06:59:01 V1H - M 5421
637 HENRY Gilles 06:59:02 V1H - M 6074
638 DI MARCO Sesto 06:59:03 SEM fer? M 5229
639 PIAT Cyril 06:59:12 SEM - M 6390
640 BAILLIEUL Remi 06:59:20 ESH - M 5307
640 GROS Kevin 06:59:20 ESH - M 5771
642 PEYRET Pierre Henri 06:59:29 SEM La Joyeuse Poupine B M 5331
643 BERTHIER GIianibye 06:59:34 V1F AS Meudon? F 6080
644 OUDIN Benoit 06:59:58 V1H - M 6596
644 VARESCON Marion 06:59:58 SEF - F 5615
646 PLASSE Patricia 07:00:00 V2F Orteil en Pointe? F 5426
647 CHEVALIER Laurence 07:00:01 V1F athletic metz metrop F 5759
648 FLEURETTE Vincent 07:00:02 V1H Raidlight/Les Foulee M 5065
649 COAT Stephane 07:00:04 SEM - M 5200
649 LLAVADOR Marianne 07:00:04 SEF - F 5635
651 HAUUY Jean Pierre 07:00:09 V2H - M 5859
652 CALLU Frederic 07:00:19 V1H - M 6123
652 MERCIER Jean Marie 07:00:19 V1H ASR TRAIL 78 M 5892
654 COURTIMANS Pascal 07:00:23 SEM - M 5453
655 METEREAU Olivier 07:00:25 SEM - M 5484
655 FAGOT Nicole 07:00:25 V1F ca pictave? F 5495
657 COLLIGNON Jean Remi 07:00:31 SEM - M 5849
657 ROUSSELLE Jean Francois 07:00:31 SEM - M 5936
659 CHOLLET Lionel 07:00:32 V1H - M 5694
660 CHAZALY Lionel 07:00:41 SEM Versailles triathlon M 5701
660 BAZILLIER Pierre 07:00:41 V2H - M 5341
662 LORET Jean Francois 07:00:43 V2H - M 5932
663 COLLE Xavier 07:00:50 V2H Rohan Athleltic Save M 5040
664 DION Francois Xavier 07:00:58 V1H - M 6151
665 CASSEDANNE Laurent 07:01:14 V1H - M 5739
666 LHERMITE Lionel 07:01:19 V1H - M 5696
666 ANACHE Christophe 07:01:19 V1H Je Cours pour le Pla M 6425
668 HEMART Sandrine 07:01:35 V1F PLM Conflans? F 5269
669 KLUGMAN Martin 07:01:50 V1H - M 5612
670 BLANCHARD Pascal 07:01:55 V1H Triathlon Olympique M 5448
671 HINGANT Christophe 07:02:00 V1H Landerneau Triathlon M 6418
671 DERVAUX Etienne 07:02:00 SEM GENERATION RAIDS? M 6231
673 TAI LEUNG Jean Pierre 07:02:02 V2H AS Bourse? M 5860
674 MATHIEU David 07:02:22 V1H - M 6341
675 BENESSAM Leila 07:02:24 SEF - F 5712
675 LEMPERIER Stephane 07:02:24 SEM Chierry J Cours? M 5203
677 LE FLOCH Jean Pascal 07:02:45 V1H - M 5878
678 VALMIER Fabrice 07:03:01 V1H - M 6209
679 RASOLOARISON Olivier 07:03:03 V2H - M 5459
680 HERNEQUE Fabien 07:03:06 SEM - M 6218
681 KIRMANN Jean Luc 07:03:12 V2H A2M? M 5911
682 CASSEDANNE Xavier 07:03:18 V1H - M 5043
683 MENARD Charlotte 07:03:19 SEF Toucy Charbuy Athlet F 6492
684 Henry MARTIN Thierry 07:03:24 V1H - M 5125
684 ACLOQUE Marc 07:03:24 V2H SLSA M 5641
686 RUCHE Violaine 07:03:25 V2F - F 5060
686 MATHIEU Ophelie 07:03:25 SEF - F 5458
688 BARRIO Bertrand 07:03:29 V1H - M 6580
688 PEUZIAT Denis 07:03:29 SEM - M 6335
690 SCHAKER Stephane 07:03:35 V1H Courbevoie Triathlon M 5186
691 LELIEVRE Jean Philippe 07:03:48 V1H - M 5868
692 ISTE Reynald 07:03:54 V1H - M 5296
693 TOUMOULIN Nathalie 07:03:55 V1F Macadam 77? F 5533
694 PERRIER Nicolas 07:03:57 SEM - M 5503
695 DUFILS Jean Marc 07:04:28 V2H USEE? M 5895
696 GEOFFROY Guillaume 07:04:29 SEM - M 6052
697 DENIS Laurence 07:04:44 SEF - F 5764
698 RODIER Pascal 07:04:45 SEM - M 5452
699 VASSENT Patrick 07:04:49 V2H - M 5412
700 WATTEBLED Christophe 07:04:55 V1H - M 6441
701 GOREAU Ludovic 07:05:01 V1H - M 5667
702 ROCHE Annie 07:05:13 V1F - F 6673
703 FROGER Arnaud 07:05:17 SEM - M 6641
704 MOYNET Christophe 07:05:21 V1H - M 6423
705 TUBOEUF Patrick 07:05:25 V2H Boxe francaise? M 5416
706 THOMAS Franck 07:05:30 SEM - M 6182
706 BARTHELME Marc 07:05:30 SEM - M 5659
706 COLLIN Gael 07:05:30 V1H - M 6107
709 LUIZARD Didier 07:05:44 SEM - M 6326
710 MAJOU Felix 07:06:11 SEM - M 6201
710 PENOT Vincent 07:06:11 SEM - M 5077
712 LEGRAND Julien 07:06:17 SEM - M 5787
713 FONTAINE Patrice 07:06:30 V1H acr romorantin? M 5429
713 MOLLIER Catrine 07:06:30 V1F - F 6515
715 HENRY Nicolas 07:06:44 SEM - M 5508
716 MOLES Isabelle 07:06:47 V1F PLM Conflans? F 5985
