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Ecrire au créateur du site : Michel Jourdan

2024-06-01 - Maxi Race Annecy 94km

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Maxi Race Annecy 94km - 2024 : classement des 1622 finishers
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
1 BLANCHARD Mathieu 09:10:52 M0M Salomon M 10001
2 GARRIVIER Thibaut 09:17:31 SEM M 1 SEM 10019
3 DUNAND PALLAZ Aurelien 09:28:23 SEM Courchevel sport outdoor M 2 SEM 10002
4 CHASSAGNE Baptiste 09:31:55 SEM M 3 SEM 10027
5 BOUILLARD Vincent 09:43:39 SEM M 4 SEM 10006
6 LACROIX Valentin 09:45:55 SEM M 5 SEM 11062
7 TIRET Edouard 10:00:59 SEM M 6 SEM 11061
8 MONCANY Jonathan 10:04:03 SEM Altra / les affranchis M 7 SEM 10009
9 CHAUVET Benoit 10:09:53 M1M Eaa M 1 M1M 10008
10 LERAY Matis 10:25:48 SEM M 8 SEM 10011
11 PAZOS Diego 10:40:01 M1M Compressport / merell M 2 M1M 10012
12 LE COGUIC Thibaud 10:43:16 SEM Club omnisports porticcio M 9 SEM 10015
13 VANDELLE Valentin 10:45:30 SEM Running conseil 39 M 10 SEM 15485
14 HENRIOT Edouard 10:49:30 M1M Cs la clusaz M 3 M1M 10020
15 POUTIER Camille 10:51:56 SEM M 11 SEM 11523
16 ROGAUME Leo 10:52:48 SEM Acosl M 12 SEM 11073
17 ZOUHRY Ilyass 10:57:35 M0M M 2 M0M 10005
18 ROSSET Alexis 10:58:22 SEM Mulet x ravanel & co M 13 SEM 11064
19 BRUYAS Camille 11:00:56 SEF F 1ere F 10031
20 FERREIRA Filipe 11:02:52 M0M M 3 M0M 11063
21 THOMINET Camille 11:03:46 SEM M 14 SEM 10013
22 LANDRY Enzo 11:07:40 SEM M 15 SEM 11133
23 ARNAUD Axel 11:09:14 SEM M 16 SEM 10007
24 DUBOIS Camille 11:10:59 SEM Tor M 17 SEM 11082
25 PORTE Fiona 11:12:47 M0F La sportiva F 2 F - 1 M0F 10048
26 MARAVILLA Jorge 11:13:00 M2M M 1 M2M 11135
27 HENRIET Mathieu 11:14:08 M0M Taj / dma M 4 M0M 11089
28 GRANET Matthis 11:15:18 SEM Annecy athletisme M 18 SEM 10014
29 ZARRELLA Killyan 11:21:20 SEM Off track association M 19 SEM 11209
30 BACH Clement 11:24:39 SEM Meythet club M 20 SEM 11103
31 REMONNAY Leo 11:26:09 SEM M 21 SEM 11207
32 ARNAUD Arthur 11:26:41 SEM M 22 SEM 11075
33 PATRAS Adrien 11:27:21 SEM Ks endurance training M 23 SEM 11077
34 BOSSIS Simon 11:30:15 SEM M 24 SEM 11069
35 LANGLOIS Gwenael 11:33:57 M0M Chablais mountain runners M 5 M0M 10032
36 COURBET Julien 11:33:57 M1M Ac corte M 4 M1M 11078
37 EL QAYED ABBOUD Abderrahim 11:36:20 M0M M 6 M0M 11070
38 SEGARD Augustin 11:42:58 M0M M 7 M0M 11122
39 THEVENOT Anne Cecile 11:47:50 M0F Team mac sport F 3 F - 2 M0F 10034
40 SEGOUIN Loic 11:48:26 M1M Run in annecy M 5 M1M 11182
41 CLEMENT Paul 11:49:17 M0M Pgt'rail 92 M 8 M0M 11110
42 GUILLOT Romain 11:49:35 SEM Running conseil villefran M 25 SEM 11071
43 GUALANDI Gregory 11:50:31 M0M Team wtf M 9 M0M 10017
44 BLANCHARD Thomas 11:53:04 M0M M 10 M0M 11438
45 MARTIN Mathieu 11:53:10 SEM M 26 SEM 11107
46 DELATTRE Benjamin 11:55:21 M0M M 11 M0M 11105
47 FERRE Camille 11:56:14 SEM Meribel sport montagne M 27 SEM 11067
48 GOUBAU Colin 11:56:49 M0M Caf annecy M 12 M0M 11114
49 FOUILLOT Nicolas 11:57:13 SEM M 28 SEM 11092
50 DESALEUX Arthur 12:03:05 SEM etoile pujols olympique M 29 SEM 11178
51 MANIEZ Gaetan 12:06:48 SEM Salomon M 30 SEM 10051
52 GOUET Erwann 12:08:08 SEM 7bca M 31 SEM 11184
53 BOURGES Gwendal 12:09:05 M1M M 6 M1M 11186
54 TELLE Romain 12:09:13 SEM M 32 SEM 11125
55 TERRIER Ingrid 12:09:41 M0F F 4 F - 3 M0F 10050
56 ZAKLINSKI Enzo 12:10:51 ESM Besancon trail running | M 1 ESM 11083
57 SORDEL Mickael 12:11:55 M0M M 13 M0M 11220
58 DUBOST Thomas 12:13:38 SEM Les assoiffes M 33 SEM 11109
59 MARTINEZ Victor 12:13:38 SEM M 34 SEM 11161
60 PIAU Benjamin 12:13:44 SEM 27 bca M 35 SEM 11235
61 MARCY Nicolas 12:14:06 SEM Aco saint leu M 36 SEM 11119
62 MEUNIER Theophile 12:14:57 SEM Offtrack association M 37 SEM 12018
63 FILLON Benjamin 12:14:58 SEM Team trail paris M 38 SEM 11140
64 CLERC Christophe 12:16:36 M2M Fan club estelle M 2 M2M 11116
65 DORNE Sonam 12:16:45 SEM Co7laux M 39 SEM 11180
66 CARLINI Theo 12:16:47 SEM Corsica run x trem M 40 SEM 11160
67 PICQ Florentin 12:18:06 SEM Evian off course M 41 SEM 11213
68 LALOUE Guillaume 12:22:50 M1M M 7 M1M 11245
69 MASUREL Theo 12:23:52 SEM M 42 SEM 11273
70 ESPINET Roger 12:24:06 SEM No breakfast club / salom M 43 SEM 10029
71 MARION Emilien 12:25:46 M1M M 8 M1M 11249
72 HELEU Bleunwenn 12:29:35 ESF Es thaon F 5 F - 1 ESF 11421
73 CARBONELL Julien 12:29:38 M0M La foulee des 3 quilles M 14 M0M 11157
74 ORY Gabriel 12:29:49 SEM M 44 SEM 11219
75 COURQUIN Edouard 12:31:33 SEM Trailers des aravis M 45 SEM 11170
76 FATA Jordan 12:31:38 SEM Bcyclet/ tda M 46 SEM 11066
77 MITAULT Damien 12:33:23 SEM M 47 SEM 12021
78 CLERC Guilhem 12:33:35 M0M Vougy team M 15 M0M 11087
79 LAURENT Paul 12:33:54 SEM M 48 SEM 11529
80 HEDOU Simon 12:34:25 ESM M 2 ESM 11196
81 SOBCZAK Loic 12:35:51 SEM M 49 SEM 11298
82 TOUZO Nathan 12:37:01 SEM Team touzo M 50 SEM 13408
83 MARCHAND Maxime 12:37:18 SEM M 51 SEM 11217
84 MONGE Dimitri 12:40:18 SEM M 52 SEM 11111
85 BOINON Alexandre 12:42:00 M1M Clcs firminy M 9 M1M 11130
86 GRANGE Hugo 12:43:35 SEM Al echirolles M 53 SEM 11112
87 DUFROS Martin 12:43:37 SEM Mkp team M 54 SEM 11153
88 MONCELLI Kevin 12:44:51 SEM M 55 SEM 11271
89 AUCLAIR Derek 12:45:39 M0M Faucigny athletic club // M 16 M0M 11187
90 ECCLES Lawrence 12:46:23 M1M Penny lane striders M 10 M1M 11137
91 MORANDEAU Cyrille 12:46:31 M0M 2ep M 17 M0M 11307
92 DIGARD Corentin 12:47:21 M0M Escouade arverne M 18 M0M 11169
93 ARPIN Romain 12:48:02 M1M Fondation salomon M 11 M1M 11079
94 PESENTI Thibault 12:48:54 M1M Clevacances M 12 M1M 11086
95 LANGLADE Jean 12:49:56 SEM M 56 SEM 15452
96 MERCIER Valerian 12:51:02 M0M M 19 M0M 11228
97 MARMEY Theau 12:52:10 SEM M 57 SEM 11146
98 NEYRON Florent 12:52:26 M0M Hydros M 20 M0M 11190
99 PAGLIARELLA Fabien 12:52:30 SEM Corbas running M 58 SEM 11352
100 FERRON Lucas 12:53:25 SEM M 59 SEM 11132
101 NICOLE Felix 12:53:43 SEM M 60 SEM 11287
102 SAHUC Antoine 12:54:20 SEM M 61 SEM 11127
103 BERSOULT Lucas 12:54:23 SEM Sill'n run M 62 SEM 11164
104 MAGNE Ludovic 12:54:34 M0M Co voie de l ecir M 21 M0M 11138
105 GIRAUD Yohan 12:55:32 ESM Courir pour des pommes / M 3 ESM 11143
106 BeAL Stephane 12:55:50 M0M Foulee du haut pilat M 22 M0M 11202
107 DEReME Thomas 12:55:57 SEM Trakks team M 63 SEM 11193
108 THOMAS Julien 12:55:59 M0M Smart M 23 M0M 11266
109 LARGENT Lucas 12:56:11 SEM M 64 SEM 11322
110 MARTIN Geraldine 12:56:36 M0F Team trail paris F 6 F - 4 M0F 10046
111 DIACRE Nicolas 12:57:42 M0M M 24 M0M 11168
112 LAGORCE Thibault 12:57:53 M0M Pgt?rail 92 M 25 M0M 11117
113 HAUSMANN Jenny 12:57:58 SEF F 7 F - 2 SEF 11478
114 MITAUT Etienne 12:58:32 M1M M 13 M1M 11102
115 FOURNIER BIDOZ Francois 13:00:50 SEM Le potager M 65 SEM 11348
116 MATH Irvin 13:01:19 SEM M 66 SEM 11224
117 BOYe Hugues 13:03:04 SEM M 67 SEM 11468
118 HUSBAND Sam 13:05:21 SEM M 68 SEM 11241
119 GALLAY Clement 13:05:35 SEM M 69 SEM 12188
120 GERBER Clement 13:05:47 SEM M 70 SEM 12114
121 DESCOMBAZ Charles 13:06:20 M0M Team playmobil M 26 M0M 11129
122 COYON Maximilien 13:06:50 M1M Les traileurs du parmelan M 14 M1M 11158
123 TRUEL Jeremy 13:06:53 SEM M 71 SEM 11462
124 PAGNOT Pierre 13:08:16 SEM M 72 SEM 11433
125 LYSIO Philippe 13:08:50 SEM Tri4fun/les relayeurs du M 73 SEM 11286
126 BONHOURE Florian 13:10:07 SEM M 74 SEM 11231
127 MICHENOT Thomas 13:10:37 SEM M 75 SEM 11244
128 BEAUDOIN Pierre 13:10:41 SEM M 76 SEM 11113
129 GARNIER Francis 13:11:51 M2M Team du bocage virois M 3 M2M 11065
130 MOUNIER Gael 13:13:01 SEM M 77 SEM 11200
131 HUOT Nicolas 13:13:04 M2M M 4 M2M 11145
132 PARIS Sebastien 13:14:33 M0M Team de l'an ience M 27 M0M 11274
133 VITTUPIER Baptiste 13:14:57 SEM M 78 SEM 11128
134 MEYNIEUX Thibaud 13:15:15 SEM M 79 SEM 13050
135 AUSTEN Thibaut 13:15:17 M0M M 28 M0M 11173
136 VeZES Robin 13:15:36 SEM M 80 SEM 11407
137 LEYRONAS Adrien 13:15:54 SEM M 81 SEM 13102
138 BOUVIER Vincent 13:16:46 M0M Team la relance M 29 M0M 11080
139 SIMOND Lea 13:17:56 SEF F 8 F - 3 SEF 13292
140 CLERC PITHON Quentin 13:18:01 SEM Annecy athletisme M 82 SEM 11123
141 DUVAL Remi 13:18:12 SEM Om athletisme M 83 SEM 11337
142 BARRET Erwan 13:18:38 SEM M 84 SEM 11136
143 CAVAZZANA Christophe 13:19:28 M1M Salomon M 15 M1M 15475
144 CAMERON Julien 13:20:16 SEM 2ep M 85 SEM 11464
145 BEHRINGER Marc 13:21:24 SEM M 86 SEM 11506
146 FELBER Louis 13:21:35 M4M M 1 M4M 11198
147 JACQUOT Lucas 13:21:42 SEM Lyon running crew M 87 SEM 11171
148 HUVET Sacha 13:21:50 SEM Annecy athletisme M 88 SEM 11304
149 LAUNOIS Jerome 13:22:46 M0M M 30 M0M 11323
150 CORNEC Goulven 13:23:51 SEM M 89 SEM 12189
151 HENON Frederic 13:24:49 M2M Athletic belaire club M 5 M2M 11152
152 GAILLARD Elodie 13:26:39 M0F Run in annecy F 9 F - 5 M0F 11319
153 GENTIL Alexis 13:26:58 SEM Millet M 90 SEM 11214
154 GARNIER Laurent 13:27:50 M1M Team trail bocage M 16 M1M 11272
155 PAILLARDET Bruno 13:28:16 M2M Uoat albertville M 6 M2M 11162
156 VANRIEST Nicolas 13:28:54 SEM M 91 SEM 13353
157 POUMEY Arnaud 13:29:00 SEM M 92 SEM 11360
158 SKOPINSKI Julien 13:29:57 M0M M 31 M0M 11211
159 DALSHEIMER Xavier 13:30:03 SEM M 93 SEM 11376
160 GARe Francois 13:31:34 M0M M 32 M0M 11437
161 VITTE Olivier 13:32:01 M2M Team running conseil auba M 7 M2M 11167
162 RIPOLL Julien 13:32:14 SEM La foulee colignoise tea M 94 SEM 11215
163 ESSEIVA Robin 13:32:40 SEM Annecy athletisme M 95 SEM 11139
164 ESCOT Alexandre 13:32:49 M0M Fohp M 33 M0M 11183
165 DELATTRE Fabien 13:33:43 SEM M 96 SEM 11457
166 ANTOINE Maxence 13:34:06 SEM Evian off course M 97 SEM 11411
167 FERRON Hugo 13:34:39 SEM M 98 SEM 11115
168 FAURE Thomas 13:34:53 M1M M 17 M1M 11261
169 ESTEVE Aymeric 13:35:25 M1M M 18 M1M 11284
170 ISIDORE Pierrick 13:35:53 M0M Acoutreau M 34 M0M 11447
171 LABORDE Gauthier 13:37:07 SEM Raid edhec M 99 SEM 11204
172 BRIDOT Marc 13:37:34 M0M M 35 M0M 11242
173 REGNIER Johann 13:37:40 M0M Marathon des grands crus M 36 M0M 11154
174 LECLERC Matteo 13:38:33 SEM Sam paris 12 M 100 SEM 11288
175 AEBERLI Heloise 13:38:58 M0F F 10 F - 6 M0F 12019
176 EPALE Tanguy 13:39:00 M2M M 8 M2M 11090
177 BROSSELLIER Sebastien 13:39:35 M0M Impulsion trail angers M 37 M0M 11431
178 AMIEL Thomas 13:39:55 SEM M 101 SEM 11524
179 ROGER Anael 13:40:51 M1M M 19 M1M 11401
180 HERMITEAU Simon 13:41:19 SEM M 102 SEM 11188
181 COURTET Guillaume 13:41:21 SEM M 103 SEM 12180
182 MILLION Francois 13:42:40 SEM M 104 SEM 11324
183 NGUYEN Pierre 13:42:41 SEM M 105 SEM 11141
184 PAQUAY Simon 13:42:59 SEM M 106 SEM 11528
185 LEFOYE William 13:43:18 SEM M 107 SEM 11267
186 LEROY Etienne 13:43:31 SEM M 108 SEM 11315
187 STIL BAUDRY Julien 13:43:50 M0M M 38 M0M 11120
188 GENET Adrien 13:44:05 M0M Lugdunum triathlon M 39 M0M 11416
189 RAMPON Simon 13:45:35 SEM M 109 SEM 13121
190 BOUTELOUP Thomas 13:46:03 M0M M 40 M0M 11459
191 BOUTIN Victor 13:46:14 SEM Team trail paris M 110 SEM 11318
192 STEVENIN Elia 13:46:14 SEM Moda veja M 111 SEM 11093
193 MELCHERS Olivier 13:46:39 M1M Cop'ain de trail M 20 M1M 11316
194 BEAUDOT Vincent 13:46:47 M0M M 41 M0M 11514
195 JOUAUX Antoine 13:46:52 M0M M 42 M0M 11290
196 VERMOT DESROCHES Johan 13:47:44 SEM Riponne square club M 112 SEM 11229
197 CALMe Adrien 13:47:49 SEM 27 bca M 113 SEM 11121
198 CHAMBON Michael 13:48:07 M2M M 9 M2M 11395
199 MAINFROY Baptiste 13:48:09 M1M M 21 M1M 11328
200 LE ROUX Pierre Yves 13:48:40 M1M Sool M 22 M1M 11472
201 TEXIER Thomas 13:48:56 SEM Essar?trace M 114 SEM 12195
202 CHEREL Nicolas 13:49:36 SEM M 115 SEM 11250
203 BISERTE Nicolas 13:49:36 M1M Run in annecy M 23 M1M 13464
204 TRAMONI Perrine 13:50:00 M0F F 11 F - 7 M0F 10043
205 PILLOT Simon 13:50:59 SEM M 116 SEM 11181
206 DI MARTINO Julien 13:51:18 M1M M 24 M1M 11502
207 FOURNIER Yann 13:51:42 M0M New team M 43 M0M 11174
208 MILCENT Jean Claude 13:51:48 M3M M 1 M3M 12050
209 BERNAT Matthieu 13:52:19 SEM M 117 SEM 11291
210 STIERLIN Arthur 13:53:18 SEM Vci winkel M 118 SEM 11148
211 TOURNILLON Fabien 13:53:21 M2M Smart M 10 M2M 11195
212 PLU Loic 13:53:24 M0M Alp pizancon M 44 M0M 11194
213 BONADEO Basile 13:53:35 SEM M 119 SEM 11511
214 DOUSSOT Marc 13:53:50 M4M Les fatrah beaunois M 2 M4M 12108
