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Ecrire au créateur du site : Michel Jourdan

2023-06-03 - Grand Trail du Saint Jacques

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Grand Trail du Saint Jacques - 2023 : classement des 902 finishers
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
1 SIMON Matthieu 7:12:33 20 34M France Brooks Trail Runne H 1001
2 ROCHA Geoffrey 7:25:59 35 39M France Escouade Arverne H 1012
3 DUPUIS William 7:32:22 35 39M France Us issoire H 1007
4 BOUCHET Nicolas 7:43:34 45 49M France H 1017
5 GUALANDI Gregory 7:45:58 35 39M France Team WTF H 1021
6 LE LONS Thomas 7:49:40 20 34M France FARTLECK H 1008
7 FREGIERE Alexandre 7:50:48 45 49M France Asso Trail des Dol H 1031
8 STEPHENSON Jamie 7:54:02 35 39M Royaume Uni Team Hour 7 H 1005
9 SERRE Florian 7:55:29 20 34M France Volvic natura trai H 1105
10 DAMIANI Romain 7:59:13 20 34M France H 1025
11 USSON Samuel 8:10:13 40 44M France Velay athletisme H 2265
12 CHIADMI Said 8:11:28 35 39M France H 1101
13 PAUL Aurelie 8:11:49 35 39W France Foul&es Pau F 1ere F 1002
14 MITH Gauthier 8:23:01 20 34M France Bekele Trail Club H 1229
15 WATTINNE Enzo 8:26:29 20 34M France H 1027
16 LAINE Robin 8:28:14 35 39M France ESL Pierre Benite H 1029
17 ARVIN BEROD Alexis 8:34:03 40 44M France GHAA / Sud Raid H 1011
18 FRUCHART Nicolas 8:34:08 45 49M France H 1104
19 ERNE Dominik 8:38:02 40 44M Suisse tibetcafe.ch / 100 H 1032
20 GRANGE Hugo 8:38:26 20 34M France ALE H 1173
21 ISNARD Sebastien 8:38:32 40 44M France SNOWSHOES 05 H 1108
22 BECQUET Clement 8:39:01 35 39M France H 1240
22 FAVE Gurvan 8:39:01 20 34M France SA Toulouse H 1131
24 VOISIN Vincent 8:41:15 20 34M France Zoom Volt Runners H 1113
25 BOUVIER Nicolas 8:44:51 35 39M France ESL PBA / ALSIP H 1106
26 MONGE Dimitri 8:45:30 20 34M France H 1110
27 BRUNO Tobias 8:46:23 35 39M Suede H 1152
28 DERAYE Jeremie 8:48:19 20 34M France Club Athletisme Sp H 1132
29 VANTARD Florent 8:49:10 40 44M France Esprit Run H 1010
30 JOUADe Justin 8:49:45 20 34M France POWERUP H 1162
31 FIGUERAS Benjamin 8:50:53 35 39M France H 1115
32 HAUTIER David 8:51:09 35 39M France Team run forez M 1023
33 BREUER Pierre 8:53:29 40 44M Belgique Wellness Running H 1123
34 FILLON Benjamin 8:55:03 20 34M France Team Trail Paris H 1242
35 MURAT Jules 8:55:30 20 34M France Sportinlove.com Sp H 1109
36 BERNHARD Nicolas 8:56:11 35 39M France Les Trailleurs Sav H 1184
37 POLASZEK Christophe 8:57:23 45 49M France Cap Vercors H 1006
38 DEBORDE Quentin 8:57:43 20 34M H 1103
39 GONDRAN TELLIER Antoine 8:57:45 20 34M France H 1142
40 ROSSIGNOL Yvan 9:01:17 40 44M France Volvic Natura Trai H 1134
41 FORGERIT Benoit 9:03:12 40 44M France Cop'Ain de Trail H 1146
42 BOURDENET Lambert 9:04:34 35 39M France H 1309
43 ROCHE Hadrien 9:05:03 20 34M France H 1116
44 DESCLAUX Edouard 9:07:40 20 34M France Team 72 H 1148
45 MOUCHET Fabien 9:09:25 35 39M France AS ROMAGNAT TEAM 2 H 1230
46 FRANC Pierre 9:10:02 40 44M France H 1149
47 HECQUET Stephane 9:10:23 35 39M France H 1026
48 DESHAYES DE CAMBRONNE Romain 9:10:54 35 39M France H 1030
49 HAVARD Mathis 9:14:55 20 34M France Brest Bitches H 1419
50 HeLIeS Sylvain 9:15:05 35 39M France Cap Endurance H 1155
51 SIMANTRAKOU Despoina 9:15:56 20 34W Grece Kasimis Training F 1009
52 GENIN Arnaud 9:19:56 20 34M France Montpellier StaRT H 1171
53 FIRMIN Franck 9:20:55 35 39M France SAM Paris 12 H 1420
54 SALAIS Clement 9:21:29 45 49M France AO Charenton H 1181
55 DAVALLE Laurent 9:21:59 40 44M France M 1289
56 FILOCHE Fabien 9:23:54 20 34M France Uso mondeville H 2144
57 TROUILLLET Adrien 9:24:07 35 39M France H 1139
58 ALLARY Olivier 9:24:29 50 54M France team papa H 1147
59 ROUAULT Brendan 9:27:26 20 34M France H 1293
60 ESCARMENT Nicolas 9:29:12 35 39M France H 1460
61 BLONDEL Benoit 9:29:27 35 39M France H 1204
62 BOUVET Erwan 9:30:22 40 44M France H 1254
63 BECERRA FOURNIER Jules 9:31:24 20 34M France DIJON SINGLETRACK H 1189
64 LEVAVASSEUR Thomas 9:33:05 40 44M France H 1214
65 HERMITEAU Simon 9:33:56 20 34M France Team Point barre H 1138
66 CHEVALLIER Florian 9:34:14 20 34M France H 1176
67 GOBY Fabien 9:34:34 40 44M France Plauzat Sport Natu H 1136
68 TOURNILLON Nicolas 9:34:40 40 44M France club 26 allan H 1153
69 ESCOT Alexandre 9:35:23 35 39M France FOHP H 1243
70 SEVILLA Bernardo 9:37:36 50 54M Equateur ECUADORUNS H 1191
71 GAUTIER Claude 9:38:00 45 49M France Team Papa H 1239
72 OLIVIER Mathieu 9:38:03 40 44M France Team PAPA H 1193
73 BALAYN Clementine 9:39:17 20 34W France F 1015
73 BALLANDRAS Gregoire 9:39:17 45 49M France ESL FRANCHEVILLE H 1156
75 PEREIRA Mickael 9:40:36 40 44M France Glenic Sport Natur H 1169
76 PLU Loic 9:41:00 20 34M France ALP pizancon H 1177
77 JOSEPH Simon 9:41:55 20 34M France H 1272
78 DE MONTBEL Hugues 9:42:03 45 49M France H 2206
79 DECAYEUX Simon 9:43:05 20 34M France Team Adrenaline H 2197
80 TREGUER Jeremy 9:43:08 35 39M France Raid fs/Duc Army H 2145
81 HURIEZ Clement 9:43:25 20 34M France STA H 1102
82 LEVANNIER Maxime 9:44:04 20 34M France Cap conde H 1278
83 COMBES Romain 9:44:53 20 34M France H 1197
84 BARBEY Benjamin 9:45:33 20 34M France Cap Conde H 1306
85 ASHRAF Shahid 9:45:34 20 34M Espagne Enforma Inspira H 1231
86 LE GRAET Adrien 9:45:35 20 34M France H 1537
87 LANCEREAUX Damien 9:45:39 40 44M France OXYGENE BELBEUF H 2249
87 DUFLOU Guillaume 9:45:39 40 44M France OXYGENE BELBEUF H 2255
89 ZARADZKI Nicolas 9:46:48 35 39M France H 1174
90 ROUIRE Nicolas 9:46:58 45 49M France RAIDLINK'S 07 H 1157
91 BOUSSOT Damien 9:47:25 20 34M France H 1279
92 MULET Benoit 9:47:35 20 34M France H 1428
93 DESVAUX Theo 9:48:03 20 34M France Courir A Dol H 1360
94 ALVES Daniel 9:48:53 40 44M France H 1221
95 BRIOUDE Pierre Olivier 9:49:46 35 39M France running club bourg H 1185
96 DE VEVEY Gilles 9:49:59 40 44M Suisse von V H 1161
97 CHARRIER Nicolas 9:51:16 45 49M France H 1018
98 LUKEC Nicolas 9:51:18 20 34M France H 1296
99 EPANYA Christian 9:51:26 20 34M Cameroun Salomon France H 1562
100 LE MAGUERESSE Yohann 9:51:47 35 39M France Nantes Metropole A H 1135
101 CALMEL Vincent 9:51:51 20 34M France H 1201
102 ANDReOLI Yoann 9:52:16 20 34M France H 1195
103 TACHET Sebastien 9:52:27 45 49M France Val Cenis H 1160
104 LIANO CAPEL David 9:52:51 35 39M Espagne M 1222
105 LESAICHERRE Kevin 9:53:04 20 34M France H 1223
106 SIOR Adrien 9:53:22 35 39M France RUNNING CLUB BOURG H 1122
107 METTEFEU Xavier 9:54:09 40 44M France Team PAPA H 1383