716 LETERME Marie 07:06:47 V1F PLM Conflans? F 5632
718 HIGHNAM Laurence 07:07:03 V1F Foulees de Saint-Ger F 5762
719 FERRON Jean Michel 07:07:04 V2H - M 5883
720 BABAYAN David 07:07:23 SEM - M 6365
720 JEANNETTE Thierry 07:07:23 V1H - M 5143
722 CORBIN William 07:08:02 ESH - M 5051
723 MERCIER Jean Christophe 07:08:03 SEM - M 5946
724 CHAAR Sophie 07:08:04 SEF Avia Club Issy? F 5210
725 AYME Celine 07:08:22 SEF - F 6501
726 MAGNANI Marc 07:08:36 V1H - M 5655
727 MOULIN Frederic 07:08:48 SEM - M 6141
727 RIPOCHE Arnaud 07:08:48 SEM - M 6636
729 BOITRELLE Bruno 07:08:54 V2H - M 6546
730 BLANCHET Brigitte 07:09:01 V2F Avia Club Issy -les- F 6568
731 GUIRAUDIE Vincent 07:09:04 V2H Triathlon Club Nanta M 5061
732 ELKARDOUDI Aziz 07:09:21 V1H Starbaan? M 6624
733 MONTAIGNAC Geraldine 07:09:31 SEF - F 6093
733 DANFLOUX Gregory 07:09:31 V1H - M 6059
735 DOUMENC Frederic 07:09:33 V1H - M 6122
736 MAILFAIT Jean Igor 07:09:38 V2H - M 5922
737 DUMANGE Alain 07:09:43 V1H - M 6730
738 CARLIER Philippe 07:09:44 SEM - M 5392
739 DENHAUT Michel 07:09:54 V2H - M 5568
740 RAOULX Thomas 07:10:01 SEM - M 5121
741 GODIN Johan 07:10:15 SEM - M 5810
742 PELE Frederic 07:10:24 SEM - M 6146
743 PIAUT Nathalie 07:10:35 V1F - F 5531
743 CHATENET Pascal 07:10:35 V1H - M 5444
745 CAUMONT Harold 07:10:39 SEM - M 6027
745 FARGEIX Jean Yves 07:10:39 V3H - M 5844
747 LOGETTE Denis 07:10:59 SEM - M 6332
748 CHAUVIN David 07:11:00 V1H - M 6342
749 TOTH Sigismond 07:11:13 V2H Les Foulees Valderol M 5224
749 SAIGRE Vincent 07:11:13 V1H - M 6778
751 EL BAKKALI Maryam 07:11:30 SEF - F 5608
751 BRENNAN Sallie 07:11:30 SEF - F 5275
753 BIDAUD Clement 07:11:36 SEM Sapeur Pompier de Do M 6403
753 BOUYROUX David 07:11:36 SEM - M 6340
753 MARCHAISSEAU Thomas 07:11:36 SEM - M 5122
756 ROCHE Philippe 07:11:38 V1H - M 6757
757 LUCIDI Lorenzo 07:11:40 SEM - M 5681
758 BIARD Christian 07:11:47 V2H - M 6477
759 HOUDY Celia 07:11:50 SEF - F 6503
760 SAINT PIERRE Benoit 07:11:51 SEM - M 6602
761 SOHIER Thierry 07:11:53 V2H TEAM HDB? M 5134
761 DABADIE Catherine 07:11:53 V2F FRONTRUNNERS? F 6519
763 MICHEL Philippe 07:11:56 V2H - M 5369
764 TASSAN GURLE Thierry 07:12:08 V2H Vineuil Saint-Firmin M 5131
765 DERENSY David 07:12:10 SEM Ivry Triathlon? M 6363
765 MILLOT Hugues 07:12:10 SEM Versailles Triathlon M 5996
767 LE QUINIO Anne 07:12:45 V1F - F 6678
768 GISLE Arnaud 07:12:49 SEM - M 6645
769 PARICHI Lionel 07:12:50 V1H - M 5695
770 TABAU Herve 07:13:28 V1H - M 6012
771 POTIE Corentin 07:13:34 SEM - M 6401
772 BOUGEARD Yves 07:13:44 V1H - M 5010
773 GILLE Jean Michel 07:13:45 V2H - M 5882
774 BERTHELON Rachel 07:13:46 V1F - F 5320
774 AMEIL Pascal 07:13:46 V2H - M 5434
776 LECLERC Jean Jacques 07:13:50 V1H Blenod Les Pont -?-M M 5921
777 TOUYER Lionel 07:13:51 V2H COSMA MARATHON ARCUE M 5690
778 BERLET Sebastien 07:13:55 SEM - M 5255
780 BERNHARD Laurent 07:14:23 SEM - M 5754
781 THYRARD Alain 07:14:31 V1H Sapeur Pompier? M 6724
782 PROUX Isabelle 07:14:39 V1F _? F 5983
783 BAGLAND Sebastien 07:14:48 SEM - M 5246
783 BAGLAND Thibaud 07:14:48 SEM - M 5156
785 NOYELLE Sylvain 07:14:52 V1H - M 5172
786 FLEURET Laurence 07:15:07 V1F - F 5760
787 PACQUENTIN LEBUGLE David 07:15:24 SEM S/L Esvallee d'Eure M 6359
788 GALLAND Jean Charles 07:15:46 V1H Raid Aventure Bethon M 5951
789 GRANGEON Christian 07:15:51 SEM UAV Versailles? M 6484
790 BRETON Sebastien 07:15:54 V1H - M 5239
791 PERIES Eric 07:15:55 V2H - M 6238
792 VINDARD Denis 07:16:07 V1H Rueil AC? M 6329
793 WHITE John Christopher 07:16:16 V1H Trinosaure? M 5807
793 PRIGENT Herve 07:16:16 V2H - M 6005
795 DE FRANCQUEVILLE Olivier 07:16:18 SEM - M 5488
796 COLIN Stephane 07:16:29 V1H - M 5191
797 ROUABLE Karl 07:16:43 SEM CAO Saint-Cyr Triath M 5777
798 BORDIER Laurence 07:16:56 V1F - F 5761
798 BOULONNE Valerie 07:16:56 V1F OC Gif-sur-Yvette? F 5101
