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Ecrire au créateur du site : Michel Jourdan

2018-06-16 - Trail des Ecrins Ecrin 34km

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Trail des Ecrins Ecrin 34km - 2018 : classement des 271 finishers
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
1 MICHELON Julien 3h05'30 ESM Team Endurance Shop Gap M 0
2 SNICK Jeoren 3h24'32 SEM Ecrins Trail Running M 0
3 LECOURT Philippe 3h31'09 SEM Decathlon Briancon M 0
4 BOUT Gregoire 3h41'45 SEM M 0
5 MARTIN Philippe 3h44'36 V2M Chantoiseau M 0
6 GOURDON Nicolas 3h48'32 SEM So Trail Lyon M 0
7 MALVINO Julien 3h53'02 SEM M 0
8 LECLERCQ Bertrand 3h53'02 V1M Guil Trail Club M 0
9 THOMAS Clement 3h56'56 SEM Aix Athle M 0
10 RIVOIRE Simon 4h02'59 SEM M 0
11 FABRE Frederic 4h03'02 V1M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
12 CONY Benoit 4h04'51 SEM M 0
13 BERAUD Gabriel 4h07'01 SEM Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
14 GRUBER Mickael 4h10'10 SEM So Trail Lyon M 0
15 BOUCHARD Romain 4h10'11 SEM M 0
16 PERRIN Antoine 4h10'13 ESM M 0
17 ENCRENAZ Baptiste 4h10'25 SEM Team Endurance Shop Annec M 0
18 DECHAND Florian 4h11'46 SEM Ajs La Garde M 0
19 GAUCI Francois xavier 4h15'19 SEM Aix Athle Provence M 0
20 BURNET Cedric 4h15'20 SEM M 0
21 KUJAWSKI Sebastien 4h16'42 V1M Befit M 0
22 AVEDISSIAN Stephane 4h16'54 V1M Trail Club De Provence M 0
23 COLONNA Sebastien 4h19'40 SEM Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
24 MARLIEN Clement 4h19'44 SEM Teammulets M 0
25 COUSIN Olivier 4h19'55 V2M Fspn M 0
26 DALE Joseph 4h21'11 SEM Victoria Park And Fitness M 0
27 COLIN Alexis 4h21'35 SEM Ecrins Trail Running M 0
28 AUGERAUD Gabriel 4h21'48 SEM Trail Club Ollioules M 0
29 THOMAS Rachel 4h21'51 SEF Victoria Park And Tower H F 1ere F 0
30 AVENIERE Roger 4h23'01 V2M Embrun Triathlon Club M 0
31 COURCELLE Karen 4h24'37 V1F Gap Hautes alpes Athletis F 2 F 0
32 BREUIL Alexis 4h26'26 SEM Trail Eco Raid Forcalquie M 0
33 PAUCHON Benoit 4h26'46 ESM M 0
34 RAVAUD Gregory 4h27'03 V1M M 0
35 CHOPARD Alexis 4h27'17 SEM M 0
36 LAMANA Christophe 4h28'51 V1M M 0
37 DUPERRON Patrick 4h29'07 V2M Bel ' Montees M 0
38 BOURGEOIS Nicolas 4h29'22 SEM Ascea Valduc M 0
39 MATERA Jeremy 4h29'50 SEM M 0
40 GARCIA Quentin 4h30'25 SEM Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
41 BRISTOT Fabien 4h30'25 SEM Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
42 MACHILLOT Paul 4h32'07 SEM Usse M 0
43 BLANCHET Jeremy 4h32'28 SEM Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
44 VIASSONE Serge 4h32'30 V2M Foulee Salonaise M 0
45 BALTEO David 4h33'44 V1M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
46 VAVASSEUR Frederic 4h35'31 V1M M 0
47 BROUSSE Mathieu 4h36'20 SEM M 0
