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Ecrire au créateur du site : Michel Jourdan

2015-12-05 - Saintexpress 2015

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Saintexpress 2015 - 2015 : classement des 2314 finishers
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
1 MEYSSAT Emmanuel 03:10:54 SEM - M 10901
2 HOURS Sebastien 03:12:02 SEM S/L PL PIERRE BENITE M 12931
3 GALLAND Benjamin 03:24:56 SEM - M 11589
4 PIEGELIN Remi 03:27:26 SEM - M 12419
5 REBREYEND Jean daniel 03:29:31 V1H - M 1 V1H 11351
6 PERRIER Nicolas 03:30:20 SEM - M 5 SEH 12625
7 LESEUR Jany 03:35:34 SEM - M 6 SEH 11512
8 GALIANA Alexandre 03:35:56 SEM - M 7 SEH 11200
11 BONNIER Sylvain 03:42:31 V1H - M 2 V1H 10405
12 GADET Fabien 03:44:12 SEM - M 10 SEH 11147
13 LEROY Antoine 03:46:18 SEM - M 11 SEH 12420
14 LARROUTIS Laurent 03:47:36 V1H - M 3 V1H 10617
15 DOUHARD Frederic 03:48:19 SEM - M 12 SEH 12923
16 PANOZZO Jimmy 03:49:03 SEM - M 13 SEH 11294
17 PINTO Antonio 03:50:42 V1H - M 4 V1H 12407
19 CRETINON Guillaume 03:51:13 SEM - M 14 SEH 10673
20 MORAS Raphael 03:51:20 SEM - M 15 SEH 12231
21 PIGNOL Moise 03:51:45 V2H CASCOL ATHLETISME M 1 V2H 12075
22 CIZEAU Thibault 03:51:54 SEM US IVRY M 16 SEH 13004
23 HERVe Fabrice 03:52:01 V1H - M 6 V1H 12600
24 LIPPI Thierry 03:52:09 V1H - M 7 V1H 12906
25 CARREZ Celine 03:52:15 SEF - F 1ere F 12422
26 TARENNE Adrien 03:52:43 SEM - M 17 SEH 12463
27 HUNO Alexandre 03:52:46 SEM - M 18 SEH 12827
28 RONZON David 03:53:32 V1H - M 8 V1H 11710
29 HOGREL Francois 03:53:56 SEM - M 19 SEH 11763
30 CHABOUD Julie 03:54:34 V1F - F 2eme F / 1 V1F 11590
31 BULLE Bertrand 03:54:52 SEM ACR DIJON M 20 SEH 12873
32 BOURGOIN Damien 03:55:29 SEM - M 21 SEH 10828
33 BANCEL Eric 03:55:47 SEM - M 22 SEH 11718
33 RONZON Yann 03:55:47 V1H - M 9 V1H 12022
35 DUWATTEZ Sebastien 03:55:51 SEM - M 23 SEH 12544
36 LEROU Pierre alain 03:56:02 SEM - M 24 SEH 12148
38 PAILLERET Guilhem 03:56:31 SEM - M 25 SEH 11992
39 JOYEUX Julien 03:56:33 SEM - M 26 SEH 12766
40 BROYER Laurent 03:56:37 V1H - M 10 V1H 12093
41 RUBELLIN Pierre 03:57:02 SEM - M 27 SEH 10953
42 CARREIRA Cedric 03:57:49 V1H - M 11 V1H 12717
43 GRY Nicolas 03:57:54 SEM - M 28 SEH 12509
44 HAMBLI Farid 03:58:27 V1H - M 12 V1H 12020
45 PRUDENT Melanie 03:59:27 SEF - F 3eme F / 2 SEF 11402
46 AVRIL Christophe 04:00:01 SEM - M 29 SEH 2096
47 LEROI Laurent 04:00:35 SEM - M 30 SEH 11385
48 SENECHAL Nicolas 04:01:02 SEM S/L VAL DE SAONE ATHLETIS M 31 SEH 11733
49 JOURDEN Stephane 04:02:48 SEM - M 32 SEH 12650
50 BONNIER Dominique 04:03:05 V1H - M 13 V1H 12644
51 THIBAULT Bastien 04:03:32 SEM - M 33 SEH 12351
52 REGNERIE Pascal 04:05:11 V1H TO BE SPORT M 14 V1H 11518
53 VEGA M David 04:06:26 SEM - M 34 SEH 13037
54 SORIN Yannick 04:07:14 V2H - M 2 V2H 12602
55 DRUET Jean pierre 04:08:34 V1H - M 15 V1H 10374
56 RODE Corentin 04:08:35 SEM - M 35 SEH 12953
57 DAVALLET PIN Gregory 04:08:36 V1H AAA DU LYONNAIS M 16 V1H 13000
58 CERTAIN BRESSON Martin 04:08:52 ESH - M 2 ESH 12165
59 GERSON Thomas 04:08:53 SEM - M 36 SEH 12745
60 MOURIC Bertrand 04:09:23 SEM - M 37 SEH 13031
61 FEVRIER Vincent 04:09:40 SEM - M 38 SEH 10994
62 CHARVIN Herve 04:10:14 V1H - M 17 V1H 10406
63 VIOLA Julien 04:10:23 SEM - M 39 SEH 11987
64 CHAMPALLIER Fabrice 04:10:26 SEM - M 40 SEH 12824
65 PERIER Cedric 04:11:01 SEM - M 41 SEH 11499
66 IMPARATO Damien 04:11:15 SEM - M 42 SEH 10221
67 POIRIER Mathieu 04:11:32 SEM COURIR ENSEMBLE SNCF M 43 SEH 12391
68 GOUILLON Jeremy 04:11:35 SEM - M 44 SEH 12849
69 MARCOT Christian 04:11:59 V2H - M 3 V2H 12282
70 LECOUTY Maite 04:12:19 SEF - F 4eme F / 3 SEF 12930
71 GIGNOUX Benoit 04:12:46 V1H - M 18 V1H 12706
72 DELORE Alexandre 04:12:48 V1H ENTENTE SUD LYONNAIS M 19 V1H 11242
73 LECUYER Benoit 04:13:31 SEM - M 45 SEH 12312
74 ROUSSON Cyril 04:13:32 SEM - M 46 SEH 10932
75 PERON Pierre xavier 04:13:46 V1H - M 20 V1H 11834
76 JACQ Jerome 04:14:14 SEM - M 47 SEH 10632
76 STENUIT Mathieu 04:14:14 SEM - M 48 SEH 11699
78 CANON Laurent 04:14:18 SEM - M 49 SEH 12550
79 PAILLOUX Virginie 04:14:19 SEF - F 5eme F / 4 SEF 11776
80 BAZOUD Stephane 04:14:32 V1H - M 21 V1H 12491
81 MUNNIA Estelle 04:14:49 SEF - F 6eme F / 5 SEF 12217
82 DELESPIERRE Marion 04:15:07 SEF - F 7eme F / 6 SEF 12459
83 ARMER Stephane 04:15:08 V1H - M 22 V1H 11794
84 WECK Mathieu 04:15:16 SEM - M 50 SEH 12472
85 MARICHEZ Jeremy 04:15:40 SEM - M 51 SEH 11124
86 CUZIN Romaric 04:16:04 V1H - M 23 V1H 12082
87 DA SILVA Antonio 04:16:05 SEM - M 52 SEH 11522
88 DANEL David 04:16:10 SEM MAUBEUGE MARATHON M 53 SEH 10443
89 COURBIERE Alexis 04:16:11 SEM - M 54 SEH 11674
90 BRON Joris 04:16:12 SEM - M 55 SEH 12935
91 FARGIER Olivier 04:16:15 V1H - M 24 V1H 12204
92 FREDERIC Murria 04:16:46 SEM - M 56 SEH 12884
93 FIGUIER Jean luc 04:16:52 V1H ECRINS TRAIL RUNNING M 25 V1H 10886
94 REY Damien 04:17:00 V1H AS CAVAILLON M 26 V1H 12473
95 ROTH Yannig 04:17:19 SEM - M 57 SEH 11078
96 SCHNEIDER Mathieu 04:17:26 SEM - M 58 SEH 11248
97 VUIBERT Tanguy 04:17:30 V1H FREE RUNNERS LE CLUB M 27 V1H 12917
98 TABUTIN Jonathan 04:17:33 SEM - M 59 SEH 11232
99 REINERT Christophe 04:18:15 V1H - M 28 V1H 6860
100 GOURNAY Benjamin 04:18:44 SEM - M 60 SEH 12634
101 SAHUC Bertrand 04:18:47 SEM - M 61 SEH 11046
102 WATTIEZ Axel 04:19:06 SEM - M 62 SEH 12739
103 CORDUANT Franck 04:19:26 SEM - M 63 SEH 10188
104 VIOLLET Sebastien 04:19:29 V1H - M 29 V1H 11007
105 BIEZ Clement 04:19:30 SEM - M 64 SEH 12316
106 DE CAMPOS Paula 04:19:46 SEF - F 8eme F / 7 SEF 11721
107 BLOT Sylvain 04:19:56 SEM - M 65 SEH 12784
108 MERCIER Eric 04:20:14 V1H LYON ATHLETISME M 30 V1H 11613
109 ALBERT Geoffrey 04:20:15 SEM - M 66 SEH 12129
110 ESMILAIRE Frederic 04:20:23 SEM - M 67 SEH 12305
111 PEATIER Michel 04:21:11 V1H - M 31 V1H 12833
112 BERTIN Jerome 04:21:34 V1H - M 32 V1H 11619
113 DECOSTANZI Arthur 04:21:51 SEM - M 68 SEH 11126
114 LEYDIER Gabriel 04:21:52 SEM - M 69 SEH 12963
115 GIRARDET Pierre ALAIN 04:21:59 SEM - M 70 SEH 12424
116 AMELAINE Fabien 04:22:02 V1H - M 33 V1H 10902
116 GARNIER Jerome 04:22:02 SEM - M 71 SEH 11218
118 JACQUES Antoine 04:22:09 SEM - M 72 SEH 12325
119 MARCON Joel 04:22:48 V1H - M 34 V1H 12249
120 MARLAUD Thorsten 04:22:55 SEM - M 73 SEH 12070
121 BANON Matthieu 04:23:57 V1H - M 35 V1H 12730
122 NEVEU Jacques 04:24:22 V3H - M 1 V3H 13008
123 BERNARD Thierry 04:24:33 V2H - M 4 V2H 10923
124 JEAN Aubin 04:24:35 SEM - M 74 SEH 10115
125 QUEDEC Raphael 04:24:38 V1H - M 36 V1H 11541
126 CANAUD Andrea 04:24:44 V1F - F 9eme F / 2 V1F 12904
127 MARTIGNON Pierre alexandre 04:24:53 SEM - M 75 SEH 12925
128 FEBVRE Laurent 04:25:05 V1H - M 37 V1H 12031
129 DUHAMEL Quentin 04:25:08 SEM - M 76 SEH 10190
130 SKRZYNSKI Alexis 04:25:30 SEM - M 77 SEH 12812
131 HENRY Philippe 04:25:34 V1H - M 38 V1H 11896
132 SIGNORI Charly 04:25:41 SEM - M 78 SEH 11502
133 SAVOYE Jean christophe 04:26:04 SEM - M 79 SEH 12436
134 BENDAFI Nabil 04:26:17 SEM - M 80 SEH 12486
135 DURAND POUDRET Emma 04:26:19 SEF - F 10eme F / 8 SEF 12080
136 PURRO Pauline 04:26:36 SEF - F 11eme F / 9 SEF 10948
137 GAY Guillaume 04:26:58 SEM - M 81 SEH 12677
138 TINES Frederic 04:27:00 SEM - M 82 SEH 11578
139 FOLLY Aubin 04:27:03 V1H - M 39 V1H 12170
140 AUMOND Willy 04:27:12 SEM - M 83 SEH 11835
141 ZEIDLER Yannis 04:27:34 SEM - M 84 SEH 10361
142 GENSEL Mickael 04:27:35 SEM - M 85 SEH 10360
143 LENON Guillaume 04:27:41 SEM - M 86 SEH 12287
144 PERNET Regis 04:27:53 V2H ENDURANCE 72 M 5 V2H 116
145 BLANCHART David 04:27:57 SEM - M 87 SEH 10334
146 ALES Raphael 04:28:16 V1H - M 40 V1H 11312
147 HAVEL Julien 04:28:20 SEM LEMAN ATHLETIC CLUB M 88 SEH 12622
148 CLAUVELIN Jean philippe 04:28:27 SEM - M 89 SEH 13015
149 ROUGEOT Herve 04:28:31 V2H - M 6 V2H 12587
150 DEVAUX Nicolas 04:28:38 V1H - M 41 V1H 10384
151 PEILLON Jeremie 04:28:46 SEM - M 90 SEH 13049
152 SARIEGE Yannick 04:28:47 SEM - M 91 SEH 12294
153 SELERIER Christophe 04:28:54 SEM ANTONY ATHLETISME 92 M 92 SEH 12611
154 LEHMANN Simon 04:29:00 SEM AS CALUIRE ET CUIRE M 93 SEH 10103
155 CRUVELLIER Christophe 04:29:15 V1H - M 42 V1H 12707
156 CLEDIC Jonathan 04:29:34 SEM - M 94 SEH 12002
157 GENIN Julien 04:29:37 SEM - M 95 SEH 12485
158 MOLY Anne LYSE 04:29:46 V1F - F 12eme F / 3 V1F 12924
159 PLESCAN Alin 04:30:10 SEM - M 96 SEH 11386
160 RATONI Sebastien 04:30:18 SEM - M 97 SEH 12527
161 JACQUOT PEGEOT Marie laure 04:30:29 V1F S/L VAL MORTEAU ATHLETISM F 13eme F / 4 V1F 11936
162 LOiC Lafontaine 04:30:43 SEM - M 98 SEH 11623
163 ROBERT Sebastien 04:31:19 SEM - M 99 SEH 10259
164 MICHEL Julien 04:31:20 SEM - M 100 SEH 10809
165 GODIN Olivier 04:31:26 SEM - M 101 SEH 13066
166 LENEUF Pierre 04:31:42 SEM - M 102 SEH 12948
167 LAGARDE Kevin 04:31:45 SEM - M 103 SEH 11241
168 PORTA Sebastien 04:31:46 SEM - M 104 SEH 12875
169 BELLANGER Joey 04:31:47 SEM - M 105 SEH 12693
171 XAVIER Hubner 04:32:27 V1H - M 43 V1H 12771
172 RAVEROT Gerald 04:32:36 V1H - M 44 V1H 12280
173 PALADINO Francois 04:32:47 V1H - M 45 V1H 10626
174 SEYCHELLES Kevin 04:33:04 SEM - M 107 SEH 11677
175 BUCAMP Sebastien 04:33:05 SEM - M 108 SEH 6468
176 PARROT Remy 04:33:29 SEM - M 109 SEH 11208
177 MALATERRE Clement 04:33:59 SEM - M 110 SEH 11034
178 POUGNET Dominique 04:34:02 SEM MACADAM 07 M 111 SEH 12341
179 CAISSE Marie laure 04:34:18 V1F - F 14eme F / 5 V1F 12841
180 DAMIEN Gil 04:34:26 SEM - M 112 SEH 12968
181 HEUET Thierry 04:35:01 V1H - M 46 V1H 10640
182 BLANCHARD Thomas 04:35:11 SEM - M 113 SEH 10556
182 SOUSA Ricardo 04:35:11 SEM - M 114 SEH 11411
184 MARIAC David 04:35:12 V1H AAA DU LYONNAIS M 47 V1H 12026
185 GAUTHIER Vincent 04:35:14 SEM - M 115 SEH 12009
186 DISARBOIS Herve 04:35:20 SEM UA VERSAILLES M 116 SEH 10847
187 TAMIN Sylvain 04:35:22 SEM - M 117 SEH 11274
188 CHAILLOU Sebastien 04:35:29 V1H - M 48 V1H 10756
189 JOYAUX Guillaume 04:35:32 SEM - M 118 SEH 10451
190 POLETTI Yannick 04:35:43 SEM - M 119 SEH 11258
191 MATT Karine 04:36:01 V1F UA MAURIENNE (ST JEAN) F 15eme F / 6 V1F 13023
192 YVES MAYEUX Pierre 04:36:22 SEM - M 120 SEH 10944
193 VALTON Brice 04:36:33 V1H - M 49 V1H 11726
194 GUIGNARD Paul ely 04:36:51 SEM - M 121 SEH 11879
195 POINT Sebastien 04:37:11 SEM - M 122 SEH 10248
196 GAMOND Julien 04:37:21 SEM - M 123 SEH 10321
197 NOLIN Victor 04:37:36 SEM - M 124 SEH 11845
198 CHERMETTE Christian 04:37:45 V2H - M 7 V2H 11675
199 DUMONT Olivier 04:37:54 V2H - M 8 V2H 12403
200 RAGUILLAT Jean pierre 04:38:08 V2H COUREURS SUR ROUTE COTE D M 9 V2H 10363
201 PERRIN Damien 04:38:30 V1H - M 50 V1H 12275
202 PAPILLAULT Sebastien 04:39:12 V1H - M 51 V1H 12866
203 MARTINO Veronica 04:39:13 SEF - F 16eme F / 10 SEF 11074
204 PROUST Caroline 04:39:26 SEF - F 17eme F / 11 SEF 11383
205 SAMOYEAU Geoffrey 04:39:30 SEM - M 125 SEH 10965
206 COLLOMB Thomas 04:39:32 SEM - M 126 SEH 10205
207 COLLOMB Emmanuel 04:39:33 V1H - M 52 V1H 10204
208 DELABORDE Steve 04:39:38 V1H - M 53 V1H 11127
209 JOFFRIN Henri 04:39:41 V3H - M 2 V3H 10264
210 LENOBLE Gregoire 04:40:03 SEM - M 127 SEH 10139
211 CHALOPIN Stephane 04:40:04 V1H - M 54 V1H 11642
212 GAGLIARDINI Jeremy 04:40:10 SEM - M 128 SEH 10838
213 STIL BAUDRY Julien 04:40:33 SEM - M 129 SEH 11213
214 DESMURS Laure 04:40:34 SEF - F 18eme F / 12 SEF 12643
214 COULOT Charlelie 04:40:34 SEM - M 130 SEH 12665
216 CHAMBODUT Martin 04:40:49 SEM - M 131 SEH 12177
217 MOHAMMEDI Aziz 04:41:00 V1H - M 55 V1H 11107
218 FRONT Julien 04:41:05 SEM - M 132 SEH 11225
219 PERNEZ Laurent 04:41:07 V1H - M 56 V1H 13047
220 LEJEUNE Cecile 04:41:19 SEF - F 19eme F / 13 SEF 12542
222 CATTIAUX Arthur 04:41:34 SEM - M 134 SEH 10044
223 NEAU Julien 04:41:37 SEM - M 135 SEH 12922
224 MOREAU Erwann 04:41:40 SEM - M 136 SEH 12056
225 LOUVET Romain 04:41:48 SEM - M 137 SEH 12181
226 DIMITRI Morel 04:41:55 SEM - M 138 SEH 12735
227 KAYSER Chantal 04:42:19 SEF - F 20eme F / 14 SEF 10535
227 MOREL eric 04:42:19 V2H - M 10 V2H 12845
229 CHAGOT Eric 04:42:36 V1H - M 57 V1H 10735
230 BIDAULT Lucie 04:42:44 SEF - F 21eme F / 15 SEF 12533
231 FLORENTIN Nicolas 04:43:02 SEM - M 139 SEH 12568
232 GREGORY Merle 04:43:03 V1H - M 58 V1H 12334
233 HEISSER Eric 04:43:09 V1H S/L ILL BRUCHE A LINGOLSH M 59 V1H 11390
234 VILLE Vincent 04:43:20 SEM - M 140 SEH 12390
235 MISSANA Gregory 04:43:24 SEM - M 141 SEH 10696
236 JUMEAUX Veronique 04:43:33 V1F - F 22eme F / 7 V1F 12850
236 ROBERT Christophe 04:43:33 V1H - M 60 V1H 13059
238 RICHARD Geoffray 04:43:36 V1H - M 61 V1H 12883
239 GORRE Fabien 04:43:42 SEM - M 142 SEH 9659
239 DORIE Adrien 04:43:42 SEM - M 143 SEH 12429
241 ROGELET Jean 04:44:08 SEM - M 144 SEH 11149
242 CHAPELIN Thierry 04:44:11 V1H AC VILLERS COTTERETS M 62 V1H 12383
243 DE ALMEIDA Albertino 04:44:12 SEM - M 145 SEH 10860
243 BOSCHMAN Leon 04:44:12 SEM - M 146 SEH 11352