800 FORGET Sebastien 07:17:00 SEM - M 5254
800 ALLIAS Claude 07:17:00 V2H - M 6408
802 HUCHON Frederic 07:17:01 SEM - M 6136
803 LIBNER Jerome 07:17:19 V1H - M 5825
804 PARNAUDEAU Damien 07:17:20 V1H - M 6380
805 TALAGA David 07:17:35 SEM - M 6352
806 LE DROU Jean Michel 07:17:45 V1H - M 5884
807 RIGAL Jean Francois 07:17:49 SEM - M 5937
807 CARBONNIER Gregory 07:17:49 SEM Kroteam? M 6062
807 PAGNARD Maxime 07:17:49 SEM - M 5583
810 OSWALD Franck 07:17:51 V1H ACR Romorantin? M 6175
810 MAILLET Francis 07:17:51 V1H AC Romorantin M 6188
812 LEMERLE Pierre 07:18:04 V1H - M 5351
813 SIBERT Annie 07:18:21 V3F - F 6669
814 MONTOIS Rodolphe 07:18:27 SEM - M 5290
815 FRAPPIER Jerome 07:18:47 V1H - M 5823
816 COSSAIS Dominique 07:18:53 V1H - M 6311
816 FURNISS Jamie 07:18:53 SEM - M 5969
818 CAZENAVE Bruno 07:18:56 V1H - M 6557
819 JOSSA Pierre Henri 07:19:12 V2H - M 5328
820 NIEUWLAET Francois 07:19:21 SEM - M 6753
821 AGULLO VERDUZCO Julia 07:19:33 V1F Alcalare?o de Monta? F 5795
822 SCHLETT Stefan 07:19:47 V1H TSG Kleinostheim? M 5205
823 LE RIDANT Bruno 07:19:48 V2H - M 6544
824 ERNST Fabienne 07:19:53 V1F - F 6212
825 LE DORVEN David 07:19:54 SEM - M 6360
825 PORCHER Florian 07:19:54 SEM - M 6195
825 ROUX Yoann 07:19:54 SEM - M 5021
828 BERNARD Florent 07:19:55 SEM - M 6197
829 CAUHEPE Bruno 07:19:59 V2H Amicale CHI Frejus/S M 6547
830 FRANGOULIS Geoffroy 07:20:09 SEM - M 6102
831 LARBOT Jean Michel 07:20:17 SEM - M 5886
832 BOUVIER Sandrine 07:20:20 V1F - F 5267
833 PONTONNIER Remi 07:20:26 SEM - M 5306
834 DEBOURGES Julien 07:21:13 SEM - M 5785
835 BLIN Jean Paul 07:21:21 V3H Club / SA Montrouge M 6747
836 MEHOUAS Jean Louis 07:21:23 V1H - M 5915
837 BERNARD Eric 07:21:31 V1H - M 6245
837 MOURIER Yves 07:21:31 V1H - M 5008
839 BUYWID Christian 07:21:43 V1H AS Nandy Athletisme? M 6482
840 LAN BISSO Sophie 07:21:53 SEF - F 5212
841 THERESY Laurence 07:21:54 V2F - F 5757
841 RESSEGUIER Catherine 07:21:54 V1F - F 6527
843 HUBERT Jean Marie 07:21:58 SEM - M 5893
844 SICHANH Tony 07:21:59 SEM - M 5107
845 AUCHERE Valery 07:22:12 V1H Ouest Essone Athleti M 5095
846 BOUVARD Anthony 07:22:13 SEM - M 6666
847 COUVREUR Olivier 07:22:14 SEM - M 5486
848 JOLY Bernard 07:22:52 V2H A.villeneuve la gare M 6587
849 NIXON Rosemary 07:23:01 V1F - F 5278
849 BLONDEAU Ellen 07:23:01 V1F - F 6286
851 BAILLEUL Cedric 07:23:24 SEM - M 6509
852 VIGREUX Renaud 07:23:30 SEM TE Huuuur Boys? M 5300
852 ALARY Julien 07:23:30 SEM Te Huuuur Boys? M 5786
854 BATARD Julien 07:23:36 ESH - M 5793
855 PICAUD Serge 07:23:42 V2H - M 5233
856 CANIcO Beatrice 07:23:52 V1F ACC La Chapelle-sur- F 6619
857 FLORIET Mailis 07:24:01 SEF - F 5663
857 SCHLAEINTZAUER Laurent 07:24:01 V1H SQY Sport Nature? M 5731
859 GRAGY Jacques 07:24:09 V2H - M 5977
860 COLOMY Laurent 07:24:20 V1H - M 5727
861 RIGAL Roselyne 07:24:33 V1F Touroulis Onet Le Ch F 5279
862 GOELO Simon 07:24:50 SEM - M 5219
862 MALECOT Cedric 07:24:50 SEM - M 6505
864 MALO Alexandre 07:25:11 SEM - M 6702
865 MANSY Veronique 07:25:39 SEF Accrorun? F 5094
865 ATIKI Nadia 07:25:39 SEF - F 5541
867 DELABRE Jean Luc 07:25:59 V2H PLM Conflans? M 5909
867 BROCHARD Sebastiana 07:25:59 V2F PLMC? F 5263
869 BONNET Lionel 07:26:05 SEM - M 5700
870 GEVREY Laurent 07:26:10 V1H - M 5740
871 GABRIEL Fabien 07:26:13 SEM - M 6221
872 TAVET Maria 07:26:14 V1F - F 5636
873 GAUTHIER Jean Marc 07:26:25 V1H - M 5904
873 GAUTHIER Chrystelle 07:26:25 V1F - F 6416
875 GODART Samantha 07:26:30 SEF Club de Triathlon de F 5274
875 DEILLER Arnaud 07:26:30 V1H - M 6632
877 FOUASSIER Stephane 07:26:34 V1H - M 5183
878 CASOTTI Paolo 07:26:53 V1H ATL.CASTELNOVO MONTI M 5455
879 MIGNON Benoit 07:26:55 SEM ATHLE 72? M 6601
880 FABRE Gregoire 07:26:57 SEM - M 6065
881 FAURE Christine 07:26:58 V1F Asphalte 94? F 6462