215 BOURASSEAU Charly 13:54:26 SEM M 120 SEM 11084
216 POSTY Thomas 13:55:45 M2M M 11 M2M 11225
217 LEBLANC Anthony 13:56:35 M0M M 45 M0M 11344
218 RENAUDIER Antoine 13:57:30 SEM M 121 SEM 11126
219 AUBOUR Antoine 13:58:13 M2M Utmb M 12 M2M 11347
220 RAMEAU Thierry 13:58:26 M3M Team les garennes savoyar M 2 M3M 12005
221 ROUAULT DE COLIGNY Jean 13:58:42 M1M M 25 M1M 11481
222 COUDURIER Charly 13:59:00 SEM M 122 SEM 13126
223 VINOT Stephane 13:59:11 M1M Stephane vinot espaces ve M 26 M1M 11074
224 TAYLOR Natalie 13:59:15 M1F F 12 F - 1 M1F 10039
225 CHOMBART Samuel 13:59:35 M2M Team du caillou M 13 M2M 12229
226 FOGLIATO Andrea 13:59:58 SEM M 123 SEM 11525
227 COUSTY Olivier 14:00:47 SEM M 124 SEM 11370
228 CROCHET Antoine 14:00:50 SEM Endurace team M 125 SEM 11223
229 PINGET Clement 14:02:10 M1M Gag gembloux M 27 M1M 11301
230 LIPKA Samuel 14:02:57 M2M M 14 M2M 12082
231 GOUX Paul Henri 14:02:58 M2M M 15 M2M 11326
232 TOMYSLAK Edouard 14:03:22 SEM M 126 SEM 12159
233 CHOULAK Lyes 14:04:19 M0M M 46 M0M 11424
234 TOUAIBIA Hugo 14:07:42 SEM M 127 SEM 11482
235 DUFOUR Mathilde 14:08:11 M0F F 13 F - 8 M0F 11430
236 MARTINET Alexandre 14:08:54 SEM Gazelles nordique [btd] M 128 SEM 11275
237 MOREAU Matthieu 14:09:43 M1M M 28 M1M 11342
238 DIBETTA Francois 14:09:58 M4M Framatome st marcel M 3 M4M 11246
239 BONNEFOY Clement 14:10:10 SEM M 129 SEM 15341
240 CARRAZ Remi 14:10:31 SEM M 130 SEM 11496
241 BALDASSO Manon 14:10:39 SEF F 14 F - 4 SEF 12155
242 LABEDE Yannick 14:10:48 M0M Oloron'run M 47 M0M 11131
243 CAILLOT Jules 14:10:51 SEM Bamboche running club M 131 SEM 11425
244 LANGLOIS Benjamin 14:11:18 M0M Ecole de trail montpellie M 48 M0M 11101
245 BENOIST Joris 14:11:39 M0M Jeffb trail M 49 M0M 11269
246 WAESELYNCK Julien 14:11:42 SEM Running club monts de fla M 132 SEM 12220
247 LEPORQ Charles 14:12:46 SEM M 133 SEM 11420
248 DEHOUL Marc 14:13:09 SEM M 134 SEM 11296
249 ROSA Guillaume 14:13:26 M0M M 50 M0M 11527
250 BOURDIN Nicolas 14:13:30 SEM M 135 SEM 11435
251 CABAREZ Alexis 14:13:53 SEM Vafc M 136 SEM 11259
252 FEIGE Marine 14:14:03 SEF F 15 F - 5 SEF 12156
253 GIBOUR Pierre 14:14:08 SEM M 137 SEM 11399
254 MAULET Corentin 14:14:20 SEM M 138 SEM 11147
255 DUROCHER Thomas 14:15:00 SEM StAubli sports M 139 SEM 12025
256 GUIONNET Baptiste 14:15:57 M2M Morgon runners/ run exper M 16 M2M 11096
257 REGNIER Mickael 14:16:16 M1M M 29 M1M 15330
258 DAVID Mickael 14:16:37 SEM L'union club athletique M 140 SEM 11321
259 CAPOULADE Alain 14:16:55 M5M Asn 15 / club des sports M 1 M5M 11364
260 ZAHND Jeremy 14:17:23 SEM M 141 SEM 11239
261 SAUER Martin 14:17:45 M1M Team trail paris M 30 M1M 12037
262 ROUCHER Marion 14:17:50 M0F Running conseil / team tr F 16 F - 9 M0F 11443
263 NACRY Benjamin 14:18:17 M1M M 31 M1M 11331
264 CHABERNAUD Andrea 14:18:21 SEM M 142 SEM 15474
265 LEMERCIER Lucas 14:18:28 SEM Run in annecy M 143 SEM 11346
266 LECOINTRE Robin 14:19:14 SEM Tmt M 144 SEM 13317
267 NAVEAU Guillaume 14:19:18 M2M Chalet de la foret trail M 17 M2M 11380
268 MARTIN Nicolas 14:19:42 M2M M 18 M2M 11279
269 GILBERT Damien 14:19:44 M1M Avenir aturin athletisme M 32 M1M 11134
270 CALMEL Vincent 14:19:47 SEM Jaune ricard rouge pinard M 145 SEM 11353
271 JOUVE Guilhem 14:20:14 M1M Courir a juvignac / c4h2 M 33 M1M 11310
272 BOLOTNER Damien 14:20:42 SEM M 146 SEM 11203
273 MIRANDE Corentin 14:21:02 SEM M 147 SEM 12023
274 LAGNY Maxime 14:21:32 M0M M 51 M0M 11486
275 RUIZ Matthieu 14:21:36 M2M Crbp raid 31 M 19 M2M 12076
276 SIATKA Cedric 14:21:37 M0M Club vert yzeure M 52 M0M 12024
277 SASS Alexander 14:22:27 M2M Cmbm M 20 M2M 11144
278 PELLETIER Antoine 14:22:47 SEM Ahsa M 148 SEM 11189
279 HEMERYCK Baptiste 14:23:08 SEM M 149 SEM 11397
280 DESPRAY David 14:23:16 M0M M 53 M0M 11254
281 LeGER Benoit 14:23:18 M1M Lma 72 M 34 M1M 11487
282 POURRIERE Laurent 14:23:59 M1M Affranchis / smac M 35 M1M 12068
283 MIHALCEA Oana 14:24:22 M1F Running conseil beziers c F 17 F - 2 M1F 10033
284 DEVINE WRIGHT Patrick 14:25:01 M3M Utmrs M 3 M3M 11300
285 DESSY Benoit 14:25:26 M0M Herve ac M 54 M0M 12055
286 COURNAULT Maxime 14:25:54 M0M M 55 M0M 11504
287 BEUNEL Kevin 14:26:55 SEM M 150 SEM 11317
288 BLANC Arthur 14:28:18 SEM M 151 SEM 13332
289 MARTINS Remy 14:29:48 SEM M 152 SEM 15498
290 DE LA TEYSSONNIERE Emmanuel 14:29:54 M0M Oakley M 56 M0M 11394
291 LE PEIH Fabien 14:30:08 M0M Ua societe generale M 57 M0M 11390
292 BOSSOU Joan 14:31:27 M0M M 58 M0M 12090
293 LE DANTEC Mahe 14:31:30 SEM Kap M 153 SEM 11237
294 CREVOISIER Anne Sophie 14:32:00 SEF F 18 F - 6 SEF 11388
295 ARNOUX Alexandre 14:32:01 M0M M 59 M0M 11463
296 COTTEAUX Elise 14:32:35 SEF Asptt annecy F 19 F - 7 SEF 13039
297 VEAU Loic 14:32:38 SEM M 154 SEM 12153
298 PAYEN Jean 14:33:15 SEM 27bca M 155 SEM 12135
299 WADOUX Cyril 14:33:17 M0M Team gravelines trail M 60 M0M 11362
300 BIJASSON Mickael 14:33:48 M1M M 36 M1M 15434
301 DELAQUeZE Yann 14:34:27 M0M Team trail paris M 61 M0M 11336
302 BRENIAUX Alexandre 14:34:44 M0M Avoc M 62 M0M 11427
303 MONTABRUN Charles Alexis 14:34:50 SEM M 156 SEM 11471
304 TOTA Axel 14:34:56 M0M M 63 M0M 11240
305 DEBOUT Nicolas 14:35:16 SEM M 157 SEM 11199
306 ROBIN Amaury 14:35:34 M0M Trailer des aravis M 64 M0M 13462
307 CUSSONNEAU Claire 14:35:55 SEF F 20 F - 8 SEF 12028
308 SERHANE Tom 14:36:00 SEM M 158 SEM 12060
309 THIEULLEN Alexis 14:36:00 M0M Fondation salomon M 65 M0M 12086
310 STILL Julia 14:37:11 SEF Ibex F 21 F - 9 SEF 12003
311 ANDRe Francois 14:39:31 SEM Arc annecy M 159 SEM 14221
312 PERRILLAT MERCEROT Maxime 14:39:33 SEM Salomon M 160 SEM 13038
313 DEGRAVE Constantin 14:39:41 SEM Rcmdf M 161 SEM 11303
314 MARTIN Thomas 14:39:42 M0M M 66 M0M 11159
315 WALEM Olivier 14:39:57 M1M Wetrail M 37 M1M 11289
316 DREVON Nicolas 14:40:32 M3M M 4 M3M 11292
317 PERRIN Etienne 14:40:32 M2M Les traileurs du parmelan M 21 M2M 11354
318 BERNARD Johan 14:41:12 SEM M 162 SEM 12039
319 CARDON Quentin 14:41:43 SEM M 163 SEM 14086
320 RIGAUD Julia 14:41:48 M0F F 22 F - 10 M0F 13282
321 WALISZKA Katarzyna 14:42:38 M0F F 23 F - 11 M0F 12020
322 FERRI Theo 14:42:59 SEM Rivage hotel M 164 SEM 12167
323 BOURHIS Erwan 14:43:16 SEM M 165 SEM 12008
324 TROUCHE Eric 14:43:23 SEM Team trail paris M 166 SEM 11373
325 GARE Franck 14:43:27 M1M Vive la bretagne M 38 M1M 11489
326 HAIDIN Antoine 14:43:31 SEM Team coach aurelie M 167 SEM 11350
327 MOINS Benjamin 14:44:09 M0M M 67 M0M 12081
328 PAGNERRE Thibaut 14:44:54 M0M M 68 M0M 11490
329 BARBONNAIS Antoine 14:45:19 SEM M 168 SEM 12209
330 FAURE Sebastien 14:45:25 M2M M 22 M2M 11488
331 GROSJEAN Geoffrey 14:45:47 SEM Trail in gaume M 169 SEM 12073
332 FONTENEAU Gael 14:45:57 M0M Stade cubzaguais athletis M 69 M0M 11248
333 HEUSE Arthur 14:45:58 SEM M 170 SEM 11297
334 QUINTIN Matthieu 14:45:59 SEM Cab M 171 SEM 11334
335 LEFRANCQ Louis 14:46:28 SEM Courir au mont des cats M 172 SEM 13184
336 BROSSARD Alexis 14:46:48 SEM Ar sud lac M 173 SEM 14063
337 RADEK Mathieu 14:46:55 M1M Les equilibristes M 39 M1M 11423
338 BURTIN Kevin 14:47:02 M1M M 40 M1M 12138
339 LEGENDRE Jeremy 14:47:07 SEM M 174 SEM 13360
340 PEREIRA Mathieu 14:47:07 SEM M 175 SEM 11442
341 MOUSSIERE Stephane 14:47:35 M3M As beaussetanne M 5 M3M 11516
342 AGNIEL Nicolas 14:47:39 M0M Sport addict M 70 M0M 11095
343 MOREAC Ronan 14:47:48 M0M Defirun languidic M 71 M0M 12177
344 LASTENNET Corentin 14:47:53 SEM M 176 SEM 12103
345 LENORMAND Frederic 14:47:59 M2M Team trail bocage M 23 M2M 11278
346 ALLOIS Fanny 14:48:02 SEF F 24 F - 10 SEF 13002
347 LIGEON Thomas 14:48:06 SEM M 177 SEM 12092
348 ELIZEON Johann 14:48:11 M2M M 24 M2M 12074
349 DEMICHELIS Nicolas 14:48:44 M3M M 6 M3M 11221
350 CRENIER Thomas 14:48:53 M0M Running club furiani agli M 72 M0M 11333
351 COLLET Julien 14:48:53 M0M M 73 M0M 13348
352 THOMAS Cedric 14:48:55 M0M Sna fouesnant M 74 M0M 13087
353 DURIN Thibault 14:49:22 SEM M 178 SEM 15468
354 MORAND Gael 14:49:25 M3M M 7 M3M 12054
355 MERGEY Nicolas 14:49:29 SEM 27bca M 179 SEM 11526
356 CHEVET Rudy 14:49:42 M2M M 25 M2M 12173
357 JORSIN Ludovic 14:49:49 M1M Teamcahez M 41 M1M 13230
358 LEMAITRE Clement 14:50:20 SEM M 180 SEM 13145
359 DUPLOMB Guillaume 14:50:20 M0M M 75 M0M 13205
360 DAVOUST Thomas 14:50:34 M1M Quevreville normandie M 42 M1M 11356
361 MOREAU Jerome 14:50:36 M3M M 8 M3M 11404
362 CESSES Jerome 14:50:58 M1M M 43 M1M 11256
363 BERTRAND Mathieu 14:52:18 M0M Gahs M 76 M0M 11280
364 TEINTURIER Michael 14:52:43 M0M Asb M 77 M0M 13189
365 TAMBINI Pierre 14:52:45 M1M Aubagne triathlon M 44 M1M 11233
366 PAQUIS Loic 14:53:07 M1M M 45 M1M 11386
367 IRONSIDE Katie 14:53:11 M0F Mdc F 25 F - 12 M0F 15278
368 MAIRE Florian 14:53:28 SEM Peau douce M 181 SEM 13133
369 NEYRON Adrien 14:53:37 M0M M 78 M0M 11343
370 CORNET Maxime 14:53:38 SEM Beaujolais runners M 182 SEM 15465
371 LOUAPRE Matthieu 14:53:57 SEM M 183 SEM 13187
372 DEMONCEAU Alexis 14:54:09 SEM M 184 SEM 11357
373 PASQUIER Christophe 14:54:18 M3M Team trail du charbon M 9 M3M 12053
374 VERROT Mathias 14:54:29 SEM M 185 SEM 11476
375 EL MABROUK Mehdi 14:54:30 SEM M 186 SEM 12016
376 AUBERT Antoine 14:54:39 SEM M 187 SEM 14325
377 FEUGIER Romain 14:54:44 SEM M 188 SEM 12136
378 SWYNGHEDAUW Simon 14:55:12 SEM Avoc rc lens M 189 SEM 11210
379 DOISNEAU Alexandre 14:55:31 M0M M 79 M0M 12079
380 BOIDOT Christophe 14:55:56 M3M Lacshm M 10 M3M 11385
381 RAVARD Mathieu 14:56:08 SEM M 190 SEM 13420
382 TORRENT Vincent 14:56:16 M1M M 46 M1M 11381
383 RAYMOND Victor 14:56:52 SEM Caf annecy M 191 SEM 13080
384 DALET Louis 14:56:53 SEM M 192 SEM 13180
385 VIENNOT Mathieu 14:57:03 M0M M 80 M0M 11270
386 MASSON Axel 14:57:04 SEM M 193 SEM 12121
387 BIDUSSI Massimo 14:57:10 M1M Gemsa M 47 M1M 12196
388 JOUFFREY Olivier 14:57:42 M3M M 11 M3M 11208
389 MABILLEAU Aurelien 14:57:58 M1M Athletic retz sud lac M 48 M1M 11332
390 ASTIER Thibault 14:58:01 M1M M 49 M1M 12040
391 VENCHIARUTTI Arnaud 14:58:24 M3M M 12 M3M 11493
392 CHATELET Maxime 14:58:29 SEM Asptt compiegne M 194 SEM 14172
393 MARION Barbarit 14:58:50 M0F F 26 F - 13 M0F 12004
394 TANCHON Anthony 14:59:10 SEM Alp M 195 SEM 11365
395 PAILLETTE Theo 14:59:24 SEM M 196 SEM 11436
396 PAILLETTE David 14:59:26 M3M M 13 M3M 12031
397 DUBOIS CAVALIER Aurelien 14:59:28 SEM M 197 SEM 13289
398 JUIN Stephane 14:59:40 M1M Brissac loire aubance ath M 50 M1M 11276
399 LACOMBE Jerome 14:59:57 M3M M 14 M3M 13228
400 VIRET Nicolas 15:00:00 M2M M 26 M2M 13329
401 GIAUQUE Gaelle 15:00:06 M1F Eco trail geneve F 27 F - 3 M1F 12116
402 DELBES Clement 15:00:10 SEM M 198 SEM 15420
403 BALLOT Guillaume 15:00:11 M0M Ac outreau M 81 M0M 11494
404 NIVOLE Melvin 15:00:42 SEM Plaintel aventure M 199 SEM 11295
405 VAN NEYGHEM David 15:01:00 M3M M 15 M3M 13040
406 BUFFIERES William 15:02:17 SEM M 200 SEM 13231
407 POSTANSQUE Alexis 15:02:22 M0M M 82 M0M 13272
408 GAILLARD LIAUDON Fabien 15:02:58 SEM Trailers des aravis M 201 SEM 11247
409 BOUAZZAOUI Luc 15:03:06 M0M M 83 M0M 11410
410 ROSSION Arnaud 15:03:33 SEM Tlmc M 202 SEM 13028
411 SCOUFLAIRE Helene 15:03:44 M0F Gwada run green/ traileur F 28 F - 14 M0F 12190
412 DUBOIS Benjamin 15:03:49 SEM M 203 SEM 12059
413 MANTE Mickael 15:04:00 M2M M 27 M2M 12224
414 WENKIN Justine 15:04:36 SEF Les as 100 dents F 29 F - 11 SEF 13290
415 DELERRY Hugo 15:04:43 SEM M 204 SEM 14110
416 VALET Raphael 15:05:07 SEM M 205 SEM 12010
417 BERNET Bastien 15:05:18 SEM M 206 SEM 11355
418 QUERRY Christophe 15:05:25 M3M M 16 M3M 12043
419 DUMOND Sylvain 15:06:42 M1M Fohp M 51 M1M 11335
420 CHOISY Arnaud 15:06:46 M2M Pontetrail M 28 M2M 11216
421 LAPEYRE Julien 15:06:48 M0M StAubli sports M 84 M0M 11277
422 LEVASSEUR Clement 15:06:53 SEM M 207 SEM 11377
423 RAETS Laurent 15:07:08 SEM Team tornado running M 208 SEM 13338
424 TERRISSE Thibault 15:07:11 SEM M 209 SEM 11505
425 HILLION Ronan 15:07:27 M0M M 85 M0M 12107
426 EMMENEGGER Maic 15:07:57 M2M Cross club la chaux de fo M 29 M2M 12125
427 MARIA Olivier 15:08:24 SEM Lille metropole athletism M 210 SEM 13172
428 LOZANO Baptiste 15:09:22 SEM Courir A poisy M 211 SEM 11497