245 ADAM Gregoire 04:45:02 SEM - M 147 SEH 11451
246 ROCHE Stephane 04:45:06 SEM - M 148 SEH 11115
246 BLEIN Joel 04:45:06 SEM - M 149 SEH 12309
248 TAILLAND Christophe 04:45:11 V1H - M 63 V1H 12829
249 BODIE Brice 04:45:15 SEM - M 150 SEH 12844
250 LAURENT Stephane 04:45:17 SEM - M 151 SEH 12727
251 ZOU Jean luc 04:45:19 V2H - M 11 V2H 10959
252 DEMARS Olivier 04:45:21 SEM AS ROMAGNAT M 152 SEH 10799
253 GARRe Fabrice 04:45:26 SEM - M 153 SEH 12519
254 BERTHOLET Gilles 04:45:49 V2H - M 12 V2H 10619
255 SEMBLAT Lucas 04:45:51 SEM - M 154 SEH 12432
256 SCHNEIDER Franck 04:45:56 V1H - M 64 V1H 10051
257 ZOUAOUI Olivier 04:46:03 SEM - M 155 SEH 10031
257 GRAVELEAU Jean yves 04:46:03 V1H - M 65 V1H 11672
259 LOISEL Vincent 04:46:11 V2H - M 13 V2H 11002
260 THERRAS Franck 04:46:33 V1H - M 66 V1H 12708
261 HOCQUAUX Nicolas 04:46:43 SEM - M 156 SEH 12581
262 MORCRETTE Vianney 04:46:46 SEM - M 157 SEH 11517
263 LOUAT Mickael 04:46:48 SEM - M 158 SEH 10236
264 VANNIER Jean francis 04:46:52 SEM - M 159 SEH 11933
265 BIANCO Nicolas 04:46:57 SEM - M 160 SEH 10499
266 DIMITROV Dimitar 04:47:08 V1H - M 67 V1H 11523
266 MONDON Clement 04:47:08 SEM - M 161 SEH 12767
268 ZECCHINI Maud 04:47:37 V1F - F 23eme F / 8 V1F 12645
268 BILLOT Victor 04:47:37 SEM - M 162 SEH 12716
270 OSMONT Jean baptiste 04:47:52 SEM - M 163 SEH 11112
271 OLIVIER Raphael 04:48:07 V1H - M 68 V1H 10835
272 CROS Gabrielle 04:48:09 SEF - F 24eme F / 16 SEF 11860
273 LE TAT Thomas 04:48:14 ESH - M 3 ESH 10877
274 BOIS Alexandre 04:48:15 SEM - M 164 SEH 12596
275 LEURENT Simon 04:48:20 SEM AAA DU LYONNAIS M 165 SEH 10209
276 MATHEZ Fredy 04:48:25 SEM - M 166 SEH 10380
277 GUILLOT Christian 04:48:29 V2H - M 14 V2H 11817
278 HYARIC STEVEN Le 04:48:36 SEM - M 167 SEH 11631
278 DI LUNA Martial 04:48:36 V1H - M 69 V1H 12373
280 THENUS Maxime 04:48:38 SEM - M 168 SEH 10304
281 PORTENSEIGNE Philippe 04:48:51 V1H - M 70 V1H 12704
282 GARRIGUE Antoine 04:48:55 SEM AAA DU LYONNAIS M 169 SEH 10382
282 CETRE Matthieu 04:48:55 SEM DOLE AC M 170 SEH 11460
284 HIBOU Solene 04:49:13 V1F AAA DU LYONNAIS F 25eme F / 9 V1F 11381
285 DEMANGE Tony 04:49:24 V1H FLEP CARRIERES SOUS POISS M 71 V1H 10636
286 MOLINS Olivier 04:49:27 V1H - M 72 V1H 10806
287 MARTINS Mickael 04:49:32 SEM - M 171 SEH 12765
288 THOMASSET Sidney 04:49:41 SEM - M 172 SEH 12913
289 LAVERGNE Jerome 04:50:00 V1H - M 73 V1H 10716
290 BLANC Rene 04:50:03 V3H - M 3 V3H 10715
291 DOMINGUES Jean louis 04:50:05 SEM - M 173 SEH 11462
291 CARDINAEL Sophie 04:50:05 SEF - F 26eme F / 17 SEF 11934
293 CHASSAGNON Stephane 04:50:07 SEM LB CHATEAUROUX M 174 SEH 12557
294 GUILLERAULT Julien 04:50:27 SEM - M 175 SEH 12033
295 AMEDRO Franck 04:50:29 V2H - M 15 V2H 11806
296 ALEXANDRE Valerie 04:50:35 V1F - F 27eme F / 10 V1F 10935
297 MEGRET Christian 04:50:40 V1H - M 74 V1H 11155
297 AUBINEAU Matthieu 04:50:40 SEM - M 176 SEH 12102
299 BIGEARD Christian 04:50:48 V1H - M 75 V1H 10813
300 BARTOZZI Pierre 04:50:51 SEM - M 177 SEH 10017
301 SCARABELLI Claire lyse 04:51:09 SEF - F 28eme F / 18 SEF 12768
302 RIBOUTON Julien 04:51:19 SEM - M 178 SEH 12614
303 POTTER JEROME De 04:51:23 V1H - M 76 V1H 12770
304 BELKACEME Djamel 04:51:28 SEM - M 179 SEH 11151
305 MEILLER Johan 04:51:31 V1H - M 77 V1H 12835
306 DIDIER Michel 04:51:36 V2H - M 16 V2H 12428
307 WACH Vanny 04:51:39 SEF - F 29eme F / 19 SEF 10684
308 FONTANEL Cedric 04:51:49 V1H - M 78 V1H 11990
309 BEATRIX Stephane 04:51:50 V2H SELECTION NATIONALE DES C M 17 V2H 11900
310 FRANCOIS Benjamin 04:51:56 SEM - M 180 SEH 12349
311 LAURENT David 04:52:04 SEM - M 181 SEH 12728
312 PETIT Christophe 04:52:22 V1H - M 79 V1H 12817
313 LOUAT Cyril 04:52:23 SEM - M 182 SEH 10130
314 COTHENET Marlene 04:52:24 SEF - F 30eme F / 20 SEF 12782
315 THAMRI Lucas 04:52:38 SEM - M 183 SEH 11524
316 ARNAUD Tristan 04:52:41 SEM - M 184 SEH 12889
317 JUILLARD Geoffray 04:53:18 SEM - M 185 SEH 10315
317 BADR Youssef 04:53:18 SEM SA MONTROUGE PARIS 12 M 186 SEH 10533
319 DESREZ Thomas 04:53:24 SEM - M 187 SEH 11689
320 BRUGUIERE Francois 04:53:29 SEM SAONE MONT D'OR NATURE M 188 SEH 12433
321 EMPEYTA Mathieu 04:53:30 SEM SAONE MONT D'OR NATURE M 189 SEH 12446
322 DAVAL Frantz 04:53:44 V1H - M 80 V1H 12696
323 PELLOTTIERO Geraud 04:53:46 SEM - M 190 SEH 10524
324 ZINK Pierre olivier 04:54:03 SEM - M 191 SEH 10637
324 KUHLER Arnaud 04:54:03 SEM - M 192 SEH 10693
326 CONTERNO Cedric 04:54:04 SEM - M 193 SEH 11683
327 LAHILLE Thomas 04:54:10 SEM - M 194 SEH 11569
328 FUET Benoit 04:54:31 SEM - M 195 SEH 10710
329 TROUSSARD Aimeric 04:54:34 ESH - M 4 ESH 12956
330 MONNIER Eloise 04:54:41 SEF - F 31eme F / 21 SEF 12272
331 CHATELAS Alain 04:54:44 V1H ANNONAY JOGGING CLUB M 81 V1H 12830
332 MURAT Benjamin 04:54:47 SEM - M 196 SEH 12589
333 SAKHRI Mehdy 04:54:48 SEM - M 197 SEH 12818
334 DESCOMBES Bernard 04:54:49 V2H - M 18 V2H 12981
335 PERRET Franck 04:54:51 V2H - M 19 V2H 12947
335 MATHEY Thierry 04:54:51 V2H - M 20 V2H 12950
337 JOUSSERAND Vincent 04:54:56 SEM XVe ATHLETIC CLUB M 198 SEH 10012
337 COMBE Jeremy 04:54:56 SEM - M 199 SEH 10038
339 NOGUES David 04:55:03 SEM - M 200 SEH 11309
340 MARTIN Jeremy 04:55:05 SEM - M 201 SEH 11177
341 BALIQUE Fabrice 04:55:09 V1H - M 82 V1H 10938
342 BARBET Pierre 04:55:10 SEM - M 202 SEH 10066
343 SOUVIGNET Mario 04:55:11 SEM AAA DU LYONNAIS M 203 SEH 11101
344 HAMON Erwann 04:55:14 SEM - M 204 SEH 11868
345 HERAUD Jean philippe 04:55:16 SEM - M 205 SEH 10292
346 REBOULLET David 04:55:32 SEM - M 206 SEH 11741
347 BOCH Anne rachel 04:55:33 SEF ALSACE NORD ATHLETISME F 32eme F / 22 SEF 12962
348 BERTHIE Emmanuelle 04:56:02 V1F UA SOCIETE GENERALE F 33eme F / 11 V1F 12974
349 PESENTI Thibault 04:56:07 SEM - M 207 SEH 11298
350 PARISOT Alaric 04:56:13 SEM - M 208 SEH 10840
351 RUPERT Laurent 04:56:14 V1H - M 83 V1H 10951
352 GUICHETEAU Fabrice 04:56:17 V1H - M 84 V1H 11916
353 THIERSDEBAR Remi 04:56:18 SEM - M 209 SEH 11206
354 FONTANA Frederic 04:56:20 V1H - M 85 V1H 12996
355 MOTTE Matthias 04:56:30 SEM - M 210 SEH 12700
356 HEITZMANN Frederic 04:56:47 SEM - M 211 SEH 11637
357 PERROT Vincent 04:56:52 SEM - M 212 SEH 11606
358 ESKENAZI Anthony 04:56:53 SEM - M 213 SEH 12273
359 CARRERE Jerome 04:56:58 SEM - M 214 SEH 11335
360 LUCAS Tanguy 04:56:59 SEM - M 215 SEH 10589
360 PALLEZ Thomas 04:56:59 SEM - M 216 SEH 11705
362 DAGUENEL Laurent 04:57:03 V1H USM MALAKOFF M 86 V1H 12358
363 REMY Philippe 04:57:06 V2H S/L PL PIERRE BENITE M 21 V2H 12100
364 GERARD Stephane 04:57:11 SEM - M 217 SEH 12694
365 MONTAGON Julien 04:57:15 V1H - M 87 V1H 12234
365 VINCENT Stephane 04:57:15 V1H - M 88 V1H 12641
367 PARIS Christophe 04:57:17 SEM - M 218 SEH 11869
368 MAGNAN Stephane 04:57:28 V1H - M 89 V1H 12915
369 SERMAGE Pierre 04:57:45 SEM - M 219 SEH 13025
370 FABIEN Delaigue 04:57:47 SEM - M 220 SEH 11122
371 LAURENCE Voisin 04:57:55 V2F - F 34eme F / 1 V2F 11646
372 DESBRUERES Guillaume 04:58:02 SEM - M 221 SEH 10986
373 ADAM Benjamin 04:58:11 V1H - M 90 V1H 10920
374 DESFONTAINES Matthieu 04:58:14 SEM - M 222 SEH 12161
375 DUPUIS Carmen 04:58:18 SEF - F 35eme F / 23 SEF 11812
376 JARLET Pierre 04:58:21 V2H CASCOL ATHLETISME M 22 V2H 13063
377 MAILLET Muriel 04:58:26 V1F - F 36eme F / 12 V1F 10718
378 REAULT Gaetan 04:58:36 SEM - M 223 SEH 10862
379 LABOURY Johann 04:58:37 SEM - M 224 SEH 11445
380 POULET Yoann 04:58:51 SEM - M 225 SEH 10178
381 COLOMB Bertrand 04:58:54 V1H ENTENTE SUD LYONNAIS M 91 V1H 11757
382 BAYLE Pascale 04:58:58 V2F COURIR EN LIVRADOIS FOREZ F 37eme F / 2 V2F 12380
383 FILSER Frederic 04:59:00 SEM - M 226 SEH 10234
384 BRINDEAU Jerome 04:59:06 SEM - M 227 SEH 10140
385 SALVI Eric 04:59:11 V1H - M 92 V1H 12982
386 ROSSETTO Anais 04:59:12 SEF - F 38eme F / 24 SEF 11370
387 BOBADILLA Serge 04:59:14 V1H - M 93 V1H 12790
388 JOHARANE Aurore 04:59:16 SEF - F 39eme F / 25 SEF 10300
389 TOMASSI Laurent 04:59:18 V1H - M 94 V1H 10440
390 PERRIER Aymeric 04:59:21 SEM - M 228 SEH 11403
391 TOMASSI Fabrice 04:59:26 V1H - M 95 V1H 10442
392 DUPONT Alexis 04:59:28 SEM - M 229 SEH 11913
393 RUSSO Mickael 04:59:31 SEM - M 230 SEH 11909
394 SEVEAU Emmanuel 04:59:32 V2H - M 23 V2H 10448
395 POUX Christophe 04:59:33 V1H - M 96 V1H 12326
396 GADIOT Frederique 04:59:37 SEF - F 40eme F / 26 SEF 10329
397 BLANCHET Marion 04:59:48 SEF - F 41eme F / 27 SEF 11918
398 ROSPABE Mathieu 04:59:54 SEM - M 231 SEH 10939
398 PAPA Christie 04:59:54 V1F ATHLE LOISIR PIZANCON F 42eme F / 13 V1F 11650
400 COLAS Vincent 05:00:08 SEM - M 232 SEH 12339
401 DIRAND Thomas 05:00:21 SEM - M 233 SEH 12573
402 REURE Jean marc 05:00:31 V2H AS IBM LYON M 24 V2H 12095
403 PILLON Gwenael 05:00:37 V1H - M 97 V1H 13052
404 MESURE Renaud 05:00:38 SEM - M 234 SEH 12737
405 ABADIE Joel 05:00:41 V2H - M 25 V2H 10652
406 ARNAUD Mikael 05:00:52 SEM - M 235 SEH 12967
407 SZADECZKI Arthur 05:00:58 SEM - M 236 SEH 11516
408 LAVASTRE Franck 05:01:00 V2H - M 26 V2H 11883
409 DUVAL Philippe 05:01:06 V2H - M 27 V2H 11193
410 LACROIX Jean marc 05:01:15 V2H AXEREAL ATHLETISME M 28 V2H 12133
411 DIDOU Sophie 05:01:27 SEF - F 43eme F / 28 SEF 11235
412 DUEZ Nicolas 05:01:33 V1H - M 98 V1H 12134
413 FILLASTRE Laurent 05:01:40 V1H - M 99 V1H 12263
414 LACHAT Jean christophe 05:01:42 SEM - M 237 SEH 11174
415 CHAMP Loreline 05:01:44 SEF SAONE MONT D'OR NATURE F 44eme F / 29 SEF 12470
416 COELHO Lucien 05:01:46 SEM - M 238 SEH 11485
417 DEROCHES Denis 05:01:48 SEM - M 239 SEH 10137
418 RATIGNIER Michel 05:02:03 V2H - M 29 V2H 11302
419 FEYZ Ardeshir 05:02:07 SEM - M 240 SEH 11180
420 DELUCENAY Charles 05:02:09 SEM - M 241 SEH 10167
421 TALARMIN Pauline 05:02:10 SEF - F 45eme F / 30 SEF 10030
422 FReAU Sebastien 05:02:11 SEM - M 242 SEH 10545
422 XXXX Xxxx 05:02:11 - M 0
424 DAUPHIN Maxime 05:02:28 SEM - M 244 SEH 13026
425 BELTRAN Yannick 05:02:29 SEM UA VERSAILLES M 245 SEH 10871
426 GAUJAC Nicolas 05:02:34 SEM - M 246 SEH 10706
427 POINAS Maxime 05:02:37 SEM - M 247 SEH 12598
428 SAINSORNY Odile 05:02:39 SEF - F 46eme F / 31 SEF 11063
429 ALLOUCHERY Gautier 05:02:40 SEM - M 248 SEH 12604
430 MARTEL Jean francois 05:02:42 V1H - M 100 V1H 12749
431 SUIFFET Pierre jean 05:02:45 SEM - M 249 SEH 12092
432 SIMON Herve 05:03:05 V2H - M 30 V2H 10305
433 MOQADEM Jamal 05:03:12 SEM - M 250 SEH 12808
434 DURAND Nicolas 05:03:15 SEM - M 251 SEH 11740
435 ALEXANDRE AABADI Karim 05:03:16 V1H - M 101 V1H 13056
436 SAINT ALME Christopher 05:03:33 SEM - M 252 SEH 12394
437 BLANZAT Vincent 05:03:36 SEM - M 253 SEH 12769
438 BEAUBIER Benoit 05:03:49 SEM - M 254 SEH 11239
439 RIOTTE Guillaume 05:03:52 SEM - M 255 SEH 12654
440 THOMAS Jean marc 05:03:58 V1H - M 102 V1H 12454
441 LARA Sylvain 05:04:07 SEM - M 256 SEH 11841
442 VINOT Fabrice 05:04:08 V1H - M 103 V1H 12248
443 COSTA Patrick 05:04:15 V2H OMNISPORT HYEROIS ATHLETI M 31 V2H 10831
444 DOUBLET Benoit 05:04:19 SEM - M 257 SEH 12194
445 EMPRIN Benoit 05:04:27 SEM SALLANCHES PASSY AC M 258 SEH 13021
446 BERTON Vincent 05:04:35 SEM - M 259 SEH 11211
447 SEIGNEUR Thomas 05:04:41 ESH - M 5 ESH 10894
448 POUTIGNAT Isabelle 05:04:53 V2F COURIR EN LIVRADOIS FOREZ F 47eme F / 3 V2F 10286
449 FAURE Rene 05:04:54 V2H COURIR EN LIVRADOIS FOREZ M 32 V2H 10291
450 ROLLIN Vincent 05:04:59 SEM - M 260 SEH 12637
451 PEYRAT Sebastien 05:05:00 V1H - M 104 V1H 10798
451 FRAISSE Frederic 05:05:00 SEM - M 261 SEH 11326
453 SIANO Bernard 05:05:03 V1H - M 105 V1H 11491
454 MARTIN Miran 05:05:07 SEM - M 262 SEH 11327
455 HERAUVILLE Maxime 05:05:16 SEM - M 263 SEH 10354
456 FISCHER Laurent 05:05:31 V1H - M 106 V1H 12942
457 ROUSSEL Dominique 05:05:37 V3H - M 4 V3H 13032
458 NIEUWLAET Francois 05:05:50 SEM - M 264 SEH 12984
459 JAILLON Matthieu 05:05:58 V1H BUSSY RUNNING M 107 V1H 11066
459 GENIN Kevin 05:05:58 SEM - M 265 SEH 12330
461 TRIPONEL Franck 05:05:59 SEM - M 266 SEH 11632
462 BADOZ Marc 05:06:00 SEM - M 267 SEH 11702
463 COUDERC Cyril 05:06:05 V1H STADE RODEZ ATHLETISME M 108 V1H 12609
464 LEROU Romain 05:06:07 SEM - M 268 SEH 10210
465 GARCIA Florent 05:06:13 SEM - M 269 SEH 12277
466 DELAITTRE Arnaud 05:06:15 SEM - M 270 SEH 12136
467 GAUDRY Laurent 05:06:18 SEM - M 271 SEH 11179
467 BOZONNET Aurelie 05:06:18 SEF - F 48eme F / 32 SEF 12659
469 COMTE Loic 05:06:23 SEM - M 272 SEH 11015
470 AUSSENAC CHAMBODUT Marie 05:06:24 V1F - F 49eme F / 14 V1F 12176
471 GUGLIELMI Denis 05:06:29 SEM - M 273 SEH 10730
472 BUSSIERES Daniel 05:06:31 V1H - M 109 V1H 12774
473 RICHER Samuel 05:06:38 SEM - M 274 SEH 12964
474 POISSANT Nicolas 05:06:50 V1H - M 110 V1H 12363
475 GEROSSIER Thierry 05:06:51 SEM - M 275 SEH 10028
476 CAUeT Maxime 05:06:55 SEM - M 276 SEH 12726
477 FOISY Helene 05:07:02 SEF - F 50eme F / 33 SEF 11204
478 MAGNAN Eric 05:07:07 SEM - M 277 SEH 11542