108 GUYOT Romain 9:54:20 20 34M France H 1112
109 BENOIT Christian 9:54:37 55 59M France H 1199
110 MOULIN Mathieu 9:54:49 20 34M France H 1202
111 DE CECCO Christophe 9:55:10 20 34M France La Loriolade H 1124
112 KERCSo ANDRASI Zsolt 9:55:11 40 44M Hongrie H 1263
113 PETITIMBERT Clement 9:55:49 20 34M France H 1497
114 SIMONEK Rudy 9:56:03 20 34M France H 2247
115 DAYOT Jeremy 9:56:12 35 39M France H 1182
116 FAUVEAUX Julien 9:56:39 40 44M France H 1159
117 CHIFFOLEAU Simon 9:57:41 20 34M France H 1721
118 CLERC PITHON Quentin 9:57:42 20 34M France Annecy Athletisme H 1130
119 BOURGEOIS Mathieu 9:58:12 35 39M France 2EP & Vernouil H 1187
120 VALCKENAERE Thibaut 10:00:07 20 34M France H 1346
121 KAALI Daniel 10:00:31 40 44M Etats Unis H 1434
122 MARCERON Christophe 10:00:51 45 49M France H 1336
123 MORANDEAU Cyrille 10:00:52 35 39M France 2ep H 1246
124 SZYMECZKO Cedric 10:01:07 40 44M France DUC ARMY / WILD TR H 1285
125 LEBLOND Ludovic 10:02:54 35 39M France H 1395
126 BEAUJEAN Alexandre 10:03:09 20 34M France INFOSPORT / TARENT H 1140
127 TUJAGUE Florian 10:03:13 20 34M France H 1264
127 NOZZI Alexandre 10:03:13 35 39M France H 1208
129 JANSON Loic 10:03:26 35 39M France H 1494
130 TEYSSONNEIRE Rodrigue 10:03:56 20 34M France H 2175
131 ALLANI Hedi 10:04:04 45 49M France ROLEX SPORT H 1300
132 COMMANS Jean Baptiste 10:04:49 40 44M France PSN H 1333
133 COLLOMB Walter 10:05:41 45 49M France TEAM TRAIL NOVALAI H 1120
134 PINCET Bruno 10:05:47 20 34M France H 1358
135 GONIN Cyril 10:06:30 40 44M France Mikael Pasero Coac H 1166
136 RASCALOU Benjamin 10:08:51 20 34M France H 1274
137 IOANNOU Giorgos 10:08:52 35 39M Grece Kasimis Training H 1129
138 PITAVAL David 10:09:05 40 44M France M 1168
139 PIAT Quentin 10:09:52 35 39M France Chamoufix H 1179
140 PERRIER Matthieu 10:10:03 35 39M France H 1167
141 DEVILLEZ Rudy 10:12:56 40 44M France H 1215
142 HUREL Maxime 10:14:09 20 34M France H 1234
143 PeRONNET Wallerand 10:14:37 20 34M France H 1458
144 DAVOUST Thomas 10:14:49 40 44M France H 1343
145 LE BELLEGO Guillaume 10:17:01 20 34M France AC LA CHAPELLE SUR H 1988
146 SUAREZ Mathieu 10:18:42 35 39M France H 1248
147 PETIAUX Cedric 10:18:56 45 49M France RunToLove H 1415
148 THOMAS Michel 10:20:17 50 54M France H 1163
149 COEVOET Lionel 10:20:57 35 39M France H 1397
150 SAMUEL Quinteira 10:21:02 35 39M Portugal Linces do MarAo H 2233
151 ESNOULT Yoann 10:21:22 45 49M France H 1339
152 HUGUES DIT CILES Jonas 10:21:29 20 34M France H 1209
153 PONTONNIER Teddy 10:22:42 50 54M France H 1117
154 CAUMONT David 10:22:47 50 54M France AS Saint Medard M 1317
155 SUZANNE Alain 10:22:48 45 49M France Baskets aux Pieds H 1206
156 CAUSSE Philippe 10:22:50 45 49M France Entente Ouest Lyon H 2158
157 DUFOUR Florian 10:23:19 35 39M France S/L LMA 72 H 1295
158 BICHON David 10:23:52 40 44M France M 1353
159 PERONIN Sebastien 10:24:12 40 44M France ACVS H 1299
160 BENOISTON Louis 10:26:36 20 34M France H 1114
161 GRIGNARD Cedric 10:27:12 50 54M France H 1334
162 TEYRE Cyril 10:28:22 40 44M France R2C9 H 1432
163 LASSENE Mickael 10:28:30 20 34M France H 1247
164 MARGERIDOU Allan 10:29:22 20 34M France H 1341
165 BAPT Gregory 10:29:32 40 44M France H 1555
166 GRANARA Johann 10:29:33 45 49M France Team Versailles Mo H 1241
167 NATTES Pierre Henri 10:29:43 20 34M France H 1595
168 KONG Nicolas 10:29:48 20 34M France CSE EGIS RAIL H 2244
169 ETCHEGARAY Franck 10:30:11 35 39M France H 1164
170 GICQUEL Gurvan 10:30:27 20 34M France H 1277
171 HARDY Benjamin 10:30:35 40 44M France Fast Five H 1608
172 SCHAUMBURG Karen 10:30:37 20 34W France F 1423
173 BERNARD Remi 10:31:00 35 39M France Team Trail Aix Les H 1198
174 TEYSSANDIER Nicolas 10:31:06 35 39M France H 1236
175 MAReE Fabien 10:31:37 35 39M France Gruppetto H 1281
175 PEJU Sylvain 10:31:37 40 44M France Foulee Vourloise / H 1363
177 CAEYMAEX Guillaume 10:31:38 40 44M Belgique H 1183
178 SEZNEC Vincent 10:32:20 40 44M France esprit run H 1228
179 CAMPANELLA Charlotte 10:33:01 40 44W France F 1443
180 DReANO Samuel 10:33:33 40 44M France H 1557
181 SOBRINO RODRIGUEZ Jose Luis 10:33:38 50 54M Espagne H 1217
182 REZOLA Remi 10:33:46 45 49M France H 1326
183 KOEPPEL Yves 10:34:05 35 39M France Les sangliers du m H 1290
184 CHARENTUS Thierry 10:34:28 45 49M France H 1390
185 LEBRAY David 10:34:33 45 49M France ESMPA M 1151
186 MUGNIER Peggy 10:34:38 40 44W France F 1016
187 CHAOUI Driss 10:34:42 50 54M France H 1233
188 LE MOIZAN Thibault 10:34:59 20 34M France H 1472
188 LE HO Thomas 10:34:59 20 34M France H 1720
190 MOSCONI Remi 10:35:04 45 49M France Kikourou H 1411
191 FUENTES Fabrice 10:35:05 50 54M France M 1256
192 JANDET Tanguy 10:35:46 20 34M France ZOOM VOLT RUNNERS H 1305
193 MOALLIC Nicolas 10:35:49 20 34M France H 1128
194 DAHAN Steeve 10:35:52 35 39M France H 1802
195 LAFLEUR Sebastien 10:36:09 40 44M France CE FROMARSAC H 1213
196 DI COSTANZO Mickael 10:37:13 40 44M France H 2243
197 GEOFFROY Rheinart 10:38:10 20 34M France H 1799
198 NIVERT Michael 10:38:14 35 39M France MAUVES ATTITUDES R H 1372
199 SAVONITTO Joachim 10:39:11 35 39M France TeamCahez H 1251
200 NAUDY Matthieu 10:39:50 40 44M France AYO SEMANGAT H 1259
201 MURAT Benjamin 10:39:52 35 39M France Les scotches des m H 1405
202 BERTIN Arnaud 10:40:42 45 49M France Nogarun H 1424
203 FABRE Arnaud 10:41:13 20 34M France H 1329
204 NOUVIAN Pierre 10:41:19 35 39M France H 1245
205 BACLE Charly 10:41:36 20 34M France H 1512
206 BOURGEOT Stephane 10:42:08 45 49M France CAPRG/ Team Ap'her H 1429
207 RIBES Quitterie 10:42:49 20 34W France F 1376
208 FERREIRA DA ROCHA Thibaut 10:43:02 35 39M France H 1379
209 YIZHAR Ofer 10:43:08 45 49M Israel H 2209
210 TACONNAT Vincent 10:43:31 20 34M France H 1447
211 LE LEVRIER Kevin 10:43:35 20 34M France TarenTrail H 1144
212 HABOUGIT Valentin 10:43:44 20 34M France H 2236
213 MOMBOISSE Gautier 10:44:06 40 44M France H 1298
214 MORAUD Laurent 10:44:52 45 49M France Rolex sport M 1268
215 GUICHARD Matthieu 10:45:06 40 44M France H 1267
216 PATTIJN Ernest 10:45:07 20 34M Belgique H 1210
217 BRETAGNOLLES Pierre 10:45:13 20 34M France H 1328
218 NUNO Duarte 10:46:12 40 44M Portugal Linces do MarAo H 1238
219 MEY Christophe 10:46:25 50 54M France H 1280
220 MILESI Robin 10:46:44 20 34M France Team PAPA H 1294
221 ROZIAU Emeric 10:47:15 40 44M France H 1764
222 MERCIER Benjamin 10:47:23 40 44M France H 1487