429 COUe Pierre 15:09:26 SEM Run in annecy M 212 SEM 13405
430 DAMIAN Nicolas 15:09:57 M0M M 86 M0M 12176
431 GUILBAUD Christophe 15:10:08 M3M Ria M 17 M3M 12035
432 BEUVE MERY Nicolas 15:10:13 M2M Gars?z?elles fontenoise M 30 M2M 12071
433 BIGOT Florentin 15:10:16 SEM Mbda sport athle M 213 SEM 13051
434 ROTT Stanislas 15:10:20 SEM M 214 SEM 11432
435 PROTIN Alexandre 15:10:27 SEM M 215 SEM 11124
436 THOBY Juliette 15:10:34 SEF Avon athetisme club F 30 F - 12 SEF 12123
437 MACHEDA Joseph 15:10:37 M5M M 2 M5M 12129
438 MASSON Charles 15:10:50 SEM L'enfer du viroin ma bich M 216 SEM 12183
439 FRAVAL Morgan 15:11:28 SEM Sool M 217 SEM 12161
440 LELEU Romain 15:11:45 SEM M 218 SEM 13403
441 GAT Helene 15:11:53 M0F Team trail paris F 31 F - 15 M0F 13204
442 BATAILLE Emma 15:12:46 SEF F 32 F - 13 SEF 13195
443 RAIH Nordine 15:13:04 M1M Asl M 52 M1M 11441
444 MULLER Francois 15:13:20 M4M Samphi aix les bains M 4 M4M 13127
445 FOUGERAY Jeremy 15:13:32 M1M Jamg M 53 M1M 11429
446 GARRIGOS Thomas 15:14:02 SEM Raiders 2000 M 219 SEM 13333
447 POINTEAU Aurelien 15:14:28 M0M E2a M 87 M0M 11163
448 BERTHET Lubin 15:16:10 SEM M 220 SEM 11480
449 MONTEIL Vincent 15:16:17 M2M Team mouflards M 31 M2M 11417
450 LE CLERCH Yoann 15:16:45 M0M Courir A plusieurs M 88 M0M 11419
451 CHARLES Christophe 15:16:59 M0M M 89 M0M 12070
452 GIARD Antoine 15:17:42 SEM On running M 221 SEM 15387
453 HENNETIER Maxime 15:18:09 M0M M 90 M0M 14290
454 MASTALSKI Pierre 15:18:24 M4M M 5 M4M 12030
455 BOSSARD Philippe 15:18:27 M0M M 91 M0M 12063
456 SCReVE Mathieu 15:18:50 SEM Team breizline M 222 SEM 15342
457 GUILLARD Mathias 15:19:57 SEM M 223 SEM 11338
458 RAGOT Pierre 15:20:56 SEM M 224 SEM 14044
459 COLLE Arthur 15:21:21 SEM M 225 SEM 12162
460 HARENG Thierry 15:21:42 M3M M 18 M3M 11446
461 MORFEI Kevin 15:21:47 SEM M 226 SEM 13373
462 PERRON Bastien 15:21:59 SEM M 227 SEM 12111
463 CHAREYRE Romain 15:22:02 M1M Chomerac M 54 M1M 12213
464 LATHUILLE NICOLLET Anthony 15:22:41 SEM M 228 SEM 11257
465 CHESNEAU Nicolas 15:22:44 SEM M 229 SEM 15516
466 RAMPON Yoann 15:23:10 SEM Tco M 230 SEM 11367
467 FOREST Mylan 15:23:28 ESM Cse salomon M 4 ESM 12052
468 FALCONIS Simon 15:23:33 SEM Athletisme club vitryat M 231 SEM 12200
469 POTIRON Paul Edouard 15:23:34 M0M M 92 M0M 13089
470 MOTTEZ Hugo 15:24:01 SEM M 232 SEM 13157
471 WILLMANN Loic 15:24:13 SEM M 233 SEM 15509
472 DESPROGES GOTTERON Lucas 15:24:14 SEM Run in annecy M 234 SEM 12194
473 BERNARD Antoine 15:25:04 SEM M 235 SEM 13004
474 MAURY Adrian 15:25:09 SEM M 236 SEM 13031
475 TEICHMANN Erika 15:25:11 SEF F 33 F - 14 SEF 13213
476 FRECHIN Pierre Jean 15:25:19 SEM M 237 SEM 12122
477 PAILLET Antoine 15:25:25 SEM M 238 SEM 15441
478 LAUG Olivier 15:26:08 M0M M 93 M0M 11293
479 VATEL Adrien 15:26:27 SEM M 239 SEM 11363
480 TREBOUX Dorian 15:26:37 SEM M 240 SEM 13294
481 DEUZET Tom 15:26:38 SEM M 241 SEM 12148
482 BULLOZ Maxime 15:26:50 SEM M 242 SEM 11340
483 DESHAIX Damien 15:26:52 M0M Ecole de guerre M 94 M0M 12009
484 MASSET Gaetan 15:26:53 SEM Sepas impossible M 243 SEM 11281
485 PUMA Giovanna 15:27:15 M2F Atletica winner foligno F 34 F - 1 M2F 10036
486 BODART Bastien 15:27:36 SEM Terre de running albertvi M 244 SEM 13131
487 ROUE Fabien 15:28:03 M0M Club omnisports porticcio M 95 M0M 13255
488 SAHLI Ahmed 15:28:24 M3M Team bertagne M 19 M3M 11150
489 MAULUCCI Ludovic 15:28:29 M0M Los rigolos M 96 M0M 13447
490 GOURAIN Mathieu 15:29:10 M0M Sapeurs pompiers de renne M 97 M0M 12095
491 DUFOURNET Adrien 15:29:10 M1M Avoc / courir par nature M 55 M1M 15282
492 PASSAQUIN BOUVET Nadege 15:29:14 M3F F 35 F - 1 M3F 12225
493 BOYES James 15:30:18 M0M Salomon M 98 M0M 13069
494 LE BIHAN Gregory 15:30:18 M2M M 32 M2M 14151
495 DUBOIS Anthony 15:30:27 M0M Cse alstom M 99 M0M 13115
496 MANGIN Julien 15:30:42 M2M M 33 M2M 13012
497 PINEL Gaetan 15:31:19 M1M Run in annecy M 56 M1M 13364
498 MORES Damien 15:32:08 M1M M 57 M1M 13208
499 ROUET David 15:32:26 M1M Courir par nature M 58 M1M 12027
500 FRONT Benjamin 15:32:41 M0M M 100 M0M 12126
501 MACE Baptiste 15:32:47 M0M Raidlight M 101 M0M 11359
502 JEANDET Marion 15:32:53 SEF Team geneve trail F 36 F - 15 SEF 11501
503 RICARD Nicolas 15:32:57 M0M M 102 M0M 12198
504 PEREIRA Hugo 15:33:13 SEM Kiwami racing team M 245 SEM 11470
505 PEUCH Philippe 15:33:18 M1M Sa fontenay le comte M 59 M1M 13319
506 PONT Alexis 15:33:18 M0M M 103 M0M 12041
507 LAMBERT Germain 15:33:29 M1M Chalet de la foret trail M 60 M1M 11499
508 HEMON Frederic 15:33:41 M2M M 34 M2M 11491
509 MICHON Xavier 15:33:45 M1M M 61 M1M 11409
510 ROISNe Etienne 15:33:57 M0M Lannion athletisme M 104 M0M 13455
511 MAGRE Gildaz 15:33:59 SEM M 246 SEM 13345
512 ROCHEDREUX Alexandre 15:34:02 M1M M 62 M1M 13347
513 BOUVIER Thomas 15:34:14 SEM Racc trail M 247 SEM 13059
514 CHAUMET Arthur 15:34:26 SEM Usse M 248 SEM 11375
515 VOTTERO Julien 15:35:26 M0M M 105 M0M 11418
516 MALEYRAN Guillaume 15:36:08 M3M Lauzach run in nature M 20 M3M 13162
517 LECLAIR Quentin 15:36:15 SEM M 249 SEM 12150
518 MONOT Florent 15:36:24 M1M Team triandine M 63 M1M 13136
519 SAINT GUILLAIN Nathan 15:36:25 SEM Qatar honduras M 250 SEM 13241
520 DEVARAINE Wesley 15:36:44 M0M M 106 M0M 13017
521 DOMENJOUD Vincent 15:36:58 SEM M 251 SEM 13324
522 BRACQUEMOND Mathieu 15:37:05 SEM M 252 SEM 14265
523 FRONT Julien 15:37:14 M1M Ce pornichet cote d'amour M 64 M1M 14007
524 SKOCZYLAS Alex 15:37:33 ESM M 5 ESM 13056
525 JUGUET Mickael 15:37:34 M2M Ea pays de broceliande M 35 M2M 12222
526 DESNEUX Cedric 15:37:43 SEM M 253 SEM 13350
527 LECLERRE Guillaume 15:37:45 M1M M 65 M1M 13296
528 BERGER Charly 15:37:55 SEM M 254 SEM 13021
529 MAIRE William 15:37:57 SEM M 255 SEM 11155
530 MICHOTTE Benjamin 15:38:09 SEM M 256 SEM 15499
531 VELAY Maxime 15:38:33 M0M M 107 M0M 11382
532 GAUTIER Lucas 15:40:53 SEM Gresi courant M 257 SEM 12026
533 DAGUENET Christophe 15:41:19 M3M M 21 M3M 12134
534 DISDIER Samuel 15:41:25 M0M M 108 M0M 14052
535 DARAIZE Fabien 15:41:31 M0M Cap nature beaulieu M 109 M0M 13315
536 MEZANGE Clement 15:42:02 SEM Ducks de france M 258 SEM 14114
537 SUEUR Samuel 15:42:20 M2M Omnisports campagne les h M 36 M2M 11205
538 TIQUET Marie 15:42:30 M0F F 37 F - 16 M0F 12098
539 MATHET Thomas 15:42:34 SEM 3nergy coaching M 259 SEM 15480
540 HERPIERRE Sylvain 15:42:51 M2M Traileurs des vosges M 37 M2M 12214
541 LOUIS Valentin 15:42:59 SEM Les sonneurs ? courir A j M 260 SEM 13223
542 PAULET Gregoire 15:43:09 SEM M 261 SEM 14443
543 MERGNAT Guillaume 15:43:24 SEM M 262 SEM 15416
544 GROSGOGEAT Max 15:43:27 ESM M 6 ESM 15436
545 LEPANY Francois 15:43:29 SEM M 263 SEM 14541
546 FAURIE Davy 15:43:47 M2M Smart M 38 M2M 12057
547 DURAND Benjamin 15:43:49 M0M Fraich'touch M 110 M0M 11467
548 HERNANDEZ Julien 15:43:57 M0M Les trekkeurs / la foulee M 111 M0M 13053
549 SOTTAS Loic 15:43:58 SEM La foulee du slip M 264 SEM 11422
550 LIANDRAT Paulin 15:44:03 SEM M 265 SEM 15187
551 BALAYN Clementine 15:44:12 SEF F 38 F - 16 SEF 10038
552 DAELS Jeremie 15:44:14 M2M Moov360 M 39 M2M 11374
553 CONTAT Damien 15:44:41 M2M M 40 M2M 13049
554 LAURENT Antoine 15:44:53 M0M Team trail bretagne sud M 112 M0M 13088
555 DUBRAUD Francois 15:45:09 M0M M 113 M0M 11341
556 DELLA 6 Sebastien 15:45:10 M2M M 41 M2M 15445
557 LECROQ Sebastien 15:46:24 M2M Courir par nature M 42 M2M 13169
558 LEBLOND Alexis 15:46:27 SEM Petzl running team M 266 SEM 11226
559 PREZELIN Jean Loup 15:46:56 SEM M 267 SEM 13014
560 THEARD Kevin 15:47:06 SEM Arc M 268 SEM 12097
561 PIEFORT Clement 15:47:08 SEM M 269 SEM 11325
562 LE BRAS Thibault 15:47:21 M0M M 114 M0M 11314
563 ERIC Gaudin 15:47:36 M1M M 66 M1M 13128
564 ROUX Anne Laure 15:47:42 SEF Team playmobil / atacc73 F 39 F - 17 SEF 10042
565 PLANCHAIS Olivier 15:47:58 M1M Les trailers du mole M 67 M1M 13073
566 PINAULT Antoine 15:48:07 SEM M 270 SEM 14013
567 LE GAL Romain 15:48:08 SEM M 271 SEM 11234
568 ROPART Gabriel 15:48:13 SEM Ruzboutou plougasnou M 272 SEM 13091
569 LEROUX Marianne 15:48:17 SEF Zoom volt runners F 40 F - 18 SEF 13394
570 LeAUX Bertrand 15:48:20 M2M Vaudes animation M 43 M2M 13438
571 TALOUARN Jordan 15:48:50 M0M Team ldp M 115 M0M 13367
572 THENEMBERT Martin 15:48:53 SEM M 273 SEM 13107
573 ERB Francois 15:49:14 M0M Lugdunum triathlon M 116 M0M 11329
574 RUSSIER Romain 15:51:06 SEM Teamtrail M 274 SEM 11452
575 IFFRIG Jean Chrysostome 15:51:32 M0M M 117 M0M 13226
576 CAUCHY Anthony 15:51:36 M1M Mkp team M 68 M1M 12184
577 WARLUZELLE Mailys 15:51:38 SEF Tmt team mermillod triath F 41 F - 19 SEF 15021
578 HARDELIN Olivier 15:51:58 SEM Meygnole M 275 SEM 13144
579 GIRARD Thomas 15:51:58 SEM Meygnole M 276 SEM 13183
580 VEY Jean Philippe 15:52:00 M3M Ua societe generale M 22 M3M 11461
581 GRUMEAU Joris 15:53:06 SEM M 277 SEM 13276
582 PACOT Arnaud 15:53:12 M1M M 69 M1M 14031
583 CORONAS Guillaume 15:53:18 M0M M 118 M0M 13286
584 LE DAUPHIN Ugo 15:53:33 SEM Team o2 l?air bretagne M 278 SEM 11294
585 BELNOU Leo 15:53:40 SEM M 279 SEM 15454
586 STRAPPAZZON Benjamin 15:54:24 M1M Ce salomon M 70 M1M 13168
587 AVUNDO Guillaume 15:54:25 M1M M 71 M1M 13015
588 BULARD Olivier 15:54:38 M3M M 23 M3M 12033
589 LECOMTE Franck 15:55:04 M3M M 24 M3M 11408
590 LOUIS Antoine 15:55:14 SEM Slash athletique M 280 SEM 12179
591 KIRCHER Laurent 15:55:48 M3M M 25 M3M 14254
592 LE DERF Loic 15:55:54 M0M M 119 M0M 13240
593 DUCROS Maxence 15:56:18 SEM M 281 SEM 12104
594 DIAZ Clement 15:56:29 SEM M 282 SEM 12117
595 BURKHARDT Benjamin 15:56:31 M1M Mondele trail 2800 M 72 M1M 13422
596 RAFFIN Pierrick 15:56:38 SEM M 283 SEM 11492
597 OGER Martin 15:57:26 SEM Brolosse M 284 SEM 15393
598 CORIA Emmanuel 15:57:33 M1M M 73 M1M 13129
599 BALESTRIERE Pierrick 15:57:34 M1M Usol trail M 74 M1M 11192
600 LE MOIZAN Thibault 15:57:37 SEM M 285 SEM 12087
601 PAGART Guillaume 15:57:56 M2M M 44 M2M 13314
602 REBOURS David 15:57:58 M3M M 26 M3M 15364
603 PARENT Kevin 15:58:07 M0M Gahs M 120 M0M 13139
604 RIDDO Sylvain 15:58:12 SEM Tlmc M 286 SEM 12100
605 LEREEC Maxime 15:58:16 SEM M 287 SEM 15026
606 VINGTROIS Eric 15:58:16 M2M M 45 M2M 13257
607 GARANDEL Jeremy 15:58:32 SEM Foussier forever M 288 SEM 12191
608 SORBIER Maxime 15:59:14 M1M Grizzli M 75 M1M 11439
609 GROSDENT Sebastien 15:59:21 M0M M 121 M0M 15062
610 FELIX Marie 15:59:28 M1F F 42 F - 4 M1F 13164
611 DALLA MORA Mathieu 15:59:29 M1M A2m M 76 M1M 12144
612 LALLEMENT Johann 15:59:40 M1M Salomon M 77 M1M 13007
613 FONTAINE Alexandre 15:59:56 M1M Fohp M 78 M1M 12094
614 FROMENTIN Pierre Edouard 16:00:09 M0M M 122 M0M 13202
615 DELAUNAY Frederic 16:00:19 M1M Bl2a M 79 M1M 13077
616 MARTIN Solenne 16:00:29 M2M La foulee des 3 quilles M 46 M2M 13411
617 CHANTRY Bastien 16:00:33 SEM M 289 SEM 13018
618 MAURY Frederic 16:01:13 M3M Oxygene stellantis M 27 M3M 11428
619 MACHNO Mickael 16:01:13 M2M Us berry athletisme M 47 M2M 11330
620 BOTTE David 16:01:49 M1M Lfa / mkp M 80 M1M 13307
621 GOBERT Yann 16:02:04 M2M Ambassadeurs salomon M 48 M2M 11072
622 MORET ES JEAN Gilles 16:02:19 M0M M 123 M0M 11513
623 VIBERT Jean Philippe 16:02:21 M4M Ugine running M 6 M4M 13426
624 SOULEIMANI Ismael 16:04:36 M0M M 124 M0M 12080
625 SCHULER Antoine 16:04:36 SEM M 290 SEM 13501
626 CHAPMAN Bethan 16:04:39 M1F F 43 F - 5 M1F 11474
627 FEUILLASSIER Lea 16:05:16 SEF F 44 F - 20 SEF 13363
628 LE LANN David 16:06:24 M0M Aucun M 125 M0M 12219
629 CHeNAIS Malo 16:06:27 SEM Team bourlingue M 291 SEM 11299
630 GARNIER Stephane 16:06:33 M4M Origine annecy M 7 M4M 13173
631 BOUILLOT Emmanuel 16:06:43 M0M M 126 M0M 12011
632 ABRIVARD Johann 16:07:04 M3M Run in cres M 28 M3M 11458
633 RUFINO LATAS Nicolas 16:07:08 M1M M 81 M1M 12047
634 JACQUES Eddy 16:07:30 M3M Thares team trail M 29 M3M 12131
635 DEMAIZIERE Cyril 16:07:35 SEM M 292 SEM 13034
636 LAURENT Bruno 16:07:36 M1M M 82 M1M 14183
637 ODENT Andre Jacques 16:08:04 SEM M 293 SEM 12226
638 BOMBENGER Nathan 16:08:07 SEM M 294 SEM 15495
639 DE MUYNCK Ludo 16:08:07 SEM M 295 SEM 14380
640 MANET Pierre 16:08:08 M1M M 83 M1M 14059
641 DELAPLACE Antoine 16:08:30 M1M M 84 M1M 14413