479 RENAUD Patrick 05:07:14 V3H - M 5 V3H 10727
480 GUILLON Christophe 05:07:19 V1H - M 111 V1H 11954
480 CARLET Ludovic 05:07:19 SEM - M 278 SEH 12868
482 PLANCHAIS Olivier 05:07:20 SEM - M 279 SEH 10581
482 PRETTO Pierre olivier 05:07:20 V1H - M 112 V1H 12220
484 PERIOLAT Mathieu 05:07:31 SEM - M 280 SEH 12820
485 RABEAU Pascale 05:07:33 SEF - F 34 SEF 12268
486 GIL Stephane 05:07:41 V1H - M 113 V1H 12908
487 VADOT Olivier 05:07:46 V1H - M 114 V1H 10639
488 GOBAT Gabriel 05:08:09 SEM - M 281 SEH 10449
489 CELLE Christelle 05:08:16 V1F CAB BELLEGARDIEN F 15 V1F 10754
490 SeBASTIEN Avitabile 05:08:19 SEM - M 282 SEH 13057
491 SABARD Julien 05:08:21 SEM - M 283 SEH 10983
491 PERRAULT Guilhem 05:08:21 SEM SA MONTROUGE PARIS 12 M 284 SEH 11434
493 STEPHANT Jacques 05:08:24 V2H SC DRAVEIL M 33 V2H 12206
494 PORTE BAZIN Joris 05:08:31 SEM - M 285 SEH 10061
495 SARTRE Vincent 05:08:42 V2H - M 34 V2H 12235
496 GARCIA Nicolas 05:08:44 SEM - M 286 SEH 12880
497 SCHOEPEN Yann 05:08:45 V1F - F 16 V1F 11873
498 PERIOU Stephane 05:08:46 SEM - M 287 SEH 10125
499 LE GALL Etienne 05:08:47 SEM - M 288 SEH 12881
500 LE ROY Gaetan 05:08:49 SEM - M 289 SEH 12657
501 PACREAU Romain 05:08:52 SEM US BERRY ATHLETISME M 290 SEH 11437
502 COLOVRAY Frederic 05:08:57 V2H - M 35 V2H 10663
503 VINCENT Stephane 05:09:00 V1H - M 115 V1H 12520
504 ASTRUC Olivier 05:09:01 SEM - M 291 SEH 10662
504 MIOT Sylvain 05:09:01 SEM - M 292 SEH 11830
506 ROULLET Lionel 05:09:04 SEM - M 293 SEH 11291
507 PONTON Laurent 05:09:05 SEM AAA DU LYONNAIS M 294 SEH 11028
508 TRABER Marc 05:09:20 SEM - M 295 SEH 10275
509 WILMOUTH Guillaume 05:09:22 SEM - M 296 SEH 10446
510 MENARD Florian 05:09:24 SEM - M 297 SEH 11359
511 FOUVET Alexandre 05:09:38 SEM - M 298 SEH 11662
512 FERRAUTO Eric 05:09:48 SEM - M 299 SEH 10369
513 FREYSSIN Nicolas 05:09:50 SEM - M 300 SEH 12563
514 AURICK Simon 05:09:51 SEM - M 301 SEH 12846
515 DELFORGE Bruno 05:10:02 SEM - M 302 SEH 12792
516 TRANCHAND Antoine 05:10:07 SEM - M 303 SEH 11720
517 PAILLOT Jean louis 05:10:14 SEM - M 304 SEH 12702
518 LIBERSA Bastien 05:10:15 SEM - M 305 SEH 13005
519 POUCHET Alexandre 05:10:17 V1H - M 116 V1H 11639
520 LECOMTE Charlotte 05:10:18 SEF - F 35 SEF 12999
521 HONORE Gaetan 05:10:28 SEM - M 306 SEH 10015
521 ROBERT Nicolas 05:10:28 SEM - M 307 SEH 10245
523 CHARMASSON Matthieu 05:10:30 SEM - M 308 SEH 10618
524 DAUNY Bertrand 05:10:31 SEM - M 309 SEH 10476
525 BARBIER Jeremy 05:10:32 SEM - M 310 SEH 12025
526 SANY Wilfried 05:10:36 SEM - M 311 SEH 11231
527 RABY Charlie 05:10:38 SEM - M 312 SEH 11202
528 VALLET Stephane 05:10:40 SEM - M 313 SEH 10598
529 TRENTO Elsa 05:10:42 SEF - F 36 SEF 11154
530 TURGIS Vincent 05:10:44 V1H - M 117 V1H 11394
531 MATRAU Remi 05:10:51 SEM - M 314 SEH 12545
532 POISSONNIER Vincent 05:11:12 SEM - M 315 SEH 10801
533 BONNIN Gregoire 05:11:16 SEM - M 316 SEH 11230
534 BETTON Fabrice 05:11:19 V1H - M 118 V1H 10832
534 AVENEL Julien 05:11:19 SEM - M 317 SEH 12567
536 JOUVENCEL Mathieu 05:11:31 SEM - M 318 SEH 11503
537 VAUTENIN Olivier 05:11:40 SEM - M 319 SEH 10496
538 BUTTARD Marc 05:11:48 SEM - M 320 SEH 12966
539 SAEZ Didier 05:11:58 V1H - M 119 V1H 12816
540 LECHERBONNIER David 05:12:13 SEM - M 321 SEH 12494
541 OUSTRY Thibaut 05:12:17 SEM - M 322 SEH 11285
542 PICARD Arnaud 05:12:27 V1H - M 120 V1H 10222
543 KAYSER Carmen 05:12:29 V2F ASSOCIATION SPORTIVE TRAI F 4 V2F 12673
544 DEQUIDT Pierre louis 05:12:36 SEM - M 323 SEH 10891
545 BOULON Julien 05:12:37 SEM - M 324 SEH 10905
546 ODIER Luc 05:12:40 SEM - M 325 SEH 10793
547 MASSON Benoit 05:12:45 V1H - M 121 V1H 11047
547 BONNIN Olivier 05:12:45 SEM - M 326 SEH 11427
549 OUALI Mehdi 05:12:47 SEM - M 327 SEH 13058
550 GUICHARD Patrick 05:13:04 V2H - M 36 V2H 11251
550 ROGER Pascal 05:13:04 V3H - M 6 V3H 12761
552 LECOULS Michael 05:13:05 SEM SALLANCHES PASSY AC M 328 SEH 13027
553 LE NOC Yann 05:13:11 SEM - M 329 SEH 11191
553 PERROUTY Thibaud 05:13:11 SEM - M 330 SEH 12503
553 ROUSSELET Sophie 05:13:11 SEF - F 37 SEF 12635
556 PONCIN Aurelien 05:13:26 SEM - M 331 SEH 11731
557 TOUZO Gervais 05:13:43 V1H - M 122 V1H 12292
558 LE FOULGOC Sebastien 05:13:45 SEM - M 332 SEH 10160
559 COINCE Alexis 05:13:47 SEM S/L PLESSIS ROBINSON AC M 333 SEH 10661
559 MANGIN Maxime 05:13:47 SEM - M 334 SEH 11695
559 CHAUDET Sebastien 05:13:47 SEM - M 335 SEH 12715
562 CHEERE Julien 05:13:57 SEM - M 336 SEH 11053
563 TEISSIER Thibaud 05:13:58 SEM - M 337 SEH 10138
564 BENBAKIR Frederique 05:14:04 V2F - F 5 V2F 12246
565 DAMIEN Gendron 05:14:10 V1H - M 123 V1H 12907
566 LEJEUNE Pierre 05:14:12 SEM - M 338 SEH 12552
567 FRIZOT Pierre 05:14:13 SEM - M 339 SEH 12182
568 LeON Guillaume 05:14:23 SEM - M 340 SEH 10013
568 CORREIA Alberto 05:14:23 V1H - M 124 V1H 10419
568 JANIN Alexis 05:14:23 SEM - M 341 SEH 11811
571 SIGAUD Romain 05:14:24 SEM - M 342 SEH 10423
572 ARPIN Philippe 05:14:31 V2H - M 37 V2H 10775
573 GAUTIER Armelle 05:14:40 V1F - F 17 V1F 11979
574 DELAFUYS Vincent 05:14:41 V1H - M 125 V1H 10552
575 BENOIT Henri 05:14:44 SEM - M 343 SEH 12253
576 BOUDAUD Thierry 05:14:45 V1H - M 126 V1H 11736
577 PERRIN Michel 05:14:46 V2H - M 38 V2H 11659
578 LAFFLY Laure 05:14:47 V1F - F 18 V1F 11941
579 POY TARDIEU Ludovic 05:14:55 V2H - M 39 V2H 12469
580 PRUDHOMME Jean pierre 05:14:58 V2H AMICALE DU VAL DE SOMME M 40 V2H 11272
581 BERGER Laurent 05:15:04 V1H - M 127 V1H 12434
582 LORENZATO Romain 05:15:08 SEM - M 344 SEH 12440
582 CONVERS Yann 05:15:08 V1H - M 128 V1H 12927
584 LELONG Guillaume 05:15:09 SEM - M 345 SEH 10668
584 CHEVALIER Mickael 05:15:09 SEM - M 346 SEH 11494
586 FRACHET Laure 05:15:10 SEF - F 38 SEF 12439
587 DENNERY Antoine 05:15:11 SEM - M 347 SEH 12675
588 PICARD Nicolas 05:15:17 SEM - M 348 SEH 11614
588 PICARD Thibaut 05:15:17 SEM - M 349 SEH 11616
590 ARZALIER Justin 05:15:30 SEM - M 350 SEH 10519
591 BAUDEL Sophie 05:15:34 V1F SC DRAVEIL F 19 V1F 12205
592 AZEMA Remi 05:15:37 SEM - M 351 SEH 12255
593 DULAC Arnaud 05:15:39 SEM - M 352 SEH 11544
594 ALEXIS Bousquet 05:15:44 SEM - M 353 SEH 12252
594 JULIEN Benoit 05:15:44 V1H - M 129 V1H 12976
596 CHANU Gael 05:15:48 SEM - M 354 SEH 13009
597 DIZ GRANA Gael 05:15:58 SEM - M 355 SEH 12376
598 BOURNAY Laurent 05:15:59 V1H - M 130 V1H 11273
599 DESHAIES Nicolas 05:16:00 V1H - M 131 V1H 10776
599 DUMAS Damien 05:16:00 V1H - M 132 V1H 12831
599 MEYNIER Gregory 05:16:00 SEM - M 356 SEH 12938
602 HOSNI Shafik 05:16:07 SEM - M 357 SEH 11093
603 GACHE Herve 05:16:10 V1H - M 133 V1H 10295
604 PERRIER Didier 05:16:23 V3H - M 7 V3H 11783
605 MOULINS Frederic 05:16:27 V1H - M 134 V1H 11583
606 SETIEY MOULINS Violaine 05:16:29 SEF - F 39 SEF 11584
607 LANET Benoit 05:16:40 SEM - M 358 SEH 13038
608 BRACOU Pascal 05:16:49 V2H - M 41 V2H 10973
608 DELAGE Sylvain 05:16:49 SEM - M 359 SEH 11121
610 MONTELIMARD Thierry 05:16:50 V2H - M 42 V2H 10978
611 FOURNIER Vincent 05:16:51 SEM - M 360 SEH 11031
612 PORRAS Florent 05:16:58 SEM SAONE MONT D'OR NATURE M 361 SEH 12353
613 LAMARZELLE Olivier 05:17:00 SEM - M 362 SEH 10580
614 TELLI Okba 05:17:17 SEM - M 363 SEH 12166
615 VERRIER Francois 05:17:20 V1H - M 135 V1H 11346
615 SARTRE Valerie 05:17:20 V2F - F 6 V2F 12236
617 INDJIC Matias 05:17:29 SEM - M 364 SEH 12094
618 VIET Alexandre 05:17:40 SEM - M 365 SEH 12073
618 BERTOSSI Loris 05:17:40 V1H - M 136 V1H 12832
620 LONGUEVILLE Remy 05:17:41 V2H LE CHESNAY 78 AS M 43 V2H 12560
621 AUBERT Sebastien 05:17:50 V1H - M 137 V1H 11396
622 TRINQUIER Patrick 05:17:51 V1H - M 138 V1H 12734
623 TISSERANT Jean yves 05:17:53 V1H - M 139 V1H 12437
624 JAFFELIN Cecile 05:17:54 SEF - F 40 SEF 11515
624 GOUBEAU Sylvie 05:17:54 V1F - F 20 V1F 12733
626 COTTE Benjamin 05:18:05 V1H - M 140 V1H 11342
627 MILLET Denis 05:18:09 V1H - M 141 V1H 11323
628 CITRO Massimo 05:18:13 SEM - M 366 SEH 10049
629 CARDINAEL Thomas 05:18:17 SEM - M 367 SEH 11821
630 DUVAL Marie celine 05:18:23 V1F - F 21 V1F 12146
631 PRUDHOMME Fabien 05:18:26 SEM - M 368 SEH 11133
633 ABDELKRIM Camel 05:18:42 SEM - M 370 SEH 6115
634 SIMON Guylaine 05:18:43 V2F - F 7 V2F 11161
634 GREGOIRE Didier 05:18:43 V2H - M 44 V2H 11164
636 PRUVOST Benjamin 05:18:44 SEM - M 371 SEH 10027
636 BONNAIRE Cedric 05:18:44 SEM - M 372 SEH 11456
636 DEMAUVE Damien 05:18:44 SEM - M 373 SEH 11457
639 BERTRAND Julien 05:18:50 SEM - M 374 SEH 10774
640 BOUBET Kevin 05:19:01 SEM - M 375 SEH 12748
641 FRNO Cedric 05:19:08 SEM - M 376 SEH 11075
642 VIGUIER Fabrice 05:19:22 SEM - M 377 SEH 10708
643 CHRISTOPHE Bourinet 05:19:28 V1H - M 142 V1H 12961
644 BUDA Simon 05:19:29 SEM - M 378 SEH 12681
645 ROCHE Xavier 05:19:34 V1H - M 143 V1H 10724
646 RIBOT Bruno 05:19:35 V2H - M 45 V2H 12332
647 CONVERS Ghislaine 05:19:40 SEF ATHLETIC COEUR DE FOND F 41 SEF 10010
648 PAGeS Julien 05:19:41 SEM - M 379 SEH 12304
649 LEBEAU Pierre olivier 05:19:50 SEM - M 380 SEH 11772
650 CASTEL Cedric 05:20:01 V1H - M 144 V1H 11667
651 GALLER Hubert 05:20:03 SEM - M 381 SEH 12862
652 INGELBRECHT Franck 05:20:15 V1H - M 145 V1H 11734
652 DENTANT Yannis 05:20:15 V1H - M 146 V1H 12267
654 PHILIPPE Jonathan 05:20:17 SEM - M 382 SEH 12150
655 CETTOUR Denis 05:20:19 V2H S/L FC TERNAY M 46 V2H 10762
656 LANCHEC Yann 05:20:21 V1H - M 147 V1H 6505
657 PLANCHE Simon 05:20:50 SEM - M 383 SEH 11024
658 DUPERRET Tom 05:21:02 ESH - M 6 ESH 11600
659 GALEOTTI Pascal 05:21:03 V2H - M 47 V2H 10615
660 CARVIN Gaetan 05:21:07 ESH - M 7 ESH 12516
661 MULLER Philippe 05:21:13 SEM - M 384 SEH 10796
661 LAGET Maxime 05:21:13 SEM - M 385 SEH 11624
663 CHATAIN Guillaume 05:21:20 SEM - M 386 SEH 11825
664 LAGNIER Pierre 05:21:30 SEM - M 387 SEH 12086
665 GUILLAUME Letang 05:21:33 SEM - M 388 SEH 10238
666 SOULLIER Nicolas 05:21:35 SEM - M 389 SEH 12856
667 MADELAINE Christophe 05:21:36 V2H - M 48 V2H 10488
667 GUALINO Philippe 05:21:36 V2H - M 49 V2H 10755
669 LE GAL Thomas 05:21:41 SEM - M 390 SEH 10254
669 GINOT Quentin 05:21:41 ESH AAA DU LYONNAIS M 8 ESH 12041
671 GARNIER Julien 05:21:43 SEM - M 391 SEH 12191
671 BERNIER Cedric 05:21:43 V1H - M 148 V1H 12200
673 BRODIER Eric 05:21:47 SEM - M 392 SEH 10521
674 CARAUX Julien 05:21:53 V1H - M 149 V1H 11580
675 BOLEVE Alexandre 05:21:55 SEM - M 393 SEH 12969
676 MAICHE Moussa 05:22:07 SEM - M 394 SEH 11897
676 BELLIA Denis 05:22:07 SEM - M 395 SEH 11908
678 GIGANTE Christophe 05:22:08 V1H - M 150 V1H 11629
679 CHORRIER COLLET Catherine 05:22:11 V2F - F 8 V2F 11338
680 CHIVRAC Guillaume 05:22:16 SEM - M 396 SEH 10816
681 COURTIAL Elie 05:22:18 SEM - M 397 SEH 11422
682 SAN NICOLAS Maureen 05:22:19 SEF - F 42 SEF 12448
683 POURCHET Vincent 05:22:20 SEM - M 398 SEH 12423
684 PALANDRE Francine 05:22:28 V1F - F 22 V1F 11181
685 CHABOUD Sebastien 05:22:29 SEM FREE RUNNERS LE CLUB M 399 SEH 11079
685 GIRAUD Benoit 05:22:29 SEM - M 400 SEH 11564
687 LAIN Mehdi 05:22:47 SEM - M 401 SEH 12652
688 TURLIER Jeremy 05:22:49 SEM - M 402 SEH 12651
688 PETITJEAN Damien 05:22:49 V1H - M 151 V1H 12914
690 ALIOUCHE Mahfoud 05:22:52 V1H - M 152 V1H 12262
691 ARFARAS Fabrice 05:22:59 V1H - M 153 V1H 12616
692 SABOUL Ludovic 05:23:05 V1H - M 154 V1H 10413
693 JOURJON Antoine 05:23:07 SEM - M 403 SEH 11690
694 DESFORGES Adrien 05:23:08 SEM - M 404 SEH 10472
695 MARION Raphael 05:23:12 SEM - M 405 SEH 11446
696 CHAMONAL Benjamin 05:23:21 V2H - M 50 V2H 11881
697 DUVAL Frederic 05:23:24 V1H - M 155 V1H 11371
698 DESROCHES Benjamin 05:23:34 SEM - M 406 SEH 10183
699 RICHET Gerald 05:23:35 V1H - M 156 V1H 11163
700 LOUVEL Simon 05:23:37 SEM - M 407 SEH 11069
701 OGEZ Thierry 05:23:44 V2H - M 51 V2H 10875
702 RACHET Martin 05:23:45 SEM - M 408 SEH 13018
703 PATRUNO Jonathan 05:23:51 SEM - M 409 SEH 10910
704 HERRERO Franck 05:23:54 V2H - M 52 V2H 11379
705 CHAVANON David 05:23:56 V1H - M 157 V1H 12819
706 LHOTE Guillaume 05:23:57 SEM - M 410 SEH 10995
707 LECUe Korick 05:24:05 V1H - M 158 V1H 10879
708 LeCUe Morgan 05:24:07 SEM - M 411 SEH 10881
709 DUFOURNEL Denis 05:24:09 SEM - M 412 SEH 10388
710 DODIN Christophe 05:24:19 SEM - M 413 SEH 6010
711 LAROCHE Alban 05:24:23 V1H AG PIERRE BUFFIERE M 159 V1H 10404
712 CARRIER Jacques 05:24:25 V2H - M 53 V2H 12640
713 LEFEVRE Christophe 05:24:35 SEM - M 414 SEH 11134
714 RIBEIRO Jose 05:24:39 V2H - M 54 V2H 10302
714 RAUSCHER Remy 05:24:39 SEM - M 415 SEH 11051
716 VEYRAT Laurent 05:24:42 SEM - M 416 SEH 10650
717 CHAZOT Ivan 05:24:43 SEM - M 417 SEH 11009
718 ARMAND Pierre marc 05:24:48 SEM - M 418 SEH 12066
719 LOMER Dimitri 05:24:49 SEM - M 419 SEH 10672
720 GAILLARD Loic 05:25:01 SEM - M 420 SEH 12270
721 OLIVIER Alexandre 05:25:02 SEM - M 421 SEH 11469
722 OLIETE NUEZ Kevin 05:25:03 SEM - M 422 SEH 11500
723 CHEVET Eric 05:25:04 V1H - M 160 V1H 12023
