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Ecrire au créateur du site : Michel Jourdan

2022-05-07 - La Skyrace des Matheysins

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La Skyrace des Matheysins - 2022 : classement des 293 finishers
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
1 CACHARD Sylvain 02:15:40 SEM Hoka one one / buff M 265
2 BAUJARD Johann 02:26:16 SEM Salomon M 363
3 ROBERT Loic 02:26:26 SEM Team wise M 67
4 MATHYS Christian 02:27:13 M0M Biel/bienne athletics M 1 M0M 284
5 POESY Sebastien 02:28:18 SEM Brooks trail runners M 154
6 MICHAUD Adrien 02:32:19 M0M Scott sports france M 255
7 HERNANDEZ TEIXIDOR Edu 02:32:32 M1M Brooks trail team M 1 M1M 267
8 MICHELON Julien 02:32:57 SEM Team salomon M 278
9 COIFFET Louison 02:33:00 SEM Team merrell provence end M 276
10 NICOLAS Molina 02:33:19 ESM La sportiva M 1 ESM 256
11 ROUX Fleury 02:35:18 SEM Non Licencie M 323
12 LAUDIER Edouard 02:35:50 M0M Team inov8 / ale M 299
13 INARRA OLAZIGERI Ander 02:36:13 SEM Merrell M 200
14 CABROL Leo 02:36:54 SEM Cmi M 72
15 MARTIN Nicolas 02:37:01 M0M Brooks trail runners M 204
16 BRATINA Rok 02:38:03 SEM Team aldo moro paluzza M 201
17 HUMBERT Damien 02:38:24 SEM Tsl outdoors M 155
18 NANCHEN Lucas 02:39:02 SEM Altra/compressport M 150
19 MARQUET Thibault 02:39:20 SEM Dynafit chatain M 322
20 FLEURY Bastien 02:39:32 SEM Team cimalp M 164
21 COLOMBET Quentin 02:40:18 SEM Csa 13 bca M 131
22 SOLDEVILA BUSQUETS Arna AND 02:40:21 SEM Andorra M 302
23 OLIVERO Esteban 02:40:35 ESM Inov 8 M 165
24 ETXABE LETURIA Jokin 02:40:57 SEM Basque selection M 348
25 PARADEISOPOULOS Konstan 02:41:24 ESM Dynafit M 195
26 THIRIAT Antoine 02:42:01 ESM Team scott france M 69
27 FUJI Tsubasa 02:42:09 SEM Salomon japan M 295
28 DELARIS Julien 02:42:09 SEM Penitents endurance M 320
29 MANGIN Jules 02:44:09 SEM Arc M 260
30 DEL AGUILA PELLICER Victo 02:44:28 SEM Seleccio catalana feec M 347
31 BURETTE Paul 02:44:42 SEM Team trail des cimes M 359
32 ANGUITA BAYO Manuel 02:45:11 SEM Team land M 148
33 HENNO Aurelien 02:45:16 SEM Deficit'team M 198
34 REYNAUD Ambroise 02:45:48 SEM Uglow race M 356
35 GHIANO Gianluca 02:46:57 ESM Brooks trail runners M 294
36 CALVO VIGARA Julen 02:47:59 SEM Seleccio catalana feec M 352
37 MINGUET LOPEZ Joel 02:48:09 SEM Al echirolles M 90
38 COLOMB Ludovic 02:48:55 M0M Team mac sport M 106
39 RODRIGUEZ Julien 02:49:16 SEM Sport 2000 font romeu M 304
40 OUGIER Joris 02:49:31 ESM Team provence endurance M 18
41 RAYNAUD Alexandre 02:50:46 SEM Non Licencie M 127
42 IZQUIERDO ALONZO Daniel 02:51:09 SEM Non Licencie M 338