48 DUPONT Francois 4h36'50 SEM Team Ap M 0
49 VLADIMIR Krejci 4h37'41 SEM M 0
50 AUGUEUX Julien 4h37'47 SEM M 0
51 CECCON Marc 4h37'47 V1M Buxt Outdoor M 0
52 DUMAS Marjolaine 4h39'39 SEF F 3 F 0
53 GORRE Fabien 4h39'47 SEM M 0
54 LANNO Christophe 4h40'06 V1M M 0
55 LAUGIER Sebastien 4h41'09 V1M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
56 KAPPLER Chloe 4h41'13 SEF Taillefer Trail Team F 4 F 0
57 FANGUET Olivier 4h42'12 V1M Noscrupulzcrew M 0
58 LAMANNA Damien 4h45'08 SEM Guil Trail Club M 0
59 GIRARD Daniel 4h46'53 V1M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
60 AGRIFOGLIO Guillaume 4h47'05 SEM M 0
61 ANDREANI Pierre 4h47'34 V2M Trail Club De Provence M 0
62 VANDENBULCKE Christophe 4h50'18 V1M Csam Runandtrail Marine M 0
63 BOULON Bernard 4h51'04 SEM Runners De L'extreme M 0
64 BARTHOUX Victoire 4h52'38 SEF F 5 F 0
65 PLUNET Arthur 4h55'55 SEM M 0
66 CREPET Guillaume 4h56'08 SEM M 0
67 DUFOURCQ Johann 4h56'25 V1M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
68 COLONNA Jean dominique 4h56'25 SEM Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
69 RICHARD Geraldine 4h56'45 V1F F 0
70 PAGEON Pierre 4h56'49 SEM Team Raidlight Paca M 0
71 FERROUIL Franck 4h56'50 V1M Slc Churros M 0
72 LE MOINE Manuel 4h57'52 V1M Paris Orient Sport M 0
73 FOUQUES Pascale 4h59'05 V2F F 0
74 VICTORIN Marc olivier 4h59'08 SEM S/l Fc Ternay M 0
75 HOLLEBRAND Peter 5h01'01 SEM M 0
76 BARBIER Eric 5h01'13 V2M Bsp Belley M 0
77 ROUMAGERE Sebastien 5h01'17 V1M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
78 RICHAUD Stephane 5h01'17 V1M M 0
79 BRIDE Jeremy 5h01'49 V1M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
80 BURNET Joris 5h02'06 SEM M 0
81 BEL Berend jan 5h02'06 V1M Altijdsporten.nl M 0
82 ROURE Vincent 5h02'31 SEM M 0
83 MAZOUNI Karim 5h02'35 V1M M 0
84 PLANTIER Theo 5h02'48 SEM La Patte Folle M 0
85 DUPARCHY Sophie 5h03'19 V1F Cap Garonne F 0
86 COUTON Robin 5h04'55 ESM M 0
87 RUIZ Jean michel 5h06'11 SEM M 0
88 COUPPEY Pascal 5h06'42 V1M Csam Runandtrail Marine M 0
89 DORSEMAINE Laurent 5h07'01 V1M M 0
90 AMLAFITANO Baptiste 5h07'32 SEM M 0
91 VALLEMONT Herve 5h07'33 V3M 77089 M 0
92 LENTREMY Romain 5h08'39 SEM M 0
93 CHENEL Louis 5h08'51 SEM M 0
94 SERRA Pascal 5h09'00 V1M M 0
95 MASSE Herve 5h09'39 V2M Guil Trail Club M 0
96 FRANCOU Pierre 5h11'07 V3M M 0
97 CORBIER Arnold 5h11'32 V1M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
98 MACHILLOT Antoine 5h12'17 SEM M 0
99 DESROSIERS Antoine 5h12'19 SEM M 0
100 DUCHENE Clement 5h12'19 SEM Cap Trail Gagnac 31 M 0
101 DUPREZ Helene 5h12'43 SEF F 0
102 BUFFIERE Muriel 5h13'39 SEF Team Devoluy F 0
103 WATEL Didier 5h14'01 V2M M 0
104 CHIAIA Cyril 5h14'22 SEM Sardines Triathlon M 0