223 BUROT Florian 10:48:14 20 34M France VHS H 2170
224 BALLANSAT Ludovic 10:48:28 50 54M France AS RABAJOU H 1302
225 SAMSON Cedric 10:50:01 45 49M France H 1361
226 ISSANCHOU Clement 10:50:03 20 34M France H 1446
227 DEPARDIEU Alexandre 10:50:19 20 34M France H 1170
228 CHOPIN Ambroise 10:50:21 20 34M France H 1839
229 PONSONNET Mathieu 10:50:22 40 44M France Savoye running H 1337
230 HANDOUS Christophe 10:50:32 20 34M France H 1188
231 FERRIER Christophe 10:51:19 40 44M France H 2150
232 MANCHON Damien 10:53:15 35 39M France H 1706
233 MOUTRAY Pierrick 10:53:25 35 39M France H 1362
234 MOUCHART Romuald 10:54:30 50 54M France H 1252
235 BERTIN Fabrice 10:55:02 35 39M France AC La Chapelle Sur M 1203
236 JOLLIET Stephane 10:55:50 50 54M France As rabajou H 1301
237 VIDAL Axel 10:56:19 20 34M France Club 26 Allan H 1593
238 SCHNEIDER Alexandre 10:56:51 20 34M France H 1480
239 MILLIET COLOMBET Alexis 10:56:57 20 34M France H 1323
240 CHANAL Nicholas 10:57:08 20 34M France H 2141
241 QUENARDEL Cedric 10:57:27 20 34M France H 1232
242 KHARYTONOV Yaroslav 10:57:54 20 34M France Team Provence Endu H 1606
243 UBEDA Alexandre 10:58:05 40 44M France Portet athletic cl H 1218
244 DARENGOSSE Julien 10:58:06 35 39M France PAC H 1282
245 BOBOK Candice 10:58:50 40 44W France AGNETZ ATHLETISME F 2101
245 CARON Pascal 10:58:50 55 59M France Agnetz athletisme H 2192
247 NAJDOVSKI Christophe 10:59:42 50 54M France H 1543
248 LE GALLIARD Frederic 10:59:52 45 49M France H 1521
249 DE CARVALHO Jose 10:59:53 50 54M France H 1226
250 DUCROS Silvain 11:00:09 55 59M France FOULEES DE ST GERM H 1275
251 GIRAUDON Mickael 11:00:22 40 44M France Evian Off Course H 1347
252 FAUCONNIER Eric 11:01:59 45 49M France AS CHAINGY SPORT N H 1489
253 BOUYSSIE Jean Baptiste 11:02:35 35 39M France H 1172
254 FOULON Benoit 11:03:29 20 34M France H 1899
255 BENGHAFFAR Yann 11:05:26 40 44M France H 1119
256 SPAGNOL Gilles 11:06:06 55 59M France TRAIL EVASION H 1137
257 COLIN Maxime 11:06:23 20 34M France H 1451
258 CHRISTOPHE Richard 11:06:53 55 59M France Baudet du Poitou H 1322
259 MONJOU Nicolas 11:07:35 40 44M France DevoTrail H 1402
260 SERVASIER Marc 11:07:43 20 34M France H 1726
261 MARTIN Gaetan 11:07:51 20 34M France H 1335
262 MILESI Thibault 11:08:01 20 34M France Team PAPA H 1414
263 LASCOUT Mathilde 11:08:28 35 39W France Glenic sport natur F 1392
264 BULLIARD Yannick 11:09:02 35 39M Suisse H 1224
265 LAGER Arthur 11:10:04 20 34M France H 1286
265 VINCENT Stephane 11:10:04 50 54M France H 1373
267 CARTAL Cedric 11:10:17 40 44M France game changer H 1165
268 DI IORIO Ludovic 11:10:41 20 34M France H 1355
269 PAGE Julien 11:11:41 40 44M France ES Maintenon Pierr H 1387
270 AUVRAY Clement 11:12:22 40 44M France LSP SPORTS H 1321
271 TAILLANDIER Arnaud 11:12:37 50 54M France H 1310
272 ALIBERT Joel 11:15:24 50 54M France Credit Agricole Lo H 2245
273 FORGEARD Laurent 11:16:51 55 59M France LSP SPORTS M 1307
274 COURCAULT Clement 11:17:00 35 39M France TEAM HARD RUN / BL H 1207
275 CESBRON LAVAU Loic 11:17:28 40 44M France H 1491
276 BERTRAND Matthias 11:17:42 20 34M France H 1787
277 BEAUMALE Jerome 11:18:36 40 44M France H 1836
278 HEULIN Gael 11:18:56 40 44M France Les Debilos H 1270
279 MANDONNET Stephanie 11:19:20 40 44W France PSN F 1481
280 BELLET Stephane 11:19:25 50 54M France H 1509
281 REGNIER Thierry 11:19:29 50 54M France H 1437
282 LETORT Regis 11:20:03 35 39M France H 1999
283 VANRIEST Nicolas 11:20:18 20 34M France H 1473
284 DUMONT Jean Baptiste 11:20:55 35 39M France H 1318
285 BOUCHET Paul John 11:21:23 20 34M France FOHP H 1780
286 TREUIL Hugo 11:21:28 20 34M France Brest Bitches H 1753
287 ALAUX Corentin 11:21:34 20 34M France H 1288
288 KERN Bernard 11:21:35 60 64M France La Vigilante H 1546
289 DEMANGEAT Jean Raphael 11:21:45 20 34M France Ch?team H 1532
290 GUIOT Stan 11:21:51 40 44M France snac H 1297
291 CHAMONARD Bastien 11:21:52 20 34M France H 1121
292 FAVREAU Christophe 11:23:45 35 39M France H 1785
293 LECLERC Louise 11:24:11 20 34W France F 1477
294 KUNST Gaston 11:25:08 35 39M Italie LAS CABRAS AZULES H 1324
295 LITTIERRE Julien 11:25:51 35 39M France H 1517
295 DESCAMPS Olivier 11:25:51 35 39M France H 1518
297 BERNARD Romain 11:25:57 20 34M France TEAM PAPA H 1394
298 PASQUASY Jonathan 11:26:52 35 39M Belgique H 1178
299 BRIANCEAU ROCH Aurelien 11:27:10 35 39M France H 1145
300 RONDELET Eddie 11:27:34 55 59M France H 1471
301 LEON Anthony 11:27:56 20 34M France H 1941
302 RIGAS Alexis 11:28:07 20 34M France H 2253
303 MIKRUT Kevin 11:29:46 20 34M France H 1603
304 DENIS Kevin 11:30:11 35 39M France H 1205
305 COGNARD Olivier 11:30:58 45 49M France H 1520
306 JOANNE Sebastien 11:32:01 45 49M France THD H 1304
307 MEYNET Anne Lise 11:32:02 45 49W France F 1510
308 LECOMTE Raphael 11:32:18 20 34M France H 1486
309 THIOUX Tony 11:33:06 20 34M France H 1260
310 ALLEGRET BOURDON Franck 11:33:33 45 49M France Royal B?tard H 1258
311 LLABRES Jeremy 11:33:40 45 49M France Aix Savoie triathl H 1444
312 JULIEN Pierre 11:34:11 45 49M France MONTIGNY LA VAUPAL H 1388
313 LECONTE Clement 11:34:13 20 34M France H 1729
314 MAROLLEAU Romain 11:34:15 20 34M France H 1781
315 BARLIER Irvin 11:34:26 20 34M France H 1597
316 LE BORGNE Jean Yves 11:34:33 55 59M France Courir a ste luce H 1311
317 HERVET Xavier 11:34:35 40 44M France H 1367
318 LEVASSEUR Jonas 11:35:15 20 34M France H 1610
319 GRUET Olivier 11:35:16 45 49M France ACDigne H 2148
319 DOL Francois 11:35:16 40 44M France H 2183
321 PORION Yoann 11:35:24 45 49M France H 1578
322 WIBAUT Elodie 11:35:48 35 39W F 1736
323 SALLET Lucas 11:36:09 20 34M France AL Voiron H 1366
324 MAZIeRE Bertrand 11:36:55 45 49M France Team Trail Aix les H 1349
325 GIRAUDET Yoann 11:36:57 40 44M France Courir a Sainte Lu H 1584
326 BARYLAK Romain 11:36:59 40 44M France Courir A sainte Lu H 1455
327 MOR MOMBLAN Jordi 11:37:01 50 54M Espagne Ocells del Bages H 1433
328 RENOULT Stephane 11:38:17 40 44M France Ac Veules H 1574
329 LEGAVE Yann 11:38:23 40 44M France GCLP H 1478
330 BOULANGER Gaetan 11:38:39 20 34M France Leval Aulnoye Athl H 1271
331 CROZAT Herve 11:38:53 40 44M France H 2242
332 FOURNIER Romain 11:39:15 20 34M France H 1220
333 BURNETT Philip 11:39:32 55 59M H 1352
334 CONESA Herve 11:39:45 50 54M France Dauphirun H 1406
335 BONNET Romain 11:40:21 35 39M France Duc Army H 1565
336 VELU Ludovic 11:40:58 50 54M France Trails in France H 1773