43 ROZe Thomas 02:51:16 SEM Annecy athletisme M 34
44 BRILL Jackson 02:51:47 SEM Dynafit M 357
45 COURIAS Guillaume 02:51:51 SEM Running conseil avignon / M 335
46 DE LUIS CABEZON Ander 02:52:17 M0M Basque selection M 349
47 ROMANI RODeS Marcel 02:53:10 SEM Seleccio catalana feec M 345
48 HERAULT Eric 02:53:25 M1M Team caps M 51
49 BILLARD Estebane 02:53:27 SEM Us camon M 309
50 VALQUE Simon 02:54:14 M0M Non Licencie M 224
51 DUNAND Kevin 02:55:20 SEM La sportiva M 274
52 PERES Bastien 02:55:25 SEM Decines meyzieu athletism M 145
53 MARTINEZ Pierre 02:55:25 SEM Bros M 321
54 FERNANDEZ DOBARRO Carl 02:55:29 M1M Andorra M 316
55 MARIETTA ALEINA Antoine 02:56:24 ESM Taillefer trail team M 330
56 ROUX Julie 02:56:39 SEF Ale / team salomon F 1ere F 298
57 BERGER Romain 02:56:49 SEM The dawn collective M 324
58 RICHARD Alexandre 02:57:38 M1M La sportiva france M 273
59 WADDY Robert 02:58:13 SEM Eth zuerich M 275
60 GIET Tom 02:58:50 ESM Optimasport M 5
61 ESPOSITO Theo 02:59:51 ESM Non Licencie M 58
62 ROBBE Gabriel 03:00:19 SEM Team intersport besancon M 50
63 MAUGAIN Carl 03:01:18 ESM Brooks trail project by g M 13
64 PESSEY Iris 03:02:07 SEF Scott running / asj74 F 2 F 329
65 RIERA Andresito 03:02:19 M0M Tirany M 318
66 POLASZEK Christophe 03:03:00 M2M Cap vercors M 1 M2M 327
67 WEBSTER Lindsay 03:03:35 SEF Craft sportswear F 3 F 289
68 AMERICO Caldeira 03:03:39 M2M Clube aventura da madeira M 186
69 MOUGIN Jean charles 03:03:48 SEM Run in annecy M 266
70 DAPIT Fulvio 03:03:56 M2M Team la sportiva M 344
71 TENAS Felicien 03:04:07 ESM Brooks run happy team M 218
72 FERNANDEZ Ludovic 03:04:07 ESM Non Licencie M 223
73 CASTELLOTE BORRELL Miq 03:04:08 SEM Uec de grAcia M 57
74 GERMAIN Lucille 03:04:19 SEF Team sidas matryx F 4 F 307
75 MANNING Matt 03:04:24 SEM Torq fitness M 140
76 NICOLAS Louis 03:04:36 ESM Snowshoes M 88
77 URRUTIA YURREBASO Ainar 03:04:45 M1F Basque selection F 5 F - 1 M1F 350
78 CUMERLATO Martina 03:04:51 SEF Team crazy/la sportiva F 6 F - 5 SEF 180
79 GERARDI Hillary 03:05:42 M0F Black diamond / scarpa F 7 F - 1 M0F 293
80 ZIJP Quentin 03:05:49 ESM Team isere montagne M 336
81 RHARSALLA Ikram 03:06:14 SEF Team millet F 8 F - 6 SEF 149
82 PORTE Fiona 03:06:20 SEF Mizuno F 9 F - 7 SEF 353
83 MAUGER Anthony 03:06:29 SEM Club med M 94
84 FABRE Marc 03:06:40 M1M Non Licencie M 124
85 MARMEY Theau 03:06:54 SEM Non Licencie M 317
86 CORRIAUX Julien 03:07:14 M0M Team sport2000 montbrsion M 270
87 MUSARD Emilien 03:07:45 M0M Running conseil echirolle M 326
88 MALVINO Julien 03:09:28 M0M Non Licencie M 157
89 GUIGNARD Paul ely 03:09:53 SEM Non Licencie M 15