724 LACAND Yannick 05:25:08 SEM - M 423 SEH 12036
725 CAMPARDON Tristan 05:25:10 V1H - M 161 V1H 12903
726 CLAVELLOUX Magali 05:25:22 SEF - F 43 SEF 12378
727 BARATIER Guillaume 05:25:26 SEM - M 424 SEH 12250
728 DE VOS Jean pierre 05:25:38 V3H COURIR EN LIVRADOIS FOREZ M 8 V3H 11424
729 REY Francis 05:25:39 V2H - M 55 V2H 11924
730 GIORGIO Frederic 05:25:46 SEM - M 425 SEH 12524
731 CRECHE Mickael 05:25:48 SEM - M 426 SEH 11998
732 DUMAS Valentin 05:25:53 SEM - M 427 SEH 12993
733 LONGIN Jerome 05:25:55 V1H - M 162 V1H 12605
734 DUCHANOY Aurelien 05:25:56 SEM - M 428 SEH 10889
735 STOURM Gerald 05:25:57 SEM - M 429 SEH 13007
736 CONVERSAT Thibaut 05:25:58 SEM - M 430 SEH 10890
736 LAPREVOTTE Frederic 05:25:58 SEM - M 431 SEH 11915
738 SOULET Marc alexandre 05:26:00 SEM - M 432 SEH 10896
739 RAIMBAULT Mikael 05:26:05 SEM - M 433 SEH 12138
740 BONNIER Raymond 05:26:08 V1H - M 163 V1H 12051
741 JEANDON Luc 05:26:17 V2H - M 56 V2H 11087
742 BONNIN Yves 05:26:20 V1H - M 164 V1H 10529
743 CHAUFFRUT Anne 05:26:24 V1F - F 23 V1F 12089
744 NOURLY Jean francois 05:26:25 V1H - M 165 V1H 12233
745 INGENITO Christophe 05:26:32 SEM - M 434 SEH 10083
746 SOTTON Pierrick 05:26:35 SEM - M 435 SEH 12810
747 BAILLOT Christophe 05:26:42 V1H S/L EA VILLEFRANCHE M 166 V1H 13055
748 FUCHEZ Jerome 05:26:43 SEM - M 436 SEH 10314
749 FRIEDMANN Laurent 05:26:46 SEM - M 437 SEH 10600
750 LEMAIRE Eric 05:26:55 V1H - M 167 V1H 10279
751 PONSART Carole 05:26:57 SEF - F 44 SEF 11780
752 BURGOS Alain 05:27:00 V2H - M 57 V2H 11010
753 DUTILH Lionel 05:27:05 V1H - M 168 V1H 11914
754 DONADILLE Laurent 05:27:08 V1H - M 169 V1H 11601
755 BOURDAIS Nicolas 05:27:09 SEM - M 438 SEH 10124
756 LENTINI Wesley 05:27:12 SEM - M 439 SEH 11266
757 LENTINI Nicolas 05:27:14 V2H - M 58 V2H 11547
758 COURTET Benoit 05:27:19 SEM - M 440 SEH 12949
759 VALLET Fabien 05:27:24 SEM - M 441 SEH 11887
760 CHAUVEAU Martin 05:27:25 SEM - M 442 SEH 10563
761 BILLEBAUD Christophe 05:27:32 V1H - M 170 V1H 10179
761 CORBIeRES Eric 05:27:32 V2H - M 59 V2H 12122
763 LETRoNE Vincent 05:27:34 SEM - M 443 SEH 11384
763 ROUSSEAU Arthur 05:27:34 SEM - M 444 SEH 11391
765 GIL Ludwig 05:27:42 SEM - M 445 SEH 11722
766 MARTIN Guillaume 05:28:02 SEM - M 446 SEH 10158
767 DEVILLE Sebastien 05:28:05 V1H - M 171 V1H 11640
768 GRAFFIN Baptiste 05:28:14 SEM - M 447 SEH 10569
769 PINTAT Celine 05:28:17 V1F - F 24 V1F 10941
770 DUARTE FERREIRA Lionel 05:28:19 SEM - M 448 SEH 11927
770 KARM Brigitte 05:28:19 V2F - F 9 V2F 13033
772 PHAM Philippe 05:28:30 SEM - M 449 SEH 10029
773 GAGNAIRE Jerome 05:28:36 V1H HYERES RUNNING M 172 V1H 10447
774 SAUBIN Christophe 05:28:41 V1H - M 173 V1H 11652
775 ARGOUD Cecile 05:28:42 SEF - F 45 SEF 10542
776 JACQUET Philippe 05:28:44 V2H COURIR EN LIVRADOIS FOREZ M 60 V2H 10712
776 VACHET Olivier 05:28:44 V1H - M 174 V1H 12980
778 GLEIZES Etienne 05:28:45 SEM - M 450 SEH 11263
778 GUILLON Clement 05:28:45 SEM - M 451 SEH 11592
780 VIRET Sebastien 05:28:49 SEM - M 452 SEH 10758
781 TEYSSANDIER Christophe 05:28:50 V2H - M 61 V2H 10607
781 SAINT ROCH Frederic 05:28:50 SEM - M 453 SEH 11447
783 CHAUVET Veronique 05:28:52 V2F - F 10 V2F 10608
784 FIEY Sebastien 05:28:58 V1H - M 175 V1H 11203
785 MAZARS Romain 05:29:04 SEM - M 454 SEH 12315
786 RENAUDIE Francois 05:29:15 V1H - M 176 V1H 10927
787 DALLA COSTA Christophe 05:29:18 V1H - M 177 V1H 11430
788 NAUD Dominique 05:29:28 V2F - F 11 V2F 10513
788 OLLIVIER Benoit 05:29:28 SEM - M 455 SEH 11387
790 FURON TATHAM Alain gabriel 05:29:29 V1H - M 178 V1H 13003
791 FELICE Patrick 05:29:35 V1H - M 179 V1H 10595
792 NAZARET Jean marie 05:29:38 V1H - M 180 V1H 11510
793 GORRINDO Bonaventure 05:29:40 V1H - M 181 V1H 11507
794 RENAUD Gerald 05:29:42 V1H - M 182 V1H 11950
795 CARLIER Baptiste 05:29:45 ESH - M 9 ESH 10570
796 HAULIN Cedric 05:29:56 SEM - M 456 SEH 11964
796 HOLTZER Stephane 05:29:56 SEM - M 457 SEH 12464
798 FRONT Benjamin 05:30:03 SEM - M 458 SEH 11226
799 DUCHESNE Remi 05:30:04 V1H - M 183 V1H 11452
800 ARNAUD Ludovic 05:30:09 SEM - M 459 SEH 10332
801 DURIEU Yoann 05:30:11 SEM - M 460 SEH 11703
802 FILS Florent 05:30:12 SEM - M 461 SEH 12750
803 GIOE Maxime 05:30:20 V2H - M 62 V2H 10717
804 FURNION Denis 05:30:21 V1H - M 184 V1H 10642
805 CLAVIERE Mathieu 05:30:27 SEM - M 462 SEH 10505
806 PERROT Marie noelle 05:30:30 V1F - F 25 V1F 12088
807 COULAUD Evelyne 05:30:42 V2F - F 12 V2F 11581
808 VALLE Veronique 05:30:46 V2F - F 13 V2F 10825
809 PENCREACH Gwendal 05:30:58 SEM - M 463 SEH 10065
810 CANDAT Gabin 05:30:59 SEM - M 464 SEH 11932
811 ROUMET Paul 05:31:06 SEM - M 465 SEH 12052
811 ROUMET Pierre 05:31:06 V2H - M 63 V2H 12054
813 ARBET Pierre antoine 05:31:21 SEM - M 466 SEH 12476
814 HORODYSKI Delphine 05:31:24 SEF - F 46 SEF 12147
815 ROCHETTE Jean antoine 05:31:30 SEM - M 467 SEH 11605
816 LARDON Jerome 05:31:32 SEM - M 468 SEH 12137
817 DELUCENAY Julien 05:31:36 SEM - M 469 SEH 10166
818 RICCARDI Stephane 05:31:52 V1H AS IBM LYON M 185 V1H 11319
819 COUTAN Sebastien 05:31:54 SEM - M 470 SEH 12269
820 JIMBERT Clement 05:32:11 SEM - M 471 SEH 10445
820 BOUR Pierre 05:32:11 SEM - M 472 SEH 12991
822 BIENASIS Xavier 05:32:20 SEM ATHLETIC CLUB TASSIN M 473 SEH 10081
823 SAGNIER Benjamin 05:32:21 SEM - M 474 SEH 12012
824 FAURE Cyril 05:32:22 SEM - M 475 SEH 11846
825 GERALDO Herve 05:32:31 SEM - M 476 SEH 12344
826 TEIL Jean marie 05:32:40 V1H - M 186 V1H 11878
827 LEROUX Sebastien 05:32:43 SEM - M 477 SEH 11117
828 DESFONTAINES Mathilde 05:32:46 SEF - F 47 SEF 12014
829 RUIZ Romain 05:32:53 SEM - M 478 SEH 11014
829 VOLLAT Luc 05:32:53 SEM - M 479 SEH 11054
831 PANETIER Nathalie 05:32:57 V1F - F 26 V1F 10087
832 MAY Nicolas 05:32:58 SEM - M 480 SEH 12011
833 CAGNIN Gerald 05:32:59 V2H LES FOULEES DE SAINT GERM M 64 V2H 10359
834 HERMANT Sebastien 05:33:06 SEM - M 481 SEH 10152
835 FORTUNE Cyrille 05:33:11 SEM - M 482 SEH 11348
836 MATHET Anne 05:33:12 SEF - F 48 SEF 10283
836 POINT Claire 05:33:12 SEF - F 49 SEF 10284
836 EVERAERDT Jacky 05:33:12 V1H - M 187 V1H 11625
839 BOCCARD Christophe 05:33:13 V1H - M 188 V1H 11610
839 GUILLOT Remi 05:33:13 V1H - M 189 V1H 12290
841 MATTHIEU Lettry 05:33:22 SEM - M 483 SEH 11325
842 DELABORDE Sebastien 05:33:40 V1H - M 190 V1H 11551
843 ARCIS Aurelien 05:33:49 SEM - M 484 SEH 10169
844 ATHEA Benjamin 05:33:50 SEM - M 485 SEH 11400
845 GUIRAUD Perrine 05:33:51 SEF - F 50 SEF 12978
846 DAGOURET Cyrille 05:34:02 V1H - M 191 V1H 10455
847 VITALE Sebastien 05:34:09 V1H - M 192 V1H 11641
848 LOUIS Jean philippe 05:34:16 SEM - M 486 SEH 10098
848 ANDRIEUX Vincent 05:34:16 SEM AMICALE DU VAL DE SOMME M 487 SEH 10651
850 JACQUOT MYRIAM 05:34:18 V1F - F 27 V1F 10252
850 BRUGGER Philippe 05:34:18 V1H - M 193 V1H 11680
852 RELAVE Philippe 05:34:23 V1H - M 194 V1H 11137
853 POMEY PEYROT Laetitia 05:34:24 SEF - F 51 SEF 11199
853 LATARCHE Florian 05:34:24 SEM - M 488 SEH 11612
855 LATARCHE Cyrille 05:34:25 SEM - M 489 SEH 10025
856 MARTIN Frederic 05:34:28 SEM - M 490 SEH 10325
857 COLLIAT Philippe 05:34:29 V1H - M 195 V1H 12329
858 HERVE Jactin 05:34:30 SEM - M 491 SEH 11205
858 ANTOINE Auge 05:34:30 V1H - M 196 V1H 12876
860 COLLIAT Laurent 05:34:34 V1H - M 197 V1H 12225
861 LARQUEY Dominique 05:34:36 V3H - M 9 V3H 11435
861 DUBERNARD Herve 05:34:36 V1H - M 198 V1H 12781
863 GANGLOFF Thibaud 05:34:38 SEM - M 492 SEH 10037
864 GUYOT Frederic 05:34:46 V1H - M 199 V1H 10942
864 MEDINA Christophe 05:34:46 V1H - M 200 V1H 11496
866 PINTAT Christophe 05:34:47 V1H - M 201 V1H 10943
867 ROUGEON Sebastien 05:34:51 SEM - M 493 SEH 11419
868 TABARY Remi 05:34:54 SEM - M 494 SEH 11570
869 SCHAMM Yannick 05:34:55 SEM - M 495 SEH 10670
870 SIMIAN MERMIER Elodie 05:34:57 SEF - F 52 SEF 10195
871 DESPINS Arnaud 05:35:00 SEM - M 496 SEH 10117
872 MARTIN Christophe 05:35:09 V1H ASSOCIATION SPORTIVE AGNE M 202 V1H 12711
873 DUBOIS Amaury 05:35:19 SEM - M 497 SEH 11071
874 GENIN Thierry 05:35:27 V2H - M 65 V2H 12467
875 YOUSSOUFFI Mouhtar 05:35:30 V1H AC VILLERS COTTERETS M 203 V1H 12392
876 OURSEL Benjamin 05:35:31 SEM - M 498 SEH 12279
877 BOCHET Xavier 05:35:34 SEM - M 499 SEH 10082
878 JEAN Marc 05:35:35 V2H - M 66 V2H 12736
879 PALOMBO Christian 05:35:39 V1H - M 204 V1H 10073
879 DIOUF BROCHERAY Fatoumata 05:35:39 SEF - F 53 SEF 12679
881 GeROULT Francois cyrille 05:35:40 V1H - M 205 V1H 12603
882 LE GODEC Claude 05:35:41 V3H STADIUM MONTIGNY ATHLETIC M 10 V3H 12678
883 ROGNERUD Eva 05:35:42 V1F - F 28 V1F 12709
884 DUNAND Alexis 05:35:52 SEM - M 500 SEH 11330
885 BOICHON Roland 05:35:57 V1H - M 206 V1H 10383
886 ATHIMON Nicolas 05:35:59 SEM - M 501 SEH 12443
887 RYON Etienne 05:36:11 SEM - M 502 SEH 12508
888 DEALESSANDRI Benoit 05:36:16 SEM - M 503 SEH 10193
889 MONTAGNE Jeremy 05:36:18 SEM - M 504 SEH 12193
890 PINAT Stephane 05:36:20 SEM - M 505 SEH 12190
891 ECHALIER Matthie 05:36:25 V1H - M 207 V1H 12098
892 CAILLAT Phillippe 05:36:26 V1H - M 208 V1H 6970
893 NAGY Judit 05:36:27 SEF COURIR EN LIVRADOIS FOREZ F 54 SEF 11508
894 VELU Gregory 05:36:30 SEM - M 506 SEH 10006
895 PORZIO Pascal 05:36:38 V2H - M 67 V2H 10299
896 GIBEAUX Eric 05:36:40 V1H - M 209 V1H 10276
897 SEMENSATIS Nicolas 05:36:53 SEM - M 507 SEH 10107
898 BARALON Guillaume 05:36:54 SEM - M 508 SEH 10102
899 LOUISY Alexandre 05:36:57 SEM - M 509 SEH 11067
900 DUSSERRE Sylvain 05:36:58 V1H - M 210 V1H 11996
901 MORITZ Franck 05:36:59 V1H - M 211 V1H 12412
902 ARNAUD Gauthier 05:37:00 SEM - M 510 SEH 12977
903 ARNAUD Quentin 05:37:02 SEM - M 511 SEH 12920
904 JOMIER Julien 05:37:03 SEM - M 512 SEH 10772
905 FABRE Cecile 05:37:14 SEF - F 55 SEF 11070
906 THOULe Sebastien 05:37:16 V1H - M 212 V1H 11299
907 PASQUIER Arnaud 05:37:18 SEM - M 513 SEH 12741
908 DELLOUE Lorris 05:37:20 SEM - M 514 SEH 11877
909 TROESTER Frederic 05:37:31 SEM - M 515 SEH 12549
910 GOTTELAND Jean luc 05:37:52 V2H - M 68 V2H 11530
911 RENOUX Tristan 05:37:53 V1H - M 213 V1H 10859
912 PRIAM Julien 05:37:56 SEM - M 516 SEH 12721
913 JEAN Fabrice 05:37:57 SEM - M 517 SEH 12752
914 STEPHANE Cassan 05:38:00 V1H - M 214 V1H 12256
915 CAFFIT Guillaume 05:38:06 SEM - M 518 SEH 10175
915 POUGET Gildas 05:38:06 SEM - M 519 SEH 10783
917 MAILLOL Nicolas 05:38:11 SEM - M 520 SEH 12738
918 LEMAR Benoit 05:38:12 SEM - M 521 SEH 11114
919 EYMERY Christophe 05:38:15 V1H HYERES RUNNING M 215 V1H 10437
919 BOURGET Stephane 05:38:15 V1H - M 216 V1H 10664
921 LACROIX Laurent 05:38:18 V1H - M 217 V1H 10444
922 SAVOYE Lionel 05:38:20 SEM - M 522 SEH 10144
923 BREUILLAC Maud 05:38:35 SEF - F 56 SEF 10058
924 PALAU Ferreol 05:38:39 SEM ATHLETIC CLUB TASSIN M 523 SEH 10078
925 BERTOLINO Cecile 05:38:42 SEF - F 57 SEF 11376
926 CURE Chritophe 05:38:46 V1H - M 218 V1H 11362
927 POULET Elodie 05:38:49 SEF - F 58 SEF 10177
928 BASTY Christophe 05:39:01 SEM - M 524 SEH 12396
929 LACHIZE Christophe 05:39:09 V1H - M 219 V1H 10705
930 BANCEL Marc 05:39:10 V2H - M 69 V2H 10872
931 BELBETKA Olivier 05:39:11 V1H - M 220 V1H 11184
931 RIBERON Anne 05:39:11 V1F - F 29 V1F 11661
933 VARRAILLON Michael 05:39:12 V1H - M 221 V1H 10738
934 MENU Florent 05:39:13 V1H EVIAN OFF COURSE M 222 V1H 12689
935 FAVRE ROCHEX Christophe 05:39:14 V1H - M 223 V1H 12729
936 HAPCHETTE Antoine 05:39:23 SEM - M 525 SEH 12317
937 FARJOT Samuel 05:39:27 SEM - M 526 SEH 10491
938 BEN SALAH Akim 05:39:32 V2H - M 70 V2H 10975
939 DALLY Alexandre 05:39:36 SEM - M 527 SEH 10721
940 BORGES Jean 05:39:48 V1H - M 224 V1H 12004
940 LUCAS Frederic 05:39:48 V1H - M 225 V1H 13014
942 BERTRAND Jean christophe 05:39:49 V1H - M 226 V1H 11349
943 DAVID Francois 05:39:52 SEM - M 528 SEH 11036
943 CIPRO Melanie 05:39:52 SEF ANNONAY JOGGING CLUB F 59 SEF 13072
945 BADRI Valery 05:39:55 V1H - M 227 V1H 12944
946 GROS Frederic 05:40:03 V1H - M 228 V1H 11828
947 DOMPTAIL Kim 05:40:04 SEF - F 60 SEF 11853
948 DOMPTAIL Christian 05:40:06 V3H - M 11 V3H 11854
949 CORSIN Pascal 05:40:08 V2H - M 71 V2H 12160
950 GADIOT Nicolas 05:40:09 V1H - M 229 V1H 10330
950 PELURSON Sebastien 05:40:09 SEM - M 529 SEH 11042
950 CHAILLOUX Fabien 05:40:09 SEM - M 530 SEH 12211
953 DUMONT Didier 05:40:10 V1H - M 230 V1H 12159
953 GARDETTE Frederic 05:40:10 V1H - M 231 V1H 12398
955 LE GOUGUEC Laetitia 05:40:11 SEF - F 61 SEF 12576
956 DUJARDIN Fabien 05:40:15 SEM - M 531 SEH 11684
956 LOUTTE Damien 05:40:15 SEM - M 532 SEH 12306
958 SAINT EVE Vincent 05:40:37 SEM - M 533 SEH 10870
959 BRAGA Frederik 05:40:40 V1H - M 232 V1H 10493
959 DEVAUX Rudy 05:40:40 SEM - M 534 SEH 12983
961 BALLADON Arnaud 05:40:43 SEM - M 535 SEH 10844
962 REDOUTe Thomas 05:40:45 SEM - M 536 SEH 11748
962 DE BAEREMAEKER Magali 05:40:45 V1F - F 30 V1F 12099
964 GUILBERT Benjamin 05:40:48 SEM - M 537 SEH 10842
965 LE VOYER Rozenn 05:40:49 V2F STADE RENNAIS ATHLETISME F 14 V2F 10960