337 PIBRE Frederic 11:41:10 45 49M France H 1474
338 SPERANZA Leo 11:42:16 35 39M France Run&trail 76 H 1436
339 NOBLE Julien 11:43:05 40 44M France US NATIXIS H 1283
340 GEROMIN Cyril 11:43:16 45 49M France Tcap H 1330
341 LEQUEUX Fabrice 11:44:18 40 44M France TEAM HARD' RUN' M 1490
342 GRAIGNON Corentin 11:44:28 20 34M France H 2194
343 GENDRON Sylvain 11:45:34 40 44M France Francueil by trail H 1456
344 BACHELET Eric 11:47:41 50 54M France Issy Running H 1822
345 JANOT Christophe 11:47:42 55 59M France H 1733
346 ANNAT Victor 11:48:01 35 39M France H 1465
347 PRONNIER Thomas 11:48:09 20 34M H 1500
348 CHARPENTIER Basile 11:48:14 35 39M France Ultramicale 86 H 1538
349 PONCET Clemence 11:49:15 20 34W France F 1569
350 RIVIERRE Isabelle 11:49:29 45 49W France Aaee EPERNON F 1485
351 RAMPON Johann 11:49:46 50 54M France ACBU H 1459
352 DOUMEN Thomas 11:49:57 35 39M France COURIR A VALENCE 2 H 1837
353 DEBOSSCHER Michel 11:50:10 60 64M France H 1552
354 GAZANION Eric 11:50:14 35 39M France H 1393
355 BARBERIO Guillaume 11:51:35 35 39M France Gravelines Grimp H 1399
356 RHEIMS Thibault 11:52:15 20 34M France H 1933
356 FRICKER Benjamin 11:52:15 35 39M France H 1934
358 TARTIERE Franck 11:52:34 45 49M France H 2212
359 LE BRISSE Jacques 11:52:38 50 54M France Les joggers de la H 1476
360 PERONNET Clement 11:52:44 20 34M France H 1212
361 CHENAFA Sammy 11:52:48 35 39M France Run & Trail H 2177
362 VINOT Alexandre 11:52:59 35 39M France H 1475
363 LAUZE Frederic 11:53:33 35 39M France H 1200
364 DUCROT Loic 11:53:36 45 49M France Duc is / terre de H 1381
365 LE FOURN Romain 11:54:59 35 39M France H 2195
366 HANAU Maxime 11:55:21 35 39M France H 1738
367 PALUT Vincent 11:55:25 40 44M France H 1344
368 JOUSSE Olivier 11:55:59 45 49M France TRIATHLON LE MANS H 2202
369 SAUNIER Laurent 11:56:00 50 54M France Olympique Cabries M 1342
369 FABIEN Conilleau 11:56:00 45 49M France H 2203
371 CAVELLINI Florian 11:56:37 40 44M France H 1779
372 BROUILLARD Tony 11:56:46 40 44M France glenic sport natur H 1284
373 DE VULPIAN Augustin 11:57:06 40 44M France H 1874
374 GRASSWILL Dimitri 11:57:28 45 49M France H 1734
375 GONTHIER Cedric 11:57:32 35 39M France H 1516
376 DAHOUMANE Mokrane 11:58:22 45 49M France H 1580
377 PHILIPPON Richard 11:58:55 50 54M France H 1786
378 ROGER Cyril 11:58:56 45 49M France AG Pierre Buffiere H 1576
379 MONTEIL Christophe 11:58:58 45 49M France H 1560
380 DRANSART Philippe 12:00:34 40 44M France H 2143
381 BOUDET Sebastien Nicolas 12:00:38 40 44M France H 1737
382 GARCIA RUNDSTADLER Baptiste 12:00:43 20 34M France H 2251
383 CHADEYRON Benjamin 12:01:28 35 39M France YTRAC CLUB NATURE H 1795
384 GERBON Julien 12:01:56 20 34M France H 1976
385 LEROY Benoit 12:02:58 20 34M France Duc Army H 1724
386 MAGER Malte 12:03:36 45 49M Allemagne H 2289
387 SERVAJEAN HILST Gregoire 12:04:05 40 44M France H 1978
388 MILLON Remy 12:04:33 20 34M France H 2036
389 LEROUX Mathieu 12:04:59 40 44M France Rmt H 1445
390 ROUSSEAU Philippe 12:05:07 50 54M France Triathlon Saint As H 1266
391 BALLESTER Emmanuel 12:05:17 40 44M France TTC H 1386
392 AITELHOCINE Fabrice 12:05:53 50 54M France JSFG Trail Trail I M 1811
393 CENAC Jean Michel 12:06:14 50 54M France CLUB ALPIN FRANCAI H 1382
393 DORIN Michel 12:06:14 50 54M France H 1398
395 BASTARD ROSSET Melanie 12:06:22 40 44W France F 1614
396 MORIN Vincent 12:06:30 20 34M France H 2035
397 STALDER Yannick 12:06:56 35 39M France H 2240
398 FILOCHE Romain 12:07:54 35 39M France H 1365
399 BOSSARD Guillaume 12:08:00 35 39M France H 1710
400 DUCLAUX Sebastien 12:08:16 20 34M France COURIR A VALENCE 2 H 1997
401 GAROND Axel 12:08:19 35 39M France Les Chamois du Lac H 1514
402 MARTINY Gauthier 12:08:28 20 34M France Les foulees du nob H 1462
403 DEBOUTEZ Jerome 12:08:37 40 44M France H 1483
404 NOGUIER Guillaume 12:08:40 45 49M France H 1867
405 JOIRIS Alexandre 12:09:05 45 49M France H 1718
406 VUILLERMET Valerie 12:10:41 55 59W France Team trail Aix les F 1564
407 SERRA Pascal 12:10:42 50 54M France H 1422
408 GRANY Julien 12:10:53 35 39M France DUC ARMY H 1364
409 LARGIER David 12:10:55 40 44M France M 1403
410 FREMAUX Gaspard 12:10:57 20 34M France H 1778
411 ABOULIN Arnaud 12:11:31 35 39M France Team denivelay H 2219
412 LAGOURGUE Cynthia 12:11:43 20 34W France F 1740
413 MARTINEZ Jennifer 12:12:10 35 39W France TURLUTUTU CHAPEAU F 1503
414 ROOS Remi 12:13:13 35 39M France H 1931
414 ROOS Francois 12:13:13 35 39M France H 2207
416 DOCWRA Richard 12:13:40 50 54M Royaume Uni H 2235
417 ROMERO Julien 12:13:48 35 39M France Courbevoie triathl H 1712
418 MAYOT Xavier 12:14:08 45 49M France H 1566
419 SCELLIER Guillaume 12:14:24 45 49M France H 1776
420 FLAJOLLET Jeremy 12:14:52 20 34M France Patriote Cross de H 1466
421 GUILLERMET Antoine 12:15:25 35 39M France H 1604
422 NICEY Augustin 12:15:33 40 44M France Rsa H 1351
423 DUPRES Nicolas 12:15:34 45 49M France ASCO H 1417
424 BRUEL Yannick 12:16:29 35 39M France YTRAC CLUB NATURE H 1331
424 MAHMAZ Youssef 12:16:29 35 39M Maroc H 1249
426 SALLET Pierre 12:16:32 50 54M France H 2261
427 BEAUX emilie 12:16:38 40 44W France ASCO F 1571
428 COUX Pierre 12:16:41 20 34M France H 1356
428 LE GALL Gaetan 12:16:41 20 34M France AS Plouguin H 2288
430 JESSENNE Benjamin 12:17:48 20 34M France Ch'Team H 1958
430 LEVAIN Maxence 12:17:48 20 34M France H 1523
432 CRUVEILLER Arnaud 12:18:14 20 34M France H 1547
433 BERTRAND Gilles 12:18:51 55 59M France ATHLE DES ROCAILLE H 1506
434 SIMIONATO Gregory 12:19:49 40 44M France TEAM INTERSPOR DOL H 1126
435 GOUX Corentin 12:20:00 20 34M France H 1803
436 LY Albert 12:20:48 20 34M France H 1841
437 MARTIN Anthony 12:20:57 45 49M France Runner 76 H 1588
438 PINcON Herve 12:21:10 65 69M France H 1528
439 ANGEBAULT Dylan 12:21:51 20 34M France H 1526
440 JEZEQUEL COCHET Caroline 12:21:54 45 49W France Association triath F 1558
441 DALPIAZ Stephane 12:22:01 45 49M France Les Fortiches du L H 1227
442 PIGEAULT Cedric 12:22:03 40 44M France H 1750
442 BERTRAND Jean Christophe 12:22:03 50 54M France H 1813
444 MARTINEZ ALTARRIBA Carlos 12:22:58 50 54M Espagne DUO Fitness H 1312
445 CAUSSE Stephane 12:23:09 55 59M France H 1620
446 NOUVELLON Angeline 12:23:26 20 34W France F 1612
447 GARCIN Jerome 12:23:33 20 34M France H 1374
448 LIONNET Arthur 12:24:18 20 34M France H 1522
449 BIDAULT Nicolas 12:24:31 20 34M France H 2246
450 LABISTE Antoine 12:25:23 20 34M France H 1378