90 ALLAIRE Mael 03:10:02 ESM Team brooks trail runners M 339
91 PARDIN Jessica 03:10:28 M0F La sportiva F 10 F - 2 M0F 285
92 COLOMBE Julien 03:10:34 M0M Tarentrail M 9
93 BRUAS Thomas 03:11:20 SEM Dahuts bondissants M 169
94 KRoLL Stephanie 03:11:54 SEF Mountainshop horhager F 11 F - 8 SEF 196
95 BERTSCHY Amelie 03:12:09 SEF On running F 12 F - 9 SEF 269
96 ARMAND Leo 03:12:12 ESM Longo trail M 118
97 MAIORA ELIZONDO Maite 03:12:46 M1F Raidlight team F 13 F - 2 M1F 281
98 MAGNONE Olivia 03:13:31 SEF Esclops d'azun F 14 F - 10 SEF 93
99 ALLOUARD Fabien 03:13:33 SEM Non Licencie M 249
100 AUDERGON Tanguy 03:13:52 SEM Non Licencie M 207
101 CONTI Fabiola 03:14:15 SEF Team salomon F 15 F - 11 SEF 328
102 ARPIN Romain 03:14:48 M1M Non Licencie M 319
103 PLOUZENNEC Alexis 03:14:48 SEM Ale echirolles M 38
104 QUINTARD Marine 03:14:50 SEF Team tsl F 16 F - 12 SEF 272
105 BRIOL Virginie 03:15:32 SEF Non Licencie F 17 F - 13 SEF 153
106 TAKAMURA Takako 03:16:09 SEF Team joanna F 18 F - 14 SEF 310
107 PERRIN Guillaume 03:16:54 M0M Run in annecy M 262
108 POMPADOU Kylian 03:16:55 ESM Gh2a M 197
109 FERNANDEZ BONNEL Anna 03:17:52 SEF Seleccio catalana feec F 19 F - 15 SEF 346
110 FAVIER Claude 03:18:44 M4M Ski nordic oisans M 1 M4M 112
111 STAV? Tuva 03:18:57 SEF Strindheim il F 20 F - 16 SEF 333
112 BARDOU Thomas 03:19:03 M1M Ale echirolles M 354
113 PODVIN Francois xavier 03:19:12 SEM Longo trail M 117
114 GARNIER Christophe 03:19:59 M0M Wgtn the crew M 244
115 MICHEL Loic 03:20:25 SEM Caf grenoble oisans M 168
116 VIOLLE Alexandre 03:20:45 SEM Non Licencie M 341
117 GARRIGA Julia 03:21:05 SEF Dynafit / tim F 21 F - 17 SEF 192
118 RAAEN Martin 03:22:54 SEM Erasmus M 334
119 RENAUD Christophe 03:23:09 M4M Caf dsa M 184
120 GRANJON Nicolas 03:23:17 M1M Esl francheville M 64
121 SERVANT Nadege 03:23:36 M1F Les esclops d'azun F 22 F - 3 M1F 66
122 GRANDJEAN Noemie 03:23:47 M0F Team inov8 F 23 F - 3 M0F 288
123 BARBIER Emmanuel 03:23:53 M2M Bgsa/caprg M 251
124 SOMEIL Anthony 03:24:46 SEM Club in run pam / antsoru M 19
125 ORTEGA Michael 03:26:15 M1M Acp crolles M 126
126 HENRY Antony 03:26:21 SEM Non Licencie M 290
127 CHATELAIN Martin 03:26:51 ESM Team via alpina M 245
128 FENES ARENY Ariadna 03:26:56 SEF Andorra F 24 F - 18 SEF 303
129 GOBET Fabien 03:27:34 M0M Nancy trail pulsations M 7
130 CHAPUIS Jeremie 03:27:46 M0M Brookstrail project M 37
131 PETRASZKO Florent 03:27:51 M0M Type 1 running team M 365
132 WOODWISS Lauren 03:28:16 SEF Non Licencie F 25 F - 19 SEF 337
133 POTOSKI Josef 03:28:53 M2M Nancy trail pulsations M 2