882 MENDY Stephane 07:27:00 SEM - M 5193
882 HOLLENDER Nathalie 07:27:00 SEF PCAP Ile de France? F 5536
882 Jean Claude GIRARD Cyril 07:27:00 V2H - M 6386
885 FOURGS Simone 07:27:08 V1F - F 5218
886 MOREL Annie 07:27:25 V2F - F 6670
887 PERRIN Mickael 07:27:28 SEM - M 5551
888 HERNOT Annick 07:27:37 V1F - F 6676
889 JOUGLA Jerome 07:28:12 SEM - M 5831
890 MORMONT Jean Arnaud 07:28:27 V1H - M 5960
890 GASSE HELLIO Matthieu 07:28:27 SEM - M 5587
892 GUERCI Jean Yves 07:28:33 V2H - M 5846
893 FLOCH Annie 07:28:41 V1F - F 6674
894 PIGEOT Sylvie 07:29:24 V1F GO78? F 5165
895 BOULORD Christophe 07:29:37 V1H Echenevex Lynx Bike? M 6438
895 PELUD Arnaud 07:29:37 SEM - M 6640
897 JOULAIN Eric 07:29:49 V1H Team HDB? M 6250
898 RONSIN Frederic 07:30:01 SEM - M 6140
899 SEGUIN Caroline 07:30:02 SEF - F 6533
900 ARMENGAUD Jean Baptiste 07:30:04 SEM - M 5955
901 LAUNEY Patrick 07:30:06 V2H - M 5407
902 BOCHAND Benjamin 07:30:11 SEM Rumba? M 6608
903 CHEVALIER Didier 07:30:14 V1H ASTC? M 6320
904 BARBEOCH Marguerite 07:30:15 V1F - F 5637
905 KERHERVe Jean Pierre 07:30:18 V3H - M 5851
906 FOURNIER Gabriel 07:30:26 SEM - M 6112
907 ROCHELET Olivier 07:30:27 SEM - M 5478
908 DUVERGER Sylvain 07:30:30 V1H Les Furets d'Eiffage M 5171
909 LEDOUX Romain 07:30:32 SEM Chaville Athletisme? M 5284
909 LABROUSSE Michel 07:30:32 V2H Le Chesnay 78 Athlet M 5565
911 MAUDUIT Isabelle 07:30:33 V2F - F 5982
911 TEBAR Olga 07:30:33 V1F - F 5489
913 AUBERTIN Elise 07:30:34 V2F - F 6287
914 VALLET Bastien 07:30:43 SEM - M 6620
915 JULIENNE Emmanuel 07:30:46 V2H - M 6270
916 LAVIE RICHARD Mathias 07:30:58 SEM SPBOADAR? M 5604
917 RONCARI Barbara 07:31:05 SEF Sport & Sportivi? F 6621
918 MANDON Gregory 07:31:07 SEM - M 6056
919 CAILLOT Jerome 07:31:15 V1H - M 5820
920 VOLARD Catherine 07:31:24 V1F C.L.O.C. Acheres? F 6525
921 BERKES Celine 07:31:28 SEF HRC Habay la Neuve? F 6499
922 MICHIELS Frederic 07:31:37 SEM - M 6131
922 PANDARD Pascal 07:31:37 V1H - M 5440
924 BALLY Patrick 07:31:39 V1H - M 5422
925 HEBILI Abdelkader 07:31:54 V1H - M 6742
926 RAMOND Nathalie 07:32:14 V1F - F 5534
927 LADREE Thierry 07:32:19 V1H Elan 91? M 5127
928 FRANCOIS Philippe 07:32:22 V2H - M 5367
928 GRANT Eric 07:32:22 V1H - M 6265
930 FERRAND Benjamin 07:32:45 SEM - M 6610
931 KERHERVe Lisette 07:32:49 V3F Versailles Triathlon F 5688
932 MAGONE Claire 07:32:59 SEF - F 6415
933 PERRIER Jean Claude 07:33:24 SEM RAIDLIGHT? M 5944
934 LAURENCEAU Emmanuel 07:33:31 SEM - M 6277
935 LECOT Gwen elle 07:33:42 SEF 24h Non Stop Eppevil F 6032
935 LECOT Yannick 07:33:42 V3H 24h Non Stop d'Eppev M 5024
937 IBOUTH Jean Philippe 07:34:02 V2H usmgagny? M 5867
938 SAVATIER Luc 07:34:36 V2H - M 5674
939 THIBEAUD Vincent 07:34:37 SEM - M 5081
940 DELORME Laurent 07:34:58 SEM - M 5751
941 LECLERT Patrick 07:35:04 V2H - M 5413
942 PACOT GRIVEL Renald 07:35:05 SEM CHEVRON? M 5303
943 BEAUFOUR Alain 07:35:14 V2H - M 6722
944 MANGE Thierry 07:35:38 V1H AVO Valdoie? M 5139
945 FURIO Julien 07:35:39 SEM - M 5788
945 DARD Alexis 07:35:39 SEM - M 6696
947 DUBESSAY Amandine 07:35:40 SEF - F 6690
948 SAVREUX Frederic 07:36:02 SEM AFA? M 6137
949 DUPUY David 07:36:04 SEM - M 6350
950 GAUDIN Christophe 07:36:06 V1H - M 6420
950 SIMONINI Vincent 07:36:06 V1H - M 5068
952 BRETHEAU Jean Luc 07:36:19 V2H - M 5908
953 HERVIER Yannick 07:36:22 V2H - M 5026
954 ARAGNOU Franck 07:36:27 SEM - M 6184
955 TROUVE SARDIN Stephanie 07:36:33 V1F Team Trail Touraine? F 5179
956 ROBLIN Sylvie 07:36:35 V2F PLM Conflans? F 5161
957 SAUBADINE Serge 07:36:58 V1H - M 5235
958 BERTHE Frederic 07:37:09 V1H - M 6128
959 RONGVAUX Bernard 07:37:13 V2H Habay Runners Club? M 6585
960 TURNER Ginger 07:37:18 SEF - F 6776
961 DEBUS Bernd 07:37:43 V1H - M 6584
962 COQUEL Mathieu 07:37:44 SEM - M 5601
963 BAPTISTE Vincent 07:37:50 SEM - M 5087