642 CARTIER Maxime 16:08:40 M0M Longuenesse nature aventu M 127 M0M 13252
643 PETIT Christophe 16:08:43 M4M Romilly sport 10 athletis M 8 M4M 14069
644 ANDRE Antonin 16:08:44 SEM Asj74 M 296 SEM 15350
645 PECHEREAU Nicolas 16:09:10 M3M S/l stade nantais ac M 30 M3M 13192
646 LORTHIOIS Gustave 16:09:32 SEM ca pique M 297 SEM 15041
647 SEBAG Teddy 16:09:33 M0M Coudoux olympique M 128 M0M 11414
648 OLIVIER Fabien 16:10:15 M1M M 85 M1M 12146
649 MEYER Loic 16:10:18 M3M Ale echirolles M 31 M3M 11238
650 TRAVELLA Eric 16:10:24 M1M Duc army M 86 M1M 13308
651 JOYEUX Mickael 16:11:09 M1M Ca pictave M 87 M1M 12013
652 BIONAZ Alexandre 16:11:09 SEM M 298 SEM 15374
653 BIGNOT Rodolphe 16:11:15 M1M Drt M 88 M1M 13171
654 MANET Mickael 16:11:44 SEM M 299 SEM 13401
655 HUDUT Sebastien 16:12:49 M1M Fondation salomon / les h M 89 M1M 12151
656 VANIER Hugues 16:12:58 M4M Courir comme un pro M 9 M4M 13098
657 LAMPSON Stephane 16:13:06 M1M La fonte ardennaise athle M 90 M1M 12085
658 VAN ACKER Emmanuel 16:13:24 M3M Usbw M 32 M3M 12186
659 LEBLANC Gaspard 16:13:26 SEM M 300 SEM 12119
660 GOLDSTEIN Enzo 16:13:29 ESM M 7 ESM 15394
661 JULVE Mathieu 16:13:44 M0M Team poulx trail M 129 M0M 13295
662 BRANCART Laurent 16:13:47 M1M Wetrail M 91 M1M 12056
663 GUILLEMAU Olivier 16:13:55 M0M Decathlon annemasse / lem M 130 M0M 11358
664 VICQUERY Baptiste 16:13:58 SEM M 301 SEM 13084
665 RUTSCH Andreas 16:13:59 M1M Tc la boheme M 92 M1M 11495
666 WATINE Alban 16:14:20 SEM Brolosse M 302 SEM 13010
667 DEISS Matthieu 16:14:29 M2M M 49 M2M 12109
668 TReBAOL Charles 16:14:33 M0M La joie de courir plabenn M 131 M0M 14027
669 QUATREHOMME Maxime 16:14:51 SEM Le coureur engage town t M 303 SEM 11206
670 NOEL Mathieu 16:15:04 M1M M 93 M1M 14223
671 PELLETIER Bertrand 16:15:19 M3M M 33 M3M 13358
672 BUTON Vincent 16:15:19 M0M Duc army M 132 M0M 12212
673 LEDERMANN Alexandre 16:15:19 SEM M 304 SEM 11466
674 CARPENTIER Quentin 16:15:22 SEM M 305 SEM 13061
675 QUAILLET Ivan 16:15:24 M1M M 94 M1M 13263
676 RENAUX Pierre 16:15:34 M0M M 133 M0M 12171
677 GOMPEL David 16:15:35 M3M M 34 M3M 13167
678 BUSSIERE Sebastien 16:15:48 M1M M 95 M1M 13304
679 BOCHET Luc 16:16:12 SEM M 306 SEM 14176
680 FAUCHET Christophe 16:16:32 M2M M 50 M2M 13236
681 LARIVIERE Maxime 16:16:51 M1M Longuenesse nature aventu M 96 M1M 12204
682 MOJEIKISSOFF Valentin 16:16:54 SEM M 307 SEM 13382
683 BERTHION Raphael 16:17:23 M0M M 134 M0M 14217
684 TEINTURIER Davy 16:17:43 M2M M 51 M2M 15290
685 BEYNEL Florence 16:18:01 M4F 2ep / bac F 45 F - 1 M4F 13090
686 FeVRIER Yan 16:18:04 M2M M 52 M2M 11500
687 HABFAST Martin 16:18:16 SEM M 308 SEM 13045
688 ROBIN Cezanne 16:18:16 SEF F 46 F - 21 SEF 12124
689 POULAIN Florian 16:18:21 SEM M 309 SEM 13271
690 BEN MANSOUR Ramzi 16:18:38 M2M As mantes M 53 M2M 15481
691 REB Damien 16:18:51 M0M M 135 M0M 13287
692 MAUPAS Emeric 16:19:26 SEM Suisse normande M 310 SEM 12172
693 IBERT Stephane 16:19:52 M0M M 136 M0M 12187
694 POMMERY Carole 16:19:53 M3F F 47 F - 2 M3F 14038
695 RODRIGUEZ Sylvain 16:20:02 SEM Altibosses M 311 SEM 12147
696 PRAT Louis 16:20:02 SEM M 312 SEM 13251
697 LEBEAU Hadrien 16:20:12 SEM M 313 SEM 11302
698 OLLIER Julien 16:20:19 M2M M 54 M2M 15458
699 CHAMIOT MAITRAL Raphael 16:20:21 M1M M 97 M1M 12115
700 LE BRUN Jeremy 16:20:38 SEM Neptune running team M 314 SEM 12230
701 CHEVREL Jean Marc 16:20:39 M3M M 35 M3M 15367
702 MONNET Sebastien 16:21:02 M2M Annecy athletisme M 55 M2M 14113
703 FANIELLE Laurent 16:21:27 M1M Herve ac M 98 M1M 12084
704 GERARD Geoffrey 16:21:44 M0M Les jardins de jojo M 137 M0M 13496
705 KOWALSKI Rodolphe 16:22:06 SEM M 315 SEM 11415
706 LEMAISTRE Thomas 16:22:14 SEM Rcph jogging M 316 SEM 14040
707 LE NECHET Thomas 16:22:35 M1M M 99 M1M 13396
708 MACHEDA Gabriel 16:23:03 M0M M 138 M0M 13254
709 OLSZAKOWSKI Jonas 16:23:22 M0M M 139 M0M 13165
710 CONTI Tommaso 16:23:49 M2M Cmbm M 56 M2M 12210
711 CARCELES Clement 16:23:52 SEM M 317 SEM 14105
712 PRONNIER Thomas 16:23:53 SEM M 318 SEM 13423
713 DRUEZ Maxime 16:23:56 SEM M 319 SEM 15413
714 PIERReS Vincent 16:23:57 SEM Caenrunners M 320 SEM 13111
715 MOUTON Lionel 16:24:06 M0M M 140 M0M 13259
716 SIMIC Nouchka 16:24:29 SEF Chamois gang F 48 F - 22 SEF 11398
717 ABOUHALI Mouad 16:24:38 M1M Teamlagouache M 100 M1M 14178
718 LABISTE Antoine 16:24:50 SEM M 321 SEM 11426
719 CERQUEIRA Arthur 16:24:51 SEM Bernex trail challenge M 322 SEM 11166
720 MEKARNIA Yannis 16:25:34 SEM M 323 SEM 13433
721 VARINOT Nicolas 16:25:41 M1M Les poulets M 101 M1M 13197
722 TROUX Camille 16:26:15 SEF F 49 F - 23 SEF 13478
723 CARNEAUX Maximilien 16:26:23 M0M Lna M 141 M0M 11264
724 BEYNAT Pierre Alain 16:27:06 M2M M 57 M2M 13300
725 TOUTIN Gauthier 16:27:46 SEM Groupement athletique bas M 324 SEM 15443
726 GUEROULT Theo 16:27:48 SEM Gabs M 325 SEM 15425
727 DERVILLE Louise 16:29:02 SEF F 50 F - 24 SEF 15001
728 DELFORGE Bruno 16:29:23 M0M Duc army M 142 M0M 11372
729 PRAG Andrew 16:29:34 M2M M 58 M2M 11285
730 CHERON Guillaume 16:30:12 M1M M 102 M1M 14338
731 FISCHER Laurent 16:30:21 M3M M 36 M3M 13078
732 CLERC Olivier 16:31:15 M0M M 143 M0M 14263
733 NIBAU Aurelien 16:31:17 M1M Volvic natura trail M 103 M1M 13398
734 BARTHEZ Cyprien 16:31:18 M0M Slash athletique M 144 M0M 13074
735 METZGER Jerome 16:31:23 M2M Les biquettes M 59 M2M 13415
736 FAU Corentin 16:31:28 SEM Team trail paris M 326 SEM 13261
737 FENOUIL Julien 16:31:31 M2M Cap sicie session M 60 M2M 14029
738 MARTIN Thibault 16:31:50 SEM Team texas M 327 SEM 14021
739 PAUILLACQ Christian 16:32:03 M4M Usml triathlon M 10 M4M 13352
740 REPOND Geoffrey 16:32:08 M0M M 145 M0M 11260
741 MORDACQ Jean Michel 16:32:12 M2M Resilience club M 61 M2M 13227
742 SERREAU Alexandre 16:32:30 M0M M 146 M0M 14418
743 BIOLAY Thomas 16:32:38 SEM Team run expert M 328 SEM 13366
744 COLLET Erwin 16:32:53 M0M Rva M 147 M0M 13442
745 LECHEMINANT Julian 16:33:47 SEM K11 M 329 SEM 14112
746 DUBERNARD Romain 16:33:51 M0M Sepas impossible M 148 M0M 13222
747 DELAGE Virgile 16:33:57 SEM M 330 SEM 15322
748 SIMON Anthony 16:34:06 M2M Traileurs des vosges M 62 M2M 11403
749 VERONESE Julien 16:34:12 M1M M 104 M1M 13124
750 DEBURE Thomas 16:34:20 M1M ecole de trail pays de l? M 105 M1M 13217
751 BEAUMONT Kevin 16:34:32 M1M M 106 M1M 15101
752 GUILLOU Jean Marie 16:34:44 M1M As romille M 107 M1M 13392
753 TATRY Mathias 16:34:56 SEM M 331 SEM 11498
754 MARGUIER Boris 16:34:56 SEM M 332 SEM 14467
755 REYNAUD Robin 16:35:23 SEM M 333 SEM 11345
756 BAZOUKRI Lhassan 16:35:31 M4M Asm M 11 M4M 13156
757 GIRARD Jeremy 16:35:35 M2M Ama M 63 M2M 14280
758 MORIN Benjamin 16:36:31 M0M Xrun M 149 M0M 15463
759 CLEMENTZ Stephane 16:36:33 M2M Vis l'instant present M 64 M2M 13082
760 GARCIN Jerome 16:36:34 SEM M 334 SEM 13130
761 TANCHEL Francis 16:36:39 M0M A.l.t.e.r M 150 M0M 13465
762 JAN Mathieu 16:36:50 SEM Le crann defi M 335 SEM 14030
763 GUILLOT Antoine 16:36:51 M0M Beaulieu pour courire M 151 M0M 12185
764 CHOPIN Antoine 16:37:26 M0M M 152 M0M 14177
765 CHAUX Yoann 16:37:30 M2M M 65 M2M 13055
766 GeRARD DEPeTRIS Michael 16:37:52 M3M Planete tri M 37 M3M 15372
767 ROMIEU Alexandre 16:37:58 SEM M 336 SEM 13355
768 PERRON Romain 16:37:59 M0M Velo club charollais M 153 M0M 15353
769 NOLOT Jf 16:38:07 M2M Caf faverges M 66 M2M 15467
770 GRADOS Alix 16:38:21 M2M Cse salomon M 67 M2M 13416
771 STUDER Kevin 16:38:39 M0M M 154 M0M 12120
772 LALANNE Laurent 16:39:19 M1M Dma M 108 M1M 12048
773 POIROT Thibaut 16:39:34 M0M M 155 M0M 12096
774 KOEHRLEN BESSON Theo 16:39:36 SEM Gums M 337 SEM 12017
775 DERVILLE Edouard 16:39:37 SEM M 338 SEM 12143
776 DAMAS Louis 16:39:53 SEM M 339 SEM 14347
777 MALLOL Aurelie 16:40:07 M1F F 51 F - 6 M1F 13030
778 GUENDAFA Paul 16:40:17 M0M M 156 M0M 13481
779 GHISLETTA Berengere 16:40:21 M2F F 52 F - 2 M2F 15267
780 BOIS Jean Philippe 16:40:21 M3M Asc mionnay M 38 M3M 13174
781 LEPEINTRE Guillaume 16:40:26 M0M Les fondusports M 157 M0M 15076
782 COINTOT Jerome 16:40:42 M2M M 68 M2M 13101
783 VEAUTE Benjamin 16:40:43 SEM Pwrup M 340 SEM 13119
784 TIERNY Arnaud 16:40:44 M3M Gravity M 39 M3M 12078
785 CARDULLO Aldo 16:40:46 SEM M 341 SEM 13336
786 MARTINEAU Cedric 16:41:21 M2M M 69 M2M 12202
787 CAGNY Pierre 16:41:25 SEM M 342 SEM 13062
788 BOYER Laurent 16:41:29 M2M M 70 M2M 14201
789 MANDIN Florian 16:43:17 SEM 27 bca M 343 SEM 11530
790 COLLIOU Mathieu 16:43:20 SEM M 344 SEM 14158
791 SIMONOVA Veronika 16:43:20 M0F Elan sportif F 53 F - 17 M0F 15279
792 BARON Yoan 16:43:40 M1M M 109 M1M 12015
793 BUES Mathieu 16:43:47 M1M Pla M 110 M1M 15357
794 COMYN Leandre 16:43:47 SEM Blaringhem trail M 345 SEM 15133
795 IDIRI Salem 16:43:59 M4M Eha altkirch athle sundga M 12 M4M 12012
796 PARLANGE Alexandre 16:44:18 M1M M 111 M1M 13155
797 LANDAU Alix 16:44:52 SEM Tchin tchin team M 346 SEM 14378
798 ANDOURA Sharif 16:45:00 M2M Montagne et ascensions M 71 M2M 13461
799 MERIAUX Vianney 16:45:09 SEM M 347 SEM 14461
800 CHEVRET Charly 16:45:14 SEM Zoukeurs M 348 SEM 12099
801 BONHOMME Sebastien 16:45:25 M2M Caf macon M 72 M2M 13325
802 KRAUS Xavier 16:46:04 M0M M 158 M0M 13480
803 PERSTNER Geoffrey 16:46:10 M0M M 159 M0M 13219
804 DENIEUL Elvis 16:46:13 M1M Nos limites M 112 M1M 13288
805 DANCKAERT Tom 16:46:15 M0M M 160 M0M 14047
806 RAYNAUD Jean Francois 16:46:16 M1M Run in cres M 113 M1M 13340
807 NEGREVERGNE Maxime 16:46:19 M0M Ecole de trail du pays de M 161 M0M 13033
808 DARGENT Lucas 16:46:20 SEM Cac champigneulles M 349 SEM 14363
809 LE CLOAREC Christophe 16:46:27 M2M M 73 M2M 14208
810 SUSAN Renald 16:46:34 M3M Aco M 40 M3M 12211
811 CALVEZ Tony 16:46:36 M0M Acp entrelacs M 162 M0M 14099
812 HAETTICH William 16:46:43 M0M M 163 M0M 12140
813 BONIGEN Adrien 16:46:44 M0M Oxygene stellantis M 164 M0M 14209
814 RICCOBENE Sylvain 16:46:56 M0M La boite de prod M 165 M0M 13159
815 LEVEAU Christophe 16:47:10 M3M Canon trail M 41 M3M 13458
816 MAGNIEN Frederic 16:47:22 M4M Arc M 13 M4M 13022
817 PETITPAS Brice 16:47:33 M0M M 166 M0M 12067
818 FALCY Jean Pierre 16:48:06 M4M Ski club bois d'amont M 14 M4M 13233
819 RIVERA Alexandre 16:48:13 M3M M 42 M3M 12105
820 PINEAU Lucas 16:48:16 SEM M 350 SEM 13137
821 COSTA Jean Philippe 16:48:41 M3M Asptt grand perigueux M 43 M3M 14028
822 ABOUZAKY Driss 16:48:44 M0M Team trail paris M 167 M0M 13225
823 DE LA PANOUSE Marc 16:48:52 SEM M 351 SEM 14316
824 STEVENS Anthony 16:48:53 M3M M 44 M3M 15095
825 PERRIN Gilles 16:48:57 M3M Trailxbeer M 45 M3M 13278
826 DURAND MILLE Yann 16:49:10 SEM M 352 SEM 13075
827 PERRILLAT COLLOMB Aurelien 16:49:25 M2M M 74 M2M 13341
828 DUVAL Dominique 16:49:39 M3M S/l ca evron M 46 M3M 14079
829 DE BACKER Vianney 16:49:55 SEM M 353 SEM 11391
830 LAFIEVRE Matthias 16:50:11 M0M Team trail des coursieres M 168 M0M 13335
831 GUICHON Stephane 16:50:19 M3M Team guiguich endurance M 47 M3M 12216
832 MAURON Franck 16:50:28 M2M M 75 M2M 15298
833 JACQUESON Alexis 16:50:29 M0M M 169 M0M 15297
834 FReMAUX Matthieu 16:50:39 M0M M 170 M0M 15012
835 MARX Lucas 16:51:03 SEM Xve athletic club M 354 SEM 12113
836 AUBERT David 16:51:25 M2M Lauzach run'in nature M 76 M2M 13388
837 POLLINA Adrien 16:51:30 SEM M 355 SEM 13210
838 MONFORT Julien 16:51:32 SEM M 356 SEM 14431
839 MARTIN Clement 16:51:37 M0M Les pompes A velo M 171 M0M 15489
840 RAVIER Pauline 16:51:37 SEF Avoc F 54 F - 25 SEF 14465
841 PERRENOUD Dylan 16:51:41 SEM M 357 SEM 13149
842 GUILLUY Benjamin 16:51:53 M2M Ultra trail team signargu M 77 M2M 14109
843 NAUDY Matthieu 16:52:01 M1M M 114 M1M 12032
844 CHATELAIN Stephane 16:52:20 M2M M 78 M2M 12128
845 LEBRETON Olivier 16:52:22 M2M Yayos M 79 M2M 13463
846 REMY Oscar 16:52:39 SEM M 358 SEM 13397
847 RENARD Valentin 16:52:42 M0M M 172 M0M 15291
848 LANOS Arthur 16:52:50 SEM Nissan M 359 SEM 12240
849 BEZACIER Florian 16:53:03 M0M Crra M 173 M0M 14022
850 MENARD David 16:53:21 M1M M 115 M1M 14235
851 LAUG Nicolas 16:53:38 M1M M 116 M1M 14016
852 MOUSNY Romain 16:54:03 M0M M 174 M0M 13309
853 VIEQUE Frederic 16:54:10 M1M Longuenesse nature aventu M 117 M1M 13486
854 BOURILLON Clement 16:54:14 SEM M 360 SEM 12170
855 BIBARD Joffrey 16:54:27 M0M M 175 M0M 15390