451 GARCIA Clement 12:25:55 20 34M France Les Affranchis H 1413
452 PINEL Bruno 12:26:50 60 64M France TREILLIeRES RUN H 2189
453 LANNOY Valerie 12:27:04 35 39W Belgique F 1866
454 ESCUDIER Thomas 12:27:45 40 44M France Nogarun H 1533
455 STEPHAN Tristan 12:28:04 35 39M France H 1594
456 GUILBON Ludovic 12:28:09 40 44M France H 2167
457 VIALLET Remy 12:28:54 20 34M France Team Deni'Velay H 1216
457 ARNAUD Marie 12:28:54 35 39W France Deni'Velay F 1407
459 BOIRET Mathieu 12:31:24 35 39M France H 1602
460 TOURENNE Kevin 12:31:32 35 39M France H 1219
461 FLACELIERE Nicolas 12:31:43 45 49M France Grand Chalon Athle H 1357
462 CASSAIGNE Cyril 12:32:38 20 34M France H 1596
463 FReTEUR Theophile 12:32:47 20 34M Belgique Global fit H 2184
464 FREMAUX Matthieu 12:33:38 35 39M France H 1954
465 BAYLE Vincent 12:34:07 40 44M France H 1741
466 MARTIN Pierre 12:34:26 40 44M France H 1439
467 CORABOEUF Stephane 12:34:40 50 54M France AMA CUGAND H 1568
468 SAUNIER Francois 12:34:44 40 44M France H 1592
469 MAHOT Nicolas 12:34:53 40 44M France Franceuil by trail H 1587
470 DENNETIERE Thomas 12:35:18 35 39M France H 1556
471 BELLYNCK Jerome 12:35:27 45 49M France H 1412
472 DURAND Christophe 12:36:27 60 64M France CMBM H 1585
473 PIQUET Jerome 12:36:54 50 54M France Glenic sport natur H 1703
474 TOUTOUX Samuel 12:37:00 35 39M France H 1431
475 LEVESQUE Florian 12:37:01 35 39M France H 1838
476 COCAULT Sebastien 12:37:16 45 49M France COCC H 2062
477 BOURGIER Eymeric 12:37:35 20 34M France H 1255
478 BALINK Thomas 12:37:41 20 34M Pays Bas H 1711
479 CHAINTREUIL Florent 12:37:49 20 34M France Beaujolais Runners H 1559
480 RAVELEAU Mathias 12:37:53 20 34M France H 1877
481 ANTOINE Julien 12:38:28 20 34M France Gold & Fresh H 2214
482 MATHIEU Stephane 12:38:35 50 54M France PSN H 1917
483 RUIVO Carlos 12:38:49 50 54M France H 2152
484 TRUFFIN Quentin 12:38:57 20 34M France RC BELLEGARDE H 1551
485 JUNG Jongmin 12:39:02 35 39M Coree du Sud H 1964
486 WATIEZ Charles Hubert 12:39:15 20 34M France H 1619
487 BROT Simon 12:39:29 35 39M France H 1519
488 MARICOT Olivier 12:39:35 50 54M France Foulee de saint ge H 1605
489 LE BELLEGO Erwan 12:40:16 45 49M France rance jogging H 1544
490 NOBLE Pierre 12:41:02 50 54M France H 1932
491 MAULAVe Marc 12:41:04 40 44M France Spondy court H 1857
492 DEHAENE Bram 12:41:11 35 39M Belgique H 1794
493 BEULQUE Nico 12:42:00 50 54M Belgique H 1507
494 FERRIER Maxime 12:42:02 40 44M France TEAM CAILLETTE DU H 1561
495 DEHAINAULT Raphael 12:42:13 20 34M France H 1529
496 LOURDEL Sylvain 12:42:30 45 49M France H 1508
497 GUIEYSSE Pascal 12:42:50 45 49M France Run in Cres H 1427
498 DUMAINE Fabrice 12:42:58 45 49M France fast five M 2142
499 MOUREAU Benjamin 12:42:59 40 44M France Asspoc H 1325
500 ROUTIL Julien 12:43:28 40 44M France H 1401
501 MASSARDIER Loic 12:44:28 45 49M France Y?ACA Courir Cubli H 2210
502 DEMMELBAUER William 12:44:34 20 34M France H 2196
503 PENCREACH Gwendal 12:44:57 35 39M France H 1735
503 INGENITO Christophe 12:44:57 35 39M France H 2186
505 GALLOU Frederic 12:44:58 45 49M France US LE PONTET H 1609
506 JOND Remy 12:45:13 20 34M France H 2174
507 JOND Johanny 12:45:14 20 34M France CS Megeve H 1345
508 DOMENECH Yann 12:45:27 45 49M France Vallee de Montmore H 1542
509 BODDENBERG Birgit 12:45:41 55 59W Allemagne Rotes Einhorn F 1501
510 JERONIMO Teddy 12:47:21 35 39M France H 1818
511 DALMAZ Ludovic 12:47:22 45 49M France H 1550
512 CLEMENT Philippe 12:48:11 40 44M France CAL Charlieu H 1751
513 MARTIN Justo 12:48:12 50 54M France CAL CHARLIEU H 1442
514 DUCRET Marthe 12:48:13 35 39W France F 1805
515 VERSNEL Lars 12:49:04 20 34M Pays Bas H 2199
516 BAILLY Damien 12:50:03 20 34M France H 1598
517 VAN BERKEL Matthieu 12:50:05 20 34M France H 1505
518 DURAND Maxime 12:51:29 40 44M France H 1862
519 FLAJOLLET Didier 12:51:33 45 49M France P'tit filou H 1504
520 MICHEL Francois 12:51:54 55 59M France H 2241
521 CHERON Guillaume 12:52:23 40 44M France H 1892
522 MORICE Michel 12:52:35 35 39M France Brissac Loire Auba H 1430
523 BONNET Xavier 12:52:54 40 44M France H 1808
524 CARIOU Prigent 12:53:11 40 44M France ASASPP H 1567
525 BOLUT Emmanuel 12:53:17 50 54M France Club Alpin Francai H 1599
526 BERNARD Frank 12:53:25 20 34M France H 1621
527 HANRYON Corentin 12:53:52 20 34M France La Confrerie des B H 1464
528 GASIERO Christophe 12:54:25 55 59M France AC SASSENAGE H 1748
529 BURDILLAT Pierre 12:54:27 20 34M France H 2149
529 ALLUIN Adrien 12:54:27 20 34M France ALLUIN's Family H 1527
529 ALLUIN Alexandre 12:54:27 20 34M ALLUIN's Family H 1303
529 ALLUIN Marine 12:54:27 20 34W France ALLUIN's Family F 1265
533 ASSET Sebastien 12:54:35 50 54M France H 1618
534 BOUSQUET Nicolas 12:54:53 40 44M France H 1953
535 PLASSAIS Samuel 12:55:53 40 44M France LES DEBILOS H 1589
536 MEGRI Cedric 12:55:54 40 44M France LES DEBILOS H 1987
536 BARBIER Marc 12:55:54 40 44M France LES DEBILOS H 1540
538 LARRONDE Pascal 12:56:02 45 49M France H 1515
539 ABOULIN Clement 12:56:38 20 34M France Deni?Velay H 2230
540 HUMBERT Matthieu 12:56:40 45 49M France H 1327
541 PHAM Philippe 12:57:19 45 49M France Bouygtel Sports H 1536
542 THOLOT Dominique 12:57:31 60 64M France Echappee des Bords H 2204
543 JULIEN Lilian 12:57:33 40 44M France H 1759
544 CHARROIN Pascal 12:57:55 45 49M France H 1725
545 JANNIER Claire 12:59:01 40 44W France LES SANS BORNES SA F 1771
546 JANNIER Cyril 12:59:02 45 49M France SANS BORNES ST DID H 1770
547 LAUDREN Gilles 12:59:06 55 59M France TEAMGLOBETRAILERS H 1613
548 GIRAUD Aurelien 12:59:09 35 39M France NonoJose H 1410
549 COUTAREL Olivier 12:59:14 45 49M France H 1817
550 AUCLAIR David 12:59:18 50 54M France Glenic Sport Natur M 1831
550 ARCHAMBAULT Sebastien 12:59:18 45 49M France GLENIC SPORT NATUR H 1704
552 MONNIER Florian 12:59:37 35 39M France H 1746
553 HUBERT Christophe 12:59:39 50 54M France H 1809
554 LEROY Sebastien 12:59:40 40 44M France H 1716
555 ROGUET Pierrick 12:59:44 40 44M France Les Dahus Assoiffe H 1320
555 FRIZON Thibaud 12:59:44 40 44M France Les Dahus Assoiffe H 1935
557 FAVIER Marie 13:00:36 20 34W France F 1545
558 LIPOWIEZ Fabrice 13:00:51 50 54M France VNT M 1463
559 VIDAL Isabelle 13:01:10 45 49W France Courir pont du ch? F 1727
560 BARBELLION Anthonny 13:01:12 40 44M France PAOLHI H 1789
561 FRANCHET Pierre 13:01:38 20 34M France H 2094
562 BOURGOUIN Guillaume 13:01:52 40 44M France H 1886
563 REGUIG Kmysti 13:02:45 45 49M France Passepartout/colis H 1530