964 BOURROUX Patrick 07:37:53 V1H - M 5423
965 ARDOUIN Raphael 07:37:57 SEM - M 5318
966 DE GUERLANT Sylvaine 07:38:04 V2F Avia Club Issy-les-M F 5168
967 BERTELI Pierre Hubert 07:38:05 V1H - M 5327
968 BICHON Mathieu 07:38:15 SEM - M 5598
969 DELAVALLEE Donatienne 07:38:34 SEF - F 6294
970 TURCAUD Gerard 07:38:51 V3H - M 6085
971 HIMMER Cyril 07:38:58 V1H - M 6393
972 CHAPUY Charles 07:39:03 V1H Versailles Triathlon M 6494
973 DUFLOS Stephane 07:39:19 SEM - M 5199
974 LAPLANCHE Daniel 07:39:25 V2H - M 6374
975 MERZOUG Mohamed 07:39:59 V2H CAP Conde? M 5549
976 LE CERF Christiane 07:40:07 V3F AS Chubert Vannes? F 6466
976 JOUAULT Jean Michel 07:40:07 V2H - M 5880
978 JEDELE Jean Michel 07:40:09 V1H - M 5885
979 MAZZOTTI Giacomo 07:40:15 SEM - M 6081
980 PIOT Christophe 07:40:20 V1H - M 6421
981 FREMON Herve 07:40:22 SEM - M 6017
982 THEIL Anthony 07:40:35 SEM - M 6667
983 GUERIN Francoise 07:40:42 V1F - F 6157
983 GUERIN Georges Marc 07:40:42 V2H OCCBA M 5645
985 RUAT Sebastien 07:40:48 SEM - M 5256
986 LEVERT Pascal 07:41:27 V1H SO Houilles? M 5441
987 BOUCHAND Gabriel 07:41:34 SEM - M 6111
988 LETEINTURIER Thierry 07:41:45 V1H - M 5140
989 LEFEVRE Richard 07:41:55 V1H - M 5293
989 STIFFE Christophe 07:41:55 V1H - M 6428
991 SEREIN Frederic 07:41:57 V1H - M 6127
992 HENRY Sylvie 07:42:28 V1F Le Chesnay 78 Athlet F 5164
993 JANCOURT Valerie 07:42:31 V1F - F 5100
994 PROTAIS Jean Baptiste 07:42:32 V2H Avia Club Issy-les-M M 5954
995 DALLEMAGNE Frederic 07:42:47 V1H - M 6120
996 BONNET Vincent 07:42:48 V1H - M 5064
997 COURCELAUD Pascal 07:43:08 V1H CSMF / ASBF? M 5446
998 SCHWAB Denis 07:43:09 V2H - M 6327
999 LE BARS Dominique 07:43:10 V1H Athlesud 77? M 6303
1000 PARASSOURAMANE Coumar 07:44:04 SEM - M 6395
1000 LABBE Christine 07:44:04 V2F - F 6461
1002 EUSTACHE Benjamin 07:44:10 SEM - M 6609
1003 LEROY Corinne 07:44:17 V1F Front Runners? F 6396
1004 BRECKO Antoine 07:44:21 V2H ROMBAS AC? M 6656
1005 PISTIEN Yohann 07:44:38 SEM - M 5017
1006 GEOFFROY Tristan 07:44:49 V1H - M 5105
1007 PETTINELLI William 07:44:52 V2H CS Meaux? M 5049
1008 WAY Luc 07:45:38 SEM - M 5679
1009 AUGUSTIN Jean Marc 07:45:44 V1H - M 5901
1010 PEYRAUD Christophe 07:46:09 V1H - M 6436
1010 LE BOZEC David 07:46:09 SEM Triathlon Torcy? M 6358
1012 DE LACROIX Christelle 07:46:20 SEF - F 6488
1013 VILET Anne 07:46:21 V1F - F 6682
1014 CUVEILLIER Gery 07:46:22 V1H - M 6083
1015 DOVERGNE Aurelien 07:46:24 SEM Amiens UC? M 6627
1016 PILTE Patrick 07:46:34 V2H - M 5417
1017 JAMBART Michel 07:46:36 V1H - M 5572
1018 PENARD Pierre 07:46:42 V2H Galoupat? M 5340
1018 COLLET Josyane 07:46:42 V2F Foulees Bourgbarreen F 5797
1018 MAINGUENE Annie 07:46:42 V2F - F 6671
1021 PETIT SIGNE Marie 07:46:48 V3F GAC Les Pirates Gran F 5630
1022 DIEHL Eric 07:46:49 V2H as fondettes? M 6779
1023 BAROEN Bernard 07:46:50 V3H ACVA? M 6586
1024 AMANDIO Christine 07:46:57 V2F - F 6460
1025 JUMEAU Marie Dominique 07:47:20 V2F - F 5626
1026 RIVAT Jean Francois 07:47:27 V2H - M 5929
1027 PERROT Thomas 07:47:52 SEM CAP Conde? M 5118
1028 CHABERT Alain 07:48:02 V1H - M 6729
1029 BACHIMONT Xavier 07:48:03 V1H - M 5044
1030 LAM Joyce 07:48:15 SEF - F 5796
1030 LOW Jonathan 07:48:15 SEM - M 5804
1032 ANGELINI Jerome 07:48:35 V1H - M 5819
1033 CAILLE Valerie 07:48:41 V1F - F 5099
1033 BRIEND Yves 07:48:41 V2H - M 5004
1035 VIOLEAU Sandrine 07:48:42 SEF - F 5272
1035 MARIN Sebastien 07:48:42 V1H Raid Golfe Morbihan? M 5241
1035 CAUDAL Sebastien 07:48:42 SEM - M 5249
1038 MESSIER Etienne 07:49:00 V1H - M 6229
1039 INGOUF Carole 07:49:03 V1F - F 6536
1040 PORTIER Gilles 07:49:15 V2H Granville AC Les Pir M 6072
1041 JOSEPH Bernard 07:49:44 V1H - M 6593
1042 BRAZY Nicolas 07:49:56 SEM - M 5514
1042 MOUROT Anne 07:49:56 SEF - F 6683
1042 FIGONI Herve 07:49:56 V1H Team Raidlight? M 6014