134 PILLET Nadouk 03:28:55 M1F Non Licencie F 26 F - 4 M1F 360
135 VERHOLLE Julien 03:29:20 M0M Hoka / tete d'or runners M 141
136 SIMON Joris 03:29:44 SEM S/l athletic club montpel M 76
137 TORCHON Brice 03:29:59 M1M Non Licencie M 116
138 STAMOULI Zoi 03:30:29 SEF Dynafit greece F 27 F - 20 SEF 182
139 MATe Srdjan 03:31:39 SEM Non Licencie M 362
140 CHALOIN Tom 03:31:49 SEM Ski club queyras M 81
141 PUIGARNAU SIlvia 03:32:36 M0F Brooks F 28 F - 4 M0F 271
142 WAUTIER Antoine 03:33:06 SEM Aix athle provence M 48
143 DSOUZA Kieren 03:33:25 SEM Non Licencie M 286
144 LERDA Camille 03:33:31 SEM Non Licencie M 247
145 MEIJNAERT Toni 03:33:39 SEM Trakks belgium M 41
146 VERCAUTEREN Antoine 03:33:57 SEM Non Licencie M 177
147 LAGADEC Antoine 03:34:00 SEM Non Licencie M 80
148 OBLED Gauthier 03:34:15 M2M Non Licencie M 315
149 RIUS HERNANDEZ Carolina 03:34:50 SEF Seleccio catalana feec F 29 F - 21 SEF 351
150 BERNIS Guillaume 03:36:44 SEM Non Licencie M 109
151 MANTRAND Alexandrine 03:37:02 SEF Pays d'aix trail F 30 F - 22 SEF 250
152 BUCZY?SKI Adam 03:37:19 M2M Non stop trail M 178
153 GREGOIRE Thibault 03:37:36 SEM M 130
154 ZIVKOVIC Ivana 03:40:08 SEF F 31 F - 23 SEF 361
155 SISCART SERRA Aina 03:41:08 SEF Wild women 2020 F 32 F - 24 SEF 97
156 TOMMASI Vincent 03:41:13 SEM Mat'trail coaching/ nancy M 8
157 BOISNARD Simon 03:41:28 SEM M 142
158 NADOULEK Daphne 03:41:41 SEF Bgsa/caprg F 33 F - 25 SEF 254
159 KELLER Lukas 03:42:29 M1M M 228
160 MALJOURNAL Patrice 03:42:48 M2M M 233
161 CHAMOND Ronan 03:43:31 SEM M 89
162 BARRAS Loic 03:44:31 SEM Teysalpi M 3
163 PEZELIER Baptiste 03:44:53 SEM M 113
164 COURTOIS Juliane 03:46:05 SEF F 34 F - 26 SEF 71
165 PRIOUX Stephane 03:46:42 M3M Dsa M 1 M3M 16
166 GAVARD Mathieu 03:48:25 ESM M 243
167 MEYRAT Fabien 03:50:11 SEM M 23
168 SANTANAC Laurence 03:50:25 M2F Acnm F 35 F - 1 M2F 331
169 ROUSSET Julien 03:50:36 M2M M 156
170 GREFFE Alan 03:50:50 ESM Cos villers M 74
171 GALLAY Antoine 03:51:05 ESM M 332
172 DANTIN Christophe 03:51:57 M1M Orient alp M 183
173 MAURON Gaetan 03:52:12 SEM M 99
174 GEIDEL Eric 03:53:49 M1M Trail maniacs M 340
175 ROLLET Nicolas 03:54:05 M0M Ergysport M 175
176 INBONA Eugenie 03:54:24 SEF F 36 F - 27 SEF 355
177 BERANGER Sandrine 03:55:02 M2F F 37 F - 2 M2F 199
178 GARRA SORIA Cesar 03:55:26 M1M Madteam M 87
179 DJURIC Snezana 03:56:11 SEF Extreme sports club kragu F 38 F - 28 SEF 314
180 NEUENSCHWANDER Natalina 03:57:08 SEF On running F 39 F - 29 SEF 139
181 BIDUSSI Massimo 03:57:57 M1M Gemsa M 259
182 GALLEGO Elodie 03:58:18 SEF Team provence endurance F 40 F - 30 SEF 96