966 LE GAL Clement 05:40:58 ESH - M 10 ESH 10253
967 ROUSSEAU Jerome 05:41:04 SEM - M 538 SEH 10878
968 CICCODICOLA David 05:41:05 SEM - M 539 SEH 10308
969 CICCODICOLA Bruno 05:41:06 V1H - M 233 V1H 13065
970 THEROND Benjamin 05:41:07 SEM - M 540 SEH 12638
971 JEROME Alexandre 05:41:10 SEM AS CALUIRE ET CUIRE M 541 SEH 12173
972 POIZOT Sebastien 05:41:12 SEM - M 542 SEH 11040
973 BOUVIER Laurent 05:41:17 V1H - M 234 V1H 12553
974 RONDET Franck 05:41:20 V1H - M 235 V1H 10439
975 KEIRLE Romain 05:41:30 SEM - M 543 SEH 11599
976 MARTINEZ GACIO Jorge 05:41:34 SEM - M 544 SEH 10630
977 LIETZ Gabriel 05:41:38 SEM - M 545 SEH 12224
978 BONO Celine 05:41:40 SEF - F 62 SEF 10613
978 DEBARD Nathalie 05:41:40 V2F ATOUTSPORTS F 15 V2F 12540
978 RIVET Roland 05:41:40 V3H ATOUTSPORTS M 12 V3H 13012
981 DEJARDIN Damien 05:41:43 SEM - M 546 SEH 11350
982 CASCAIS Remy 05:41:45 SEM - M 547 SEH 10845
983 TROADEC Simon 05:41:49 SEM - M 548 SEH 11777
984 FOURNIER DELANGE Vanessa 05:41:50 SEF - F 63 SEF 11157
985 GUERRY Philippe 05:41:51 V1H - M 236 V1H 10981
986 DOUAY Sebastien 05:41:55 SEM - M 549 SEH 12276
986 VERNIER Yohann 05:41:55 SEM - M 550 SEH 13051
988 CREPIN Francois 05:41:57 SEM - M 551 SEH 12449
989 NOEL Celine 05:42:01 SEF S/L CCA ROUFFACH F 64 SEF 11788
990 MARTINET Anthony 05:42:07 SEM - M 552 SEH 10497
990 BAREL Martin 05:42:07 SEM - M 553 SEH 13010
992 DAMIEN MARTINET Pierre 05:42:09 SEM - M 554 SEH 10181
992 GUILLAUD Sylvain 05:42:09 V1H MACADAM 07 M 237 V1H 11687
994 DELORME Anthony 05:42:10 SEM - M 555 SEH 11827
994 ROLLET Nicolas 05:42:10 SEM - M 556 SEH 12501
996 SALEZ Johann 05:42:13 SEM - M 557 SEH 12297
997 DESEVEDAVY Gildas 05:42:18 SEM - M 558 SEH 10794
997 CHANY Maxime 05:42:18 SEM - M 559 SEH 12809
999 BRAUX Clement 05:42:21 SEM - M 560 SEH 12480
1000 DUHAUT Anais 05:42:27 SEF - F 65 SEF 10671
1000 DURAND Philippe 05:42:27 V2H SA MONTROUGE PARIS 12 M 72 V2H 12024
1002 COTTE Olivier 05:42:32 SEM - M 561 SEH 10534
1002 BONNET Sebastien 05:42:32 V1H - M 238 V1H 12435
1004 DELEMAZURE Nicolas 05:42:33 SEM - M 562 SEH 10576
1005 WILLEMSE Marine 05:42:35 SEF - F 66 SEF 11301
1006 BALLEREAU Laurent 05:42:43 V1H - M 239 V1H 12685
1007 GUIRAUD Dominique 05:42:58 V2H - M 73 V2H 12068
1008 PRA Norbert 05:43:00 SEM - M 563 SEH 10110
1009 WEISS Eric 05:43:01 SEM - M 564 SEH 10742
1009 VILLEMAGNE Eric 05:43:01 V1H - M 240 V1H 11925
1011 VERNAY Benoit 05:43:14 SEM - M 565 SEH 12801
1012 FRANCOIS Gael 05:43:15 V1H - M 241 V1H 5166
1012 MARTY Jean baptiste 05:43:15 SEM - M 566 SEH 12943
1014 ESTRUGO Mathieu 05:43:17 SEM - M 567 SEH 12647
1015 TALLEUX Gabriel 05:43:18 SEM - M 568 SEH 13069
1016 BEDARIDE Matthieu 05:43:19 V1H - M 242 V1H 13068
1017 NEZET Erwan 05:43:20 V1H SAONE MONT D'OR NATURE M 243 V1H 12281
1018 PICARD Cyril 05:43:22 V1H - M 244 V1H 12456
1019 LANSCOTTE Joel 05:43:24 V1H - M 245 V1H 11256
1020 PETITGIRARD MYRIAM 05:43:31 V2F - F 16 V2F 12274
1021 GARAVAGNO Didier 05:43:39 V2H - M 74 V2H 10946
1022 GUILLOT Pierrick 05:43:50 SEM - M 569 SEH 10414
1022 MOMBLE Sebastien 05:43:50 SEM - M 570 SEH 10921
1024 LORIN Gwen 05:43:51 SEM - M 571 SEH 10922
1025 LE GALLIC Clelia 05:43:56 SEF - F 67 SEF 12842
1026 DUPONT Antoine 05:43:57 SEM - M 572 SEH 11727
1027 BIENFAIT Pierre 05:44:01 SEM - M 573 SEH 10884
1028 DAMON Yves 05:44:02 V1H - M 246 V1H 12607
1029 BERTOLOTTI Eric 05:44:04 V1H - M 247 V1H 12594
1030 BROIZAT Nicolas 05:44:07 V1H - M 248 V1H 10478
1030 LE COZ Pascal 05:44:07 V2H - M 75 V2H 10658
1032 PIARD Marc edouard 05:44:09 SEM - M 574 SEH 12799
1033 GROSJEAN Cathy 05:44:15 V1F - F 31 V1F 10530
1034 FEVRE Serge 05:44:16 V2H - M 76 V2H 11016
1034 DELOBBE Pierre 05:44:16 V1H AS IBM LYON M 249 V1H 11284
1036 LE COUR GRANDMAISON Yves marie 05:44:17 SEM - M 575 SEH 10868
1036 LASRY Pierre 05:44:17 V1H - M 250 V1H 11761
1038 TARDY Yvan 05:44:18 V2H AS IBM LYON M 77 V2H 10963
1038 COEUGNET Thomas 05:44:18 SEM - M 576 SEH 11377
1040 FAURE Fabrice 05:44:19 V1H - M 251 V1H 10214
1041 FLACHAT Georges 05:44:22 V2H - M 78 V2H 10597
1042 CAUBEL David 05:44:24 SEM - M 577 SEH 11160
1043 RENOUL Francois 05:44:31 SEM - M 578 SEH 12143
1044 MEYGRET Jean bernard 05:44:33 V1H - M 252 V1H 10340
1044 TOUR Christian 05:44:33 SEM - M 579 SEH 10341
1046 ROCHE Alban 05:44:34 SEM - M 580 SEH 13019
1047 GUICHAOUA Ronan 05:44:42 V1H - M 253 V1H 11428
1048 DE LATTRE Bastien 05:44:43 SEM - M 581 SEH 11414
1049 BENMIRA Mohamed 05:44:50 SEM - M 582 SEH 12615
1050 BRAYER Martin 05:44:58 SEM - M 583 SEH 11465
1051 VAN DER WERF Maite 05:44:59 V2F ASPHALTE 94 F 17 V2F 11336
1052 GUINAMENT Severine 05:45:01 V1F - F 32 V1F 11708
1053 PIROUX Remi 05:45:07 SEM - M 584 SEH 10317
1053 COULM Yann 05:45:07 SEM - M 585 SEH 10915
1055 GENDRE Cedric 05:45:12 SEM - M 586 SEH 10064
1056 DUFAUD Thomas 05:45:16 SEM - M 587 SEH 12430
1057 FAURE Pauline 05:45:17 SEF - F 68 SEF 10482
1058 ROSSET Timothee 05:45:18 SEM - M 588 SEH 10481
1059 DESSAILLY Bernard 05:45:20 V2H - M 79 V2H 10062
1059 THEVENIAUT Baptiste 05:45:20 SEM - M 589 SEH 10063
1061 LONNEVILLE Simon 05:45:25 SEM - M 590 SEH 11448
1062 JACQUES Adrien 05:45:26 SEM - M 591 SEH 11148
1063 HIDIC Amir 05:45:28 SEM - M 592 SEH 10557
1064 RANCIEN Bruno 05:45:32 V1H - M 254 V1H 12746
1065 DE FLEURAC Xavier 05:45:33 V1H - M 255 V1H 10390
1066 LEPAGE Mathieu 05:45:46 SEM - M 593 SEH 10667
1067 CAMPOURCY Romain 05:45:51 SEM - M 594 SEH 12247
1068 BOURQUIN Benoit 05:45:56 SEM - M 595 SEH 11754
1069 QUENTIN REYNIER Pierre 05:46:15 SEM - M 596 SEH 12747
1070 DESBROSSES Alexis 05:46:16 SEM - M 597 SEH 11261
1070 BERT Jerome 05:46:16 V1H - M 256 V1H 11939
1070 PUPIER Stephanie 05:46:16 SEF - F 69 SEF 11942
1073 CREUZENET Claude 05:46:20 SEM - M 598 SEH 11096
1074 GENET Sebastien 05:46:24 V1H - M 257 V1H 11077
1075 TANGUY Julien 05:46:25 SEM - M 599 SEH 10659
1076 LANOOTE Denis 05:46:26 V2H - M 80 V2H 10969
1077 QUAY THEVENON Valerie 05:46:29 SEF - F 70 SEF 10041
1078 BARD Jean louis 05:46:33 V1H - M 258 V1H 12797
1079 MAZUIT Sebastien 05:46:36 SEM - M 600 SEH 12798
1080 GAYET Nadia 05:46:38 V1F - F 33 V1F 12189
1081 RABARTIN Emeric 05:46:43 V1H UA MAURIENNE (ST JEAN) M 259 V1H 12162
1082 GOUACHON Gilles 05:46:55 SEM - M 601 SEH 10676
1083 ENJOUBAULT Christophe 05:46:57 SEM - M 602 SEH 11182
1083 GIACOMOBONO Romain 05:46:57 SEM - M 603 SEH 11760
1085 BARNABA Aldo 05:47:00 V2H - M 81 V2H 10345
1086 CONTAMIN Hugues 05:47:11 V1H S/L FRANCHEVILLE AC M 260 V1H 10605
1087 ELOIRE Ludovic 05:47:24 V1H - M 261 V1H 11012
1088 GODIN Yoann 05:47:25 SEM - M 604 SEH 755
1088 MOUNIER Adeline 05:47:25 SEF - F 71 SEF 12151
1090 DUBOIS Philippe 05:47:26 V2H - M 82 V2H 11025
1091 BORDERIE Maxence 05:47:27 SEM - M 605 SEH 11035
1092 SALVAIRE Clement 05:47:29 SEM - M 606 SEH 10163
1093 FILIALI Aurelien 05:47:35 SEM - M 607 SEH 11123
1094 TROMEL Sebastien 05:47:36 SEM PENITENTS EN DURANCE M 608 SEH 12008
1095 CLAUDEL Benjamin 05:47:38 SEM - M 609 SEH 11771
1096 GUIRAUDIE Stephane 05:47:41 V1H - M 262 V1H 12209
1097 ALIX Dominique 05:47:45 V2H - M 83 V2H 10777
1098 HIRTZLIN Sandra 05:47:46 V1F - F 34 V1F 12662
1099 PAYET Jerome 05:47:53 SEM - M 610 SEH 11824
1100 GELADZE Loris 05:47:57 SEM - M 611 SEH 12218
1101 PIGNOT Stephane 05:47:58 V1H - M 263 V1H 12382
1102 CARROGET Vincent 05:48:04 SEM - M 612 SEH 10191
1103 KADOUS David 05:48:11 V1H - M 264 V1H 12318
1104 JEAN Francois xavier 05:48:14 SEM - M 613 SEH 10425
1105 ABRYSCH Franck 05:48:16 V2H - M 84 V2H 11969
1106 GROS Laurent 05:48:18 V1H - M 265 V1H 12493
1106 COMBETTES Didier 05:48:18 V2H - M 85 V2H 12608
1108 SANIAL Pauline 05:48:21 SEF - F 72 SEF 12142
1109 DESBROSSES Jimmy 05:48:23 SEM - M 614 SEH 12153
1110 SAMAIN Mathieu 05:48:50 SEM - M 615 SEH 11144
1111 CALONNEC Olivier 05:48:54 SEM - M 616 SEH 11660
1112 ABBATUCCI Antoine 05:49:01 SEM - M 617 SEH 12388
1113 BREUIL Emmanuelle 05:49:15 V1F - F 35 V1F 12577
1114 LOTITO Benjamin 05:49:26 SEM - M 618 SEH 11935
1115 CHERVIN Gilbert 05:49:31 V2H - M 86 V2H 13035
1116 RONGIER Alexandre 05:49:34 SEM - M 619 SEH 12361
1117 FORHAN Aurelie 05:49:35 SEF - F 73 SEF 11168
1118 FAYOLLE Aurelien 05:49:37 SEM - M 620 SEH 10136
1119 MAGNAN Maurice 05:49:40 V2H - M 87 V2H 11159
1120 MATHIOT Ludovic 05:49:45 SEM - M 621 SEH 10370
1121 CHAFFRAIX Matthieu 05:49:46 SEM - M 622 SEH 10208
1122 GINHAC Dominique 05:49:54 V1H - M 266 V1H 12588
1123 VALLI Jerome 05:49:55 V1H - M 267 V1H 10966
1124 GINESTE Yoan 05:50:01 SEM - M 623 SEH 12775
1125 GIRAUDEL Yannick 05:50:21 V1H - M 268 V1H 12592
1126 STROESSER Florent 05:50:30 V3H - M 13 V3H 12676
1127 CHAVANNE Christian 05:50:32 V2H - M 88 V2H 10987
1128 HEINZ Gerard 05:50:37 V1H - M 269 V1H 10307
1129 CONTAMIN Damien 05:50:40 V1H - M 270 V1H 10601
1130 BOYER Cathy 05:50:41 V1F - F 36 V1F 10536
1131 HUYGHE Marcel 05:50:46 V2H - M 89 V2H 11863
1132 MARLAS Benoit 05:50:51 SEM - M 624 SEH 11663
1133 CHAILLOU Delphine 05:50:52 V1F - F 37 V1F 10757
1134 FERRI Vincent 05:50:54 V1H - M 271 V1H 11558
1135 BRESSIANT Enzo 05:51:00 SEM - M 625 SEH 11233
1136 DECHNIK Pierre 05:51:06 V1H S/L AC ST GRATIEN SANNOIS M 272 V1H 12575
1137 PERIDON Jacques 05:51:07 SEM - M 626 SEH 10185
1138 GODARD Axel 05:51:08 SEM - M 627 SEH 11304
1139 RAMARA Henri claude 05:51:09 SEM - M 628 SEH 11526
1140 SICAUD Jean philippe 05:51:11 V1H - M 273 V1H 11216
1140 ANDRIEU Florent 05:51:11 SEM - M 629 SEH 11305
1142 REISS Benjamin 05:51:13 V1H - M 274 V1H 12951
1143 MAReCHAL Patrice 05:51:15 SEM - M 630 SEH 12580
1143 FONROSE Xavier 05:51:15 SEM - M 631 SEH 12863
1145 PERRET Patrice 05:51:17 V1H - M 275 V1H 11837
1145 PICHARD Loic 05:51:17 V1H - M 276 V1H 12618
1147 LAVAUX Pierre 05:51:23 SEM - M 632 SEH 10438
1148 MATHEVET Audrey 05:51:27 SEF - F 74 SEF 12427
1149 GENOT Ludivine 05:51:28 SEF - F 75 SEF 12426
1150 DUMAS Christophe 05:51:33 V1H - M 277 V1H 11425
1150 VIARD GAUDIN Romain 05:51:33 SEM - M 633 SEH 12032
1152 CHEVRIER Patrice 05:51:36 V2F - F 18 V2F 11382
1153 FOUVET Pierre luc 05:51:44 SEM - M 634 SEH 10690
1154 HAUVILLE Pierre 05:51:53 SEM - M 635 SEH 12072
1155 PANICO Mathieu 05:51:55 SEM - M 636 SEH 12874
1156 AYMARD Stephane 05:51:56 V1H - M 278 V1H 12869
1157 LOUIS Xavier 05:51:57 SEM - M 637 SEH 10076
1158 SARAT Martin 05:51:58 SEM - M 638 SEH 11292
1159 VITRY Leo 05:52:00 SEM - M 639 SEH 12037
1160 ROUX VILLENEUVE Delphine 05:52:06 V1F - F 38 V1F 10817
1160 PERDRIX Jean louis 05:52:06 V2H ASC BALAN M 90 V2H 10970
1162 FIARD Cyrille 05:52:12 V1H - M 279 V1H 10337
1162 DULLIN Denis 05:52:12 V1H - M 280 V1H 10729
1164 CULIOLI Matthieu 05:52:18 SEM - M 640 SEH 12069
1165 LLORENS Cedric 05:52:21 V2H - M 91 V2H 10714
1165 GOURICHON Anthony 05:52:21 V1H - M 281 V1H 10765
1167 PINOCHET Francois 05:52:23 V2H - M 92 V2H 11315
1167 PERRIN Benoit 05:52:23 SEM - M 641 SEH 12071
1169 DELAPORTE Xavier 05:52:24 V1H - M 282 V1H 11461
1170 LACROIX Maryvonne 05:52:31 V1F CHAMONIX MONT BLANC MARAT F 39 V1F 10551
1170 SERMET Gilbert 05:52:31 V3H CHAMONIX MONT BLANC MARAT M 14 V3H 12402
1172 DAUDEY Sebastien 05:52:36 V1H - M 283 V1H 12562
1173 BILLET Jerome 05:52:43 SEM - M 642 SEH 11647
1174 DEROCHE Yves 05:52:52 SEM - M 643 SEH 12346
1175 SIGAUD Laurent 05:52:53 V1H - M 284 V1H 11018
1175 ROBLET Cedric 05:52:53 SEM - M 644 SEH 12345
1177 SUIN Natacha 05:53:07 SEF - F 76 SEF 12221
1178 CHARTOIRE Stephane 05:53:09 V1H - M 285 V1H 11406
1179 PETTINI Martine 05:53:12 V2F - F 19 V2F 11473
1180 BODIN Stephane 05:53:18 V1H - M 286 V1H 10766
1181 DOUCET Thomas 05:53:22 V1H - M 287 V1H 12324
1182 REY Florian 05:53:23 SEM - M 645 SEH 11929
1183 KAHL Sebastien 05:53:24 SEM - M 646 SEH 11926
1184 BESSON Yannick 05:53:25 SEM - M 647 SEH 11129
1185 LANDRIVON Quentin 05:53:26 SEM - M 648 SEH 10795
1185 GeHANT Matthieu 05:53:26 SEM - M 649 SEH 11785
1187 SERRE Stephane 05:53:27 V1H - M 288 V1H 11784
1188 DURIEUX Matthieu 05:53:29 SEM - M 650 SEH 11217
1189 COULM Kevin 05:53:32 SEM - M 651 SEH 11910
1190 MAGNARD Christelle 05:53:36 V1F - F 40 V1F 1350
1190 GONZALEZ Gabriel 05:53:36 V1H - M 289 V1H 10336
1190 CHABOUD Pernelle 05:53:36 V1F - F 41 V1F 11617
1190 PERRIOT Jean baptiste 05:53:36 SEM - M 652 SEH 12653
1194 MARTINON Pierre matthieu 05:53:39 V1H - M 290 V1H 11532
1195 TEYCHENE Timothee 05:53:46 SEM FAUCIGNY ATHLETIC CLUB M 653 SEH 12802
1197 CHARPENTIER Emmanuel 05:53:48 V1H - M 291 V1H 11395
1198 BERLIOZ Thierry 05:53:51 V2H - M 93 V2H 6062
1199 DERUAZ Florence 05:53:58 V1F - F 42 V1F 11803
1200 CARON Alexandre 05:54:02 SEM - M 654 SEH 12021
1201 ALFANO Catherine 05:54:04 V2F - F 20 V2F 12135
1202 DOPPLER Quentin 05:54:06 SEM - M 655 SEH 10720
1203 VERNAISON Benjamin 05:54:07 SEM - M 656 SEH 11356
1204 BOUVIER Evelyne 05:54:08 V2F - F 21 V2F 10967