856 DELMAS Nicolas 16:54:30 SEM M 361 SEM 13379
857 DIGARD Yoan 16:54:55 M0M M 176 M0M 14036
858 GAGNIeRE Julien 16:54:57 SEM M 362 SEM 15414
859 MULON Sylvain 16:55:00 M1M M 118 M1M 15075
860 VANDERMEER Guillaume 16:55:06 M1M M 119 M1M 13506
861 TOUZO Thibault 16:55:07 SEM Team touzo M 363 SEM 13409
862 BASTIEN Benoit 16:55:22 M1M M 120 M1M 13357
863 DUBOIS ROUSSEL Renan 16:55:25 SEM M 364 SEM 13412
864 CHANTEMERLE Remy 16:55:27 M1M Athleform42 M 121 M1M 11406
865 BUTEAU Pierre 16:55:36 SEM Triathlon club nantais M 365 SEM 11379
866 GENIN Jordan 16:55:55 SEM M 366 SEM 13305
867 CALLIGARO Romain 16:56:30 M0M Tvb ras M 177 M0M 14124
868 DUDOUIT Thibault 16:57:04 M0M Ultra marin club M 178 M0M 12110
869 OLLIVIER Benoit 16:57:11 M1M Jambes raid M 122 M1M 12141
870 HUBERT Alexandre 16:57:36 SEM M 367 SEM 13424
871 LLENSE Nicolas 16:57:39 M2M Team pollestres M 80 M2M 14396
872 FERNEZ Thomas 16:58:13 M1M M 123 M1M 15152
873 COULIBALY Boubou 16:58:27 M2M M 81 M2M 13035
874 PECORARO Laura 16:58:59 M1F Team digitwist albs F 55 F - 7 M1F 14001
875 MARY Julien 16:59:06 SEM M 368 SEM 14188
876 CARIOU Thomas 16:59:22 SEM M 369 SEM 12006
877 PORZUCEK Guillaume 16:59:26 M0M Xve athletic club M 179 M0M 13148
878 ANDRE Jean Phalier 16:59:36 M0M M 180 M0M 14068
879 LEJEUNE Patrick 16:59:45 M1M Chalet de la foret trail M 124 M1M 13132
880 GRISEY Jacky 16:59:51 M2M M 82 M2M 14072
881 VINCENT Marc 16:59:51 M3M Les princes en foulees M 48 M3M 13068
882 APPLINCOURT Brice 17:00:06 M1M Dk trail unirun M 125 M1M 13143
883 CLERJON Elisabeth 17:00:09 M3F F 56 F - 3 M3F 13375
884 LLABRES Jeremy 17:00:16 M3M Aix savoie triathlon M 49 M3M 13299
885 GILET Dominique 17:00:19 M6M Athletic retz sud lac M 1 M6M 13118
886 DEBROUX Jacques 17:00:21 M5M Rc mettet M 3 M5M 14132
887 ReGNe MARTOS Eva 17:00:21 SEF Caen runners F 57 F - 26 SEF 14239
888 FALIGAND Didier 17:00:25 M3M M 50 M3M 14145
889 LEBAS Fabien 17:00:27 M2M M 83 M2M 13453
890 TIRLOY Aymeric 17:00:32 M2M La clusaz M 84 M2M 14167
891 MALLE Jean Marie 17:00:46 M2M M 85 M2M 14269
892 MONTLAUR Alexandra 17:00:46 M1F Cap sicie session F 58 F - 8 M1F 13361
893 DUPRE Francois 17:00:54 M2M M 86 M2M 15037
894 CLOPON Stephane 17:00:55 M2M M 87 M2M 13497
895 KAST Vincent 17:01:01 M1M Team raid boul / athle sa M 126 M1M 13385
896 BOTHOREL Adrien 17:01:01 ESM M 8 ESM 15388
897 ROUSSEL Julien 17:01:01 M0M M 181 M0M 12169
898 HERIAULT Sebastien 17:01:08 M1M Courir A st didier M 127 M1M 14403
899 LE FLOC'H Bastien 17:01:08 SEM M 370 SEM 15354
900 VERCELLOTTI Manuel 17:01:10 M1M Tcb M 128 M1M 13032
901 XYDAS Dario 17:01:19 SEM M 371 SEM 15345
902 FAUVEL Jeremy 17:01:22 M0M M 182 M0M 14538
903 MORAND Fabien 17:01:27 M1M M 129 M1M 11515
904 CHAYIA Emilien 17:01:33 M2M M 88 M2M 13473
905 LEVASSEUR Fabien 17:01:40 SEM Athletisme club vitryat M 372 SEM 13384
906 ZIRNHELD Tanguy 17:01:41 SEM M 373 SEM 12089
907 VAILLANT Victor 17:02:27 SEM M 374 SEM 15428
908 FONTAINE Hugo 17:02:28 SEM M 375 SEM 15429
909 LEMERCIER Suzon 17:02:28 SEF F 59 F - 27 SEF 14067
910 REZE Julien 17:02:44 SEM Avignon running M 376 SEM 11445
911 RAILLARD Antoine 17:02:45 SEM M 377 SEM 13026
912 GAUDARD Emmanuel 17:02:59 M2M Pontetrail M 89 M2M 11412
913 FAVRE Sebastien 17:03:04 SEM M 378 SEM 13152
914 MILLET Romain 17:03:12 M2M M 90 M2M 13146
915 METAYER Camille 17:03:48 SEM Lugdunum triathlon club M 379 SEM 12069
916 LECUELLET Florian 17:03:49 SEM M 380 SEM 14507
917 MOUROT Quentin 17:04:05 SEM M 381 SEM 14484
918 FIQUET Pierre 17:04:06 M0M Trail en foile M 183 M0M 14245
919 LATIERCE Nicolas 17:04:07 M2M M 91 M2M 12042
920 COLE Gaspard 17:04:15 M0M M 184 M0M 14054
921 VERNIER Cyrille 17:04:27 M1M Faur?motion M 130 M1M 13500
922 CASELLA Giuseppina 17:04:31 M2F Etnatrail asd F 60 F - 3 M2F 10045
923 SUZZONI Edouard 17:04:33 SEM M 382 SEM 14286
924 RABET Kevin 17:04:34 SEM M 383 SEM 14389
925 BERTIN Virgile 17:04:39 M2M Thalweg endurance M 92 M2M 12077
926 DAL PRA Maxime 17:04:43 M2M Eas M 93 M2M 11483
927 CICCARONE Mario 17:04:44 M1M M 131 M1M 13218
928 DE THOMASSON Paul 17:04:46 M0M M 185 M0M 12106
929 MIGNOT Mael 17:04:49 SEM M 384 SEM 13235
930 DIANA Remi 17:04:51 M0M M 186 M0M 13025
931 HENNEQUIN Florian 17:04:52 SEM M 385 SEM 14494
932 GUeRIN Gaetan 17:04:54 M1M M 132 M1M 15508
933 PARIS Guillaume 17:05:01 M0M M 187 M0M 12014
934 CARDON Thomas 17:05:05 SEM M 386 SEM 14134
935 FAURE Arnaud 17:05:09 M3M Courbevoie triathlon M 51 M3M 13377
936 LE MAGUER Jerome 17:05:25 M2M Team sequence trail M 94 M2M 12066
937 LASSALLE Elodie 17:05:33 SEF Team trail aix les bains F 61 F - 28 SEF 14135
938 FARISSIER Jordan 17:06:03 SEM M 387 SEM 11440
939 DEJOIE Pierre 17:06:21 M0M M 188 M0M 12193
940 COMBAZ Corentin 17:06:31 SEM M 388 SEM 13383
941 BOUET Gerald 17:06:55 M1M M 133 M1M 11177
942 DOMINGOS Rui 17:06:57 M3M Capa ettelbruck M 52 M3M 13020
943 DONNEAU Maxime 17:07:08 M0M Taf M 189 M0M 11389
944 BONNETON Remy 17:07:28 M1M Team mouflard M 134 M1M 13285
945 TISSOT Louis 17:07:29 SEM Teheness M 389 SEM 13116
946 FREVILLE Emilien 17:07:43 SEM M 390 SEM 13400
947 PONCELET Thomas 17:07:57 M1M M 135 M1M 15362
948 DESCOMBES Tiphaine 17:08:42 SEF La foulee du slip F 62 F - 29 SEF 14252
949 LAMOTTE Cyril 17:09:16 M2M Triathlete attitude vince M 95 M2M 14071
950 BRUNSTEIN LAPLACE Timothee 17:09:34 SEM M 391 SEM 11368
951 LEROUX Antoine 17:09:37 M0M M 190 M0M 14331
952 DE VIRON Brieuc 17:09:37 M0M M 191 M0M 13437
953 PARENT Olivier 17:09:50 M1M M 136 M1M 14005
954 MORGANT Francois 17:10:05 M3M Divonnes running M 53 M3M 13247
955 BOUTELIER Florent 17:10:30 SEM M 392 SEM 13245
956 GEFFROY Benedicte 17:10:50 SEF Esprit trail F 63 F - 30 SEF 14163
957 LAURENT Mathieu 17:11:00 M1M M 137 M1M 13454
958 QUESSON Sebastien 17:11:02 M2M Athletic guichen pont rea M 96 M2M 14142
959 BRUYERE Julien 17:11:06 M1M M 138 M1M 14098
960 THALMANN Nicolas 17:11:25 M1M Pays de brive athletique M 139 M1M 13273
961 STADLER Thomas 17:11:32 SEM M 393 SEM 11510
962 PORISSE Emmanuel 17:11:35 M2M M 97 M2M 11191
963 JOAN Marc 17:11:51 SEM M 394 SEM 14225
964 MERIENNE Cedric 17:12:05 M2M Les bons vivants M 98 M2M 14412
965 POULENARD Teddy 17:12:08 M0M M 192 M0M 15283
966 LEHEUTRE Romain 17:12:32 M1M Athletic belair club M 140 M1M 14085
967 LEPILLER David 17:12:48 SEM Co bolbec M 395 SEM 15444
968 HESSELBARTH Pierre 17:13:06 M0M Aspr M 193 M0M 15033
969 GARCIA Fabrice 17:14:02 M3M Aftertrail team M 54 M3M 12044
970 GUILLEMINET Romain 17:14:04 M0M M 194 M0M 13186
971 HARDY Michael 17:14:12 M1M M 141 M1M 14348
972 SUEUR Nathanael 17:14:48 SEM M 396 SEM 13216
973 MARTINACHE Romain 17:14:49 M0M Entente sportive de la ga M 195 M0M 15352
974 FOURNET Olivier 17:15:21 M1M Longuenesse nature aventu M 142 M1M 13482
975 PAIN Melissandre 17:15:30 SEF F 64 F - 31 SEF 13141
976 BLANCHARD Aksel 17:15:54 ESM M 9 ESM 15409
977 HUBERT Jerome 17:16:31 M0M Caen runners M 196 M0M 12001
978 ZANON Bastien 17:16:47 SEM Vis l?instant present M 397 SEM 13110
979 LAURENT Pierre 17:16:55 M0M Pyrenees performance M 197 M0M 13277
980 PERICAT Franck 17:16:57 SEM Pyrenees performance M 398 SEM 13196
981 TABURET Jean Charles 17:17:03 M1M Avoc M 143 M1M 13320
982 LEGRAND Cyril 17:17:17 SEM M 399 SEM 13058
983 BRIEUSSEL Thomas 17:17:29 SEM M 400 SEM 15366
984 MULLER Nathan 17:17:31 SEM M 401 SEM 15351
985 SITBON Laurent 17:17:39 M3M Team intersport/hoka M 55 M3M 11305
986 DUFOUR Maxime 17:17:43 M0M Team triathlon maubeuge M 198 M0M 13054
987 FITTIPALDI Pierre Jean 17:17:46 M0M A santamariaccia M 199 M0M 13311
988 BOZONNET Michael 17:17:53 M2M Vita trail M 99 M2M 11508
989 DUPUIS Xavier 17:17:56 M3M M 56 M3M 13390
990 MOREL Olivier 17:17:57 M2M M 100 M2M 13281
991 DESSAMBRE Nicolas 17:18:11 M0M M 200 M0M 14295
992 INGRAND Gregory 17:18:22 M2M M 101 M2M 13013
993 LECOEUR Pierre 17:18:24 SEM Terre de running lannion M 402 SEM 13467
994 LEFAUCONNIER Amelie 17:18:27 M1F Run in annecy F 65 F - 9 M1F 13456
995 BOULAY Arnaud 17:18:48 M1M M 144 M1M 13395
996 CASAS Daniel 17:19:19 M3M Ustm M 57 M3M 13023
997 CROFT Shaun 17:19:20 M4M Rolex sport M 15 M4M 14043
998 ARANDA David 17:19:27 M0M M 201 M0M 15059
999 CREVOISIER Etienne 17:19:32 M3M M 58 M3M 13505
1000 ELMIR Mouhcine 17:19:57 M3M Origine annecy M 59 M3M 13297
1001 CLERC Jerome 17:20:17 M3M M 60 M3M 14162
1002 VIALARD Francois 17:20:17 M5M M 4 M5M 14091
1003 LEGENTIL Yoan 17:20:42 M1M M 145 M1M 15019
1004 MOUNETOU Romain 17:21:11 M1M M 146 M1M 12029
1005 MATHEX Jean Alexandre 17:21:19 SEM Divonne running M 403 SEM 15450
1006 RENAUD Samuel 17:21:30 M0M M 202 M0M 11227
1007 BOUCHER Pascal 17:21:31 M5M C. o. du sud de l'essonne M 5 M5M 15378
1008 CALMET Francois 17:22:13 SEM M 404 SEM 12207
1009 PALAO Jean Charles 17:22:13 M0M Athleform'42 M 203 M0M 14126
1010 WASSEF Jerome 17:22:42 M1M Wapiho graal M 147 M1M 13182
1011 DECAUDIN Cedric 17:22:45 M1M Ferrieres sa M 148 M1M 11473
1012 DECAUDIN Francis 17:22:48 M1M Les foufous du trail M 149 M1M 10037
1013 CHABOT Jean Baptiste 17:22:49 SEM M 405 SEM 15348
1014 DANJOU Gonzague 17:23:01 M1M Cap rochecorbon M 150 M1M 15453
1015 RANDABEL Cyrille 17:23:23 M1M Kikourou M 151 M1M 14203
1016 JEGOUIC Alexis 17:23:37 M1M Gravity M 152 M1M 14154
1017 LEROUX Mickael 17:23:42 M1M Solidaire en peloton M 153 M1M 13471
1018 MERCIER Vincent 17:23:56 M2M Stade vertois athletisme M 102 M2M 13444
1019 DE REVIERS Hugues 17:24:11 SEM M 406 SEM 15435
1020 DUBOIS Vincent 17:25:04 SEM M 407 SEM 12002
1021 RAGUSA Sandro 17:25:27 SEM M 408 SEM 15337
1022 ROUTIL Julien 17:25:42 M1M M 154 M1M 13079
1023 CAULEY Pierre Antoine 17:25:42 M1M M 155 M1M 15338
1024 DEBAEKE Gregoire 17:26:07 M2M Rcb M 103 M2M 13198
1025 BARREAU Jeremy 17:26:10 SEM Verrie raid endurance M 409 SEM 14205
1026 BIBOLLET Maxime 17:26:30 M1M M 156 M1M 13354
1027 THOMAS Dominique 17:26:34 M3M M 61 M3M 13450
1028 TORRES Marion 17:26:35 M3F Abc F 66 F - 4 M3F 14002
1029 COULON Sylvain 17:26:37 M0M M 204 M0M 12149
1030 ALATERRE Arnaud 17:26:56 M3M Aatac M 62 M3M 11320
1031 RUFFENACH Ludovic 17:27:03 SEM M 410 SEM 14058
1032 BLANCHARD Denis 17:27:18 M3M M 63 M3M 15408
1033 DEMELAS Enzo 17:27:21 ESM M 10 ESM 15004
1034 FERTON Matthieu 17:27:22 SEM Mtnv M 411 SEM 12182
1035 CATIN Mathieu 17:27:36 M1M Team nbx M 157 M1M 14511
1036 MAILLARD Gautier 17:27:40 SEM M 412 SEM 14175
1037 PONcON Fabien 17:28:31 M0M M 205 M0M 15280
1038 CATRICE Guillaume 17:28:34 M0M Team digitwist / albs M 206 M0M 14035
1039 DEVRIEUX Cyril 17:28:46 M2M Ascm courir M 104 M2M 13024
1040 PHILIPONA Samuel 17:28:47 SEM Big booty athletics M 413 SEM 15363
1041 FOURDAN Quentin 17:30:04 SEM Sc running club M 414 SEM 12133
1042 SERVANT Loic 17:30:19 SEM C.a.pictave / ultramical8 M 415 SEM 13371
1043 DEL David 17:31:23 M2M Les p'tits filous de caro M 105 M2M 13434
1044 MOLLIET VERDAN Valerian 17:31:36 SEM M 416 SEM 14416
1045 GELMINI Laurent 17:31:44 M2M Ac corte M 106 M2M 12083
1046 KERMEUR Julien 17:32:23 SEM M 417 SEM 12062
1047 ROUSSEAU Yoann 17:32:43 M0M Transka M 207 M0M 13404
1048 SAOUT Kevin 17:33:04 M0M M 208 M0M 14116
1049 DEBARNOT David 17:33:12 M2M Courir moroges/ spirit of M 107 M2M 12034
1050 HALLOPe Quentin 17:33:14 SEM M 418 SEM 15215
1051 DUPUIS Stephane 17:33:46 M3M Foph M 64 M3M 14397
1052 LEBRETON Jerome 17:33:51 M0M Solidaire en peloton & ca M 209 M0M 14303
1053 METURA Christopher 17:33:56 M0M M 210 M0M 14368
1054 ANDRe Cedric 17:34:00 M1M Vttrail detente M 158 M1M 12145
1055 FAIN Cedric 17:34:26 M1M M 159 M1M 13158
1056 HERBERT Steve 17:34:53 M1M M 160 M1M 13284
1057 CHEMIN Gregory 17:35:10 M1M Petits mollets M 161 M1M 14555
1058 BERINGUET Gael 17:35:17 SEM M 419 SEM 14010
1059 BENDOUMA Karim 17:35:23 M1M M 162 M1M 13239
1060 ACHARD Maelle 17:35:23 M1F F 67 F - 10 M1F 13097
1061 GROSFILLEY Nicolas 17:35:59 M0M M 211 M0M 13199
1062 PELLISSIER Hugo 17:36:03 SEM M 420 SEM 14328
1063 LEVEC Florent 17:36:08 M3M M 65 M3M 13166
1064 CHABRAND Valentin 17:36:24 SEM M 421 SEM 14391
1065 LEBOURG Ludivine 17:36:33 M0F Psn preaux F 68 F - 18 M0F 15167
1066 GIULIANI Felix 17:37:00 SEM M 422 SEM 14498
