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Ecrire au créateur du site : Michel Jourdan

2021-08-01 - Championnat du Canigou

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Championnat du Canigou - 2021 : classement des 406 finishers
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
2 TROULLIER Vincent 3h16'52 ESM Entente Athletique Grenob M 0
3 COSTA LLANSANA Quim 3h22'28 SEM Olot Terra De Volcans M 0
4 VERSCHUERE Gregory 3h23'49 M1M Sainte Marie 66 Triathlon M 0
5 VIALADE Nicolas 3h24'11 M0M M 0
6 VERHAGHE Louis 3h30'50 ESM Ac Font Romeu M 0
7 MARTIN Clement 3h35'01 SEM Rt Family M 0
8 MARIN Bruno 3h47'22 M3M Trail Vernet Aventure / H M 0
9 LEROY Alessio 3h48'55 ESM Alticim Font Romeu M 0
10 BAILON Patrick 3h49'53 SEM Club Bailon M 0
11 HENRION Maxime 3h50'02 SEM M 0
12 HAYOTTE Lilyan 3h53'17 ESM Haut Vallespir Athletisme M 0
13 GILLERON Julien 3h54'20 M1M Trans versale M 0
14 GUITARD Jeremy 3h54'39 M0M Caf Vallee Ossau M 0
15 MONNEREAU Florian 3h55'40 SEM Team Brubek M 0
16 LABIT Laurent 3h58'32 M2M Caroux X trail M 0
17 CABIBEL Cyril 4h01'10 M2M Ca Balma M 0
18 KOCH Jules 4h01'58 SEM Trail Pezenas M 0
19 ZANOLIN Pierre 4h02'13 SEM 2cs Belley M 0
20 BRUZY Henry 4h02'39 M1M Tva M 0
21 PINNA Fabrice 4h03'19 M0M M 0
22 VAN MELLE Matthieu 4h04'34 M1M Ulteam M 0
23 NEVEU Damien 4h04'57 M2M Hba Aurore De Vitre M 0
24 LHEUREUX Niels 4h05'20 M2M Font romeu Cyclisme M 0
25 RICARD Simon 4h06'43 SEM Pezenas M 0
26 NANCY Damien 4h07'15 SEM Rmt M 0
27 CAYROL FLAMENT Valerie 4h09'14 M2F Athletic Club Font Romeu F 1ere F 0
28 XAVIER Stephane 4h10'13 M2M Tva M 0
29 SAINT MARTINO Gaetan 4h10'55 SEM Tva M 0
30 GAZE Kevin 4h11'02 SEM Trail Vernet Aventure M 0
31 DELGARD Julien 4h11'19 SEM M 0
32 MARTIN ALONSO Ivan 4h13'37 M1M Centre Excursionista Olot M 0
33 BLANC Pierre 4h15'06 M1M Stade Clermontois M 0
34 CARRERO Yannick 4h15'40 SEM Jeffbtrail M 0
35 GEY Felix 4h17'36 SEM Bipedes De La Vaunage M 0
36 GRABOLEDA GARRIGA Enric 4h17'47 M3M Cee(centre Exc. Empordane M 0
37 ALONSO David 4h18'15 M0M Terra De Volcans M 0
38 RABAT Agnes 4h19'13 SEF Bojos De Muntanya F 2 F 0
39 BOUR Olivier 4h23'10 SEM Courir Dans Le 66 M 0
40 SABARD Mathieu 4h23'42 M0M Triathlon Pays Du Neubour M 0
41 RUIZ Olivier 4h24'43 M1M Apta M 0
42 GINESTE Francoise 4h25'12 M4F Junts Pel Cim F 3 F 0
43 MARTIN Paul 4h25'28 M0M Tocats Del Cim M 0