183 GALARD Stephane 03:58:47 M1M Us vizille athletisme M 212
184 BAI Jerome 03:58:49 M3M M 46
185 DESCHAMP Louis 03:59:14 SEM M 364
186 DURET Olivier 03:59:15 M1M M 120
187 MALFROY Louis 03:59:40 SEM Team asop / cost'hauts M 53
188 DUVERLIE Benoit 03:59:53 M4M Caf dsa M 56
189 LE GOFF Guillaume 04:00:12 M1M M 98
190 MOCKELS Matthieu 04:00:58 M2M Nancy trail pulsations M 20
191 FONTANA Sebastien 04:00:59 M0M M 172
192 SECRET Sylvain 04:01:11 M0M Asj74 M 181
193 BETELU Hugo 04:01:29 SEM M 111
194 THIBERT Benoit 04:02:05 SEM M 42
195 MASSIT Natanael 04:02:41 SEM M 159
196 SIMON Romain 04:03:35 M0M M 239
197 CABANEL Benjamin 04:04:06 SEM M 83
198 DIF Sarah 04:04:06 M1F 2ep F 41 F - 5 M1F 125
199 AGNES Remy 04:04:51 M2M Team champsaur nature M 54
200 CHARZAT Clement 04:05:49 SEM M 110
201 VANDERSTAPPEN Nathan 04:06:27 ESM M 179
202 LE HIREZ Lois 04:07:12 ESM M 211
203 CHAUMARTIN Benoit 04:07:48 M0M M 21
204 ANDREU Bruno 04:08:23 M2M M 231
205 CARRIER Antoine 04:08:37 SEM M 222
206 DAMPFHOFFER Manon 04:08:50 SEF F 42 F - 31 SEF 91
207 JOSSERAND Marc 04:09:31 M4M M 213
208 MOREL Laurent 04:10:44 M3M M 133
209 TOULEMONDE Charles 04:11:09 SEM M 205
210 GUERIN Nicolas 04:12:02 M3M Al echirolles M 253
211 ROLLAND Guillaume 04:13:00 M0M M 171
212 ROMEAS Camille 04:13:00 M0F F 43 F - 5 M0F 170
213 COLNET Alexis 04:13:12 M0M Nancy trail pulsations M 6
214 GRIMALDI Jean 04:13:51 SEM M 59
215 ADAME Moussufou 04:13:58 SEM Asvel villeurbanne M 219
216 GARAT David 04:14:18 M3M M 146
217 LECOEUR Antoine 04:14:56 SEM M 77
218 GREGOIRE Gregory 04:15:49 M0M M 137
219 FORNAY Laura 04:16:09 SEF Spac sallanches F 44 F - 32 SEF 63
220 DELOBELLE Vincent 04:16:29 M0M M 252
221 MOSCILLO Celia 04:18:47 SEF F 45 F - 33 SEF 103
222 VINET Cedric 04:19:39 SEM Ca2s M 75
223 GAUDIEZ Philippe 04:20:01 M5M raidlight M 1 M5M 237
224 ROMAN LOPEZ Natalia 04:20:34 SEF Trail maniacs.ch F 46 F - 34 SEF 306
225 BONY Romain 04:22:13 SEM Arvicyclette M 234
226 BARNEIX Guilhem 04:22:42 SEM M 32
227 DOLIVET Christophe 04:22:42 M3M M 49
228 FIQUELI CAtia 04:22:51 M0F Clube aventura da madeira F 47 F - 6 M0F 187
229 ASSEL Marielle 04:23:56 M1F F 48 F - 6 M1F 214
230 DELADOEUILLE Claude 04:25:38 M3M M 122
231 VAUTIER Guillaume 04:26:12 M1M M 28
232 NAVEL Remi 04:26:43 M0M M 240
233 MASSON Antony 04:27:12 M1M Ac tassin M 221
234 PAGE Maria 04:27:16 ESF F 49 F - 1 ESF 343
235 PETIT Mathilde 04:27:44 SEF F 50 F - 35 SEF 143
236 MARY Alexandre 04:28:29 M1M M 232
237 BAI Nicolas 04:29:38 M1M M 45
238 DARME Remy 04:30:56 M1M M 73
239 BOUTEILLE Sebastien 04:32:25 M3M M 208
240 FAVREAU Apolline 04:34:05 SEF F 51 F - 36 SEF 206