564 CERISIER Geoffrey 13:02:46 40 44M France TEAM HARD RUN H 1821
565 CIBERT Patrick 13:02:53 55 59M France Courir A Nyons H 1524
566 RIVET Bertrand 13:03:33 35 39M France Yesss electrique H 1371
566 BRUYeRE Benjamin 13:03:33 35 39M France H 1377
568 AMADIO Gregory 13:03:59 50 54M France USB H 1616
569 LE CLERCH Yoann 13:04:05 35 39M France Courir A plusieurs H 1235
570 THAYE Arnaud 13:04:38 45 49M France Team Chancrouns H 1276
571 TERRAND Anne 13:05:05 45 49W France Team Trail Grands F 1903
572 FELDMANN Baptiste 13:05:38 20 34M France Courir A Plusieurs H 1498
573 MOREL Herve 13:06:50 40 44M France H 2221
573 SIDORSKI Benjamin 13:06:50 40 44M France H 1744
575 LOUIS Fabrice 13:07:51 50 54M France TALURUN M 1722
576 MAIRET Christophe 13:08:01 50 54M France CLUB ALPIN MACON H 1495
577 DUCLOCHER Jerome 13:08:04 45 49M France ASUL sports nature H 1513
578 DOLLE Damien 13:08:28 35 39M France Vinci Energies H 1856
579 PERRIN Henri Pierre 13:08:53 45 49M France H 1579
580 LECOEUR Francois 13:09:00 40 44M France STADE OLYMPIQUE DU H 1925
581 TATECEAU Mickael 13:09:08 45 49M France run & trail H 1957
582 HOKA Pascal 13:09:09 35 39M France Run & trail 76 H 1798
583 URIZZI Baptiste 13:09:19 20 34M France H 1989
583 SIMON Eric 13:09:19 50 54M France ASCO H 2023
585 LOUIS Tony 13:09:27 45 49M France H 1806
586 CHAPUIS Claude 13:09:54 40 44M France TTC H 1418
587 HAAS Josua 13:10:17 20 34M Suisse H 1883
588 LABASTROU Cedric 13:10:18 35 39M France H 1842
589 LAZIC Goran 13:10:24 45 49M France Loznicki Trkaci H 1600
590 LAMIE Peter Guy 13:10:32 45 49M Royaume Uni H 1830
591 QUATREHOMME Nael 13:11:06 20 34M France H 1570
592 BOURSON Mathieu 13:11:13 40 44M France Adidas Runners Par H 1409
593 FAZILLEAU Gregory 13:11:56 35 39M France ASCE THALES VALENC H 1760
594 GILLE Pierre Hugues 13:12:06 35 39M France XVe Athletic Club H 2176
595 LELIEVRE Vincent 13:14:02 40 44M France Court coaching spo H 1408
596 GARAYOA Remi 13:14:21 40 44M France AJT SAONE VALLEE H 1479
597 PETITCOLIN Romain 13:14:34 35 39M France H 1855
598 MERMET Pierre 13:15:59 35 39M France H 1488
598 DA SILVA Fabio 13:15:59 35 39M Portugal H 1573
600 LORBER Robin 13:17:04 20 34M France Team Clariance H 1470
601 KECH Michael 13:17:05 45 49M Belgique TAF Trail attitu H 1586
602 LARIDAN Ophelie 13:17:06 35 39W France La Foulee muroise F 1945
603 BAUDOUY Jean Jacques 13:17:22 55 59M France AS Villeneuve Tria H 1758
604 PEREZ Amancio 13:17:47 45 49M Suisse H 1702
605 COTTIER Clement 13:20:29 45 49M France Courrir a Morieres H 1745
606 MARTINET Tom 13:20:39 20 34M France H 1575
607 MICHEL Pierre 13:21:06 50 54M France AFA FEYZIN VENISSI H 1354
608 MARC Mathieu 13:21:20 50 54M France EAPE H 1453
609 MICOUD Dimitri 13:21:28 20 34M France decathlon bourgoin H 1739
610 PAYA Ludovic 13:21:52 35 39M France H 2234
611 HUBERT Xavier 13:22:14 35 39M France H 1391
612 BARDEAU Serge 13:22:25 65 69M France Action 12 H 1707
613 VAUGEOIS Antoine 13:22:37 20 34M France H 1554
614 ROSSIGNOL Loic 13:22:47 40 44M France H 1534
615 RIGAUDEAU Franck 13:23:41 55 59M France ASCO H 1713
615 HARDY Franck 13:23:41 50 54M France ASPTT ARGENTAN H 1404
617 SALVAT Nicolas 13:23:42 45 49M France H 1979
618 PIJOURLET Thierry 13:23:48 60 64M France BEL'DONNE RUNNING H 1421
619 DUPRe Aymeric 13:23:54 35 39M France H 1845
620 HENQUINET Jacques 13:24:14 55 59M France 6H15 DE SOISSONS H 1743
621 BUTTAY Patrice 13:24:45 50 54M France Les Trailers du Mo H 1980
622 BUCHHEIT Mickael 13:27:03 40 44M France GRUPPETTO H 1814
623 GOURDEAU Celine 13:27:39 40 44W France Les baudets du Poi F 1847
624 OLIVIER Cyril 13:27:51 40 44M France les eclopes du tra H 2048
625 DORELLE Florent 13:27:59 40 44M France Echappe des bord d H 1833
626 BLANCHARD Steve 13:28:00 45 49M France Running Villars H 1782
627 BOINe Willy 13:28:17 50 54M France ASCO TRAIL H 1717
628 ROBILLARD Arnaud 13:28:19 40 44M France H 1882
629 CHARPENTIER Noemie 13:28:21 40 44W France F 1887
630 METZ Olivier 13:28:48 45 49M France H 2082
631 LENOBLE Stephane 13:28:51 45 49M France H 1582
632 HARCAUT Amelie 13:28:52 40 44W France SCR Pour Gabin F 1757
633 JOUTEL Delphine 13:29:01 40 44W France OH MY TRI F 1617
634 MONTEIL Eugenie 13:29:40 45 49W France SALTA BARTAS F 2252
635 DECREQUY Guillaume 13:31:24 40 44M France Joggin?Tours H 2042
636 MARGOT Romain 13:31:51 35 39M France H 2050
637 HAINAUT Arnaud 13:32:01 40 44M France H 1844
638 PAQUET Gregoire 13:32:02 35 39M France H 1962
639 CARIOU Leny 13:32:04 20 34M France H 1956
640 JEHAES Medhi 13:32:13 40 44M France H 2038
641 MOREAUX Alexandre 13:32:31 40 44M France H 1860
642 BOUSSANT ROUX Yves 13:34:02 60 64M France H 1709
643 ROMIER Charles 13:35:35 35 39M France H 1865
644 MONDIERE Julien 13:36:23 40 44M France Les Croque Chemins H 1499
645 HUMBERT Benoit 13:38:47 50 54M France H 1441
645 PIONNEAU Magali 13:38:47 35 39W France JOGGINTOURS F 1792
645 BANDIERA Francois Xavier 13:38:47 50 54M France H 2211
648 DAMBRINE Sebastien 13:39:09 50 54M France H 1368
649 COMPTE Romain 13:39:51 35 39M France H 2213
650 LAVENANT Boris 13:40:04 45 49M France H 1793
651 LENZ Stephane 13:40:05 35 39M France H 1893
652 CABARDOS Gilles 13:40:34 50 54M France H 1826
653 PRIELS Amaury 13:40:47 20 34M Belgique H 1852
654 BONNICI Simon 13:41:21 40 44M France H 1484
655 ROSCINI VITALI Aurelien 13:41:23 20 34M France TRIATHLON Sannois H 1375
656 MOUSSION Olivier 13:42:17 40 44M France H 2006
657 COURIOL Eddy 13:43:31 40 44M France H 2201
658 MAZENOD Christelle 13:43:49 50 54W France Echappee des bords F 1910
659 BERNARD Amandine 13:44:19 35 39W France TCAP F 1970
660 PEREZ SMANIOTTO Nathalie 13:44:36 35 39W France FRONSADAIS SPORTS F 1854
661 CREPY Florent 13:44:49 40 44M France JPM H 1937
662 CHAMBONNEAU Guillaume 13:45:25 45 49M France H 1601
663 CHOQUET Remi 13:45:40 20 34M France Athletic Club Achi H 1907
664 BALACHINSKY Baptiste 13:45:44 40 44M France H 2228
665 CONIASSE Herve 13:45:56 55 59M France cas ville du Puy e H 2217
666 CHOMICKI Tony 13:46:05 60 64M France COURIR CESSON VERT H 2168
667 VORASARN Sitana 13:46:14 40 44M France H 1992
668 FARIA FERNANDES Kevin 13:46:35 20 34M France H 1701
669 COOWAR BEAUJEU Reaz 13:47:18 40 44M France Talurun H 1454
670 GOURDON Pascal 13:47:26 60 64M France H 1986
671 BIAVA Lionel 13:47:32 45 49M France H 1977
672 DELISeE Laure 13:47:33 50 54W France F 2015
673 HERMAN Yann 13:47:51 45 49M France H 2053