44 MILCENT Jean Claude 4h25'36 M2M Vcm Les Mureaux M 0
45 LOGET Elise 4h25'49 M0F F r F 4 F 0
46 CANO Guillaume 4h25'57 SEM Type 1 Running Team M 0
47 ORIO Romain 4h26'43 M1M Athletic Club Font romeu M 0
48 BLANC Herald 4h26'59 M4M Le Savoyard M 0
49 GOSSART Julien 4h27'39 SEM Chatillon D'azergues M 0
50 AUSSEL Pierre Michel 4h27'42 M5M Jaime Courir Sp3c M 0
51 ROHART Ludwig 4h27'58 SEM Ua Societe Generale M 0
52 MARCHIONI Thierry 4h28'07 M3M Gas Montain M 0
53 GAUBERT Nicolas 4h28'15 M2M Marath Yon Nature M 0
54 CALMUS Pascal 4h28'30 M2M Velo Club Auxerre M 0
55 MALIS Julien 4h29'54 M2M Team Trail Thuir M 0
56 SABATIER Frederic 4h31'34 M2M Rac M 0
57 LEVESQUE Loic 4h31'52 M1M M 0
58 CAVA Christophe 4h32'07 M1M Sainte leocadie M 0
59 SUAU Cyril 4h32'20 M2M Saleilles M 0
60 GACHENIARD Benjamin 4h32'29 SEM Poivrots Roulants M 0
61 LEROY Emmanuel 4h32'35 M3M Trail Vernet Aventure M 0
62 JURADO Damien 4h32'52 M2M Tean Debilou M 0
63 GUEMAS Dylan 4h32'58 ESM M 0
64 BARRERE Adrien 4h33'03 ESM Les Trailers Thuirinois M 0
65 GAUTHIER Stephane 4h33'20 M1M Ca Balma Trail M 0
66 DE SOLA Bea 4h33'34 SEF Club Athletic Roses F 5 F 0
67 PASCAL Yves 4h34'21 M4M M 0
68 KIND Johannes 4h34'36 M3M Aspria M 0
69 VALETTE Thierry 4h34'54 M3M Les Cancres M 0
70 DESPEYROUX Jean Baptiste 4h35'00 SEM M 0
71 XETXU Thomas 4h35'25 M1M e M 0
72 TERRIER Sylvain 4h35'33 M2M M 0
73 PUJOL Loic 4h35'40 M0M M 0
74 BOFFELLI Toni 4h35'48 M0M M 0
75 LE MAITRE Marcel 4h36'01 SEM M 0
76 FRANQUINE Jerome 4h36'21 M2M M 0
77 HAGEMANN Sylvain 4h36'31 M1M Cadalen M 0
78 HOUDEE Benjamin 4h37'41 M0M Rmt M 0
79 PALMIER Tom 4h37'54 SEM 3t M 0
80 GONZALEZ Eric 4h38'01 M2M Asva M 0
81 VICENS Frederic 4h38'54 M1M Tocats Del Cim M 0
82 VIDAL Jean Paul 4h39'09 M3M Yct M 0
83 DOMENECH Benjamin 4h39'59 M1M Baroudeurs Des Aspres M 0
84 RABAT Patrick 4h40'38 M5M Bojos De Montagne M 0
85 MARCOUIRE Yoan 4h41'07 M0M Ginestas X Trail M 0
86 LAURET Pierre 4h41'39 SEM M 0
87 BARES Pierre 4h41'45 M0M Team Cailloux M 0
88 GOMEZ Jose Manuel 4h42'20 M2M M 0
89 CHAZOTTES Cyril 4h43'38 SEM Aptavita M 0
90 CROISET Terik 4h43'47 M0M Aptavita M 0
91 LEYNAUD Benoit 4h44'28 M1M Cc Le Boulou M 0
92 FIGAROLA Cedric 4h45'15 SEM Geotrek M 0
93 GUEMAS Jean Marie 4h45'52 M2M M 0
94 BUFFET Charlie 4h46'32 M4M M 0
95 DE PROST Cyril 4h46'37 SEM M 0