1067 CEDILLE Guillaume 17:37:07 M0M Eas M 212 M0M 13176
1068 VIALLY Lionel 17:37:08 M3M Eas M 66 M3M 13419
1069 BREUVART Henri 17:37:31 M1M Alysse immo M 163 M1M 13262
1070 BRASSIER Julien 17:37:48 M1M Lz cap nature M 164 M1M 13003
1071 FOGLIATO Franco 17:37:51 M4M M 16 M4M 10023
1072 GOUPIL Marceau 17:37:54 SEM M 423 SEM 14222
1073 COURTOIS Thibault 17:38:07 M0M M 213 M0M 15132
1074 GUILLER Kevin 17:38:08 M0M Toujours plus M 214 M0M 14469
1075 DAUTOIS Kevin 17:38:08 M0M M 215 M0M 15334
1076 BROCHARD Charly 17:38:18 SEM Verrie rapide endurance M 424 SEM 13237
1077 DEMOL Sebastien 17:38:40 M2M Esa M 108 M2M 14025
1078 BAELEN David 17:38:42 M3M Tiso M 67 M3M 13298
1079 BERTIN Florian 17:39:20 SEM M 425 SEM 13122
1080 DAUTRICOURT Emmanuel 17:39:28 M2M M 109 M2M 14383
1081 COINTE Gaetan 17:39:50 M0M M 216 M0M 14302
1082 LETORT Regis 17:40:03 M1M M 165 M1M 13201
1083 QUIGNON Erwan 17:40:23 M0M M 217 M0M 14241
1084 MALACHE Cedric 17:42:05 M2M Biotrail M 110 M2M 13487
1085 HERAUD Benjamin 17:43:02 SEM M 426 SEM 14314
1086 NOUVEL Fabien 17:43:50 M4M Run in cres M 17 M4M 13386
1087 CHERITEL Come 17:44:55 SEM Team trail paris M 427 SEM 13266
1088 HASENPFLUG Fanny 17:44:58 M0F F 69 F - 19 M0F 14352
1089 GILLES Quentin 17:45:02 SEM M 428 SEM 14336
1090 CHAPELLE Florian 17:45:05 M0M M 218 M0M 13260
1091 HALLIER Vincent 17:45:09 M2M Le foyer remois M 111 M2M 13109
1092 SOUVETON Christophe 17:45:16 M3M Eas M 68 M3M 12142
1093 LAFEUILLE Louis 17:45:38 ESM Centrale lyon M 11 ESM 13378
1094 BOURDET Jeremie 17:45:50 SEM M 429 SEM 15403
1095 DARACTZ Cedric 17:45:53 M1M Lacets_defaits_13 M 166 M1M 14046
1096 MANGEARD Maxime 17:46:27 SEM M 430 SEM 12158
1097 AGUAYO Frederic 17:46:44 M0M M 219 M0M 11387
1098 SUBLET Benoit 17:46:51 M1M M 167 M1M 13104
1099 BILBILLE Matthieu 17:47:08 M1M M 168 M1M 14020
1100 DESFAUDAIS Charles Henry 17:47:20 M0M M 220 M0M 15442
1101 DELHAYE Richard 17:47:52 M3M Poissy triathlon M 69 M3M 15182
1102 JARGOT Arthur 17:48:20 M0M Chambery triathlon M 221 M0M 13248
1103 NEYROUD Christophe 17:48:27 M3M M 70 M3M 14080
1104 LEHMANN Fred 17:48:33 M3M M 71 M3M 15157
1105 VIGOUROUX Goulven 17:48:57 SEM M 431 SEM 15336
1106 TRENTESAUX Baptiste 17:48:57 SEM M 432 SEM 15065
1107 FLAMENT Clement 17:49:11 M1M M 169 M1M 14296
1108 FROU Benoit 17:49:45 M1M M 170 M1M 13094
1109 CLIP Jean Louis 17:49:57 M1M Running trail thierache M 171 M1M 15134
1110 BRUNELLA Adrien 17:50:04 SEM M 433 SEM 14242
1111 FOURGEAUD Alain 17:50:11 M4M Pgac M 18 M4M 14117
1112 ROBIN Nicolas 17:51:01 SEM Stade bordelais athletism M 434 SEM 14214
1113 AILLET Gregory 17:51:01 M2M Rillieux triathlon M 112 M2M 13326
1114 BEGAUD Anthony 17:51:32 M1M M 172 M1M 14075
1115 SERRA Guillaume 17:51:47 M1M M 173 M1M 15486
1116 VAN DER LINDEN Thomas 17:52:09 M1M M 174 M1M 14169
1117 GENOIS William 17:54:20 M4M M 19 M4M 14450
1118 JAUGEY Gregory 17:54:39 M0M Langres triathlon M 222 M0M 14018
1119 THIVOLLE Thierry 17:55:17 M4M Trail du giffre M 20 M4M 13188
1120 DEBOCQ Isabelle 17:55:20 M3F Ecole de trail du pays de F 70 F - 5 M3F 14039
1121 PERROT Mathieu 17:55:31 SEM M 435 SEM 13498
1122 SFARTI Francois 17:56:01 M0M Run and freedom M 223 M0M 12227
1123 TURMEL William 17:56:32 M1M M 175 M1M 14256
1124 LAMBERT Kevin 17:56:32 M1M Vs la ferte bernard M 176 M1M 14164
1125 SANTOS Jose Ramon 17:57:03 M4M Hoyoseals M 21 M4M 14271
1126 MARTIN Gauthier 17:57:03 SEM M 436 SEM 14535
1127 MAZUIR Pierre 17:57:06 M2M Caf m?con M 113 M2M 14195
1128 PRAT Aurelien 17:57:10 SEM M 437 SEM 14460
1129 PETIOT Caroline 17:57:20 M0F Run in annecy F 71 F - 20 M0F 13001
1130 BAUMY Francois Xavier 17:57:41 M2M Team run derval M 114 M2M 13064
1131 ROCHE Thibault 17:59:17 M1M Athletic club lauragais M 177 M1M 13407
1132 BONNIN Elodie 18:00:26 M1F Bernascom F 72 F - 11 M1F 13376
1133 GUYONNET Benjamin 18:01:40 M0M M 224 M0M 14294
1134 KRUPA VERON Capucine 18:01:48 SEF F 73 F - 32 SEF 14353
1135 BIANCONI Jean Luc 18:02:49 M3M M 72 M3M 13339
1136 GIRAUD Marie 18:03:08 SEF F 74 F - 33 SEF 14155
1137 BALLIGAND Olivier 18:03:21 M3M Caf macon M 73 M3M 14166
1138 BOUSQUET Nicolas 18:03:42 M1M M 178 M1M 14540
1139 MEGACHE Anthony 18:03:59 M0M Bel ' donne running M 225 M0M 14012
1140 CHAUVINEAU Marc 18:04:27 M3M M 74 M3M 14334
1141 DOGU Benoit 18:04:33 M1M M 179 M1M 14361
1142 BOUCHE Thibaud 18:04:48 SEM Cap athle talmont M 438 SEM 14344
1143 GIULIANI Benoit 18:05:46 M2M M 115 M2M 15432
1144 AUDEBAUD Chris 18:05:51 M1M M 180 M1M 15043
1145 NANTEUIL Clement 18:07:10 M1M M 181 M1M 15253
1146 THOMAS Steven 18:07:36 M0M Yerres athletique club M 226 M0M 15358
1147 CIVETTI Sebastien 18:09:32 M0M Team herbasse sport natur M 227 M0M 15052
1148 HENNEBICQ Cedric 18:09:59 M1M M 182 M1M 13493
1149 GROLLEAU Stephane 18:10:29 M3M M 75 M3M 13302
1150 VALLeE Cyril 18:10:41 M0M M 228 M0M 13293
1151 DARD Olivier 18:11:27 M0M M 229 M0M 14489
1152 ATRUX TALLAU Nicolas 18:12:09 M1M M 183 M1M 15254
1153 LUCHINI Hubert 18:12:21 M1M M 184 M1M 13502
1154 GRISEY Cecilia 18:12:22 SEF Cece F 75 F - 34 SEF 14238
1155 LURQUIN Didier 18:12:32 M5M M 6 M5M 14107
1156 SCHMITT Chloe 18:13:58 SEF La marmotte F 76 F - 35 SEF 14407
1157 XAVIER Henrique 18:14:15 M3M M 76 M3M 14244
1158 NOEL Christophe 18:15:27 M1M M 185 M1M 14006
1159 DURAND Mathilde 18:15:44 SEF F 77 F - 36 SEF 14482
1160 ESTEVE Clement 18:15:52 SEM M 439 SEM 11212
1161 LABRIOT Eva 18:15:56 SEF Sca F 78 F - 37 SEF 14197
1162 POUDEROUX Frederic 18:16:50 M1M Team mouflards M 186 M1M 14064
1163 QUESNEY Christophe 18:16:56 M2M M 116 M2M 14182
1164 BOURCIER David 18:16:59 M2M M 117 M2M 13418
1165 VEIRUN Nicolas 18:17:06 M1M Aatac M 187 M1M 14081
1166 GIPPA Sandrine 18:17:35 M3F Eac F 79 F - 6 M3F 13393
1167 GAHAT Sebastien 18:18:14 SEM Rma triathlon paris M 440 SEM 15473
1168 CALVEZ Thierry 18:18:18 M3M Trailxbeer M 77 M3M 14187
1169 GAUDIN Paul 18:19:08 SEM Ticho family M 441 SEM 14094
1170 DAULT Aurelie 18:19:30 SEF F 80 F - 38 SEF 14381
1171 RABASSE Tanguy 18:19:32 SEM M 442 SEM 14125
1172 CHEVALIER Laurent 18:19:39 M4M Aso ntn M 22 M4M 14276
1173 KHOUMERI Christophe 18:19:48 M2M Cse chevron M 118 M2M 13310
1174 TOMMY MARTIN Morgan 18:19:54 M1F Teamtrail sesam F 81 F - 12 M1F 14351
1175 GORBATAI Bogdan 18:20:08 M2M M 119 M2M 14335
1176 LAMOTTE Laure 18:21:06 M2F Triathlete attitude vince F 82 F - 4 M2F 14066
1177 VAVASSEUR Laurent 18:21:08 M4M Courbevoie triathlon M 23 M4M 14074
1178 LEYBROS Sylvain 18:21:12 M1M M 188 M1M 14264
1179 DENIS Florent 18:21:16 SEM M 443 SEM 14019
1180 GUERIN Christophe 18:21:36 M3M M 78 M3M 12197
1181 FARCOT Paul 18:21:48 M0M M 230 M0M 14490
1182 LEPRETRE Johan 18:23:07 M3M M 79 M3M 13181
1183 PELLETIER Stephane 18:23:10 M2M M 120 M2M 14131
1184 BLIN Cyrille 18:23:35 M2M Team trail bocage M 121 M2M 14042
1185 THIEBAUT Cedric 18:23:52 M2M Team aginepa M 122 M2M 13212
1186 AMATO Laurent 18:25:16 M3M S/l ac st gratien sannois M 80 M3M 13070
1187 CALVAYRAC David 18:25:18 M3M Ac saint gratien sannois M 81 M3M 13092
1188 ARNAU Anita 18:25:38 SEF Arc annecy F 83 F - 39 SEF 13439
1189 DUBIEF Francois 18:26:14 SEM M 444 SEM 13425
1190 CHAPEL Claude 18:26:27 M3M M 82 M3M 14386
1191 DUBOIS Ludovic 18:29:11 SEM Arc annecy M 445 SEM 13402
1192 BREVET Loric 18:29:15 SEM Salomon M 446 SEM 13134
1193 GATTUSO Mattia 18:29:16 M0F Colpo team F 84 F - 21 M0F 12154
1194 BOUCHETARD Pierre 18:29:38 M3M M 83 M3M 13430
1195 DESVAUX ORANGE OSE David 18:29:43 M3M Orange ose M 84 M3M 13083
1196 METZ Olivier 18:32:10 M2M M 123 M2M 14496
1197 LEFRANCOIS Florian 18:32:31 SEM M 447 SEM 14024
1198 DUFRAINE Richard 18:33:02 SEM Warmeriville sport endura M 448 SEM 14333
1199 DYE Etienne 18:34:00 SEM M 449 SEM 15107
1200 BONGRAND Brice 18:34:30 M1M M 189 M1M 13356
1201 BILBAULT Damien 18:34:42 M1M M 190 M1M 14198
1202 GILLET Benjamin 18:35:02 M0M M 231 M0M 14273
1203 LAUX Stephanie 18:36:23 M1F Team bertagne F 85 F - 13 M1F 14255
1204 PELLETIER Yan 18:37:19 SEM M 450 SEM 14041
1205 ACHARD Antoine 18:37:54 M1M M 191 M1M 14216
1206 BAZANNERY Julien 18:37:54 M1M M 192 M1M 14449
1207 DENORMANDIE Godefroy 18:38:51 SEM M 451 SEM 14090
1208 DE LA CROIX VAUBOIS Damien 18:39:16 M2M M 124 M2M 14212
1209 THUBe Pascal 18:39:43 M5M M 7 M5M 13351
1210 THUBe Lucie 18:39:45 SEF F 86 F - 40 SEF 13489
1211 BOUCHETARD Hans 18:40:01 M1M Team mouflon M 193 M1M 14533
1212 CAYEZ Jeremie 18:40:07 M1M M 194 M1M 14371
1213 MODRZEJEWSKI Stephane 18:42:37 M2M M 125 M2M 13269
1214 LE SAUX Vivien 18:44:30 SEM M 452 SEM 14411
1215 MELLAZA Maryne 18:44:31 SEF F 87 F - 41 SEF 14405
1216 GIRALDO Meryl 18:46:11 SEF F 88 F - 42 SEF 13244
1217 LEBLOND Ludovic 18:46:58 M0M M 232 M0M 11369
1218 ARNAULT Laurent 18:48:08 M2M M 126 M2M 13279
1219 FRASER HARDING George 18:48:30 M0M M 233 M0M 14478
1220 KELLY Lucy 18:48:32 SEF F 89 F - 43 SEF 14518
1221 PRINET Romain 18:51:10 M0M Brissac loire aubance ath M 234 M0M 12049
1222 LACROIX Christophe 18:51:58 M3M M 85 M3M 13387
1223 MANIN Lucile 18:52:48 M0F 27 bca F 90 F - 22 M0F 10049
1224 LAMBERT Laurent 18:53:27 M3M Beaumont triathlon M 86 M3M 12192
1225 ROUX Sebastien 18:55:40 M2M Asaspp M 127 M2M 14037
1226 ANNE Prisca 18:55:49 SEF Caenrunners F 91 F - 44 SEF 14057
1227 HEIM Jean Marie 18:58:46 SEM M 453 SEM 12206
1228 KUHN Damien 19:03:32 M1M Team dne M 195 M1M 15070
1229 LOPEZ Johann 19:03:43 SEM M 454 SEM 13421
1230 HORENT David 19:03:48 M2M La tharee team M 128 M2M 13048
1231 ACKER Charlie 19:05:08 SEM Ttp M 455 SEM 11255
1232 FASQUEL Arnaud 19:10:37 M3M Dunes d'espoir M 87 M3M 14277
1233 CHASTRE Mathieu 19:23:42 M1M M 196 M1M 14488
1234 BOURGES Paul 19:23:49 SEM M 456 SEM 15496
1235 BONOMO Jerome 19:23:59 M1M Team renault bagnols M 197 M1M 14551
1236 LE GROS Pierrick 19:24:22 M0M M 235 M0M 12199
1237 CORNARDEAU Thomas 19:25:56 M0M Trailers des aravis M 236 M0M 11444
1238 JOUVANCEAU Valentin 19:28:02 SEM Ievaoranginis M 457 SEM 15098
1239 GAUDIN Nicolas 16:40:00 (Bascule2) M0M Sapajou M 237 M0M 13318
1240 JOTTRAND Felix 17:43:00 (Bascule2) SEM M 458 SEM 13280
1241 COISPEL Ugo 16:31:20 (Bascule1) SEM M 459 SEM 15412
1242 RIMBERT David 16:51:12 (Bascule1) M2M M 129 M2M 14384
1243 KLEIN Bertrand 16:53:30 (Bascule1) M1M M 198 M1M 15328
1244 SANCHEZ Cyrille 16:54:47 (Bascule1) M2M Team poulx trail M 130 M2M 14191
1245 DEBES Nicolas 16:58:40 (Bascule1) M2M M 131 M2M 14049
1246 TIMELLI Vincent 16:59:45 (Bascule1) M1M M 199 M1M 15285
1247 JUSZCZAK Thomas 17:01:14 (Bascule1) M0M Kikourou M 238 M0M 14260
1248 DOBERVA Sebastien 17:03:08 (Bascule1) M2M M 132 M2M 15072
1249 VINCENT Julien 17:08:56 (Bascule1) M0M M 239 M0M 14504
1250 MATHIEU Marie 17:09:19 (Bascule1) SEF Right to movement F 92 F - 45 SEF 15162
1251 BENKEBIL Nourredine 17:10:22 (Bascule1) M1M Asm M 200 M1M 14373
1252 DUTERQUE Jeremy 17:10:56 (Bascule1) M0M M 240 M0M 14141
1253 GABORIEAU Yvonnic 17:11:17 (Bascule1) M1M M 201 M1M 13243
1254 LAMORT Frederic 17:11:30 (Bascule1) M3M Run'heure cerfontaine M 88 M3M 15492
1255 INFANTE Cedric 17:11:33 (Bascule1) M0M Les affranchis M 241 M0M 13468
1256 MUHAREM Valentin 17:12:01 (Bascule1) SEM M 460 SEM 14186
1257 DELAHAYE Freddy 17:13:51 (Bascule1) M0M Blaringhem trail M 242 M0M 13389
1258 BERTHOMe Anthony 17:14:22 (Bascule1) M2M Les bons vivants M 133 M2M 14491
1259 OCCHIPINTI Renald 17:15:00 (Bascule1) M1M Caf idf M 202 M1M 14089
1260 FARDOUX Patrick 17:15:19 (Bascule1) M3M M 89 M3M 15203
1261 BORDES Laura 17:15:20 (Bascule1) M0F F 93 F - 23 M0F 14359
1262 DE LA TULLAYE Pierre 17:15:21 (Bascule1) M2M Dassault sports M 134 M2M 13274
1263 POMMERET Fabien 17:15:44 (Bascule1) M0M M 243 M0M 14305
1264 VILQUIN Pierre Edouard 17:16:08 (Bascule1) SEM Avoc M 461 SEM 14312
1265 HOUERROU Frederic 17:17:09 (Bascule1) M0M M 244 M0M 15346
1266 ROUMY Miguel 17:17:17 (Bascule1) M2M M 135 M2M 15077
1267 BEGHDADI Badreddine 17:18:12 (Bascule1) M2M M 136 M2M 15130
1268 GIULIANI Arthur 17:19:02 (Bascule1) M0M M 245 M0M 11094
1269 THOMAS Yohann 17:19:22 (Bascule1) SEM M 462 SEM 13150
1270 RENARD Marc 17:19:47 (Bascule1) M2M M 137 M2M 13435
1271 EVARNE Xavier 17:20:12 (Bascule1) SEM M 463 SEM 14317
1272 GIGUET Jean Yves 17:20:25 (Bascule1) M3M M 90 M3M 14279