105 GILLET Valentin 5h14'23 V1M Cap En Luberon M 0
106 LANDREAU Franck 5h14'46 V2M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
107 DUPREZ Hadrien 5h15'44 ESM M 0
108 NAUD Cedric 5h16'14 SEM Tco M 0
109 GUITTET Thierry 5h16'47 V2M M 0
110 KRAMMER Thibault 5h17'55 SEM M 0
111 ROCHAT Justin 5h17'56 SEM M 0
112 JOOS Tommy 5h18'14 SEM M 0
113 LAROCHE Vincent 5h19'25 SEM Serre Che Athle M 0
114 BARBEY Adrien 5h24'12 SEM M 0
115 GUIHENEUF Nicolas 5h24'23 SEM M 0
116 COUSTON Vincent 5h24'23 V2M M 0
117 GIUSTI Aurore 5h25'28 SEF F 0
118 FULGET Ludivine 5h25'59 SEF Belley Sport Pedestre F 0
119 BISOGNIN Silvio 5h26'54 V1M M 0
120 BRUNET Nicolas 5h27'04 ESM Marne Et Gondoire Athleti M 0
121 GENDRON Jean luc 5h28'39 V2M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
122 ANDREANI Serge 5h28'55 V1M M 0
123 CLEMENT Florie 5h29'12 SEF Triathlon Manosque F 0
124 GARDETTE Eric 5h29'24 V1M Marne Et Gondoire Athleti M 0
125 GAVOTY Alexandra 5h29'45 SEF Courir A Bouc Bel Air F 0
126 DUMONT Vincent 5h29'49 V1M Ascea Valduc M 0
127 MILOT Nicolas 5h31'42 SEM M 0
128 DESCOQS Gonzague 5h32'13 V1M M 0
129 GARD Emmanuel 5h32'14 V1M M 0
130 GOLEA Aude 5h32'43 V1F Endurance Flop F 0
131 LE SCOLAN Thierry 5h32'56 V2M Av3s M 0
132 LANSKIN Natacha 5h34'52 V1F Guil Trail Club F 0
133 DIZAMBOURG Thomas 5h35'20 SEM M 0
134 LIDOUREN Laurent 5h36'02 V1M M 0
135 FRANCOIS Frederic 5h36'18 V1M Trail Eco Raid Forcalquie M 0
136 BARBI Stephane 5h36'25 V1M Csam Runandtrail Marine M 0
137 MAURICE Nicolas 5h36'39 V1M M 0
138 DUVAL Jeremy 5h37'04 SEM M 0
139 VEYRON Franck 5h37'35 SEM M 0
140 NAPOLI Vanessa 5h38'04 SEF Trail Eco Raid Forcalquie F 0
141 MAURIZOT Jean paul 5h38'05 V3M M 0
142 GOUDEY Thomas 5h38'29 SEM Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
143 JACQUOT Maxime 5h38'34 SEM M 0
144 BERNE Franck 5h39'36 V1M Acna/team D+ M 0
145 GASQUE Marc 5h39'41 V2M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
146 SANDRE Yannick 5h40'31 SEM Savigny Sur Orge M 0
147 VICO Jean marc 5h40'34 V2M M 0
148 QUEVALLIER Florent 5h40'37 SEM M 0
149 AH KANG Pierre 5h40'48 SEM Cdba M 0
150 LEPROMPT Chloe 5h41'00 ESF F 0
151 TUFFERY Marie 5h41'01 ESF F 0
152 BOURGES Sebastien 5h42'17 V1M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
153 COGET Thierry 5h43'52 V1M Csam Runandtrail Marine M 0
154 GAZELLE Eric 5h45'02 V2M Team Trail Cote Bleue / S M 0
155 CHENEL Damien 5h46'06 V2M Savigny Athletisme 91 M 0
156 PEREIRA DA VALE William 5h46'33 V2M Marne Et Gondoire Athleti M 0
157 LEGER Florian 5h47'09 SEM M 0
158 MESSINEO Eric 5h47'42 V2M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
159 QUEYRAS Christian 5h49'14 V2M M 0
160 ROS Clement 5h49'53 SEM Annecymes Skyrunners M 0
161 ROLLAND Lucie 5h49'53 SEF F 0