1045 PIETERS Jan 07:49:59 V2H Hercules? M 5968
1046 KEMPF Frederic 07:50:09 V2H AS ALTIS IBM DPI? M 6115
1047 CHAINTRE Thierry 07:50:15 V2H CA Pictave? M 5132
1048 ROBIN Jean Yves 07:50:34 V2H - M 5847
1049 BARBIER Nicolas 07:50:45 SEM Team Raidlight? M 5504
1049 MEVEL Eric 07:50:45 V1H World Trail Lander? M 6249
1051 BOHIC Philippe 07:50:52 V2H - M 5368
1051 BOUDARD Arnaud 07:50:52 V1H - M 6631
1053 TERRAL Liliane 07:50:56 V2F asdif? F 5705
1054 VASSE Guillaume 07:51:07 V1H - M 6039
1055 QUAGHEBEUR Yves 07:51:31 V1H - M 5007
1056 POQUET Daniel 07:51:32 V2H - M 6375
1057 GHYS Daniel 07:51:35 V2H - M 6371
1058 CISCATO Elodie 07:51:36 SEF - F 6284
1059 CISCATO Lionel 07:51:37 SEM - M 5703
1060 DEYSON Didier 07:51:38 V1H - M 6323
1061 LAMAUD Jean Baptiste 07:51:40 SEM - M 5957
1062 AMEIL Christine 07:51:44 V2F - F 6458
1063 MASSABUAU Frederic 07:51:47 SEM - M 6145
1064 MASALA Dominique 07:51:55 V1H corsica sport mezzav M 6305
1065 ACETO Domenico 07:51:57 V2H Gerpinnes? M 6312
1065 KROKOS Elene 07:51:57 V2F Gerpinnes? F 6289
1067 BOYDENS Wim 07:52:17 SEM - M 5048
1068 BOISSINOT Olivier 07:52:18 V1H Orteil en pointe? M 5476
1069 LE GENDRE Philippe 07:52:21 V2H - M 5363
1069 LASNIER Marie 07:52:21 V3F - F 5629
1069 MANSON Natacha 07:52:21 SEF - F 5539
1069 JEGU Thierry 07:52:21 V2H - M 5129
1069 POHYLSKI Georges 07:52:21 V4H - M 6097
1074 IMBERT Benoit 07:52:27 V1H - M 6597
1075 NOBLE Patrick 07:53:06 V2H - M 5410
1076 BILLAL Elodie 07:53:11 SEF - F 6285
1077 DEBUIRE Fabrice 07:53:12 V1H - M 6203
1078 VICTOR EUGENE Bruno 07:53:25 V1H - M 6553
1079 MOREL Marc 07:53:51 V1H - M 5654
1079 PAKULA Marie Odile 07:53:51 V2F - F 5618
1081 DELAGE Jean Francois 07:54:00 V2H - M 5928
1082 PERON Maud 07:54:04 SEF - F 5586
1083 MIGNET Luc 07:54:06 V1H - M 5678
1084 MAERTEN Fabien 07:54:07 SEM Chartres Metropole T M 6217
1085 LEBOUC Yannick 07:54:15 V3H - M 5025
1086 JEANPETIT Sandrine 07:54:16 V1F - F 5266
1086 CONSEIL GROSJEAN Christine 07:54:16 V1F - F 6463
1088 LEFEBVRE Severine 07:54:44 SEF - F 5228
1089 CHUSTE Thierry 07:54:45 V2H - M 5128
1089 PENNELIER Florence 07:54:45 V1F AFA? F 6200
1089 LE POTTIER Ghislaine 07:54:45 V2F AFA? F 6082
1092 COLMAIRE MILLE Emilie 07:55:05 SEF - F 6281
1093 VARETTE Graziella 07:55:09 V1F Courir Club Aigues M F 6066
1094 DELBECQUE Michel 07:55:11 V3H 7 Lieues Aventure? M 5561
1094 CANIOTTI Pierrot 07:55:11 SEM - M 5324
1096 FERNANDES David 07:55:36 SEM - M 6364
1097 VUILLEMENOT Yann 07:55:39 SEM - M 5036
1097 ROESCH Michel 07:55:39 V1H USMV? M 5575
1099 RENAUD Beatrice 07:55:41 V2F - F 6614
1100 DAVOUST Stephane 07:56:12 V1H - M 5189
1100 HERISSON Bruno 07:56:12 V1H - M 6558
1100 CORMIER Alain 07:56:12 V1H - M 6726
1103 BONAL Christophe 07:56:17 SEM - M 6455
1104 BAERT Julien 07:56:31 SEM - M 5791
1104 CLAUDIO Christophe 07:56:31 SEM AS Elgarrenkin Ascai M 6454
1106 BAUDINOT Christine 07:56:44 V2F ASR Trail? F 6459
1107 RIPOCHE Christophe 07:57:03 V1H - M 6432
1108 PICOT Nicolas 07:57:16 SEM - M 5522
1109 QUEMENER Fabrice 07:57:19 SEM - M 6211
1110 PALIES Jean Baptiste 07:57:24 SEM - M 5956
1111 JEANVILLIER Tony 07:57:48 V2H - M 5106
1112 ALIX Anne 07:57:49 V1F - F 6680
1113 LE GOFF Simon 07:57:54 SEM - M 5221
1114 DARBLAY Sylvie 07:58:00 V1F Front Runners Paris? F 5166
1115 VILLAIN Guillaume 07:58:03 SEM - M 6040
1116 LANDOUAR Thierry 07:58:14 V1H - M 5145
1117 FOUESNEAU Frantz 07:58:46 V1H - M 6148
1118 LOUVET Sophie 07:58:50 V1F - F 5208
1119 ROUCHON Olivier 07:58:53 SEM - M 5481
1120 WOLF Thomas 07:58:56 V1H - M 5112
1120 RACHMUHL Stephane 07:58:56 V1H - M 5187
1122 PRETRE Olivier 07:58:57 V1H - M 5469
1123 RAYNAUD Mathias 07:59:00 SEM - M 5605
1124 MAYEUX Pascal 07:59:01 SEM - M 5454
1124 HENRIET Charles 07:59:01 SEM - M 6497
1126 BELIN Armelle 07:59:02 SEF - F 6647
1127 SAUGUET Antoine 07:59:09 SEM - M 6659