1205 VEYRES Dominique 05:54:12 V1H - M 292 V1H 12811
1206 SANCHEZ Richard 05:54:13 V2H - M 94 V2H 10703
1207 KELC Johan 05:54:15 SEM - M 657 SEH 10867
1208 FERLAY Claudine 05:54:19 V1F - F 43 V1F 10503
1209 GAUTHIER LAFAYE Mathieu 05:54:21 SEM - M 658 SEH 12555
1210 REZETTE Christophe 05:54:25 V1H - M 293 V1H 11201
1211 KOUKOUI Seyive 05:54:27 SEM - M 659 SEH 11358
1212 ROUYER Julien 05:54:31 V1H - M 294 V1H 10312
1213 MILLET Marc 05:54:37 V1H - M 295 V1H 12174
1214 MORVAN Tanguy 05:54:50 SEM - M 660 SEH 10924
1214 BAUDOIN Aurelien 05:54:50 SEM AS SOMMER M 661 SEH 10925
1214 DELBENDE Edouard 05:54:50 SEM - M 662 SEH 12399
1217 ODIN Pascal 05:54:51 V1H - M 296 V1H 10256
1217 GILBERT Philippe 05:54:51 V2H - M 95 V2H 10873
1219 SABOT Laurence 05:54:53 SEF - F 78 SEF 10453
1219 DELBENDE Bruno 05:54:53 V2H - M 96 V2H 12400
1219 MAKHLOUF Luc 05:54:53 SEM - M 663 SEH 12610
1222 BECQUET Samuel 05:54:57 V1H - M 297 V1H 11408
1223 SCHWINDENHAMMER Arthur 05:55:13 SEM - M 664 SEH 12340
1224 BOIRON Yoann 05:55:15 SEM - M 665 SEH 10549
1225 BOUVAREL Cyril 05:55:16 SEM - M 666 SEH 10548
1226 GUILLEMOT Arnaud 05:55:17 SEM - M 667 SEH 10550
1227 GABOREL Jean philippe 05:55:21 V1H LONS ATHLETIQUE CLUB M 298 V1H 12879
1228 BAILLE Sebastien 05:55:22 V1H - M 299 V1H 10930
1229 DEFER Jean christophe 05:55:23 V1H - M 300 V1H 11011
1230 DESTORS Julien 05:55:24 SEM - M 668 SEH 10050
1230 BAILLE Mikael 05:55:24 V1H - M 301 V1H 10301
1232 MOURAVY Pierre 05:55:28 V1H - M 302 V1H 11796
1233 ROUSSEL Enguerrand 05:55:30 SEM - M 669 SEH 11802
1234 FAY Dominique 05:55:37 V1F - F 44 V1F 10147
1234 MOREAUX Antoine 05:55:37 SEM - M 670 SEH 11344
1236 FAY David 05:55:39 V1H - M 303 V1H 10146
1236 ZATOURIAN Thierry 05:55:39 V2H - M 97 V2H 10263
1236 MOREAUX Julien 05:55:39 SEM - M 671 SEH 11345
1236 KUHN Arnaud 05:55:39 SEM S/L ILL BRUCHE A LINGOLSH M 672 SEH 13071
1240 MENUEL Jean charles 05:55:50 V2H - M 98 V2H 10869
1241 COURTIAL Yannick 05:55:53 V2H - M 99 V2H 12471
1241 HOWSE Johann 05:55:53 SEM - M 673 SEH 12534
1243 CARLIER Pascal 05:55:55 V2H - M 100 V2H 11648
1244 COPPEL Samuel 05:55:57 V1H ATHLE LOISIR PIZANCON M 304 V1H 12788
1245 PINCAS Michael 05:55:58 V1H - M 305 V1H 11686
1246 JULIEN Bruno 05:56:01 V1H - M 306 V1H 11694
1247 BATIER Cathaline 05:56:02 SEF - F 79 SEF 12311
1248 GIMENOS Vincent 05:56:05 SEM - M 674 SEH 12417
1249 BENHABEROU Jonas 05:56:18 SEM - M 675 SEH 11092
1250 AUDEMARD Mathieu 05:56:20 SEM - M 676 SEH 10856
1250 LOY Anthony 05:56:20 SEM - M 677 SEH 11334
1252 RIVIERE Mathieu 05:56:22 SEM - M 678 SEH 11536
1253 FORESTIER Franck 05:56:23 SEM - M 679 SEH 10227
1253 CARNEAU Jules 05:56:23 ESH - M 11 ESH 12703
1255 BRUGEL Christophe 05:56:24 V2H - M 101 V2H 12301
1256 GANDY Stephane 05:56:27 SEM - M 680 SEH 10092
1256 GIRARD Romain 05:56:27 SEM - M 681 SEH 11537
1258 ORTEGA GIMENEZ Franck 05:56:35 V1H - M 307 V1H 10054
1259 CHAMPALLE Christele 05:56:39 V1F - F 45 V1F 10460
1260 VERNAISON Magali 05:56:40 SEF - F 80 SEF 10184
1260 ROUSSEL Olivier 05:56:40 V1H - M 308 V1H 12145
1262 VUILLET Carine 05:56:42 SEF - F 81 SEF 10322
1263 KOCZOROWIEZ Sylvain 05:56:45 V1H SA MONTROUGE PARIS 12 M 309 V1H 10397
1264 TALAVERA Guillaume 05:56:49 V1H - M 310 V1H 12497
1265 MUNCK Lionel 05:56:50 V2H - M 102 V2H 11407
1266 DOUCHET Pierre olivier 05:56:52 V1H - M 311 V1H 12048
1266 DURAND Maxime 05:56:52 SEM - M 682 SEH 12212
1268 GAVEAU Jean marie 05:56:53 V1H - M 312 V1H 11986
1269 BOISSET Vincent 05:56:54 V1H - M 313 V1H 11971
1270 BRIERE Maxime 05:56:56 SEM - M 683 SEH 12302
1271 AUDOLY Thomas 05:57:04 SEM - M 684 SEH 11562
1272 RIBAUD Clement 05:57:11 SEM - M 685 SEH 11059
1273 GeRARD Robin 05:57:12 SEM - M 686 SEH 11222
1274 CRABEIL Thibaut 05:57:13 SEM - M 687 SEH 11308
1275 DURAND Jean paul 05:57:31 SEM - M 688 SEH 11094
1276 DAMBRI Sheeran 05:57:32 SEM - M 689 SEH 11237
1277 RACODON David 05:57:33 SEM - M 690 SEH 11236
1278 JULIEN Brunot 05:57:38 SEM - M 691 SEH 10839
1279 LECLERCQ Francois 05:57:40 V1H - M 314 V1H 10586
1280 COULANGE Tristan 05:57:50 SEM - M 692 SEH 10773
1281 GOUGET Pierre 05:57:53 SEM - M 693 SEH 12623
1282 PINPERNET Thibaut 05:57:56 SEM - M 694 SEH 12624
1283 COSNIER Vincent 05:57:59 V1H - M 315 V1H 11006
1284 DIEL Coralie 05:58:04 SEF - F 82 SEF 12387
1285 SABEUR CHOUIREF Aissa 05:58:09 SEM - M 695 SEH 10761
1285 SADOT Isabelle 05:58:09 V1F - F 46 V1F 12308
1287 PAILLET Anne 05:58:11 SEF AAA DU LYONNAIS F 83 SEF 12714
1288 AUGAGNEUR Benoit 05:58:12 V1H - M 316 V1H 12223
1289 THIERSDEBAR Jean claude 05:58:13 V2H - M 103 V2H 11220
1290 COUZON Guillaume 05:58:15 V1H - M 317 V1H 12202
1291 POMEL Lakbira 05:58:18 V1F - F 47 V1F 11421
1292 ISNARD Helene 05:58:19 V1F - F 48 V1F 12780
1293 GARCIA Sylvie 05:58:24 V2F - F 22 V2F 12438
1294 FORTIN Francois 05:58:33 SEM - M 696 SEH 12083
1295 DELORME Romain 05:58:36 SEM - M 697 SEH 11691
1296 ROCHER Alexis 05:58:37 SEM - M 698 SEH 10880
1297 DIDIER Cedric 05:58:42 SEM - M 699 SEH 12144
1298 RICHARD Sandra 05:58:48 SEF - F 84 SEF 12389
1299 DE SOUSA Jose carlos 05:58:51 V1H AS IBM LYON M 318 V1H 12096
1300 KERVAREC Sebastien 05:58:56 SEM - M 700 SEH 11737
1301 CABRAS Giulia 05:59:03 V1F - F 49 V1F 10156
1302 COUDRAY Christophe 05:59:08 V1H - M 319 V1H 1305
1302 SCHICKEL Pascal 05:59:08 V1H - M 320 V1H 12530
1304 SCHICKEL Sandrine 05:59:09 V1F - F 50 V1F 10172
1305 HAGEN Maxime 05:59:16 SEM - M 701 SEH 12899
1306 CARCELES Clement 05:59:29 SEM - M 702 SEH 12475
1307 DUCHENOY Layla 05:59:30 SEF - F 85 SEF 12081
1308 NICOLAS Pascal 05:59:34 V2H - M 104 V2H 12814
1309 EVANO Benoit 05:59:36 SEM - M 703 SEH 10105
1309 HOULOT Geoffroy 05:59:36 V1H - M 321 V1H 11875
1309 BIDARD Stephane 05:59:36 SEM - M 704 SEH 11972
1312 VERBRUGGHE Jeremy 05:59:39 SEF - F 86 SEF 10106
1313 GINON Nicolas 05:59:44 V1H - M 322 V1H 12199
1313 JOLY Richard 05:59:44 V2H - M 105 V2H 12595
1315 CLAUDe Guillaume 05:59:47 SEM - M 705 SEH 11922
1316 KIRSCH Jan 05:59:50 V2H - M 106 V2H 12238
1317 DIEBOLT Olivier 05:59:55 V1H - M 323 V1H 12283
1318 VIGNOT Jean charles 05:59:56 V2H - M 107 V2H 10812
1319 REY Kevin 05:59:58 SEM - M 706 SEH 11065
1320 GRONDIN Christopher 06:00:04 SEM - M 707 SEH 11930
1321 POSCHMANN Stephanie 06:00:06 V1F - F 51 V1F 10387
1322 POIDEVIN Stephane 06:00:07 V1H - M 324 V1H 11682
1323 GAUDIAU Nicolas 06:00:11 SEM - M 708 SEH 10133
1324 BONNET Stephane 06:00:16 V1H ATHLETIC CLUB TASSIN M 325 V1H 12887
1325 DUPESSEY Yves 06:00:22 V1H - M 326 V1H 10508
1326 RIBEIRO Jean michel 06:00:25 V1H - M 327 V1H 12902
1327 CIOCCA Loic 06:00:29 SEM GRESI' COURANT LE VERSOUD M 709 SEH 12057
1327 CIOCCA Nadege 06:00:29 V1F GRESI' COURANT LE VERSOUD F 52 V1F 12058
1329 GUINAUDEAU Pascal 06:00:33 SEM - M 710 SEH 10587
1330 BOURBON Franck 06:00:34 V1H - M 328 V1H 12639
1331 FORTIN Thierry 06:00:37 V1H - M 329 V1H 12807
1332 GRATALOUP Mickael 06:00:41 SEM - M 711 SEH 10974
1333 MARTIN Patricia 06:00:58 V2F - F 23 V2F 10771
1334 MERCIER Gwenael 06:01:03 SEM - M 712 SEH 12511
1335 JACOTIN Thomas 06:01:11 SEM - M 713 SEH 12859
1336 YANN Perrin 06:01:13 SEM - M 714 SEH 5223
1336 WALLDECABRES Olivier 06:01:13 V1H - M 330 V1H 10189
1338 NGUYEN SIMON Shiki 06:01:14 SEF - F 87 SEF 10075
1339 DIAS Lucie 06:01:15 SEF - F 88 SEF 12847
1339 GAUMAND Gregory 06:01:15 SEM - M 715 SEH 12865
1341 PYOD Johan 06:01:18 SEM - M 716 SEH 12860
1342 SIMON Jeremy 06:01:20 SEM - M 717 SEH 12047
1343 ALFOCEA Remi 06:01:21 SEM - M 718 SEH 11993
1344 PETIT TALAMON Jean christophe 06:01:22 V2H - M 108 V2H 12039
1345 GOUTAGNY Francois 06:01:23 SEM - M 719 SEH 11805
1346 GOUTAGNY Constance 06:01:24 SEF - F 89 SEF 11676
1347 BIRA Alexandre 06:01:32 V2H AAA DU LYONNAIS M 109 V2H 10034
1347 TURGIS Benjamin 06:01:32 SEM - M 720 SEH 11521
1349 SIMOES Francis 06:01:35 SEM - M 721 SEH 11483
1349 CHATELARD Damien 06:01:35 V1H - M 331 V1H 11997
1351 SOFFRAY Anthony 06:01:40 SEM - M 722 SEH 10876
1352 PASCAL Florian 06:01:41 SEM - M 723 SEH 10874
1353 DADOLLE Christophe 06:01:43 V1H - M 332 V1H 10182
1354 BOUCHET Florence 06:01:51 V1F - F 53 V1F 12857
1355 BERTHILLOT Franck 06:02:01 V1H - M 333 V1H 10420
1356 BERTHILLOT Caroline 06:02:02 V1F - F 54 V1F 10421
1357 JACQUOT Frederic 06:02:10 SEM - M 724 SEH 12648
1358 BERTRAND Raphael 06:02:12 V1H - M 334 V1H 11538
1359 PAIS Henri 06:02:15 V1H - M 335 V1H 11859
1360 CARPENTIER Fabrice 06:02:23 V1H - M 336 V1H 11711
1361 GEORGE Robert 06:02:39 SEM - M 725 SEH 12496
1362 CHAUMAZ Marc 06:02:44 V2H - M 110 V2H 11514
1363 FARGETTE Thierry 06:02:46 V2H - M 111 V2H 12310
1364 CHILLON Bastien 06:02:50 SEM - M 726 SEH 10215
1365 PORTIER Laurent 06:03:06 V1H - M 337 V1H 12742
1366 MERCIER Fabienne 06:03:11 V1F - F 55 V1F 10142
1367 EDOUARD Bodrozic 06:03:12 V1H - M 338 V1H 10824
1367 BLENEAU Sandra 06:03:12 SEF - F 90 SEF 11867
1369 BAZIN David 06:03:14 V1H - M 339 V1H 10150
1370 PUYMARTIN Remi 06:03:18 SEM - M 727 SEH 11194
1371 BEUCHAT Christophe 06:03:19 V1H AC CHATENOIS LES FORGES M 340 V1H 11481
1372 DROGUET Marion 06:03:23 SEF - F 91 SEF 11779
1373 HUBERT Aline 06:03:24 SEF - F 92 SEF 11778
1374 JORRY Mathias 06:03:32 V1H - M 341 V1H 12059
1375 HERVIEUX Arnauld 06:03:35 SEM - M 728 SEH 10170
1376 BOURGEOIS Alban 06:03:39 SEM - M 729 SEH 10655
1377 KINTZINGER Clement 06:03:46 SEM - M 730 SEH 10426
1378 WIDMER Sebastien 06:03:53 V1H - M 342 V1H 12934
1379 DEVAUX Jean francois 06:04:01 V1H - M 343 V1H 12222
1380 FAURIE Julien 06:04:03 SEM - M 731 SEH 10510
1381 VAUTHERIN Pierre 06:04:09 SEM - M 732 SEH 10805
1381 BERTIN Simon 06:04:09 SEM - M 733 SEH 12028
1383 DIGER Marine 06:04:10 SEF - F 93 SEF 10625
1384 PHILIP GAY Mathilde 06:04:11 SEF - F 94 SEF 1262
1385 BASTARD Florian 06:04:21 SEM - M 734 SEH 12570
1385 MONRIBOT Aurore 06:04:21 ESF DOUBS SUD ATHLETISME F 1 ESF 12571
1387 ROUCAIROL Stephanie 06:04:23 V1F - F 56 V1F 10866
1387 MEBOLD Estelle 06:04:23 SEF - F 95 SEF 12933
1389 SABONNADIeRE Bicquet 06:04:30 V2H - M 112 V2H 10734
1390 POCHAT Jerome 06:04:32 V1H - M 344 V1H 11884
1391 GIUSTI Thomas 06:04:39 SEM - M 735 SEH 12079
1392 BROUX Nicolas 06:04:40 SEM - M 736 SEH 12078
1393 MOLLET VIEVILLE Gregory 06:04:50 V1H - M 345 V1H 11633
1393 ELOY Amaury 06:04:50 V1H - M 346 V1H 11635
1395 POUSSEUR Antoine 06:04:52 SEM - M 737 SEH 12535
1395 AUBRY Christophe 06:04:52 V1H - M 347 V1H 13053
1397 BODIN Yoann 06:04:53 SEM - M 738 SEH 11959
1397 FOVET Alexis 06:04:53 SEM - M 739 SEH 12692
1397 BERTHOLLE James 06:04:53 SEM - M 740 SEH 12828
1400 BORGA Matthias 06:04:58 SEM - M 741 SEH 12688
1401 MARIELLO Hanniel 06:05:06 SEM - M 742 SEH 11357
1402 PIECUCH Remy 06:05:12 SEM - M 743 SEH 10833
1403 BOULANGe Jessy 06:05:19 SEM - M 744 SEH 11219
1404 GUICHARD Marie odile 06:05:23 V2F - F 24 V2F 12303
1405 VANTCHOURA Guillaume 06:05:37 SEM - M 745 SEH 11441
1406 AL MIDANI Omar 06:05:39 V1H - M 348 V1H 10220
1407 BERTRAND Philippe 06:05:44 V1H - M 349 V1H 10674
1408 ARDOISE Julien 06:05:45 SEM - M 746 SEH 11393
1409 TASSE Benjamin 06:05:46 SEM - M 747 SEH 10324
1409 SORIN Yohan 06:05:46 SEM - M 748 SEH 10326
1411 BOTHOA Sylvain 06:05:49 V1H - M 350 V1H 10342
1411 MARTIN Aurelien 06:05:49 SEM - M 749 SEH 10908
1413 KEBADJIAN Cyril 06:06:12 V1H - M 351 V1H 10386
1413 GIRARD Alexis 06:06:12 SEM - M 750 SEH 12489
1415 SALEM Adrien 06:06:13 SEM - M 751 SEH 10768
1415 BERNIER Fabrice 06:06:13 V1H - M 352 V1H 12488
1417 BEC Fabien 06:06:23 SEM - M 752 SEH 11409
1418 PISON Alexis 06:06:26 SEM - M 753 SEH 11565
1419 RABIER Thomas 06:06:28 SEM SAINT MAXIMIN ATHLETIC CL M 754 SEH 11497
1420 BOMPARD Herve 06:06:36 SEM - M 755 SEH 12590
1421 DOUCET Tracy 06:06:37 SEF ATHLETIC COEUR DE FOND F 96 SEF 10267
1422 CLAUDe Frederic 06:06:39 SEM - M 756 SEH 11923
1423 BARREAU Yoann 06:06:40 SEM - M 757 SEH 10501
1423 GUYOT Jerome 06:06:40 V1H - M 353 V1H 11088
1425 TON THAT Viet 06:06:42 V1H - M 354 V1H 10126
1425 TOULANT Geoffroy 06:06:42 SEM - M 758 SEH 10500
1425 HAGUET Jerome 06:06:42 V1H SA MONTROUGE PARIS 12 M 355 V1H 11856
1428 GASNIER Yannick 06:06:44 V1H - M 356 V1H 11354
1429 CHAYETTE Monique 06:06:59 V2F - F 25 V2F 10722
1430 TARAZONA Laurent 06:07:01 V1H - M 357 V1H 10736
1431 BAERT Nicolas 06:07:05 V1H - M 358 V1H 11958
1432 COUSIN Frank 06:07:10 V1H - M 359 V1H 10861
1433 TAURELLE Cedric 06:07:11 SEM - M 759 SEH 11951
1434 MINODIER Frederic 06:07:16 SEM - M 760 SEH 11436
1435 ALLIMANT Mathilde 06:07:19 SEF - F 97 SEF 11844
1436 VERNET Thomas 06:07:20 SEM - M 761 SEH 12986
1437 TRABER Thomas 06:07:23 SEM - M 762 SEH 12321
1438 CHORETIER Aline 06:07:26 V1F - F 57 V1F 12444
1439 GUERIN Arnaud 06:07:27 SEM - M 763 SEH 11548
1440 DUGAND Maryline 06:07:28 SEF - F 98 SEF 12369
1440 COURTINE Cristelle 06:07:28 V1F - F 58 V1F 12371
1442 MONTEILS Fabien 06:07:29 SEM - M 764 SEH 11673