96 MALLET Frederic 4h46'48 M1M Spartiate Trail 66 M 0
97 PENTINAT PELEGRIN Thais 4h46'54 M0F Extrem Team Tivissa F 6 F 0
98 SABIANI Emmanuel 4h48'15 M4M M 0
99 RABIA Firmin 4h48'54 M3M M 0
100 AUTRIQUE Hugo 4h49'02 SEM Tocats Del Cim M 0
101 LEROUX Guillaume 4h49'15 M0M Annecy Athletisme M 0
102 BERTRAND Sebastien 4h49'26 M1M Team Trail P 95 M 0
103 SOTOCA Sebastien 4h49'35 SEM Cochonou M 0
104 LANG Serge 4h49'41 M2M M 0
105 PERONNE Louis 4h49'48 M0M M 0
106 MAYOLA Laurent 4h49'59 M2M Les Cancres M 0
107 MEYDEVILLE Mikael 4h50'03 M0M 3t M 0
108 VILA Franck 4h50'15 M1M M 0
109 MODAT Christophe 4h50'45 M2M Spartiate Trail 66 M 0
110 LOUVEAU Alexandre 4h50'49 M2M Spartiates Trail M 0
111 PUIG Frederic 4h51'23 M4M Schneider M 0
112 MARTIN Samuel 4h51'52 M2M M 0
113 CAYSSIALS ANGLADE Nicolas 4h52'02 M2M Spartiate Trail 66 M 0
114 POIRY Cyril 4h52'51 M0M M 0
115 BADET Lionel 4h52'57 M1M M 0
116 FORICHON Julien 4h54'06 M0M Riberal Athletic Club M 0
117 ARGENCE Stephane 4h54'23 M2M Tva M 0
118 FOURNIER Laurent 4h54'30 M3M Les Isards M 0
119 MARCH Christian 4h54'35 M0M Rmt M 0
120 HOGUET Vincent 4h54'41 M1M Ua Versailles M 0
121 DUPRAT Florent 4h55'35 M0M M 0
122 CARRERO Julien 4h55'52 M4M M 0
123 CALVEL Pierre 4h56'05 M3M Baroudeurs Des Aspres M 0
124 DUFOUR Romain 4h56'13 M1M Kikourou M 0
125 DELBOSC Charles 4h56'20 M3M You Can Trail M 0
126 BAILLY Vincent 4h56'33 ESM M 0
127 PORTILLO Carole 4h56'41 M2F F 7 F 0
128 POUCH Christophe 4h57'14 M3M M 0
129 MAZUREK Vincent 4h58'00 M0M Saint Mathieu Athletic M 0
130 EUSTAQUIO Philippe 4h58'06 M3M Saint Mathieu Athletic M 0
131 PUPIER Samuel 4h58'18 M2M Us Arnage M 0
132 CASTAGNO Fabrice 4h59'13 M0M M 0
133 BANELLI Cedric 4h59'44 M0M Bufadou M 0
134 GIAVARINI Mickael 4h59'49 SEM Eat And Run M 0
135 SCHOENENBERGER Herve 5h01'00 M3M Ria sirach M 0
136 MONET Patrick 5h01'55 M5M Trail Vernet Aventure M 0
137 LIMOUZY Amandine 5h02'10 ESF Athletic Font Romeu Club F 8 F 0
138 MOLINA Nicolas 5h02'47 M1M M 0
139 HERNANDEZ Isaac 5h02'56 M1M M 0
140 LOEILLET Pierre 5h03'10 M1M Tva M 0
141 DUPONT Fabien 5h05'35 M2M Canejan Athle M 0
142 GARCIA Richard 5h06'48 M3M Rac St Esteve M 0
143 GARCIA Anthony 5h06'51 SEM Salta Bartas M 0
144 BLASZKIEWICZ Krzysztof 5h07'02 M3M M 0
145 LOHOU Sam 5h07'38 M2M V And B Team M 0
146 DANOY Benjamin 5h08'39 SEM Aptavita M 0
147 BREQUEVILLE David 5h08'49 M3M Colas Team Cup M 0