674 DA ROCHA Laurent 13:47:56 55 59M France M 2081
675 COSNIER Romain 13:48:15 45 49M France H 2021
676 BORRELL Cati 13:48:34 55 59W Espagne Ocells del Bages F 1898
677 MERI Franck 13:48:42 45 49M France Orange H 2066
678 GINER Julien 13:48:44 40 44M France H 2093
679 HONGNE Stefan 13:49:08 45 49M Belgique H 1511
680 GRIMeE Vincent 13:50:37 40 44M France H 1774
681 NICEY Bruno 13:51:12 40 44M France H 1904
682 PASSEMARD Claire 13:51:47 20 34W France F 1858
683 GUILLAUME Anais 13:51:48 20 34W France F 2070
684 PROFIT Regis 13:54:14 50 54M France H 1901
685 LAVOINE Maxime 13:54:43 20 34M France Ch?team H 1843
686 CAMPOS Nicolas 13:55:43 50 54M France Team Clariance H 1469
687 RENOUX Chantal 13:56:32 45 49W France F 1572
688 VILLAMAUX Bastien 13:57:51 20 34M France H 1801
689 LEFRANC Maurane 13:58:44 20 34W France F 1921
690 BOUTEVEILLE Alexandre 14:00:37 45 49M France PASSION RUNNING DU H 1723
691 DRUGEON Luc 14:01:19 70 74M France H 1952
692 STEPHAN Nicolas 14:02:00 45 49M France bpce eurotitres H 1791
693 DARACTZ Cedric 14:02:22 40 44M France H 1768
694 COPIN Damien 14:02:32 40 44M France La Route du Sourir H 2037
695 GUEGNARD Elise 14:03:40 40 44W France Running and Trail F 1897
696 BOREL Francois 14:04:17 35 39M France H 2075
697 DUMONT Cyrille 14:04:24 50 54M France Les foulees de Sai H 1922
698 GEMMITI Sandro 14:04:41 40 44M France MornanTrail H 2013
699 ZAJACZ Jean Pierre 14:04:57 55 59M France H 1775
700 BRETON Jean Francois 14:05:16 45 49M France H 1863
701 DUBIEF Tim 14:05:53 35 39M France H 1482
702 DESCHINS Thierry 14:06:12 60 64M France H 1797
703 PEYRIDIEU Bertrand 14:06:30 40 44M France J3 SPORTS AMILLY H 1906
704 MICHEL Baptiste 14:06:36 35 39M France H 1942
705 PEROUELLE David 14:06:50 50 54M France DELOS APEI 78 M 1581
706 CAUSSE Olivier 14:07:49 45 49M France H 1851
707 MOREIRA Camille 14:08:15 35 39W France F 1975
708 BONTE Yohann 14:08:43 20 34M France H 2146
709 STEPHANE Barbier 14:09:17 50 54M France H 1871
710 CLAIR Quentin 14:09:21 20 34M France H 1731
711 PETER Jean Alexandre 14:09:28 35 39M France H 1828
712 SYLVESTRE Marielle 14:09:36 45 49W France F 1984
713 SYLVESTRE David 14:09:38 45 49M France M 2003
714 KERRIEN Benoit 14:10:20 40 44M France H 1832
715 MAILLOT Mickael 14:10:29 35 39M France H 1772
716 EON Erwann 14:10:35 20 34M France H 1273
716 MALLE Jean Francois 14:10:35 40 44M France H 1400
718 BASTIe Marie 14:10:58 20 34W France F 1959
719 ZAZA Laurent 14:11:00 40 44M France M 1756
720 LAM Vincent 14:12:38 20 34M France H 1810
721 DEMBSKI Herve 14:12:51 45 49M France CSS team Trail H 2051
722 GANNAC Jerome 14:12:53 45 49M France H 2020
723 DINAUT Raphael 14:12:54 45 49M France H 2025
724 BONDROIT Simon 14:12:58 20 34M Belgique H 1835
725 BERTE Jerome 14:13:25 45 49M France ASCO Trail H 2059
726 DREUX Christophe 14:13:30 50 54M France H 2064
727 RICHARD Jimmy 14:13:59 35 39M France EBL H 1915
728 GODDE Damien 14:14:06 35 39M France H 1452
729 CRENET Stephane 14:14:14 50 54M France Jogging club Marti H 1947
730 CUINET Jean Francois 14:14:17 55 59M France LYON ULTRA RUN H 1848
730 CORBEIL Emmanuel 14:14:17 55 59M France Uzerche nature pas H 1929
732 GUYON Jean Marc 14:15:19 55 59M France BOIRON H 1180
733 CHAUVET Olivier 14:16:28 55 59M France ASCO H 1611
734 DE OLIVEIRA Manuela 14:16:48 40 44W France F 2216
735 OUSSAD Frederic 14:16:49 35 39M France H 1492
736 DELAHERCHE Luc 14:16:52 50 54M France JM.consulting H 1747
737 KUTA Aline 14:17:59 50 54W France Les girafons F 2004
738 HEROUARD Aurelien 14:18:07 20 34M France H 1732
739 MENNELET Julien 14:18:38 40 44M France H 1765
740 GODIN Nicolas 14:18:49 45 49M France Team Ardeche H 1846
741 ROUZAIRE Lionel 14:19:24 35 39M France Eveil Mendois Athl H 2052
742 DA ROCHA Christophe 14:20:08 45 49M France Papi ronchon H 1872
743 DA ROCHA Stephane 14:20:09 50 54M France Papi ronchon H 2055
744 CUTRERA Benjamin 14:22:56 40 44M France Running Club SP3C H 1426
744 BOUTIN Mickael 14:22:56 55 59M France H 1742
746 DENIS Thomas 14:24:04 45 49M France H 1902
746 JOFFRAIN Lionel 14:24:04 50 54M France H 1948
748 CAIJO Sylvain 14:25:40 55 59M France H 1985
749 GAUTHIER DALL'AGNOLETTA Alex 14:26:10 20 34M France H 2009
750 LAVAUX Pierre 14:27:21 45 49M France La Foulee Muroise H 1968
751 BRUSETTI Mathieu 14:27:40 40 44M France H 2030
752 REYNAUD Vincent 14:28:40 45 49M France H 1896
753 ABRATE Cedric 14:28:47 45 49M France H 1961
754 VAN DER MARK Thomas 14:29:36 20 34M Pays Bas the freaks H 2072
755 GENADINOS Marie 14:29:38 40 44W France F 1825
756 DUPUY Adrien 14:29:51 35 39M France Scotches des Monts H 1766
757 MINGUENAUD Stephane 14:30:13 45 49M France Mbda sport athleti H 1969
758 GRILLY Antoine 14:31:43 45 49M France Type 1 Running Tea H 1705
759 SIEGMUND Rense 14:31:51 45 49M Pays Bas the Freaks H 2136
760 GeRARD Davat 14:32:12 45 49M France H 1769
761 GOUDEDRANCHE Marie 14:34:27 40 44W France F 2010
762 MINAUD Guillaume 14:34:38 40 44M France Essar'trace H 1879
763 DUMANT Benjamin 14:34:43 20 34M France H 2180
764 FOUQUERE Fabien 14:36:55 55 59M France H 1905
765 ROMPEN Thibaut 14:38:00 45 49M Belgique olne H 1918
766 CARL Simon 14:38:45 50 54M Royaume Uni H 1815
767 JAQUEMET Claire 14:40:09 20 34W France F 2012
768 BALLAY Pierre Jean 14:41:57 40 44M France H 2172
769 LE BRAS Yannick 14:42:05 45 49M France H 1708
770 CHAUSSIN Philippe 14:43:17 50 54M France H 1881
771 SEFFRE Bertrand 14:43:23 40 44M France H 1949
772 BLASCO Diego 14:43:52 20 34M France H 1261
773 CHAMPION Francois 14:44:45 50 54M France H 2046
774 LIEVRE Emilie 14:45:01 45 49W France US THOUARS F 1880
775 ROBERT Christophe 14:45:52 45 49M France Running Trail Isso H 1982
776 DELACHAT Guillaume 14:46:02 55 59M France Caval Pertuis H 2104
777 BONNELIE Sebastien 14:46:09 40 44M France H 1973
778 NALET Gregoire 14:46:21 35 39M France H 1816
779 EMBLANCH Christophe 14:46:23 55 59M France ASVA H 1960
780 DUFOUR Sylvain 14:46:25 45 49M France ASVA H 2161
781 MICHEL Bibre 14:46:33 55 59M France Confrerie des baud H 2033
782 CORTES CASTRO Raimundo 14:46:44 45 49M Espagne Demecasas Pasico H 1607
783 KORENFELD Christian 14:48:02 65 69M France H 2254
784 ROTGe David 14:48:17 45 49M France M 1553
785 AZOU Pascal 14:48:44 45 49M France Trotterien landivi H 2173
786 JACQUIN Jules 14:49:20 20 34M France H 2237
787 HEYE Damien 14:51:13 45 49M France H 1981
787 POUZADOUX Richard 14:51:13 45 49M France H 2019
789 DELLOYE Thibaut 14:51:14 45 49M France H 2178