1443 MAESTRI Sylvain 06:07:34 SEM - M 765 SEH 12295
1444 COFFY Martine 06:07:35 V2F S/L THONON AC F 26 V2F 11190
1445 VALLET Laetitia 06:07:36 V1F - F 59 V1F 11611
1446 DEMAISON Suzy 06:07:38 V3F - F 1 V3F 11197
1447 CAILLENS Sophie 06:07:41 V1F - F 60 V1F 11620
1448 GUILLEMIN Edouard 06:07:44 SEM - M 766 SEH 10099
1448 SEON Olivier 06:07:44 SEM - M 767 SEH 11043
1450 MOLINA David 06:07:47 V1H - M 360 V1H 11519
1451 ROUX Isabelle 06:07:49 V1F - F 61 V1F 11858
1452 ALAPHILIPPE Bruno 06:07:50 V1H AS IBM LYON M 361 V1H 11290
1452 MOLINA Valerie 06:07:50 V1F - F 62 V1F 11520
1454 MULLER Lilian 06:07:52 V1H - M 362 V1H 11185
1455 DUSSUYER Nicolas 06:07:59 V1H EA BOURG EN BRESSE M 363 V1H 10578
1455 SANTANDER Gilles 06:07:59 V1H - M 364 V1H 10820
1457 POLLET Robin 06:08:01 SEM - M 768 SEH 12395
1458 DROUET Youenn 06:08:12 SEM - M 769 SEH 11666
1458 NASSIBOU Stephanie 06:08:12 SEF - F 99 SEF 12461
1460 FELLER Ludovic 06:08:14 SEM - M 770 SEH 10240
1461 JEAN PHILIPPE Caraquin 06:08:16 V1H - M 365 V1H 10241
1461 BOTINO Yann 06:08:16 V1H - M 366 V1H 10347
1463 PITRAS VIDAL Sophie 06:08:24 V1F - F 63 V1F 12671
1464 BOYER Laurent 06:08:33 V1H - M 367 V1H 12719
1465 GOYON Francis 06:08:35 SEM - M 771 SEH 11347
1466 LE MAUFF Soazic 06:08:36 SEF CLUB 26 ALLAN F 100 SEF 10929
1467 XXXX XXX 06:08:39 SEM - M 772 SEH 0
1468 GOLLIN Arnaud 06:08:41 SEM - M 773 SEH 11353
1469 FERNANDES Anthony 06:08:50 SEM VELAY ATHLETISME M 774 SEH 11944
1470 DUSSUTOUR Stephane 06:08:53 V1H - M 368 V1H 11552
1470 BEYRAND Jean baptiste 06:08:53 V1H - M 369 V1H 12474
1472 SORIN Anthony 06:09:09 SEM - M 775 SEH 1936
1472 HESTERS Christophe 06:09:09 V1H - M 370 V1H 10462
1474 NeZET Renan 06:09:10 SEM - M 776 SEH 12335
1475 MOREAU Stephane 06:09:18 V1H - M 371 V1H 12546
1476 WELTE Martin 06:09:19 V2H AC HUNINGUE M 113 V2H 12055
1476 CONDAMIN Guy 06:09:19 SEM - M 777 SEH 12188
1478 DELASARA Cyril 06:09:20 V1H - M 372 V1H 10907
1478 MARCHETTI Emmanuel 06:09:20 V1H - M 373 V1H 11111
1480 ERIC Vermot desroches 06:09:22 V2H - M 114 V2H 12087
1481 BEDMAR SANABRIA Olivier 06:09:23 SEM - M 778 SEH 11490
1482 LACROIX Stephanie 06:09:25 V1F - F 64 V1F 13046
1483 AMIGO ALVAREZ Nehemias 06:09:27 V1H ASPTT VALENCE M 374 V1H 12840
1484 URREA Thomas 06:09:29 ESH - M 12 ESH 10392
1485 CODOGNOTTO Bertrand 06:09:30 SEM - M 779 SEH 11192
1486 URREA Pascal 06:09:32 V1H - M 375 V1H 10393
1487 SOLER Serge 06:09:34 V1H - M 376 V1H 12839
1488 PANTANO Nicolas 06:09:36 V1H - M 377 V1H 10348
1489 MARTINY Christian 06:09:39 V2H - M 115 V2H 12646
1490 MOLLARD Michel 06:09:44 V3H - M 15 V3H 10039
1491 CHABERT Franck 06:09:45 V2H - M 116 V2H 10515
1491 GIULIANI Arnaud 06:09:45 V1H - M 378 V1H 11306
1491 CHALIEUX Jerome 06:09:45 V1H - M 379 V1H 12450
1494 QUILICHINI Benoit 06:09:48 V1H - M 380 V1H 11105
1494 HIDRA Kader 06:09:48 V1H - M 381 V1H 11401
1494 BUVAT CHARBONNAY Celine 06:09:48 V1F - F 65 V1F 12451
1497 DOUVIER Valentin 06:09:51 SEM - M 780 SEH 11775
1498 BOIRET Dominique 06:10:01 V1H - M 382 V1H 10647
1499 FOEGET CRAQUELIN Elisabeth 06:10:04 V1F - F 66 V1F 11797
1500 ROY Gianni 06:10:06 V1H - M 383 V1H 10728
1500 JACQUET Flora 06:10:06 SEF - F 101 SEF 15766
1502 VONAU Philippe 06:10:07 V1H - M 384 V1H 10277
1502 CREPEY Jean luc 06:10:07 V2H - M 117 V2H 12385
1502 TOURNIER Caroline 06:10:07 SEF - F 102 SEF 15765
1505 MONNIER Adrien 06:10:10 SEM - M 781 SEH 11960
1506 HAELEWYN Anthony 06:10:11 V1H - M 385 V1H 10913
1507 VACHER Jean Pierre 06:10:14 V2H - M 118 V2H 7780
1507 FAILLET Stephane 06:10:14 SEM - M 782 SEH 12377
1509 JANER Marine 06:10:16 SEF CS TERNES PARIS OUEST F 103 SEF 11120
1510 ALARY Emmanuelle 06:10:18 V1F CS TERNES PARIS OUEST F 67 V1F 11033
1511 JEUNE Maud 06:10:22 SEF - F 104 SEF 12633
1511 ADGHAILI Lahcen 06:10:22 SEM - M 783 SEH 12686
1513 COUTANT Sebastien 06:10:24 SEM - M 784 SEH 10546
1514 RUET Bastien 06:10:35 SEM - M 785 SEH 11260
1515 LAVAUD Elsa 06:10:48 SEF - F 105 SEF 11576
1516 LEMOINE Lucie 06:10:49 SEF - F 106 SEF 11572
1517 BRUN Mathieu 06:10:50 V1H - M 386 V1H 11573
1518 CHOMEL DE VARAGNES Jerome 06:10:53 V1H - M 387 V1H 10042
1519 EPAILLY Richard 06:10:57 V1H - M 388 V1H 11373
1520 POUX Pierre 06:10:59 V3H - M 16 V3H 10811
1521 KUBAS Stephane 06:11:00 SEM - M 786 SEH 11392
1522 HANGARD Xavier 06:11:05 SEM - M 787 SEH 12140
1523 GESSAT Pascal 06:11:18 V1H - M 389 V1H 10691
1524 PLUTON Lea 06:11:20 SEF - F 107 SEF 12911
1525 BLANC Etienne 06:11:26 V1H - M 390 V1H 10230
1526 LAFONT Fabien 06:11:31 SEM - M 788 SEH 12854
1527 GRAIL Maxime 06:11:49 SEM - M 789 SEH 12261
1528 DEATHEAUGRUE Gael 06:11:50 SEM - M 790 SEH 11102
1529 GOUJON Yann 06:11:51 SEM - M 791 SEH 11167
1530 NOBLET Jean philippe 06:11:54 V1H - M 391 V1H 11245
1531 POUTRAIN Ludovic 06:12:10 V1H - M 392 V1H 11432
1532 MORFEUILLET Emmanuel 06:12:14 V1H - M 393 V1H 11889
1533 MARTIN Louis 06:12:19 V2H - M 119 V2H 12505
1534 COPPEL Marie 06:12:21 SEF - F 108 SEF 11591
1535 TUPIN Roland 06:12:22 V2H - M 120 V2H 11198
1536 CREVOLIN Sebastien 06:12:23 V1H - M 394 V1H 10052
1537 CAMPOLI Florent 06:12:26 SEM A SUD ARDECHE DROME M 792 SEH 11209
1537 BENEDETTI Angel 06:12:26 V1H - M 395 V1H 11839
1539 CAMPOLI Andre 06:12:28 V3H S/L UNION MONTELIMAR SPOR M 17 V3H 11210
1539 BENEDETTI Laetitia 06:12:28 V1F - F 68 V1F 11840
1541 BAILLY Christophe 06:12:34 V1H - M 396 V1H 12789
1542 VIVIEN Christophe 06:12:45 SEM - M 793 SEH 11876
1543 BOULAY Jb 06:12:54 SEM - M 794 SEH 10297
1544 MALIN Jonathan 06:12:55 SEM - M 795 SEH 10294
1545 GUENFOUD Salim 06:13:21 SEM - M 796 SEH 12512
1546 BONHOMME Alexandre 06:13:25 SEM - M 797 SEH 11262
1546 ZILBER Nadine 06:13:25 V1F - F 69 V1F 12786
1548 BRONDEX Elise 06:13:26 SEF - F 109 SEF 12965
1549 DARAS Charles henri 06:13:45 SEM - M 798 SEH 10349
1549 JARRY Berthille 06:13:45 SEF - F 110 SEF 10350
1551 THIVENT Damien 06:14:05 SEM - M 799 SEH 12154
1552 CAPUANO Lionel 06:14:13 SEM - M 800 SEH 10016
1553 CHAROLLAIS Aymeric 06:14:22 SEM - M 801 SEH 12017
1554 BUJALDON Sebastien 06:14:23 SEM - M 802 SEH 11870
1555 MONTET Marie pierre 06:14:26 V2F - F 27 V2F 11030
1556 JI Shiya 06:14:35 SEF - F 111 SEF 12642
1557 CORBILLON Christophe 06:14:36 V1H - M 397 V1H 11851
1558 CASSEZ Guillaume 06:14:41 SEM - M 803 SEH 11100
1559 SOOBBARAYEN Kevin 06:14:54 SEM - M 804 SEH 12987
1560 MARCHAND Anais 06:15:08 SEF - F 112 SEF 11985
1561 LE DORAN Xavier 06:15:15 SEM - M 805 SEH 10764
1562 BROSSIER Claude 06:15:26 V1H - M 398 V1H 11084
1563 RATHIER Romain 06:15:27 SEM - M 806 SEH 10375
1564 VANESSE Laurent 06:15:30 V1H HYERES RUNNING M 399 V1H 10436
1564 GRISEY Thierry 06:15:30 V2H - M 121 V2H 12722
1566 LEFORT Michel 06:15:35 V2H - M 122 V2H 12756
1567 BOURDELON Fabrice 06:15:39 V1H - M 400 V1H 463
1568 VAUCHAUSSADE Lucie 06:15:44 SEF - F 113 SEF 10381
1568 RIGOT MULLER Quentin 06:15:44 SEM - M 807 SEH 12517
1570 REBOLLO Emmanuel 06:15:55 V1H - M 401 V1H 10612
1571 HEROLD Nicolas 06:15:56 V2H - M 123 V2H 11104
1572 DANIEL Marin 06:16:00 SEM - M 808 SEH 11586
1573 MARCOS Olivier 06:16:05 V1H - M 402 V1H 11725
1574 KIEV VANN Jacques 06:16:06 SEM SALLANCHES PASSY AC M 809 SEH 12994
1575 MORAT Benjamin 06:16:12 SEM - M 810 SEH 10318
1576 MERAT Nicolas 06:16:14 SEM - M 811 SEH 12744
1577 MARIE Aurore 06:16:21 SEF - F 114 SEF 10461
1578 VERNE Nicolas 06:16:23 V1H - M 403 V1H 11479
1579 GRAVEL Emmanuel 06:16:34 V2H - M 124 V2H 11901
1580 LE HELLEY Franck 06:16:35 V1H - M 404 V1H 11238
1581 LE HELLEY Dominique 06:16:36 V2H ATHLETIC RIBOCORTIN SAVIN M 125 V2H 11247
1582 LIONEL Vernoux 06:16:37 V2H - M 126 V2H 11961
1583 CHAMBON Herve 06:16:38 V1H - M 405 V1H 12559
1584 POUCHET Jeremie 06:16:55 SEM - M 812 SEH 11832
1585 DUBOURG Magali 06:17:10 V1F - F 70 V1F 12970
1586 CUZIN Stephane 06:17:13 V1H - M 406 V1H 12291
1587 WATANABE Riko 06:17:23 V2F - F 28 V2F 10086
1588 CLUET Pascal 06:17:24 V2H - M 127 V2H 10093
1589 MICHEL Cassandre 06:17:27 SEF - F 115 SEF 10698
1590 PILLIERE Remy 06:17:28 V2H STADE FRANCAIS (PARIS) M 128 V2H 10697
1591 BOUGUERROUMA Hjila 06:17:30 V1F - F 71 V1F 13039
1592 JEROME Sylvain 06:17:34 SEM - M 813 SEH 10072
1593 DUBOIS Christophe 06:17:45 V1H - M 407 V1H 11207
1594 VERICEL Jean 06:17:55 V4H - M 1 V4H 12536
1595 FROVO Anne sophie 06:17:58 SEF - F 116 SEF 10520
1595 BOURGEOIS Loic 06:17:58 SEM - M 814 SEH 11244
1597 REY HUET Morane 06:17:59 SEM - M 815 SEH 11568
1597 WACK Jules 06:17:59 ESH - M 13 ESH 11582
1599 NAMBOTIN Jean michel 06:18:06 V2H CAB BELLEGARDIEN M 129 V2H 12213
1600 CINQUIN Jean marc 06:18:08 V1H - M 408 V1H 12196
1601 LAMBLING Paul 06:18:13 SEM - M 816 SEH 11045
1602 FERTEY Jean baptiste 06:18:14 SEM - M 817 SEH 10904
1603 QUENTIN Lise 06:18:15 SEF - F 117 SEF 11819
1604 LE MOIGN Thibaud 06:18:17 SEM - M 818 SEH 11818
1605 CHAVANT Jeremy 06:18:19 SEM - M 819 SEH 12338
1606 RAFFAT Elodie 06:18:20 SEF - F 118 SEF 12725
1607 BERTHIER Alexandros 06:18:25 V1H - M 409 V1H 10293
1608 VILLEZ Matthieu 06:18:28 V2H - M 130 V2H 12548
1609 BELHOMME Ludovic 06:18:33 V2H - M 131 V2H 12458
1610 GIRIN Michele 06:18:34 SEF - F 119 SEF 10132
1611 BRET MOREL Rene 06:18:38 V2H - M 132 V2H 11855
1612 ZAHRI Hassan 06:18:51 V2H - M 133 V2H 10485
1612 PONCHE Julien 06:18:51 SEM - M 820 SEH 11423
1612 HAESSLEIN Jean luc 06:18:51 V2H - M 134 V2H 11750
1615 MARTIN Michel 06:18:59 V2H - M 135 V2H 10909
1616 LEMARCHAND Pierre 06:19:07 SEM - M 821 SEH 11171
1616 RIEUL Laurent 06:19:07 SEM - M 822 SEH 11172
1618 PERROTIN Cedric 06:19:08 SEM - M 823 SEH 10211
1618 PLANTAIN Pierre 06:19:08 SEM - M 824 SEH 11170
1618 RAFFIN Yannick 06:19:08 SEM - M 825 SEH 11173
1618 PLANTAIN Fx 06:19:08 SEM - M 826 SEH 11175
1618 LETOURNEUR Guillaume 06:19:08 SEM - M 827 SEH 11604
1618 RESSY Alexis 06:19:08 SEM - M 828 SEH 11968
1624 GATEFAIT Veronique 06:19:14 V1F - F 72 V1F 11560
1625 PONSONNET Frederic 06:19:28 SEM - M 829 SEH 10654
1626 LACOSTE Emilien 06:19:31 SEM - M 830 SEH 10709
1627 AUVRAY Stephane 06:19:40 V1H - M 410 V1H 12195
1628 KOCH Frederic 06:19:44 V1H - M 411 V1H 11861
1628 KOCH Nathalie 06:19:44 V1F - F 73 V1F 11862
1630 FeLIX Fred 06:19:49 V1H - M 412 V1H 12636
1631 MOUCHON Remy 06:19:51 SEM - M 831 SEH 11608
1632 DENIZET Jean michel 06:20:04 V2H - M 136 V2H 12572
1633 VeRONIQUE Julita 06:20:06 V1F - F 74 V1F 11000
1633 SeBASTIEN Julita 06:20:06 V1H - M 413 V1H 11001
1635 PROUX Gerald 06:20:07 V2H - M 137 V2H 11602
1635 PROUX Isabelle 06:20:07 V2F - F 29 V2F 11603
1637 LE GALL Patrick 06:20:09 V2H - M 138 V2H 12240
1638 CLUZET Alain 06:20:11 V2H - M 139 V2H 12239
1639 MOLLARD Felix 06:20:16 SEM - M 832 SEH 10040
1640 CAUGNON Sebastien 06:20:19 SEM - M 833 SEH 10490
1641 EDDY Fayard 06:20:20 SEM - M 834 SEH 10396
1642 BUISSON Philippe 06:20:27 V2H - M 140 V2H 10483
1643 SENECHAL Marie christine 06:20:34 V2F - F 30 V2F 11038
1644 LOiC Tytgat 06:20:43 SEM - M 835 SEH 10800
1645 LEGOUET Cedric 06:21:12 SEM XVe ATHLETIC CLUB M 836 SEH 10069
1646 CLAPIT Florian 06:21:20 SEM - M 837 SEH 12027
1647 MOUCHE Sebastien 06:21:21 SEM - M 838 SEH 10620
1648 DI MAYO Noemie 06:21:31 SEF - F 120 SEF 11296
1649 ARCIS Alexandra 06:21:32 SEF - F 121 SEF 11295
1650 ESCHALIER Sophie 06:21:33 SEF - F 122 SEF 12327
1651 ECKL Florent 06:21:43 ESH - M 14 ESH 11571
1651 BERNARD Pascal 06:21:43 V1H - M 414 V1H 12822
1653 LAURENT Guillaume 06:21:48 V1H UA MAURIENNE (ST JEAN) M 415 V1H 12158
1654 KOTT Caroline 06:21:50 SEF CS TERNES PARIS OUEST F 123 SEF 11183
1655 MOULIN Elodie 06:21:51 SEF CS TERNES PARIS OUEST F 124 SEF 11271
1656 DAVID Beheng 06:21:54 SEM - M 839 SEH 12314
1657 POY TARDIEU Catherine 06:21:59 V1F - F 75 V1F 12506
1658 BRUNIER Pierre 06:22:04 V1H - M 416 V1H 12010
1659 WEICHELDINGER Ludmila 06:22:05 V1F - F 76 V1F 11871
1660 PETZL Paul 06:22:06 V3H - M 18 V3H 10001
1660 RAIMOND Patrick 06:22:06 V2H - M 141 V2H 12551
1662 PEYROL Frederic 06:22:11 V1H - M 417 V1H 11283
1662 DENIS Ivanhoe 06:22:11 SEM - M 840 SEH 12691
1664 CLERMIDY Regis 06:22:13 V1H - M 418 V1H 13078
1665 PROSSAIRD Damien 06:22:17 SEM - M 841 SEH 12806
1666 MADRIGNAC Francis 06:22:20 V3H - M 19 V3H 12278
1667 MARTY Jeremy 06:22:22 SEM - M 842 SEH 12918
1668 VEDEL Vincent 06:22:23 V1H LYON SPORT METROPOLE JOGG M 419 V1H 12669
1669 MILIONI Franck 06:22:24 V1H LYON SPORT METROPOLE JOGG M 420 V1H 12668
1670 DIRACCA Elisabeth 06:22:27 V2F - F 31 V2F 13074
1671 ROULEAU Lionel 06:22:34 SEM - M 843 SEH 13079
1672 ROCHE Anthony 06:22:37 SEM - M 844 SEH 11498
1672 LAGARDE Jerome 06:22:37 SEM - M 845 SEH 12085
1674 BOUTAGHANE Julien 06:22:40 SEM - M 846 SEH 11755
1675 DEIANA Clelia 06:22:43 SEF - F 125 SEF 11083
1676 LEFAIX Damien 06:22:46 SEM - M 847 SEH 11113
1677 JAN Yannick 06:22:48 SEM - M 848 SEH 12910
1678 VELIEN Jean jacques 06:22:52 V2H - M 142 V2H 11937
1679 BOUTELDJA Farid 06:22:53 V1H - M 421 V1H 10470