148 PELISSIER Mickael 5h09'00 M0M Slm66 M 0
149 WALLEZ Florent 5h09'20 M0M Traileur En Cotentin M 0
150 MOUTOU RIHET Julia 5h09'37 SEF F 9 F 0
151 ESPITALIER Jean Baptiste 5h09'45 SEM M 0
152 BARRAGUE Guillaume 5h09'50 ESM M 0
153 BOUVARD Guillaume 5h09'53 M0M S/l Free Run M 0
154 CHAMPETIER Etienne 5h11'12 M1M Vigatanes Del Volo M 0
155 PERREAU Stephane 5h11'45 M2M M 0
156 PORTAS Guillaume 5h12'34 SEM Rac M 0
157 MONSAURET David 5h12'56 M0M M 0
158 MARQUES Amedeo 5h13'07 ESM M 0
159 NAVARRO Dominique 5h13'16 M2M M 0
160 LANQUINE Mathieu 5h13'28 M0M Team Ef66 M 0
161 LAMONTAGNE Lionel 5h13'45 M2M Vigatanes Del Volo M 0
162 BONTEMPS Marc 5h14'12 M3M M 0
163 MORENO Jose 5h14'23 M5M Bpbo31 M 0
164 PERRARD Kevin 5h14'26 SEM M 0
165 OBLET Stephane 5h14'31 M1M Saint Laurent Running M 0
166 PICARD Guillaume 5h14'36 M1M Js Lezignan M 0
167 MOLINIER Guillaume 5h14'57 SEM M 0
168 VIGNES Thierry 5h15'02 M4M Trail Vernet Aventure M 0
169 HOMS CASENOBE Nuria 5h15'20 M2F Sssm Sdis66 F 10 F 0
170 BROUSSOU Laurent 5h15'39 M2M Pbac M 0
171 DAURE Ines 5h15'46 SEF F 0
172 RAYMOND Olivier 5h16'12 M1M Tocats Del Cim M 0
173 FOLGADO Benjamin 5h16'18 M1M Team Cailloux M 0
174 VALETTE Marc Antoine 5h16'26 SEM M 0
175 MONTOYA Claude 5h16'35 M6M Spartiates Trail 66 M 0
176 CHICOT Simon 5h16'56 SEM St Laurent Running M 0
177 PARXES Olivier 5h17'02 M2M Ouest Essonne Athletisme M 0
178 MESTRES Sylvie 5h18'09 M2F You Can Trail F 0
179 GONZALEZ Franck 5h18'16 SEM El Cloub M 0
180 ATIENZA RIGAU Mariano 5h19'28 M3M Diversport M 0
181 PAUL Etienne 5h19'38 M1M As Marcoussis M 0
182 FREYERMUTH Jean Aime 5h20'29 M0M M 0
183 RAMOS Daniel 5h20'46 M0M M 0
184 CAMPA Alexandre 5h21'36 SEM Forca Trail M 0
185 DELMAS Damien 5h21'43 M2M 6 Rg M 0
186 BOUREILLE Olivier 5h21'47 M2M M 0
187 FORNE Ludovic 5h22'39 M4M Tocats Del Cim M 0
188 CAYUELA Aurelien 5h22'47 SEM M 0
189 LE FUR Matthieu 5h23'18 M1M M 0
190 HAOUISEE Cedric 5h23'22 M2M Cma M 0
191 CHOUAN Erwan 5h23'26 M0M Broceliande Triathlon M 0
192 TRICOIRE Fabrice 5h24'21 M3M Les Toques Du Bitume M 0
193 RISSIER Antoine 5h24'51 SEM M 0
194 CHOULET Gaylord 5h25'09 M0M Besancon M 0
195 RICOLLEAU Clement 5h25'22 SEM M 0
196 FELIX Marie 5h25'28 M0F Aptavita F 0
197 GASPARINI Thierry 5h25'36 M3M Yct M 0
198 BARRIER Francois 5h25'55 M6M Courir Fonsegrives M 0