1128 MENIGAUX Christophe 07:59:30 V1H - M 6419
1129 GERMAIN Catherine 07:59:49 V2F - F 6521
1130 DUPREZ Julien 08:00:04 SEM - M 5792
1130 COLLOMB CLERC Vivien 08:00:04 ESH - M 5054
1132 GUERIN Marc Louis 08:00:18 V2H - M 5647
1133 THEBAULT Hubert 08:00:25 V1H - M 6000
1134 LE NECHET Alain 08:00:36 V2H - M 6721
1135 DUPONT Xavier 08:00:38 V1H - M 5042
1135 GUIGNARD Bruno 08:00:38 V1H - M 6556
1137 PEREIRA Lionel 08:01:27 V1H - M 5697
1137 PIAT Jerome 08:01:27 V2H - M 5816
1139 GIBAUD Gwenaelle 08:01:28 SEF - F 6031
1140 DEMONCHY Laurent 08:01:29 SEM - M 5750
1141 LOUGNON Cedric 08:01:57 SEM - M 6504
1142 LABONNE Frederic 08:02:13 V1H - M 6121
1142 PEREZ Paul 08:02:13 V1H - M 5400
1144 COYEZ Cecile 08:02:24 SEF ASL Robertsau? F 6514
1145 CASADO Jose Luis 08:03:02 V2H AS MEUDON? M 5800
1145 LATHIERE Dominique 08:03:02 V1H - M 6304
1147 LUCAS Jean Claude 08:03:07 V2H - M 5942
1147 GARCIA Martine 08:03:07 V2F - F 5609
1149 BONNI Thierry 08:03:11 V1H herv? M 5126
1150 DE NANTEUIL Laurent 08:03:28 V2H - M 5719
1151 LEFEVRE Didier 08:03:29 V2H - M 6319
1152 LACOUT Pierre Andre 08:03:31 V1H AJ Blois-Onzain? M 5334
1153 RECCHIA Sandro 08:03:43 V1H - M 5265
1154 ATTIAS David 08:04:03 V1H - M 6347
1155 DHERBEMONT Sophie 08:04:04 V2F - F 5207
1156 HOCHEREAU Christophe 08:04:09 V1H - M 6430
1157 BELTZ Gunther 08:04:18 SEM - M 6035
1157 CRAMPE Christophe 08:04:18 SEM - M 6452
1159 BECQUART Yorladi 08:04:28 V1F - F 5015
1160 LALIRE David 08:04:41 SEM - M 6366
1161 DIRAISON Jerome 08:05:45 SEM Piranhas? M 5834
1162 CARIS Jean 08:05:46 SEM - M 5966
1163 ANTOINE Marc 08:05:53 V2H - M 5648
1164 WATTIEZ Thibaut 08:05:55 V2H - M 5154
1165 GUILLOUSSOU Eric 08:06:15 SEM PCaP/Raidlight? M 6260
1166 SZNITKIES Olivier 08:06:42 V1H - M 5475
1167 AGASVARI Igor 08:06:58 V1H - M 5991
1168 BEAUREPAIRE Jacques 08:07:09 SEM team hdb quessoy? M 5978
1169 RENAUD Jean Philippe 08:07:17 V1H - M 5869
1170 GAUTIER Mederic 08:08:01 V1H - M 5581
1171 TOURAINE Alexandre 08:08:45 SEM - M 6706
1172 NORTIER Marc 08:09:20 V1H - M 5653
1172 MARIOT Fabienne 08:09:20 V1F - F 6213
1174 BENOIT Patrick 08:09:24 V3H - M 5404
1174 AURIAULT Jean 08:09:24 V2H - M 5964
1176 DEJONGHE Emmanuel 08:09:35 SEM - M 6278
1177 DELANOE Thierry 08:09:49 V1H Mil'pattes Vitre? M 5149
1178 JAMES Pascal 08:09:50 V2H ASCHU? M 5435
1179 BARRY Jean Marc 08:10:02 V1H - M 5898
1180 ELIO COSTANZO Lanzone 08:10:27 V2H - M 5768
1181 LE FLOCH Sebastien 08:10:50 SEM - M 5253
1182 MORJON Veronique 08:10:56 SEF USRO? F 5093
1183 BALTAZE Jean Claude 08:10:57 V2H - M 5940
1184 LOISEAU Vincent 08:11:20 SEM - M 5078
1185 LACOMBE Pierre 08:11:33 V2H - M 5342
1186 MORICE Jean Marie 08:11:34 SEM - M 5894
1187 MILLAS Francois 08:11:35 V1H - M 6168
1188 MICHEL Catherine 08:11:36 V1F US Ezanville-Ecouen? F 6523
1189 PIERDET Christian 08:11:44 V2H - M 6471
1190 BUCH Alain 08:12:15 V2H - M 6718
1191 LORAIN Thomas 08:13:00 V1H - M 5113
1192 NICOLAS Alain 08:13:28 V2H US Chantilly? M 6717
1193 JEANNENEY Pierre 08:13:40 V1H - M 5348
1193 FIORLETTA Severine 08:13:40 SEF - F 5227
1193 CAUDRELIER Dimitri 08:13:40 SEM - M 6314
1196 COLLIGNON Gerard 08:13:54 V3H - M 6086
1197 MATHIEU Philippe 08:14:03 SEM La Saint-Cyr Team? M 5395
1198 SMOLEN Alexis 08:14:04 SEM - M 6695
1199 DORE Cyril 08:14:07 SEM - M 6392
1199 MAHE Renaud 08:14:07 V1H - M 5299
1201 QUEMENEUR Stephane 08:14:49 V1H - M 5190
1202 CAILLOT GERU Anne 08:15:31 V1F Cloca? F 6681
1202 HIRAULT Laurence 08:15:31 V1F C.L.O.C. Acheres? F 5763
1202 DORME Florence 08:15:31 SEF CLOC Acheres? F 6752
1202 HERVE Valerie 08:15:31 V1F Cloca Acheres? F 5098
1206 CAVELOT Patrick 08:15:32 V2H C.L.O.C. Acheres? M 5409
1206 CAVELOT Patricia 08:15:32 V2F C.L.O.C. Acheres? F 5424
1208 SARO Pascal 08:16:00 V2H - M 5436
1208 FADEL Mustapha 08:16:00 V2H - M 5544
1208 FORTUNATO Bernard 08:16:00 V2H USOB Musculation? M 6588