790 VAIDIE Julien 14:51:20 35 39M France H 1930
791 VAIDIE Guillaume 14:51:22 20 34M France FREERUN H 1885
792 SEILLe Sebastien 14:52:17 50 54M France H 2001
793 PALLARUELO Tony 14:53:58 20 34M France H 1359
794 MARCHAL Stephane 14:54:38 50 54M France H 2047
795 BERLEAUD Fabrice 14:58:57 35 39M France FPT BOURBON LANCY M 1788
796 HECKEL Nicolas 15:02:00 35 39M France CALR H 1777
797 CARIOU Antoine 15:03:40 20 34M France H 1994
798 REYMONET Alexandre 15:03:50 35 39M France H 1840
799 DERVAUX Cecile 15:04:05 40 44W France ctni F 1895
799 DARIC Xavier 15:04:05 45 49M France H 1891
801 GAUTHIER Nicolas 15:04:09 45 49M France H 2024
802 RENAUDAT Johanna 15:04:40 40 44W France F 2107
802 BRISSON Yann 15:04:40 45 49M France H 2147
804 CAYET William 15:04:44 45 49M France H 1936
805 SLOTALA Isabelle 15:05:39 55 59W France F 1784
805 MONNERET Guillaume 15:05:39 55 59M France MORGON FC H 1783
807 DUMESNIL Sebastien 15:05:46 45 49M France S/L Athletique Clu H 1812
808 BOUCHe Arnaud 15:06:54 50 54M France TDR Albertville H 1869
809 NGUYEN KHAC Trung Dung 15:07:32 50 54M France La Foulee Muroise H 1889
810 JEHAES Mathieu 15:09:13 40 44M France H 2084
811 AUCLAIR Vincent 15:09:28 45 49M France H 1928
812 MILARET Geoffrey 15:10:07 35 39M France H 2057
813 MILBEO Marie Lise 15:12:44 40 44W France ESMPA F 1761
813 CHARPENTIER Damien 15:12:44 45 49M France J3 sport athle H 2076
815 LIMONIER Sophie 15:16:22 50 54W France F 1914
816 GIVRE Stephane 15:16:28 55 59M France ASC Mionnay H 1539
817 DE SAINT EXUPeRY Eric 15:17:30 20 34M France H 1829
818 JOSSET Lionel 15:18:41 50 54M France Footing Landerneen H 2014
819 MIR Sebastien 15:19:05 45 49M France H 1991
820 BIGOT Frederic 15:19:33 50 54M France H 1467
821 FRACHETTE Marie Joelle 15:19:47 60 64W France F 1963
822 HERNANDEZ Loic 15:21:30 35 39M France Portet Athletic Cl H 1531
823 GELLI Jean Noel 15:24:39 50 54M Italie H 2077
824 JANVIER Thomas 15:29:13 35 39M France H 1853
825 PERCHOC Cecile 15:34:56 45 49W France ASCO F 1849
826 BRICHE Cedric 15:37:03 40 44M France H 1943
827 ARNAUD Jeanlouis 15:37:21 65 69M France OIS'EAU LIBRE H 2031
828 BERNARDO DE OLIVEIRA Daniel 15:38:06 55 59M France CAF Lyon Villeurba H 1823
829 CUINET Bruno 15:38:14 50 54M France Run in Champagney H 1762
830 JEDDI Lea 15:42:53 20 34W France F 1967
831 RIBEIL Jean Marc 15:42:55 60 64M France H 2097
832 PELHATE Alain 15:43:45 65 69M France H 1873
833 BOURDARIAS Pascal 15:44:26 60 64M France S/L GRENOBLE UC H 2034
834 JACQUIN Yann 15:46:31 45 49M France H 2078
835 BOMPAS Jerome 15:47:30 55 59M France Run Team Milleis B H 1944
836 NICOLAS Sebastien 15:47:42 40 44M France H 2250
837 BOCHER Xavier 15:49:51 35 39M France CA SPORTS H 1923
838 BARTOSIK Jean Claude 15:51:13 60 64M France H 1946
839 VIALETTE Vincent 15:52:29 50 54M France H 2073
840 BENON Valentin 15:52:54 20 34M France H 2171
841 ESSAKKAKI Rachid 15:53:28 45 49M Maroc H 2002
842 ROMEU VARELA Jesus 15:53:29 55 59M Espagne H 2008
843 AVRIL Philippe 15:55:28 50 54M France H 1912
844 BAECHER Sebastien 15:57:52 40 44M France Esprit Run H 2032
845 LAURENT Ludovic 15:59:34 35 39M France H 2041
846 KROCHMALUK Stephane 16:02:41 45 49M France H 2083
847 HIPEAU Pierre 16:03:05 50 54M France H 2026
848 PRADAL Monique 16:04:05 60 64W France F 2132
849 PAGNAT Serge 16:04:06 60 64M France H 2100
850 VILLERS Fabian 16:04:34 35 39M Belgique H 1888
851 GRENTE Christophe 16:07:52 45 49M France CBG H 2106
852 POUCHAIN Marie Pierre 16:10:41 55 59W France F 2063
853 POUCHAIN Valery 16:10:42 55 59M France H 1974
854 VALBUENA RODRIGUEZ Albert 16:18:31 40 44M Espagne H 2239
855 LIDON SANCHEZ Roberto 16:18:32 50 54M Espagne DEMECASAS PASICO H 1990
856 GUICHARD Alain 16:19:07 60 64M France ASPTT Digne les Ba H 1807
857 MACHET Dominique 16:19:41 50 54M France H 2156
858 PRIJAC Gregory 16:19:43 45 49M France La Foulee Muroise H 1820
859 MASSON Yann 16:20:09 45 49M France H 1996
860 BERD Samy 16:20:11 40 44M France Arnaud COIFFIER ex H 1995
861 BRUNEAU Florent 16:20:36 45 49M France Psn Preaux H 1909
862 LIOGIER Christian 16:26:58 60 64M France black chickens H 1876
863 TALLONNEAU Julie 16:34:50 35 39W France RUN TO LOVE F 1972
864 CIARDI Benoit 16:35:11 45 49M France H 1926
865 CHAPAS Bernard 16:35:15 60 64M France Kikourou H 2092
866 THIBAULT Fabrice 16:39:24 50 54M France M 2127
867 LE FAOU Valerie 16:39:26 55 59W France Footing Landerneen F 2096
868 ALVES Antonio 16:40:24 50 54M Portugal We Run H 2040
869 JOFFRAIN Maud 16:41:40 45 49W France UA SOCIETE GENERAL F 2011
870 LESASSIER Emilie 16:41:41 40 44W France F 2022
871 ROULIN Romain 16:45:13 20 34M France H 2138
872 MISIAK Fabrice 16:46:30 55 59M France M 1884
873 SANCHEZ Gerome 16:46:55 50 54M France Pays D'Aix Trail H 1719
874 BOUTILIER Daniel 16:47:18 20 34M Canada Cape Breton Roadru H 2185
875 RAFFIN Caroline 16:53:55 40 44W France Brie running F 2085
876 PRIJAC Nadege 16:55:06 40 44W France La Foulee Muroise F 2154
877 HERMANS Laurent 16:58:21 60 64M Belgique Trailers en Drac M 2080
878 MAIGNIEN Benoit 17:00:12 50 54M France FOULeES DE SAINT G H 1900
879 WATANABE Riko 17:01:38 55 59W Japon F 2089
880 CARREY Quentin 17:04:02 20 34M France H 2044
881 VO Trung Phuc 17:04:20 45 49M France H 2140
882 BERTOLLE Fabrice 17:05:11 55 59M France M 2111
882 MARTY Thierry 17:05:11 50 54M France H 2028
884 JESSA Johan 17:05:33 50 54M Belgique H 2065
885 COLETTE Jean Francois 17:07:40 45 49M France ACA ACHICOURT H 2108
886 HENRY Maxime 17:08:36 20 34M France H 2102
887 LE NEZET Joris 17:09:17 20 34M France H 2163
888 STIEVENARD Pascal 17:13:45 55 59M France MOBITEACH H 2086
889 FERRUA Franck 17:13:55 45 49M France H 2135
890 ROUX Michel 17:14:00 65 69M France SEPA BELLEGARDE 04 H 2043
891 BEUGNET Thierry 17:14:28 50 54M France H 2130
892 BRUNO Battist 17:17:31 65 69M France domont athletisme H 2134
893 STRAZNICKA Katerina 17:20:49 40 44W France C?ur de Runneuses F 2091
894 GReMONT Mickael 17:23:31 45 49M France H 2122
895 NODET Guilhaume 17:28:11 40 44M France H 2090
896 BALTZ Benjamin 17:28:25 40 44M France H 2115
897 THULAU Jean Francois 17:30:03 65 69M France H 2120
897 SARROUILHE Denis 17:30:03 60 64M France H 2133
899 LEMARCHAND Jerome 17:42:25 45 49M France H 2116
900 GENTY Romain 17:42:47 50 54M France H 2114
901 CORDERO AGUIRRE Valeria 17:50:06 40 44W Mexique Atletisme promoti F 1971
902 GRENDELMEIER Jonatthan 17:51:39 50 54M Suisse Team Raidlight H 2139

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