199 FOURQUET Laurent 5h26'11 M0M M 0
200 ALOISI Anthony 5h26'18 SEM Asrr M 0
201 ANDRE Jose 5h26'22 M4M Les 3 T M 0
202 PESQUE Frederic 5h26'28 M2M Tocats Del Cim M 0
203 GIRAUX Karine 5h26'59 M2F Blabla Trail F 0
204 BUSQUETS Patrice 5h27'22 M1M Tocats Del Cim M 0
205 NIRASCOU Laura 5h27'41 SEF 3t F 0
206 MORIN Kevin 5h27'45 SEM M 0
207 POLJANSEK Jerome 5h27'49 M1M M 0
208 AMIEL Marjorie 5h28'22 SEF Riberal Athletic Club F 0
209 DE VERBIZIER Laura 5h28'26 SEF Rac F 0
210 CHRISTIAN Merou 5h29'58 M4M Rmt M 0
211 OLIVE Fabian 5h30'05 SEM El Cloub M 0
212 ROUDIERE Luc 5h30'10 M2M Addicts Aux Cols M 0
213 FERNANDES Alfredo 5h30'19 M3M Les Baroudeurs Des Aspres M 0
214 SANCHEZ Cecilia 5h31'51 M0F Spartiate Trail 66 F 0
215 LOPEZ Laurent 5h32'07 M1M Black Mountain Trail M 0
216 ICHE Marc 5h32'48 M1M M 0
217 REY Francois 5h32'53 M1M M 0
218 SAGUER Daniel 5h33'48 M5M Junts Pel Cim M 0
219 SOUYRIS Herve 5h34'00 M5M Albi M 0
220 GENSANE Olivier 5h35'55 M2M M 0
221 BONNEFOY Brice 5h36'28 M0M Run'ibode M 0
222 RIBERE Adrien 5h36'39 M6M Rac Saint Esteve M 0
223 FALCOU Nicolas 5h36'57 M0M Les Vigatanes M 0
224 SALENS Jeroni 5h37'24 SEM Prades M 0
225 LOPEZ PALACIO Carles 5h37'44 M0M M 0
226 LANCKBEEN Adrien 5h38'32 SEM M 0
227 CADENE Pascal 5h38'38 M4M M 0
228 VANNIER Gregory 5h39'51 M1M M 0
229 BUSIERE Julien 5h40'05 M1M Dijon Singletrack M 0
230 DELANNOY Emmanuel 5h40'42 M1M Mtnv M 0
231 HERNANDEZ Michel 5h40'57 M0M M 0
232 VINAS Alexander 5h41'05 M1M Team Cailloux M 0
233 GUITTON Thierry 5h41'17 M4M Bip Bip M 0
234 CAZAJOU Thomas 5h41'23 M0M Mazeres Course Pedestre 0 M 0
235 DEGOUTE Sebastien 5h41'43 M1M Corneilla Del Vercol M 0
236 JOUNDY Camille 5h41'56 SEM Perpignan M 0
237 MANANT Bruno 5h42'27 ESM Blabla Trail M 0
238 DOMENECH Jeremie 5h42'42 M1M Baroudeurs Des Aspres M 0
239 CARCASSONNE Arnaud 5h43'00 M2M Toulouges M 0
240 DIERSTEIN Olivier 5h43'18 M2M Sainte marie Triathlon M 0
241 HORCAS Francois 5h43'24 M4M M 0
242 SEBASTIEN Carpio 5h43'33 M1M Els Amics Llupianenc M 0
243 BEYLY Philippe 5h43'53 M4M Endavant66 M 0
244 PAULY Patrice 5h44'00 M2M Foulees Du Bassin De Lacq M 0
245 MARCHETTI Pascal 5h44'07 M4M Deniv M 0
246 PONTIS Jonathan 5h44'20 SEM Forca Trail M 0
247 STEFFEN Paul 5h44'27 SEM Trail Club Piscenois M 0
248 LOPEZ Jean Louis 5h44'31 M4M M 0
249 DARENGOSSE Julien 5h44'38 SEM M 0
250 HERNANDEZ Loic 5h44'45 M0M M 0