1273 CARRe Cedric 17:21:37 (Bascule1) M2M Ac gespunsart neufmanil M 138 M2M 15060
1274 LEROY Antoine 17:22:03 (Bascule1) SEM M 464 SEM 14502
1275 CASTAINGS Lionel 17:22:14 (Bascule1) M2M Olor'on run M 139 M2M 14339
1276 CONAN Christophe 17:24:15 (Bascule1) M2M M 140 M2M 14224
1277 CROQUELOIS Nicolas 17:25:22 (Bascule1) M3M Shelby M 91 M3M 15006
1278 DEMILLY Laurent 17:26:01 (Bascule1) M3M Gravity running experienc M 92 M3M 15517
1279 VOITURET Olivier 17:26:36 (Bascule1) M0M Caf macon M 246 M0M 14032
1280 LE MEUR Jean Mathieu 17:28:13 (Bascule1) M1M M 203 M1M 15343
1281 ARNHOLZ Martin 17:28:32 (Bascule1) SEM M 465 SEM 15036
1282 BERTAUD David 17:28:39 (Bascule1) SEM M 466 SEM 15292
1283 FLUCKLINGER Jerome 17:28:56 (Bascule1) M3M Trail in woippy M 93 M3M 14475
1284 BOTIN Sebastien 17:29:06 (Bascule1) M3M M 94 M3M 15084
1285 GODDET Eric 17:29:28 (Bascule1) M3M M 95 M3M 15355
1286 HERPIERRE Sonia 17:30:11 (Bascule1) M2F Traileurs des vosges F 94 F - 5 M2F 14406
1287 FERNANDES Erico 17:31:25 (Bascule1) M2M Enjoy your run M 141 M2M 14174
1288 RODRIGUES Francois 17:32:17 (Bascule1) SEM M 467 SEM 15500
1289 COUDRET Clement 17:32:21 (Bascule1) M0M M 247 M0M 14268
1290 LABY Laure 17:32:39 (Bascule1) SEF Transka F 95 F - 46 SEF 14229
1291 GARNIER Thibaut 17:34:12 (Bascule1) SEM 1000 pattes triathlon M 468 SEM 13160
1292 MONTESSUIT Julien 17:34:27 (Bascule1) M0M M 248 M0M 15009
1293 GUERIN Julien 17:34:44 (Bascule1) M1M M 204 M1M 15319
1294 GARDETTE Benjamin 17:34:46 (Bascule1) M2M Dassault sports M 142 M2M 12065
1295 PROT Guillaume 17:34:47 (Bascule1) M1M M 205 M1M 13249
1296 CHEMINEAU Timothee 17:35:13 (Bascule1) SEM M 469 SEM 14270
1297 BUTTET Tanguy 17:35:33 (Bascule1) SEM M 470 SEM 13342
1298 TAVERNIER Emilien 17:36:14 (Bascule1) M1M M 206 M1M 14181
1299 RICHET Simon 17:36:54 (Bascule1) M0M M 249 M0M 15005
1300 MEHL Elodie 17:36:59 (Bascule1) M1F F 96 F - 14 M1F 14219
1301 ROCHER Axel 17:37:36 (Bascule1) M3M M 96 M3M 14472
1302 NAY Baptiste 17:38:05 (Bascule1) M1M M 207 M1M 14171
1303 TOMMY MARTIN Henri 17:38:47 (Bascule1) M1M Team trail sesam M 208 M1M 14521
1304 LURQUIN Gregory 17:38:52 (Bascule1) M1M Runners 52 M 209 M1M 14285
1305 BECQ Maxime 17:39:39 (Bascule1) M0M M 250 M0M 14088
1306 MENCHON Pascal 17:40:38 (Bascule1) M2M Galego team M 143 M2M 13330
1307 DEBOSSCHER Michel 17:40:46 (Bascule1) M5M M 8 M5M 13451
1308 SALOU Jonathan 17:40:48 (Bascule1) SEM M 471 SEM 15488
1309 JOST Maximilien 17:41:28 (Bascule1) SEM M 472 SEM 13214
1310 GIULIANI Thibaud 17:42:01 (Bascule1) M1M Kesque j'fais lA? M 210 M1M 15370
1311 LE BECHEC Alexandre 17:42:28 (Bascule1) SEM Team keredern M 473 SEM 14436
1312 LE ROY Loic 17:43:01 (Bascule1) M3M Les bons vivants M 97 M3M 13331
1313 LEFEBVRE Jean Philippe 17:44:18 (Bascule1) M1M M 211 M1M 13477
1314 RODIER J Philippe 17:44:37 (Bascule1) M3M Team pollestres M 98 M3M 15415
1315 GAUDIN Olivier 17:44:46 (Bascule1) M3M Ua societe generale M 99 M3M 13135
1316 GAUDIN AJENJO Noe 17:44:48 (Bascule1) SEM M 474 SEM 12152
1317 POL Bruno 17:45:15 (Bascule1) M4M Enjoy your run M 24 M4M 14385
1318 SCHWOERER Sabine 17:46:37 (Bascule1) SEF Arc annecy F 97 F - 47 SEF 14236
1319 DE WASEIGE Marguerite 17:46:38 (Bascule1) SEF F 98 F - 48 SEF 15273
1320 CANU Pierre 17:47:20 (Bascule1) M1M M 212 M1M 14299
1321 HAMON Sebastien 17:47:57 (Bascule1) M3M M 100 M3M 15379
1322 BOUTRY Jerome 17:48:05 (Bascule1) M3M Trailxbeers M 101 M3M 14122
1323 MONDON Thomas 17:48:16 (Bascule1) M1M Diagmeimunouf M 213 M1M 14234
1324 DENES Leo 17:50:13 (Bascule1) M1M Millet M 214 M1M 14103
1325 VALLE Fabrizio 17:51:43 (Bascule1) M3M Stramandriamo M 102 M3M 12007
1326 TARTAGLIA Rocco 17:51:43 (Bascule1) M2M M 144 M2M 13474
1327 BONIN Cecilia 17:51:53 (Bascule1) M1F Funrun77 F 99 F - 15 M1F 15276
1328 MONARD Camille 17:52:44 (Bascule1) SEM M 475 SEM 14266
1329 LABADIE Fabien 17:53:19 (Bascule1) M1M M 215 M1M 14101
1330 LIENAFA Yann 17:53:56 (Bascule1) M3M Club manikou organisation M 103 M3M 14428
1331 DUBOIS ROUSSEL Clement 17:54:51 (Bascule1) M1M M 216 M1M 15126
1332 JAILLET Lucas 17:55:35 (Bascule1) SEM M 476 SEM 15256
1333 MAFFEIS Nicolas 17:56:14 (Bascule1) M2M M 145 M2M 14045
1334 BRISWALTER Camille 17:57:14 (Bascule1) SEF F 100 F - 49 SEF 14444
1335 BARTHES Fabien 17:57:36 (Bascule1) M2M Medoc of course M 146 M2M 15219
1336 DUCOS LANSON Stephane 17:57:36 (Bascule1) M4M Medoc of course M 25 M4M 15020
1337 VINCENT Emmanuel 17:57:38 (Bascule1) M3M Medoc of course M 104 M3M 14395
1338 LEMOINE Fabian 17:57:40 (Bascule1) M1M Rst ath M 217 M1M 13057
1339 GALAND Antoine 18:01:01 (Bascule1) SEM M 477 SEM 15438
1340 LAMY Guillaume 18:02:06 (Bascule1) M2M M 147 M2M 13445
1341 WOOLSTON Rachael 18:02:07 (Bascule1) M3F F 101 F - 7 M3F 14313
1342 SANDERSON Tom 18:02:08 (Bascule1) M3M M 105 M3M 15457
1343 HUE Damien 18:02:08 (Bascule1) SEM As tourlaville M 478 SEM 14165
1344 STULEMEIJER Casper 18:02:12 (Bascule1) M1M Les foulees de mornas run M 218 M1M 14258
1345 LAGADEC Eric 18:02:43 (Bascule1) M1M Team sequence trail M 219 M1M 14168
1346 FABRE Victor 18:03:12 (Bascule1) M0M M 251 M0M 14519
1347 GeRARDIN Cyril 18:04:24 (Bascule1) M3M ecole de trail du pays de M 106 M3M 14522
1348 KREHL Ludovic 18:04:51 (Bascule1) M2M My tribe M 148 M2M 13253
1349 TANGUY Benjamin 18:04:54 (Bascule1) SEM M 479 SEM 14528
1350 LEVAVASSEUR Anthony 18:04:56 (Bascule1) M0M Empt M 252 M0M 15135
1351 JAGER Remi 18:05:20 (Bascule1) SEM M 480 SEM 14453
1352 DESPREZ Clement 18:06:47 (Bascule1) SEM Cmdc M 481 SEM 15119
1353 PETIT Victor 18:06:49 (Bascule1) SEM M 482 SEM 15448
1354 TROUBOUL Loik 18:06:55 (Bascule1) M0M M 253 M0M 13346
1355 MONIKA Crouse 18:08:46 (Bascule1) M2F F 102 F - 6 M2F 14284
1356 PONCHANT Vanessa 18:09:24 (Bascule1) M1F Ea creil F 103 F - 16 M1F 14321
1357 JEANROY Emmanuel 18:09:38 (Bascule1) M3M M 107 M3M 14421
1358 DROUET Hippolyte 18:10:06 (Bascule1) SEM M 483 SEM 15198
1359 MOMESSO David 18:10:32 (Bascule1) M3M Montardon d?achille M 108 M3M 14150
1360 MAILLOT Jean Rene 18:10:36 (Bascule1) M4M Montardon d'achille M 26 M4M 14017
1361 GALICHET Hugo 18:10:36 (Bascule1) SEM M 484 SEM 15123
1362 THIEBLEMONT Antoine 18:10:36 (Bascule1) SEM M 485 SEM 13460
1363 BERTIN Damien 18:11:37 (Bascule1) M0M M 254 M0M 14213
1364 PRAT Thibaut 18:12:13 (Bascule1) M1M Enjoy your run M 220 M1M 15066
1365 CATHERIN Sebastien 18:12:22 (Bascule1) M1M Team addict bike M 221 M1M 15462
1366 LEROY Martin 18:12:43 (Bascule1) SEM M 486 SEM 14343
1367 PERRIE Lionel 18:12:50 (Bascule1) M3M M 109 M3M 15029
1368 FEVRE Etienne 18:12:50 (Bascule1) M0M M 255 M0M 15294
1369 PAQUEREAU Romain 18:12:55 (Bascule1) M0M Verrie raid endurance M 256 M0M 15058
1370 CAO Guillaume 18:13:09 (Bascule1) M2M M 149 M2M 14003
1371 CATTOEN Johan 18:13:22 (Bascule1) M2M M 150 M2M 13123
1372 CANTIN Yoann 18:13:23 (Bascule1) M1M M 222 M1M 11413
1373 RAMPON Pascal 18:13:49 (Bascule1) M5M Mavic M 9 M5M 14523
1374 DE GAYARDON DE FENOYL Jules 18:13:52 (Bascule1) SEM M 487 SEM 15385
1375 UDOT Jonathan 18:14:06 (Bascule1) M1M Cac champigneulles M 223 M1M 15038
1376 ROSE Sebastien 18:14:07 (Bascule1) M1M M 224 M1M 14464
1377 DEFOREL Jean Philippe 18:14:08 (Bascule1) M0M Paris running heroes M 257 M0M 14204
1378 MONTEIL Sylvie 18:14:16 (Bascule1) M2F Pleumrun / broceliande av F 104 F - 7 M2F 15028
1379 HUSSIN Louis 18:14:33 (Bascule1) M0M L'enfer du viroin M 258 M0M 14230
1380 LION Julien 18:14:34 (Bascule1) M1M M 225 M1M 14251
1381 AGLAVE Antoine 18:14:34 (Bascule1) M1M L enfer du viroin M 226 M1M 12132
1382 VAUSSARD Verena 18:14:53 (Bascule1) M2F Running tpg F 105 F - 8 M2F 15199
1383 DESFONTAINES Morgan 18:15:44 (Bascule1) M0M M 259 M0M 15186
1384 FAVREL Nicolas 18:15:58 (Bascule1) M3M Rirm M 110 M3M 14136
1385 TRICHET Sebastien 18:16:30 (Bascule1) M3M Jogging club nieulais M 111 M3M 15407
1386 JACQUEL Pascal 18:17:06 (Bascule1) M2M Aatac M 151 M2M 14200
1387 MILET Aurelien 18:17:40 (Bascule1) SEM Verrie raid endurance M 488 SEM 14243
1388 LEPETIT Mathieu 18:17:53 (Bascule1) M2M M 152 M2M 15327
1389 DUCRET Stephane 18:18:23 (Bascule1) M4M Atscaf des savoie M 27 M4M 13203
1390 HANSOL Ismael 18:18:34 (Bascule1) SEM We trail M 489 SEM 14051
1391 SERVAIS Xavier 18:18:34 (Bascule1) M1M Wetrail M 227 M1M 13313
1392 DOLO Dominique 18:18:39 (Bascule1) M3M M 112 M3M 14320
1393 SAVOURET Hugo 18:18:55 (Bascule1) ESM Bobsleigh M 12 ESM 14227
1394 VIANDAZ Jean Pierre 18:18:59 (Bascule1) M2M Origine annecy M 153 M2M 15180
1395 PECQUEUX Pierrick 18:19:46 (Bascule1) M0M M 260 M0M 15045
1396 RIGOLLOT Julien 18:20:01 (Bascule1) M1M Fombes trail team M 228 M1M 13113
1397 PINEAU Nicolas 18:20:29 (Bascule1) SEM M 490 SEM 14355
1398 MILLON Nicolas 18:21:06 (Bascule1) M1M M 229 M1M 14332
1399 PANTHIER Christophe 18:21:17 (Bascule1) M1M M 230 M1M 14310
1400 HODOUL Guillaume 18:21:32 (Bascule1) M0M Team les bons vivants M 261 M0M 15032
1401 MANDART Pierre 18:21:52 (Bascule1) SEM Ar paris M 491 SEM 14440
1402 BERRUYER Claude 18:21:54 (Bascule1) M5M Annonay jogging club M 10 M5M 14309
1403 THOMAS Sylvano 18:22:08 (Bascule1) M2M Les foulees montoises M 154 M2M 15446
1404 BOUGIS Anne Laure 18:23:13 (Bascule1) M1F S/l ac merdrignac / pleum F 106 F - 17 M1F 14435
1405 HERY Sylvain 18:23:13 (Bascule1) M2M Team 3 rivieres M 155 M2M 14199
1406 RIGOLLe Yannick 18:23:14 (Bascule1) M3M As22 merdrignac M 113 M3M 13470
1407 NORMAND Christophe 18:23:15 (Bascule1) M2M S/l ac merdrignac / pleum M 156 M2M 13479
1408 MIOULET Stephane 18:23:40 (Bascule1) M3M Edlm M 114 M3M 13268
1409 JOUAN Thierry 18:24:03 (Bascule1) M3M Nst M 115 M3M 13417
1410 COMMEUREUC CHEROT Francois 18:24:12 (Bascule1) M0M M 262 M0M 15437
1411 MANTEN Kevin 18:24:42 (Bascule1) M0M M 263 M0M 14356
1412 LUCHINI Estelle 18:25:14 (Bascule1) M1F Team liger F 107 F - 18 M1F 14512
1413 REUILLY Guillaume 18:25:18 (Bascule1) M1M M 231 M1M 13312
1414 REVERDY Jimmy 18:25:19 (Bascule1) M3M M 116 M3M 13492
1415 LELIARD Bruno 18:25:29 (Bascule1) M3M Athletic pont rean guiche M 117 M3M 15094
1416 LOMBET Adrien 18:25:31 (Bascule1) SEM M 492 SEM 15090
1417 MONTANGE Aimeric 18:25:44 (Bascule1) SEM M 493 SEM 14210
1418 LABIJAK Richard 18:25:48 (Bascule1) M0M M 264 M0M 15173
1419 PARSY Sebastien 18:26:11 (Bascule1) M1M M 232 M1M 14476
1420 JOST Guillaume 18:26:40 (Bascule1) M0M M 265 M0M 14308
1421 BUTROT Paul 18:27:32 (Bascule1) M0M Vre M 266 M0M 14301
1422 POPHILLAT Pierre Yves 18:27:42 (Bascule1) SEM M 494 SEM 15144
1423 CHARLES Jeremy 18:28:35 (Bascule1) M0M Bussy saint georges athle M 267 M0M 13060
1424 BLAS Julien 18:29:12 (Bascule1) M2M Arc annecy M 157 M2M 15017
1425 FAUCHER Mickael 18:29:26 (Bascule1) M2M Baskets aux pieds M 158 M2M 14370
1426 BROCHARD Stephane 18:30:34 (Bascule1) M3M Esbonchamp running M 118 M3M 14500
1427 MORA Damien 18:30:36 (Bascule1) M1M M 233 M1M 14473
1428 BOUVIER Patrick 18:30:59 (Bascule1) M3M Asptt auxerre M 119 M3M 13323
1429 BRILLANT Nicolas 18:31:19 (Bascule1) M1M Vs la ferte bernard M 234 M1M 14326
1430 BERTHELOT Florian 18:31:28 (Bascule1) M1M M 235 M1M 15088
1431 JEANNENEZ Damien 18:31:55 (Bascule1) M0M Tdr amberieu / ta energy M 268 M0M 13006
1432 LEMERCIER Marc 18:32:37 (Bascule1) M4M M 28 M4M 15120
1433 PICHARD Florian 18:33:10 (Bascule1) SEM Trityc M 495 SEM 13093
1434 DEMOZ Amelie 18:33:23 (Bascule1) M0F Team champsaur nature F 108 F - 24 M0F 15104
1435 LUCIEN Gael 18:33:42 (Bascule1) M1M M 236 M1M 14153
1436 BRIOUDES Vincent 18:34:01 (Bascule1) M3M St pierre la palud trail M 120 M3M 14062
1437 ZAMPESE Alexandro 18:34:05 (Bascule1) M1M Team c rocket M 237 M1M 13343
1438 GUILLAUME Jerome 18:34:49 (Bascule1) M1M M 238 M1M 15061
1439 HUYGHE Yannick 18:34:51 (Bascule1) M4M M 29 M4M 14106
1440 POLLET Jean 18:34:58 (Bascule1) M6M Les dravengers M 2 M6M 14211
1441 CALMET Cecile 18:35:01 (Bascule1) SEF F 109 F - 50 SEF 14189
1442 WISSOCQ Julien 18:35:30 (Bascule1) SEM M 496 SEM 15111
1443 LECOEUR Francois 18:37:03 (Bascule1) M2M Stade olympique du maine M 159 M2M 14426
1444 CLAIRAY Bruno 18:37:14 (Bascule1) M3M M 121 M3M 15129