162 BLONDEL Jerome 5h50'10 V2M M 0
163 DEMENEIX Marie 5h50'15 V1F F 0
164 DEL GUIDICE Jean pierre 5h52'15 V2M Amc Aubagne M 0
165 BERTOLA Florent 5h52'45 SEM Team Tacticien M 0
166 POUGEOL Anne 5h52'51 V1F Guil Trail Club F 0
167 TROUILLAUD Sebastien 5h52'51 SEM Savigny Athletisme 91 M 0
168 LEFEBVRE Franck 5h52'56 V2M Cles Gardanne M 0
169 REKIK Franck 5h53'09 SEM Sardines Triathlon M 0
170 SENATORE Fabien 5h54'16 SEM M 0
171 VOCCIA Sylvain 5h54'16 SEM M 0
172 SEVIKIAN Magali 5h54'24 SEF Ce Arkema F 0
173 HUSQUINET Remy 5h55'38 SEM M 0
174 TURLAN VIVARES Sabine 5h57'12 V1F F 0
175 LUCAZEAU Paul 5h57'49 SEM M 0
176 SOGORB TORREGROSA Jose luis 5h57'56 V2M M 0
177 PAQUOTTE Andrea 5h58'28 ESF So Trail Lyon F 0
178 BICAIS Chloe 5h58'28 SEF F 0
179 RENARD Gilles 5h59'24 V1M M 0
180 ANTHIERENS Cedric 5h59'30 V1M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
181 TRUNDE Florent 6h00'40 V1M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
182 CATANIA Christelle 6h01'27 V1F Trail Athlitude Cuers F 0
183 SCHROEDER Elsa 6h01'57 SEF F 0
184 LEVASSEUR Sylvain 6h02'35 V1M Ascea Valduc M 0
185 RAMEAU Xavier 6h03'07 V2M M 0
186 HUBER Sebastien 6h05'15 SEM Marseille Trail Club M 0
187 ALEXIS Isabelle 6h05'27 V1F Hautes Alpes Orientation F 0
188 GAUBERT Olivier 6h07'15 SEM Trail Eco Raid Forcalquie M 0
189 ADRYANCZYK Alex 6h07'16 V2M Club Trai Eco Raid Forcal M 0
190 GASQUY Vincent 6h08'32 SEM Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
191 HERRAN Arnaud 6h09'21 SEM Team Tacticien M 0
192 FROCHOT Ludovic 6h10'47 SEM Ascea Valduc M 0
193 ROJON Laurent 6h10'48 V2M Uac Morestel M 0
194 IBANEZ Florent 6h10'48 V1M M 0
195 LABORDE Patrick 6h10'49 V3M M 0
196 BRUNET Ana 6h11'37 V1F Etnt F 0
197 SUTTON Rachel 6h15'38 V1F F 0
198 CAUVIN Joel 6h16'10 V3M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
199 MAHOT Clemence 6h16'57 SEF F 0
200 GESBERT Sebastien 6h16'58 SEM M 0
201 GARROT Aurelien 6h17'14 ESM M 0
202 KRAUSS Oliver 6h17'16 SEM Sardines Triathlon M 0
203 GAGGERO Melanie 6h17'17 SEF Sardines Triathlon F 0
204 DAHON Thierry 6h18'50 V1M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
205 ASCOLETTI Christian 6h18'50 V2M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
206 ASTOLFI Eric 6h18'50 SEM Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
207 LACOTE Jean ierre 6h20'46 V2M Csam Runandtrail Marine M 0
208 BESNARD Emmanuel 6h24'22 V2M M 0
209 BICHON Marie 6h25'22 SEF F 0
210 VERNEREY Violaine 6h26'15 SEF Courir Par Nature F 0
211 KLEIN Julie 6h27'44 SEF F 0
212 LEFEVRE Guillaume 6h31'31 V1M Durance Tri M 0
213 MARSAN Bernard 6h31'50 V3M M 0
214 COCKMAN Philippa 6h31'55 V2F Victoria Park And Tower H F 0
215 FRUCHART David 6h33'11 V1M M 0
216 GAUTHIER Sylvie 6h34'16 SEF F 0