251 BERTRAN Marie 5h44'50 M1M Riberal Ac M 0
252 LASSOURREILLE Ludovic 5h45'04 M1M Les Foulees Du Bassin De M 0
253 MAQUEDA Audrey 5h45'26 M2M Blabla Trail M 0
254 PUCHEU Renaud 5h45'30 M0M Team Run Odyssea M 0
255 DESREMAUX Ludovic 5h45'37 M2M M 0
256 MONTGAILLARD Lionel 5h45'43 M1M M 0
257 OSVALD Julien 5h46'07 M2M Tocats Del Cim M 0
258 PAVLAKIS Bruno 5h46'21 M3M Roufaque M 0
259 JOUNDY Damien 5h46'32 SEM M 0
260 NAUTE Jean Michel 5h46'38 M0M Team Trail Cailloux M 0
261 BURELIER David 5h46'53 M3M Les Verts M 0
262 CAPARROS Laurent 5h46'58 M2M Asp2 M 0
263 CASSOLY Myriam 5h47'02 M2F Les Spartiates F 0
264 CATROUX Valerie 5h47'19 M2F Triveloce St Sebastien F 0
265 LAFARGUE Patrick 5h47'29 M3M Triveloce M 0
266 ALARY Clement 5h48'19 SEM Pezenas 34 M 0
267 MONTOYA Maxime 5h48'46 M0M Spartiates Trail 66 M 0
268 AUFFRAY Bernard 5h49'39 M5M Non Livencie M 0
269 FLORES Frank 5h50'01 M0M Ginestas X Trail / Vb M 0
270 PAGES Patrick 5h50'39 M3M Yct M 0
271 SEZEUR Baptiste 5h50'56 SEM M 0
272 GAUMONDIE Helene 5h52'05 M0F Tocats Del Cim F 0
273 MARTIN Frederic 5h52'32 M1M M 0
274 TAVAGNUTTI Gregory 5h52'40 M1M M 0
275 TOUCHAGUES Benjamin 5h52'57 M0M M 0
276 PALETTA Gabriel 5h53'15 M2M M 0
277 FERNANDEZ Thomas 5h54'18 SEM Entente De La Tet M 0
278 VERDAGUE Marc Andre 5h54'32 M4M M 0
279 FERREOL Jerome 5h54'38 M0M Team Gous Crew M 0
280 SEMPER Jerome 5h54'47 M1M Betes De Trail M 0
281 WALLYN Gregory 5h54'54 M2M Lille Triathlon M 0
282 HABAY Aurelien 5h54'59 SEM Autodidacte M 0
283 SALLET David 5h55'29 M2M As Nandy M 0
284 BARANDE Luc 5h55'38 M5M M 0
285 DE MALET ROQUEFORT Alexandre 5h56'06 ESM M 0
286 CHAPON Alicia 5h56'12 SEF F 0
287 BAILLY Kristel 5h56'17 ESF You Can Trail F 0
288 VERNEAU Olivier 5h56'53 M4M Team Trail Thuir M 0
289 DESALLE David 5h57'18 SEM M 0
290 URIBARRENA Sebastien 5h57'28 M0M M 0
291 RAYNIER Vincent 5h58'34 SEM M 0
292 ALIMI Hugo 5h58'37 SEM Montpellier Triathlon M 0
293 CHAPEL Claudy 5h59'43 M3M M 0
294 ARAGON Florian 5h59'47 SEM M 0
295 MARTY Anthony 5h59'56 SEM M 0
296 CLERET Herve 6h00'30 M4M M 0
297 SALMEEON Jean Francois 6h01'09 M1M Endavant66 M 0
298 DOLLET Laurent 6h01'14 M3M You Can Trail M 0
299 GAMICHON Gilles Olivier 6h01'17 M1M Yct M 0
300 MARCELLE Olivier 6h01'23 M2M Els Amics Llupianencs M 0
301 MABIRE Thibault 6h01'30 M0M M 0
302 LOPEZ Michel 6h01'39 M3M Tocats D'el Cim M 0