1211 LEFEVRE Veronique 08:16:06 V1F Lib'Air'Trail MARINE F 5091
1212 GALLET Gildas 08:16:55 V2H ATHLe VANNES? M 6077
1213 GUYOT Anne Marie 08:16:56 V2F - F 6677
1214 TOURNOIS Daniel 08:17:05 V2H - M 6373
1215 CHAPELLE Carole 08:17:20 V1F - F 6535
1216 AYMARD Stephane 08:18:07 V1H - M 5192
1217 TORRECILLA Jean Francois 08:18:18 SEM - M 5935
1218 HERVIEU Luc 08:18:37 V2H VRAC? M 5675
1219 TRANVOUEZ Monique 08:18:53 V2F - F 5547
1220 ORLICH Laurent 08:19:14 V1H - M 5724
1221 LECROART Joelle 08:20:05 V2F - F 5812
1222 CARDON Francois 08:20:51 V1H Les TranKilos? M 6166
1222 FOUGEREUX Anne 08:20:51 SEF - F 6684
1224 GENEY Michele 08:21:54 V2F - F 5555
1225 LE LOUARN Joseph 08:22:08 V4H - M 5798
1226 LABORDE Michel 08:23:23 V2H - M 5566
1227 CHAPUY Clarence 08:24:17 V1F - F 6413
1228 DURAND Nicolas 08:24:18 SEM - M 5512
1229 DESTOMBES Agnes 08:24:29 V1F - F 6736
1230 DAOUD BRIKCI MYRIAM 08:25:09 V2F - F 5543
1231 MEYER Philippe 08:25:18 V2H - M 5364
1232 CLAVELIER Frederic 08:25:41 SEM - M 6133
1233 MOREAU Christophe 08:26:00 SEM - M 6448
1234 SATAROV Nathalie 08:26:16 V2F A.S. Bazainville? F 5527
1235 LEBOUCHER Serge 08:26:47 V1H - M 5234
1236 DELMEULLE Frederic 08:27:03 SEM - M 6130
1236 TIEDREZ Jimmy 08:27:03 SEM - M 5813
1238 MONTIGNY Eddy 08:27:04 SEM - M 6291
1239 ROUGAGNOU Jean Hugues 08:27:17 V1H - M 5923
1240 JONVEL Bruno 08:27:23 V1H - M 6563
1241 PICARD Dominique 08:27:25 V2H AS La Haye Malherbe? M 6297
1242 CHAUVET Nathalie 08:27:29 V1F ASB? F 5532
1243 DESCHAMPS Herve 08:27:54 V1H - M 6013
1243 GARDAIRE Patrice 08:27:54 V1H - M 5430
1245 KLEIN Eric 08:28:24 V1H - M 6247
1245 GOUVERNEUR Celine 08:28:24 V1F - F 6500
1247 SIMONIN Sebastien 08:29:06 SEM - M 5248
1248 DALIPHARD Christophe 08:29:27 SEM - M 6449
1248 CAMPAGNA Sylvain 08:29:27 SEM Athletic Brunoy Club M 5174
1250 SAVALOIS Nathalie 08:30:01 SEF - F 5537
1251 SAC EPEE Sandrine 08:30:11 SEF - F 5273
1252 DESVERGNES Raphael 08:30:14 SEM - M 5316
1253 LAPEGUE Pierre 08:30:54 V1H - M 5347
1254 BUSNEL Nicolas 08:33:38 SEM - M 5517
1255 LAPEGUE Francois 08:33:59 SEM - M 6169
1256 PAGES Philippe 08:34:06 V2H - M 5359
1257 DALANCON Jean Christophe 08:36:11 SEM SPBOADAR? M 5949
1258 GAITINHA Pascal 08:36:28 V1H - M 5451
1259 JEAN Francoise 08:36:37 V1F - F 6156
1260 GRANDET Mathieu 08:37:59 SEM - M 5602
1261 CHAPLET Gerard 08:38:00 V2H - M 6089
1262 PETROVA Olga 08:38:09 V1F - F 5490
1262 PALISSE Fabien 08:38:09 SEM - M 6216
1264 BERNIER Guy 08:39:02 V2H - M 6034
1265 MARTINEZ Yves 08:40:20 V1H - M 5009
1266 CAILLAT Olivier 08:40:25 V1H - M 5461
1267 DAUGE Alain 08:40:59 V1H - M 6727
1268 MACHEFER Kevin 08:41:01 SEM - M 5772
1269 MAYHEW Ian 08:41:05 V1H - M 5992
1270 MARINOSA Viviane 08:41:56 V2F - F 5055
1270 GOURDEAU Stephane 08:41:56 SEM - M 5197
1272 BOURGET Luc 08:42:07 V1H - M 5676
1273 SAVCENKO Vlada 08:43:02 SEF - F 5053
1273 TOUBIANA Michele 08:43:02 V2F - F 5556
1275 CHEVILLARD Marie Madeleine 08:43:03 V3F Coureurs d'extreme T F 5620
1275 HAUVUY Jean Philippe 08:43:03 V1H - M 5871
1275 GIBAULT Audrey 08:43:03 SEF - F 6630
1278 ARZEL Isabelle 08:44:20 V1F - F 5984
1278 WAILLY Marie Line 08:44:20 V2F Chierry, j'y cours? F 5623
1280 GREGOIRE Marie 08:44:28 V2F FRONT RUNNERS PARIS? F 5631
1281 PERRIER Emmanuel 08:46:25 V1H - M 6273
1281 LE CORRE Fabien 08:46:25 SEM - M 6220
1283 SOTOT Jeremy 08:48:26 SEM - M 5839
1284 MAHOT Dominique 08:48:45 V2H - M 6295
1285 QUELAIN Olivier 08:55:08 V1H Route 109? M 5467
1285 MUSIALOWSKA Ewa 08:55:08 SEF RCB? F 6225
1287 VANDERBEKEN Bruno 08:58:20 SEM - M 6565
1288 PAKULA Corinne 08:59:14 V1F - F 6397
1288 LEMOINE Catherine 08:59:14 V2F Les etoiles du 8eme? F 6518
1290 ROY Herve 09:00:18 V1H - M 6006
1291 FLEURBAEY Olivier 09:03:51 SEM - M 5487

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