217 MIGAIROU Patrice 6h34'33 V3M M 0
218 CROUIGNEAU Roxane 6h35'21 SEF F 0
219 COTTE Stephane 6h35'22 V2M Trgv M 0
220 DECHESNE Valerie 6h36'21 V2F Trail Athlitude Cuers F 0
221 GIVOIS Sandrine 6h36'25 V1F Cap En Luberon F 0
222 SENANEDJ Michel 6h36'30 V1M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
223 SOUBIRAN Aurelie 6h43'25 SEF F 0
224 DUMIELLE Franck 6h46'03 V1M M 0
225 VILLAIN Jerome 6h47'30 V1M Trail Eco Raid Forcalquie M 0
226 VASSEUR Tiphaine 6h47'30 V1F Trail Eco Raid Forcalquie F 0
227 SCHOTMAN Rob 6h47'51 V2M Altijdsporten.nl M 0
228 RIDOUX Gil 6h50'35 V2M M 0
229 JOOS Pascal 6h52'26 V2M M 0
230 FERNANDES Elsa 6h55'48 V1F Marne Et Gondoire Athleti F 0
231 TROUW Jaap 6h59'25 SEM Altijdsporten.nl M 0
232 RECH Philippe 7h05'41 V2M Amc Aubagne M 0
233 HURLEY Michael gerard 7h07'52 V2M Savigny Athletisme 91 M 0
234 FLOQUET Christine 7h13'54 V2F Savigny Athletisme 91 F 0
235 NODIMAR Bernard 7h17'05 V3M M 0
236 BUCH Alain 7h17'33 V3M Us Ivry M 0
237 RENAUD Patrick 7h20'04 V2M Athletic Berre Club M 0
238 ERNOULD Alain 7h21'25 V2M Joghermeton M 0
239 RIVIERE Marc 7h21'30 V1M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
240 BLONDEL Vincent 7h21'43 V2M M 0
241 DEQUIER Martine 7h26'29 V3F Team Globetrailers F 0
242 DESPLANCHE Arnaud 7h28'44 V1M Marne Et Gondoire Athleti M 0
243 BARDOU Cedric 7h28'47 V1M Csam Runandtrail Marine M 0
244 HENE Olivier 7h29'48 V1M M 0
245 BERAUD Francoise 7h33'52 V3F Trail Athlitude Cuers F 0
246 MILOT Amandine 7h33'54 SEF Trail Athlitude Cuers F 0
247 MILOT Michel 7h33'54 V3M Trail Athlitude Cuers M 0
248 SAILLANT Fabrice 7h40'17 V1M La Foulee Des 7 Rivieres M 0
249 DEBLAISE Laurent 7h40'17 V1M Team Cabrieres M 0
250 GENTIL Michael 7h42'38 V1M Athletic Berre Club M 0
251 GARROT Alexandre 7h44'11 SEM M 0
252 LANDES Adrien 7h45'41 SEM M 0
253 FEUILLOLEY Eric 7h45'41 SEM M 0
254 GREVIN Sandrine 7h47'05 V1F Trail Athlitude Cuers F 0
255 UZAN Nathalie 7h47'05 V2F Trail Athlitude Cuers F 0
256 MARCHAL Mickael 7h48'59 V1M M 0
257 DOUDET Sebastien 7h49'00 V1M M 0
258 HAIRIE Mathilde 7h49'23 SEF Savigny Athletisme 91 F 0
259 COMBEAU Isabelle 7h51'20 V2F Sa91 F 0
260 WOLFF Pierre 7h52'01 V2M Sa91 M 0
261 VESSILLER Cathy 7h56'38 V1F F 0
262 RODRIGUES Raphael 7h56'39 V1M M 0
263 AGNERAY Marc 7h58'03 V2M M 0
264 SILVAIN Isabelle 8h05'08 V1F F 0
265 SILVAIN Cedric 8h05'09 V1M M 0
266 VALLEMONT Evelyne 8h09'36 V2F 77089 F 0
267 CHARLOT VALDIEU Valerie 8h09'55 V3F Trail Athlitude Cuers F 0
268 LAMARCHE Vincent 8h27'03 V1M M 0
269 BATTISTI Elena 9h00'32 SEF Briancon Trail Alpirunnin F 0
270 BOCAHU Sebastien 9h00'35 SEM Kikourou Briancon Trail M 0
271 FABRE Myriam 10h18'16 V2F Trail Athlitude Cuers F 0

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