303 AUTHIE Cyril 6h02'55 M2M Ginestas Xtrail M 0
304 SOL David 6h04'34 M0M Bigatane M 0
305 AMPRIMO Bruno 6h07'35 M2M Running Team St Laurent D M 0
306 GILLIOT Maxime 6h07'43 SEM Cochounou M 0
307 TORRENT Thibault 6h08'41 SEM Ceret M 0
308 CHAMPETIER Ariane 6h08'48 M1F Vigatanes Del Bolo F 0
309 MOULET Cedric 6h09'02 M1M M 0
310 NEUVILLE Segolene 6h10'16 M3F Rac F 0
311 GANTOIS Charlotte 6h10'37 M0F Rac F 0
312 COUPEZ Aurelien 6h10'54 M0M M 0
313 SACCU Francois 6h10'59 M4M Ekopol69 M 0
314 HUMBERT Cedric 6h11'58 M1M Onpp M 0
315 PUIGT Sebastien 6h12'54 M1M M 0
316 VIVIEN Guillaume 6h12'58 M2M M 0
317 LAVAGNE Claire 6h13'23 M2F Rac F 0
318 PARRA Paco 6h14'37 M3M M 0
319 SAUVAGE Michel 6h15'46 M5M D+ Ambition M 0
320 CHEVALIER Aurelien 6h16'28 M0M Cap G M 0
321 TARBOURIECH Matthieu 6h17'16 M1M M 0
322 ROMIEUX David 6h17'34 M3M M 0
323 DUBOIS Maxime 6h18'09 SEM M 0
324 RIGAILL Gilles 6h18'47 M2M Aquasport Saint Cyprien M 0
325 JEDRZEJCZAK Julien 6h19'12 M0M M 0
326 RUIZ Laetitia 6h19'31 M2F F 0
327 CANO Isabelle 6h19'36 M4F Aatac F 0
328 POGNON Gilles 6h19'45 M4M M 0
329 GRAU Jordi 6h20'02 M0M M 0
330 DJELOUAT Tarek 6h21'17 M3M Run Multisports Training M 0
331 COLLOMB Jean 6h21'35 M6M Oxygene Isere M 0
332 ALLIZARD Franck 6h21'38 M3M Oxygene M 0
333 GUARDIA Jean Luc 6h21'44 M7M Nl 91 M 0
334 LEGUENNE Audrey 6h22'04 M1F Vigatanes F 0
335 PAGES Robert 6h22'50 M4M Tocats Del Cim M 0
336 COULON Quentin 6h22'56 SEM Tocats M 0
337 CHARVET Didier 6h23'54 M4M Train Vernet Aventure M 0
338 PLA Audrey 6h25'12 M1F Asp2 F 0
339 BARRANDON Jean Luc 6h25'14 M5M Lunel M 0
340 LAFORGE Thierry 6h25'29 M3M Cnssc M 0
341 JUANCHICH Serge 6h27'09 M6M Codalet University M 0
342 MAINFROID Nelly 6h29'24 M0F Tocats Del Cim F 0
343 FORT Michel 6h29'29 M1M M 0
344 CALLEAUX Mikael 6h30'19 M0M M 0
345 LAMBRECH Katy 6h31'45 M4F Rac F 0
346 PELISSIER Patrick 6h31'55 M5M Slm66 M 0
347 DURET Remy 6h32'06 SEM M 0
348 ORMENO Joel 6h33'13 M1M Vigatanes Del Volo M 0
349 PELEJA Stephane 6h34'22 M2M Startiate Trail 66 M 0
350 BRADTKE Melissa 6h34'47 M0F Ouirun La Rochelle F 0
351 PIERRE Guillaume 6h34'57 M2M Us Clamart M 0
352 VILA Janine 6h35'12 M5F Vigatanes Des Volo F 0
353 VILA Benoit 6h35'16 M0M T.v.a M 0
354 OLIVE Nicolas 6h35'33 M0M M 0
355 RABAT Samuel 6h37'20 M4M Nsaec tva M 0
356 PREISS GRUNENWALD Matthieu 6h39'29 M2M M 0