1445 HUARD David 18:37:43 (Bascule1) M2M Les bons vivants M 160 M2M 14424
1446 GARAYOA Remi 18:38:11 (Bascule1) M2M Ajt saone vallee M 161 M2M 13108
1447 ROUX Michael 18:38:21 (Bascule1) M2M M 162 M2M 15236
1448 ESNAULT Yoann 18:38:22 (Bascule1) M2M M 163 M2M 15238
1449 MARILIER Hugo 18:38:48 (Bascule1) SEM M 497 SEM 15404
1450 DUQUENNE Michel 18:38:53 (Bascule1) M4M M 30 M4M 15121
1451 ORTILLON Daniel 18:38:55 (Bascule1) M4M M 31 M4M 15149
1452 RANTE Francois 18:39:16 (Bascule1) M0M M 269 M0M 13446
1453 BECKER Christian 18:40:13 (Bascule1) M3M Teamlameute57 M 122 M3M 15025
1454 GRIMBERT Christophe 18:40:47 (Bascule1) M4M Coach sou M 32 M4M 14427
1455 DUJARDIN Guillaume 18:40:50 (Bascule1) M1M Arc annecy M 239 M1M 15237
1456 LEGENDRE Bruno 18:42:12 (Bascule1) M3M M 123 M3M 14330
1457 MOUTIER Etienne 18:42:14 (Bascule1) M3M M 124 M3M 13490
1458 VALIGNY Nicolas 18:43:48 (Bascule1) M3M M 125 M3M 14337
1459 PLEAU Aline 18:43:50 (Bascule1) M2F F 110 F - 9 M2F 14499
1460 LABONNE Matthieu 18:44:08 (Bascule1) M2M M 164 M2M 14410
1461 FALCIONI Eddy 18:44:15 (Bascule1) M2M M 165 M2M 13483
1462 BURGOS Mickael 18:44:27 (Bascule1) M1M M 240 M1M 14033
1463 RIU Sebastien 18:44:34 (Bascule1) M2M Avoc M 166 M2M 14505
1464 CARLIER Antoine 18:44:35 (Bascule1) M4M Caf m?con M 33 M4M 14399
1465 VATINEL Marc 18:44:42 (Bascule1) M0M M 270 M0M 15217
1466 UBEL Olivier 18:44:57 (Bascule1) M2M Force jaune M 167 M2M 14156
1467 BARBE Paul 18:45:27 (Bascule1) SEM Los barbitos M 498 SEM 15313
1468 HALLET Adrien 18:46:12 (Bascule1) SEM M 499 SEM 14375
1469 GARCES RODRIGUEZ Guillermo 18:46:15 (Bascule1) M1M Iron cumbia M 241 M1M 14073
1470 DEHAESE Remi 18:46:43 (Bascule1) M0M M 271 M0M 15027
1471 BOURDEAU Willy 18:46:52 (Bascule1) M3M M 126 M3M 14307
1472 BURNIAT Gilles 18:47:00 (Bascule1) M4M M 34 M4M 15102
1473 MOURER Cedric 18:47:54 (Bascule1) M1M Teamlameute57 M 242 M1M 14342
1474 COLLOMB CLERC Antoine 18:48:13 (Bascule1) SEM M 500 SEM 15361
1475 DUBOIS Stephane 18:48:48 (Bascule1) M2M Esa et desvres M 168 M2M 15383
1476 CHEVALIER Jerome 18:50:06 (Bascule1) M0M Athleform42 M 272 M0M 13106
1477 KHARRAT Bel Hassan 18:50:20 (Bascule1) M1M Team trail grands crus M 243 M1M 15112
1478 HENROT Hugo 18:50:41 (Bascule1) SEM M 501 SEM 13440
1479 DE ALMEIDA Eric 18:51:17 (Bascule1) M2M Galego team M 169 M2M 15122
1480 FAYNOT Nicolas 18:51:55 (Bascule1) M3M M 127 M3M 15296
1481 RICHARD Julien 18:53:07 (Bascule1) M1M Moriteam M 244 M1M 15085
1482 VIGIER Maxime 18:54:08 (Bascule1) SEM Lsc M 502 SEM 14146
1483 BATTAGLINI Pierre 18:54:13 (Bascule1) M5M Eco tail geneve M 11 M5M 13414
1484 HERIN Julien 18:54:50 (Bascule1) SEM M 503 SEM 14392
1485 BOUBY Simon 18:55:00 (Bascule1) M0M M 273 M0M 15295
1486 GUICHARD Lionel 18:55:32 (Bascule1) M3M Terre de running M 128 M3M 14408
1487 DELAUNAY Sylvain 18:55:48 (Bascule1) M3M Les caenrunners M 129 M3M 14501
1488 ZINCK Nicolas 18:55:55 (Bascule1) M2M Teamlameute57 M 170 M2M 13041
1489 CONTAT Thomas 18:56:01 (Bascule1) SEM M 504 SEM 12166
1490 BAILLY Christine 18:56:02 (Bascule1) M2F Team trail grands crus F 111 F - 10 M2F 14322
1491 RUFFON Roland 18:56:58 (Bascule1) M4M C.a.f. aravis secours en M 35 M4M 14184
1492 EUSEBE Danielle 18:56:59 (Bascule1) M5F F 112 F - 1 M5F 14454
1493 BLANPAIN Mickael 18:58:09 (Bascule1) M1M M 245 M1M 15197
1494 GRACIA Guillaume 18:58:42 (Bascule1) M1M M 246 M1M 15196
1495 STEUX Sebastien 18:59:28 (Bascule1) M2M Mtnv M 171 M2M 14231
1496 COCHARD Benjamin 18:59:29 (Bascule1) M2M M 172 M2M 15092
1497 ROSSEL Yann 18:59:41 (Bascule1) M3M M 130 M3M 15223
1498 LEVENSON Guillaume 18:59:41 (Bascule1) SEM M 505 SEM 14486
1499 DANDOY Stephane 19:00:09 (Bascule1) M3M M 131 M3M 15305
1500 BOLJANIC Ivan 19:00:21 (Bascule1) M2M M 173 M2M 14470
1501 MONTMORY Cyril 19:01:22 (Bascule1) M3M Rtv 28 M 132 M3M 14179
1502 CARDINAEL Sandy 19:01:24 (Bascule1) M0M M 274 M0M 14014
1503 MUNIER Charlotte 19:01:32 (Bascule1) M0F F 113 F - 25 M0F 14479
1504 DE VALICOURT Henri 19:01:40 (Bascule1) M2M M 174 M2M 14524
1505 GERMAIN Anne Catherine 19:01:59 (Bascule1) SEF Tntb F 114 F - 51 SEF 14261
1506 VAN CAUWENBERGH Philippe 19:02:12 (Bascule1) M3M Jchsh M 133 M3M 14118
1507 JEGOU Sun Mee 19:02:35 (Bascule1) M1F Courir par nature F 115 F - 19 M1F 14492
1508 PEURO Fabien 19:03:13 (Bascule1) SEM M 506 SEM 13206
1509 CHALLEL Abdelkader 19:03:35 (Bascule1) M0M M 275 M0M 14520
1510 ANTONINI Alexis 19:03:46 (Bascule1) M3M M 134 M3M 15106
1511 VILLARD Benjamin 19:05:26 (Bascule1) M0M M 276 M0M 15169
1512 CHATEL Florent 19:05:28 (Bascule1) SEM M 507 SEM 14458
1513 ALMARAZ Stefan 19:05:28 (Bascule1) M0M M 277 M0M 15171
1514 PERRISSOUD Kevin 19:05:31 (Bascule1) SEM Albanais athle M 508 SEM 13436
1515 RABINEAU Emmanuel 19:05:35 (Bascule1) M3M Endurance72 M 135 M3M 15050
1516 CHAGOVETS Oleksiy 19:05:37 (Bascule1) M2M Krivbass ac M 175 M2M 14096
1517 CERCEAU Frantz 19:06:39 (Bascule1) M2M Courir A poisy M 176 M2M 14293
1518 BONNEVAY Nicolas 19:07:11 (Bascule1) M0M M 278 M0M 15115
1519 HUPPERTZ Gaetan 19:08:53 (Bascule1) M2M Biotrail M 177 M2M 14432
1520 PROST Thomas 19:09:27 (Bascule1) SEM M 509 SEM 15087
1521 MARTINS Paulo 19:10:25 (Bascule1) M2M M 178 M2M 15086
1522 BELKAHLA Abdel 19:10:34 (Bascule1) M3M M 136 M3M 14530
1523 GUILLEMBET Olivier 19:10:34 (Bascule1) M2M Association warrior gab M 179 M2M 14455
1524 SANTINI Antoine Jean 19:11:25 (Bascule1) M4M Ac corte M 36 M4M 14065
1525 BOUVAIST Guillaume 19:12:54 (Bascule1) M1M M 247 M1M 14108
1526 PAGART Yann 19:12:58 (Bascule1) M1M M 248 M1M 14537
1527 BUIJZE Erika 19:14:22 (Bascule1) SEF F 116 F - 52 SEF 13328
1528 LEFRANcOIS Thomas 19:16:17 (Bascule1) SEM M 510 SEM 13211
1529 DELON Veronique 19:16:30 (Bascule1) M1F Bouygtel sports F 117 F - 20 M1F 14480
1530 BALSA Aurelie 19:16:52 (Bascule1) SEF La foulee du slip F 118 F - 53 SEF 14240
1531 MORVAN Patrick 19:17:16 (Bascule1) M4M M 37 M4M 14215
1532 MAILLOTTE Eric 19:19:00 (Bascule1) M3M M 137 M3M 14015
1533 VANDERMARLIERE Antoine 19:19:07 (Bascule1) M0M M 279 M0M 13349
1534 EL FAQIR Yasmina 19:19:14 (Bascule1) M1F F 119 F - 21 M1F 14237
1535 VIDAL Nathan 19:19:16 (Bascule1) M0M M 280 M0M 14514
1536 LEBRUN Anthony 19:19:28 (Bascule1) M1M M 249 M1M 13475
1537 GALLET Guillaume 19:19:32 (Bascule1) M2M M 180 M2M 14287
1538 MOTTIN Aymeric 19:20:36 (Bascule1) SEM M 511 SEM 15202
1539 GAUCHER Romain 19:20:53 (Bascule1) M0M M 281 M0M 13071
1540 ALLART Dylan 19:21:36 (Bascule1) SEM Phoenix ocr / spirit of r M 512 SEM 14534
1541 THOMAS Ronan 19:21:46 (Bascule1) M1M M 250 M1M 15040
1542 MONTeCOT Mathieu 19:22:09 (Bascule1) SEM M 513 SEM 15419
1543 BERNARD Valentin 19:22:10 (Bascule1) SEM M 514 SEM 15418
1544 BOURGES Hugues 19:23:52 (Bascule1) M4M Les zinzins des coteaux 3 M 38 M4M 15255
1545 MISSIRLI Michel 19:23:52 (Bascule1) M1M M 251 M1M 14531
1546 CEZE Boris 19:23:55 (Bascule1) SEM M 515 SEM 15359
1547 BALDACCHINO Daniel 19:23:58 (Bascule1) M3M Rognac ac M 138 M3M 14474
1548 LANNIAUX Enzo 19:24:07 (Bascule1) ESM M 13 ESM 14121
1549 DE BEER Christophe 19:24:08 (Bascule1) M1M Les escargots du vexin M 252 M1M 15233
1550 BARON Guillaume 19:24:39 (Bascule1) SEM M 516 SEM 15178
1551 COUVREUR Antoine 19:25:14 (Bascule1) SEM M 517 SEM 14097
1552 RAINFROY Clement 19:25:23 (Bascule1) M0M M 282 M0M 15369
1553 CROISE Gaetan 19:25:29 (Bascule1) M1M M 253 M1M 15235
1554 DEHENAIN Roxanne 19:25:37 (Bascule1) M0F F 120 F - 26 M0F 11522
1555 GUIRONNET Jerome 19:25:45 (Bascule1) M1M M 254 M1M 14281
1556 BEKAERT Karine 19:25:52 (Bascule1) M2F F 121 F - 11 M2F 15259
1557 CATELAIN Gerald 19:26:28 (Bascule1) M3M M 139 M3M 15424
1558 PONTY Stephane 19:26:29 (Bascule1) M3M Picapon solid'r M 140 M3M 15201
1559 JOLIVET Louise 19:26:46 (Bascule1) M0F F 122 F - 27 M0F 15108
1560 LEGAY Benoit 19:26:49 (Bascule1) M2M M 181 M2M 15158
1561 SAUVAN Charles 19:27:25 (Bascule1) M0M M 283 M0M 15100
1562 BAYLET Dorian 19:28:04 (Bascule1) SEM M 518 SEM 14202
1563 LAUNAY Pierre Emmanuel 19:28:04 (Bascule1) M1M M 255 M1M 15421
1564 BAYLET Alain 19:28:05 (Bascule1) M4M M 39 M4M 14129
1565 DORTU Nicolas 19:28:07 (Bascule1) M1M M 256 M1M 14438
1566 DORTU DERCOUR Lucille 19:28:07 (Bascule1) M0F Ok aventure / wyz moove F 123 F - 28 M0F 15093
1567 PAL Benjamin 19:28:26 (Bascule1) SEM M 519 SEM 13052
1568 ZENZAN Ali 19:29:57 (Bascule1) M4M Courir a plusieurs M 40 M4M 14327
1569 HELLER Kevin 19:31:11 (Bascule1) SEM M 520 SEM 15105
1570 CHARLOT Gael 19:31:26 (Bascule1) M1M M 257 M1M 15310
1571 PORZUCEK Aline 19:31:37 (Bascule1) M0F Xve athletic club F 124 F - 29 M0F 15151
1572 PELIKS Olivier 19:31:48 (Bascule1) M3M Runao M 141 M3M 14192
1573 RICHARD Arnaud 19:33:15 (Bascule1) M2M Tri aventure M 182 M2M 15469
1574 DUCROS Laurent 19:35:27 (Bascule1) M4M M 41 M4M 14249
1575 MORALDO Julien 19:35:42 (Bascule1) M1M M 258 M1M 14433
1576 DELSAUX Fabien 19:35:54 (Bascule1) SEM M 521 SEM 15245
1577 KOVACEVIC Gaetan 19:36:42 (Bascule1) SEM Trailing club bzk M 522 SEM 13163
1578 KHADRAOUI Samir 19:36:43 (Bascule1) SEM Bzk trailing club M 523 SEM 14297
1579 TROUPEL Quentin 19:36:46 (Bascule1) M0M M 284 M0M 15063
1580 COQUELIN Jean Michel 19:36:47 (Bascule1) M2M M 183 M2M 14463
1581 KAOUA Max 19:36:59 (Bascule1) SEM M 524 SEM 15405
1582 BARCELONNE Francois 19:37:03 (Bascule1) SEM Barca M 525 SEM 15116
1583 RICHARD Jerome 19:37:11 (Bascule1) M0M M 285 M0M 15136
1584 SIMOES Caroline 19:37:15 (Bascule1) M2F Magny running crew F 125 F - 12 M2F 14506
1585 DUPRE Franck 19:37:15 (Bascule1) M2M Magny running crew M 184 M2M 14138
1586 TOULON Gaelle 19:37:54 (Bascule1) M0F F 126 F - 30 M0F 15216
1587 BACHELLIER Nicolas 19:38:47 (Bascule1) SEM M 526 SEM 14130
1588 FAVRE Mickael 19:39:55 (Bascule1) M0M M 286 M0M 15510
1589 DECRUCQ Erika 19:42:43 (Bascule1) M2F Marcq triathlon F 127 F - 13 M2F 13427
1590 ROLLER Carl 19:42:54 (Bascule1) M2M Free runners le club M 185 M2M 14376
1591 MOYRET Christian 19:45:07 (Bascule1) M4M St so court M 42 M4M 14082
1592 VERKENNE Fabian 19:45:16 (Bascule1) M0M M 287 M0M 15054
1593 PINOT Christophe 19:45:17 (Bascule1) M4M M 43 M4M 15410
1594 LE BOHEC Julien 19:45:33 (Bascule1) SEM M 527 SEM 15503
1595 RIBEIRO MARCELO Ricardo 19:46:08 (Bascule1) M4M M 44 M4M 14048
1596 DELMAS Ludovic 19:46:08 (Bascule1) M2M M 186 M2M 13459
1597 BECQUART Hippolyte 19:46:49 (Bascule1) SEM Bro?losses M 528 SEM 15391
1598 LINDEKENS Stephane 19:46:51 (Bascule1) M3M Running trail thierache M 142 M3M 14218
1599 DEVIGNE Jean Luc 19:46:55 (Bascule1) M2M M 187 M2M 15213
1600 MURIE Aurelien 19:47:11 (Bascule1) M2M Exaequo caen M 188 M2M 14493
1601 CRONIER Laurent 19:48:28 (Bascule1) M3M Martigne running M 143 M3M 15024
1602 VERMOT DESROCHES Laurie 19:48:44 (Bascule1) SEF F 128 F - 54 SEF 15270
1603 ROUSSEL Romain 19:49:16 (Bascule1) SEM M 529 SEM 15153
1604 CARIOU Leny 19:50:48 (Bascule1) SEM Lib'air'trail M 530 SEM 13194
1605 SIMON Patrick 19:50:58 (Bascule1) M5M S/l ac merdrignac M 12 M5M 15110
1606 RIOPEL Ronan 19:51:10 (Bascule1) M2M Pleum'run M 189 M2M 15014
1607 BUELLET Nicolas 19:51:50 (Bascule1) SEM M 531 SEM 15193
1608 IHUEL Philippe 19:52:41 (Bascule1) M2M Team 2 tri M 190 M2M 13264
1609 PLASMAN Pierre 19:54:14 (Bascule1) M1M M 259 M1M 14437
1610 STERDYNIAK Pascale 19:54:30 (Bascule1) M6F Cac F 129 F - 1 M6F 14350
1611 DEBAINS Victor 19:55:43 (Bascule1) M0M M 288 M0M 14487
1612 BOTHOREL Thierry 19:56:11 (Bascule1) M3M M 144 M3M 15400
1613 COILLARD Nicolas 19:58:14 (Bascule1) M0M M 289 M0M 14278
1614 HADID Anthony 19:59:17 (Bascule1) SEM M 532 SEM 13410
1615 FANEL Teva 20:00:10 (Bascule1) SEM M 533 SEM 14452
1616 GOSSET Alexandre 20:00:21 (Bascule1) M1M M 260 M1M 15125
1617 KERYVEL Damien 20:00:56 (Bascule1) M1M M 261 M1M 14456
1618 JOUENNE Christophe 20:01:13 (Bascule1) M3M M 145 M3M 15512
1619 COSNARD Thomas 20:01:49 (Bascule1) SEM M 534 SEM 15381
1620 LE LAY Renaud 20:01:55 (Bascule1) M0M Running and trail douessi M 290 M0M 15231
1621 POINOT Sebastien 20:05:04 (Bascule1) M2M Les garsvroches M 191 M2M 14306
1622 GARRAUD Sebastien 20:15:58 (Bascule1) M2M Tec limousine M 192 M2M 15243

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