241 GABRIEL Come 04:34:07 SEM Crv lyon triathlon M 163
242 CHAMPANHET Daniel 04:34:15 M4M M 115
243 MYS Yoann 04:34:27 M0M As figarella/montlucon te M 151
244 MASGNAUX Louis jean 04:34:35 SEM M 84
245 DUQUESNE Laurent 04:34:39 M1M M 24
246 MAZIERE Bertrand 04:34:58 M2M Team trail aix les bains M 129
247 BICAiS Chloe 04:37:43 SEF Caprin F 52 F - 37 SEF 279
248 LANZI Thomas 04:37:51 M2M Nancy trail pulsations M 26
249 RESTA Sebastien 04:37:51 M1M M 101
250 SANDSTRoM Daniel 04:37:52 M1M M 173
251 SAINTOT Maxime 04:37:52 SEM Nancy trail pulsations M 43
252 MARTOYAN Tigran 04:39:55 M1M Ntp nancy M 22
253 BERNARDI Jesson 04:41:07 M0M 27 bca M 358
254 LE DEVEHAT Simon 04:44:26 SEM Rma M 226
255 VAUTRIN Gabriel 04:44:26 SEM M 225
256 LECARPENTIER Laurent 04:48:12 M2M M 189
257 GUERAUD Esteban 04:49:26 SEM M 105
258 ARON Abigail 04:50:12 SEF F 53 F - 38 SEF 209
259 FOLNY Vincent 04:52:39 SEM M 114
260 JASSERON Fabrice 04:52:42 M3M M 128
261 PICON Anthony 04:57:03 M2M M 134
262 CUQ Jean baptiste 05:02:45 SEM M 138
263 COTTARD Christophe 05:03:25 M0M Mersen M 325
264 OGERON Pierre 05:03:28 SEM M 216
265 BALME Coralie 05:03:54 SEF F 54 F - 39 SEF 31
266 GUERIN Apolline 05:04:27 SEF F 55 F - 40 SEF 217
267 MICHAUT Moise 05:04:44 SEM M 248
268 BOGEY Benoit 05:05:06 SEM Team questz4 M 121
269 LAUREYS Dimitri 05:06:10 M1M M 123
270 GUERAUD Bernard 05:07:29 M4M M 104
271 CORTIER Arnaud 05:11:12 SEM M 136
272 DEL VECCHIO Philippe 05:11:24 M4M M 82
273 CARRIER Christine 05:12:03 M3F F 56 F - 1 M3F 257
274 SOMON PAYET Pierre 05:12:09 SEM M 188
275 BIAUNIe Mathilde 05:13:03 SEF Cam vallee du cher contro F 57 F - 41 SEF 227
276 ROMAND Thibault 05:13:18 ESM M 65
277 GIRODET Mathilde 05:13:21 SEF F 58 F - 42 SEF 220
278 MERMOND Raphael 05:17:21 M2M M 235
279 ARTIGALAS Jerome 05:20:34 M3M Rando trail trept M 29
280 BERNIER Cedric 05:20:35 M2M Rando trail trept M 12
281 GOFFIN Anneleen 05:22:33 M0F Toughrun.ocr F 59 F - 7 M0F 308
282 DURAND Raphael 05:23:22 M0M Mersen M 311
283 MEYRAT Adrien 05:23:56 M4M M 79
284 DALE Caroline 05:24:40 M3F Cru chapellois F 60 F - 2 M3F 14
285 HANSEN Thomas 05:24:46 SEM Taillefer trail team M 230
286 MAKIROTO Remuera 05:25:10 SEM Nancy trail pulsations M 30
287 JANKOWSKI Benoit 05:25:24 SEM M 152
288 LABATTUT Valentine 05:25:25 SEF F 61 F - 43 SEF 92
289 MOREAU Gaelle 05:25:28 M1F F 62 F - 7 M1F 191
290 PAJOT Jean baptiste 05:26:18 SEM M 132
291 MARZIN Stephane 05:27:22 M2M Mille pattes triathlon M 241
292 SANDQVIST Ted 05:28:19 M1M Sik M 166
293 NOUAILLER Arnaud 05:28:39 SEM M 238

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