357 CAMPOS Olivier 6h39'39 SEM Madeloc Skytrail M 0
358 DUFOUR Jean Louis 6h40'14 M5M Elan Canohes M 0
359 SERRET Nicolas 6h40'19 M3M Elan De Canohes M 0
360 LEFEBVRE Laurent 6h40'22 M3M Elan Canohes M 0
361 MALLET Mario 6h40'44 M4M M 0
362 DELAGOUTTE Helene 6h41'45 SEF Endavent66 F 0
363 TALAGAS Valerie Anne 6h41'50 M0F Us Cenon F 0
364 WEISS Franck 6h44'47 M4M M 0
365 BATLLE Philippe 6h46'11 M0M M 0
366 GOZE Frederic 6h46'51 M3M Pas De Club M 0
367 CAMPIGNA Benjamin 6h49'46 M1M M 0
368 LEGROS Sylvain 6h49'57 M4M Je Cours A Saint Seurin S M 0
369 VANDENBROUCKE Sebastien 6h51'01 M1M M 0
370 THOMMEREL Didier 6h52'36 M4M M 0
371 LOPEZ Benjamin 6h53'12 SEM Comite Sportif Departemen M 0
372 ALCALDE Sophie 6h54'35 M1F Tocats Del Cim F 0
373 MIALON Alain 6h54'43 M7M Ca Balma M 0
374 SALOMEZ Theophile 6h55'03 SEM Team Zebulon M 0
375 AGREMONT Valerie 6h58'00 M0F Vigatanes F 0
376 DUTERTRE Frederic 6h58'05 M4M Smon M 0
377 ROUZAUD Thierry 6h58'45 M2M M 0
378 COME Guillaume 7h00'01 M0M Bojos De Muntanya M 0
379 ORNAQUE Benoit 7h00'32 M0M Tarnagas M 0
380 CAPEILLE Julie 7h02'01 M1F F 0
381 BENEZET Thomas 7h02'03 SEM M 0
382 AVELLANEDA Nathalie 7h04'09 M2F Tocats Del Cim F 0
383 DUCHIRON Jerome 7h04'14 M2M M 0
384 MEYRUEIX Patrick 7h07'18 M5M Tocats Del Cim M 0
385 VALENTIM Julien 7h08'16 SEM Running Beach Club Sainte M 0
386 VAILLANT Audrey 7h10'08 SEF Rac F 0
387 LELEU Christophe 7h10'21 M3M Endavant66 M 0
388 PUIGMAL Alain 7h10'35 M6M M 0
389 GUY Buge 7h11'05 M4M Mauves Attitudes M 0
390 RUIZ Joel 7h12'24 M0M Conotrailers M 0
391 GRZYBOWSKI David 7h12'27 M1M Conotrailers M 0
392 MONTENEGRO Carlos 7h12'35 M4M Conotrailers M 0
393 TIGNERES Gaelle 7h16'54 M0F Els Amics Llupianenc F 0
394 BAEHR Franck 7h22'39 M3M Vafa M 0
395 PUJADE Emmanuelle 7h23'43 M1F Tocats Del Cim F 0
396 PARXES Maurice 7h23'47 M8M M 0
397 MASACHS Muriel 7h25'20 M2F Endavant66 F 0
398 GOREZ Thierry 7h29'44 M4M M 0
399 MATHIAS Elsa 7h29'48 SEF Trail Entre Elles F 0
400 CHARANSONNEY Olivier 7h43'07 M5M Pass J'aime Courir M 0
401 RENAUD Jacques 7h47'29 M7M Uso M 0
402 RICOTI Evelyne 7h47'31 M5F Orthez F 0
403 PAJOT Samuel 7h52'35 M3M Rac M 0
404 PARRA Jose 8h04'15 M3M M 0
405 JOUANNY Marie Anne 8h07'19 M3F Prepatrail F 0
406 HENRY Olivier 8h17'15 M4M Tr'ailleurs M 0

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