1680 TAAM David 06:23:18 V1H - M 422 V1H 11108
1681 DECHANOZ Bernard 06:23:21 V3H - M 20 V3H 10373
1682 GOUJON Alexis 06:23:26 V1H - M 423 V1H 10584
1683 FRANCK Guillaume 06:23:29 V1H - M 424 V1H 12547
1684 PASCAL SUISSE Jean michel 06:23:31 V1H - M 425 V1H 10790
1684 SCATURRO Olivier 06:23:31 SEM - M 849 SEH 11214
1686 BARTH Werner 06:23:32 V1H EA ROMANS BOURG DE PEAGE M 426 V1H 11397
1687 BARTH Marie helene 06:23:33 V1F - F 77 V1F 11398
1688 THIOLLIER Jerome 06:23:43 SEM - M 850 SEH 10043
1688 BOUDIGOU Emmanuel 06:23:43 V2H - M 143 V2H 12357
1690 MIRAT Manuel 06:23:45 SEM - M 851 SEH 10068
1691 PIERRE Florian 06:23:46 SEM - M 852 SEH 10070
1692 OLIVERES Sophie 06:23:49 V1F - F 78 V1F 11459
1693 GOIFFON Jean christophe 06:23:58 SEM - M 853 SEH 12352
1694 ARENE Alexandrine 06:24:07 SEF - F 126 SEF 10079
1695 TURPIN Julie 06:24:08 SEF - F 127 SEF 10328
1696 CABROL Frederic 06:24:12 V1H - M 427 V1H 10726
1697 TRABER Pierre 06:24:19 V2H - M 144 V2H 12585
1698 BOILEAU Philippe 06:24:23 V1H - M 428 V1H 12408
1699 SCELLIER Sylvia 06:24:25 V1F - F 79 V1F 10641
1699 CHAUMAZ Alice 06:24:25 SEF - F 128 SEF 11513
1699 VIDAUD Christophe 06:24:25 SEM - M 854 SEH 12393
1702 ROUSSEL Luc 06:24:26 V1H - M 429 V1H 10627
1703 DUCASSE Philippe 06:24:28 V3H - M 21 V3H 10621
1704 NEVEU Antoine 06:24:30 SEM - M 855 SEH 12365
1704 LAURENT Solene 06:24:30 SEF - F 129 SEF 12366
1706 LE DALLOUR Arnaud 06:24:32 SEM - M 856 SEH 11579
1707 JACQUEMIN Guillaume 06:24:38 SEM - M 857 SEH 12483
1708 BURONFOSSE Antoine 06:24:46 SEM - M 858 SEH 10309
1709 SENTENAC Mathieu 06:24:55 SEM - M 859 SEH 10770
1710 CORNILLON Pierre 06:25:01 SEM - M 860 SEH 10753
1711 MONTEIRO Maria 06:25:02 V2F - F 32 V2F 6117
1712 CORNILLON Damien 06:25:03 SEM - M 861 SEH 10743
1712 CORNILLON Gilbert 06:25:03 V2H - M 145 V2H 10744
1714 DE OLIVEIRA Julien 06:25:04 SEM CORBAS RUNNING M 862 SEH 10207
1715 JOASSARD Pierre 06:25:05 SEM FAC ANDREZIEUX M 863 SEH 10541
1716 DUPEYRON Alban 06:25:07 SEM - M 864 SEH 10544
1717 GIBERT Romain 06:25:11 SEM - M 865 SEH 11287
1717 ABELLARD Olivier 06:25:11 V2H - M 146 V2H 11594
1719 TEXIER Matthieu 06:25:15 SEM - M 866 SEH 10531
1720 BIR Sabrina 06:25:23 SEF - F 130 SEF 10258
1721 MARTEL Cyrille 06:25:25 SEM - M 867 SEH 10278
1722 VILAPLANA Remi 06:25:35 SEM - M 868 SEH 11848
1722 PERRET Marlene 06:25:35 V1F - F 80 V1F 11849
1724 USEO Romain 06:25:36 SEM - M 869 SEH 10237
1725 DE BUFALA Ines 06:25:49 SEF - F 131 SEF 12998
1726 DURNERIN Jerome 06:25:51 SEM - M 870 SEH 10097
1726 OUTREQUIN Damien 06:25:51 SEM - M 871 SEH 10121
1728 LEBUGLE Mathieu 06:25:53 SEM - M 872 SEH 10100
1729 REMI Noyez 06:26:02 SEM - M 873 SEH 11324
1729 TERRAZ Raphael 06:26:02 SEM - M 874 SEH 12564
1731 DAVOINE Nicolas 06:26:03 SEM - M 875 SEH 12565
1732 HEMMI Bertrand 06:26:10 SEM - M 876 SEH 11314
1733 BROSTIN Pascal 06:26:15 V1H - M 430 V1H 11165
1734 COUDOUR Herve 06:26:27 V2H - M 147 V2H 12504
1735 CONTANT Lionel 06:26:29 SEM - M 877 SEH 12851
1736 JAMMOT Pascale 06:26:42 V2F - F 33 V2F 12356
1737 JAMMOT Guillaume 06:26:43 SEM - M 878 SEH 12355
1738 BORDAT Sarah 06:26:50 V1F - F 81 V1F 9762
1739 RUBIN Jacques 06:26:53 V2H ROCHEFORT SPORT ATHLETISM M 148 V2H 12192
1740 BLONDY Christophe 06:26:59 V1H - M 431 V1H 10129
1741 DADDARIO Nathalie 06:27:20 V1F - F 82 V1F 12397
1742 MALATIER Franck 06:27:25 V1H - M 432 V1H 11429
1742 RENBORN Jan 06:27:25 V2H - M 149 V2H 11847
1744 DEVORSINE Christine 06:27:29 V2F EFS REIMS A. F 34 V2F 12468
1745 VERNOUX Anthony 06:27:32 V1H - M 433 V1H 11762
1746 LESENNE Mathieu 06:27:40 SEM - M 879 SEH 11885
1747 RIBEYROLLES Sylvie 06:27:50 V1F - F 83 V1F 11962
1748 FEUGUEUR Elsa 06:27:51 SEF ATHLETIC COEUR DE FOND F 132 SEF 10644
1748 RIBEYROLLES Frederic 06:27:51 V1H - M 434 V1H 11963
1748 TABURET Nicolas 06:27:51 V1H - M 435 V1H 12065
1751 CHAMAILLE Magali 06:27:52 SEF - F 133 SEF 10645
1752 BOILLEY Elise 06:28:00 SEF - F 134 SEF 11062
1753 THIERY Eugenie 06:28:05 SEF - F 135 SEF 10888
1754 GAeTAN Jean francois 06:28:06 SEM CO SAVIGNY SUR ORGE M 880 SEH 10887
1755 COLLET Xavier 06:28:15 SEM - M 881 SEH 11195
1756 CONIL Christian 06:28:31 V2H ROCHEFORT SPORT ATHLETISM M 150 V2H 12197
1757 AIKPA Mickael 06:28:36 SEM - M 882 SEH 12300
1758 MALLO Ludovic 06:28:41 V1H - M 436 V1H 10333
1758 GAY Germain 06:28:41 SEM - M 883 SEH 10752
1760 PLANTAMURA Jerome 06:28:45 SEM CHAMPIONNET SPORTS M 884 SEH 11337
1760 DE BOUDARD PIERRE Martin 06:28:45 SEM - M 885 SEH 11975
1762 LASEURE Philippe 06:28:46 V2H - M 151 V2H 11974
1763 PIRET Jean 06:29:02 ESH - M 15 ESH 12178
1764 BROSSE Nadia 06:29:09 SEF - F 136 SEF 12045
1765 MATHONNET Thierry 06:29:12 V3H - M 22 V3H 11388
1766 DAOUST Fanny 06:29:18 SEF - F 137 SEF 10562
1767 CROZIER Maxime 06:29:24 SEM - M 886 SEH 12695
1768 CHAUSSET Jeremi 06:29:33 SEM - M 887 SEH 10194
1769 BOIVIN Pierre 06:29:39 SEM - M 888 SEH 10763
1770 STELLA Patrick 06:29:54 V2H - M 152 V2H 10957
1771 SZATMARI Andras 06:30:00 SEM - M 889 SEH 11090
1772 BONNAMOUR Edouard 06:30:04 SEM - M 890 SEH 12299
1773 SAUVe IRANZO SALAS Victoria 06:30:06 V2F - F 35 V2F 11369
1774 LETERME Marie jose 06:30:08 V3F S/L CLUB SPORTIF DE BETTO F 2 V3F 10940
1775 LE FUR Gilles 06:30:14 V2H - M 153 V2H 12210
1776 GRANJOUAN Aurelie 06:30:23 SEF - F 138 SEF 11759
1776 RIVORY Gerard 06:30:23 V3H - M 23 V3H 12319
1778 LE NY Alain 06:30:24 V3H SC ORVAULT M 24 V3H 12601
1779 GERBOUD Maxime 06:30:41 SEM - M 891 SEH 12791
1780 GRATALOUP Gilbert 06:30:44 V2H - M 154 V2H 12660
1781 POITOU Vincent 06:30:46 V1H LYON SPORT METROPOLE JOGG M 437 V1H 12705
1782 POITOU Veronique 06:30:48 V2F LYON SPORT METROPOLE JOGG F 36 V2F 12667
1783 CHAUVIERE Etienne 06:31:00 SEM - M 892 SEH 12348
1784 LE GUEN Sebastien 06:31:32 V1H - M 438 V1H 11714
1785 NICOLET Bertrand 06:31:33 V1H - M 439 V1H 11706
1786 THOMAS Jean yves 06:31:38 V1H - M 440 V1H 10919
1787 CEDRIC Manus 06:31:48 V1H - M 441 V1H 11055
1788 DECOUT Berangere 06:31:49 SEF - F 139 SEF 13067
1789 MONIER Gerald 06:31:52 SEM - M 893 SEH 11333
1790 DYBDAHL Sigbjorn 06:32:10 SEM - M 894 SEH 11343
1791 BALLOT Regis 06:32:25 V2H - M 155 V2H 10802
1792 MAURIN Olga 06:32:39 SEF - F 140 SEF 11341
1793 COLLONGE Thierry 06:32:41 V2H - M 156 V2H 10956
1794 TRUMEAU Frederique 06:32:46 V1F - F 84 V1F 12975
1795 COULANGEON Marc 06:32:58 SEM - M 895 SEH 12208
1796 CORNUEL Severine 06:33:10 V1F - F 85 V1F 11789
1797 BARRIOL Karine 06:33:13 SEF - F 141 SEF 11166
1797 REBEYROL Pierre 06:33:13 V1H - M 442 V1H 11367
1799 REBEYROL Philippe 06:33:14 V1H - M 443 V1H 11360
1800 OKAZ Alexandre 06:33:28 SEM - M 896 SEH 11981
1801 AUDINET France 06:33:29 SEF - F 142 SEF 10797
1801 RACHEL Chatellard 06:33:29 SEF - F 143 SEF 11980
1803 MOROT Denis 06:33:31 ESH - M 16 ESH 12186
1804 AUDIBERT Renee pierre 06:33:45 V1F - F 86 V1F 11417
1804 HOUTZAGER Diana 06:33:45 V1F - F 87 V1F 11482
1806 BENEY Gilles 06:33:54 V1H - M 444 V1H 10865
1806 JIMENEZ Olivier 06:33:54 V1H - M 445 V1H 10911
1808 BOLET Alexandre 06:33:56 SEM - M 897 SEH 12042
1809 REY Sebastien 06:33:59 SEM - M 898 SEH 11746
1810 REY LINDEPERG Laetitia 06:34:01 SEF - F 144 SEF 11747
1811 DIEBOLD Guillaume 06:34:02 SEM - M 899 SEH 10660
1812 PONCHIE Chrystel 06:34:06 V1F - F 88 V1F 10958
1813 LELIEVRE Patrick 06:34:07 V1H - M 446 V1H 10429
1814 QUERLIOZ Christele 06:34:09 SEF - F 145 SEF 11549
1815 PETZL Olivier 06:34:14 SEM - M 900 SEH 12168
1815 BORTOLOTTI Raphael 06:34:14 V1H - M 447 V1H 12328
1817 GAUDIN Olivier 06:34:36 V1H - M 448 V1H 13036
1818 PETITO Julien 06:34:37 SEM - M 901 SEH 10590
1819 GOUAILLE Martial 06:34:38 V1H LYON SPORT METROPOLE JOGG M 449 V1H 10159
1819 SKORA Mickael 06:34:38 SEM - M 902 SEH 12484
1821 BLANC Olivier 06:34:39 V1H - M 450 V1H 10417
1822 DUFOUR Franck 06:34:40 V1H - M 451 V1H 10416
1823 SILVA William 06:34:41 SEM - M 903 SEH 10704
1824 MACKOUMBOU Guillaume 06:34:42 V2H - M 157 V2H 10555
1825 LAPIERE Christian 06:34:51 V4H - M 2 V4H 10432
1826 COHELEACH Seabstien 06:34:53 V1H - M 452 V1H 11983
1826 SEGUE Remi 06:34:53 SEM - M 904 SEH 13060
1828 FRAISSE Frederic 06:34:54 V1H - M 453 V1H 10415
1829 DE PARISOT Olivier 06:34:56 V2H - M 158 V2H 10928
1830 GONOD Beranger 06:35:00 SEM - M 905 SEH 12658
1831 OLIVER Jean luc 06:35:05 V2H - M 159 V2H 10213
1832 STORI MAILLET Catherine 06:35:12 V1F - F 89 V1F 10883
1833 GIAUME BONNET Melanie 06:35:14 SEF - F 146 SEF 11984
1834 ROUSSEL Jerome 06:35:15 V1H - M 454 V1H 10480
1834 TIXIER Gregory 06:35:15 SEM - M 906 SEH 12886
1836 DAOUD Sabrina 06:35:16 SEF - F 147 SEF 10882
1837 MOUSSU Stephane 06:35:17 V1H - M 455 V1H 10435
1837 CLAVEL Anna 06:35:17 SEF - F 148 SEF 12885
1839 GRENIER Boris 06:35:28 V1H S/L EA TAIN TOURNON M 456 V1H 11651
1840 BOUCHARD Patrick 06:35:44 V2H - M 160 V2H 11977
1840 BOUCHARD Catherine 06:35:44 V2F - F 37 V2F 11978
1840 SALEZ Jeanlou 06:35:44 V2H - M 161 V2H 12296
1843 GUILLAUMOND Stephane 06:35:45 V1H - M 457 V1H 12111
1844 PAUL Fabrice 06:35:51 V2H - M 162 V2H 11453
1844 FILLARDET Fabrice 06:35:51 V2H - M 163 V2H 11454
1846 ROLLIN Eric 06:35:53 V2H - M 164 V2H 12955
1847 CROZIER Theophile 06:36:05 SEM - M 907 SEH 10675
1847 RIBOULET Ludovic 06:36:05 V1H - M 458 V1H 10732
1849 JAEGER Alexandre 06:36:06 SEM - M 908 SEH 5584
1850 RODRIGUEZ Bernard 06:36:07 V2H - M 165 V2H 10506
1851 LELONG Luc 06:36:09 V2H - M 166 V2H 12307
1851 ALLEGAERT Wouter 06:36:09 SEM - M 909 SEH 15730
1853 FOLTRAN Lisa 06:36:13 V1F - F 90 V1F 10024
1854 HENRY Estelle 06:36:22 SEF - F 149 SEF 11142
1855 LARAMAS Carole 06:36:23 SEF - F 150 SEF 11561
1856 CONSIGLIO Manuel 06:36:25 V1H - M 459 V1H 11143
1857 FAUGIER Maxime 06:36:33 SEM - M 910 SEH 10155
1858 BRELY Stephane 06:36:39 V1H - M 460 V1H 10269
1859 VILAPLANA Pascal 06:36:51 SEM - M 911 SEH 11943
1860 SANDRAZ Eric 06:36:53 V1H - M 461 V1H 11670
1861 CARDINAL Thomas 06:37:00 SEM - M 912 SEH 10760
1862 TREILLEUX Christophe 06:37:04 V2H - M 167 V2H 12336
1863 BELLEPEAU Stephane 06:37:05 V1H - M 462 V1H 12354
1864 MAZZA Georges 06:37:11 V4H - M 3 V4H 13062
1865 GAILLARD Olivier 06:37:12 SEM - M 913 SEH 12060
1866 BONY Fabien 06:37:13 SEM - M 914 SEH 12084
1867 BOSKIN Boris 06:37:14 SEM ENTENTE ATHLETIQUE DE L'A M 915 SEH 8637
1868 ATHANAZE Martial 06:37:26 V2H - M 168 V2H 10594
1869 PERRIN Didier 06:37:27 V2H - M 169 V2H 10593
1870 KARA ALI Celine 06:37:39 SEF - F 151 SEF 12683
1871 MOUQUIN Romain 06:37:43 SEM - M 916 SEH 11081
1872 MOUQUIN Olivier 06:37:49 SEM - M 917 SEH 11372
1873 PELAZ Pascal 06:37:59 V2H - M 170 V2H 12578
1874 CHASSON Maxime 06:38:09 SEM - M 918 SEH 11588
1875 AUTHIER Laurent 06:38:10 V1H - M 463 V1H 11085
1876 ZAZA Laurence 06:38:12 V1F - F 91 V1F 10560
1877 PERIER Cendrine 06:38:13 V1F S/L AL VOIRON F 92 V1F 10561
1878 SIMON Thomas 06:38:22 V1H - M 464 V1H 10176
1878 CROTTI Gregor 06:38:22 V1H - M 465 V1H 11911
1880 DARGENT Magali 06:38:27 V2F S/L AL VOIRON F 38 V2F 10559
1881 GRAYEL Laurent 06:38:28 SEM - M 919 SEH 10731
1882 VACHER David 06:38:29 SEM - M 920 SEH 11768
1883 CALLIGARO Clement 06:38:40 SEM - M 921 SEH 11189
1884 BLEIN Emmanuelle 06:38:45 V1F - F 93 V1F 10979
1885 VERMOREL Bertrand 06:38:47 V2H - M 171 V2H 11912
1886 MARCE Christelle 06:38:48 V1F ANNONAY JOGGING CLUB F 94 V1F 12254
1887 BOBICHON Maryline 06:38:49 SEF E A RHONE VERCORS 26 07 F 152 SEF 11412
1888 GENIN Pierre 06:38:57 SEM - M 922 SEH 11050
1889 STEPHANIE Gavet 06:38:58 V1F - F 95 V1F 10781
1889 BLETTNER Christel 06:38:58 V1F - F 96 V1F 10803
1891 COLLIAT Stephane 06:38:59 V1H - M 466 V1H 12245
1892 MAURY Mickael 06:39:00 SEM - M 923 SEH 11186
1893 BONNISSENT Jeremie 06:39:04 SEM - M 924 SEH 11982
1894 ROUY Julien 06:39:05 SEM - M 925 SEH 12370
1895 RAYNAUD Julien 06:39:07 SEM - M 926 SEH 12313
1896 BARBIER Philippe 06:39:25 V1H - M 467 V1H 12661
1897 LABRANQUE Laurence 06:39:37 SEF - F 153 SEF 12163
1897 FLATTIN Alain 06:39:37 V1H - M 468 V1H 13075
1899 COLOMBET Bastien 06:39:41 SEM - M 927 SEH 12038
1900 VESSILLER Catherine 06:39:54 V1F - F 97 V1F 11678
1900 MAUGOUST Luc 06:39:54 SEM - M 928 SEH 11688
1902 SILVAIN Isabelle 06:39:55 V1F - F 98 V1F 10400
1903 BOGAERT Jennifer 06:40:04 SEF - F 154 SEF 11068
1904 MARQUAT Leila 06:40:08 V3F - F 3 V3F 11838
1905 ALPHONSINE Carine 06:40:16 V1F - F 99 V1F 11468
1906 BOURCEREAU Franck 06:40:35 V1H - M 469 V1H 11679
1907 LAPIERE Marie 06:40:39 V3F - F 4 V3F 10352
1908 BRELY Joel 06:40:41 V3H - M 25 V3H 10353
1909 DROUX Fabien 06:40:58 V1H - M 470 V1H 11176
1910 GORAND Mikael 06:40:59 SEM - M 929 SEH 11162
1911 GEROUDET Pierre 06:41:05 V1H - M 471 V1H 11505
1912 TABOULOT Pierre 06:41:06 SEM - M 930 SEH 10232
1913 TABOULOT Hubert 06:41:07 V3H - M 26 V3H 10235
1913 CASEAU Gregory 06:41:07 V1H - M 472 V1H 12759
1915 DANGLES FAURE Martin 06:41:15 SEM - M 931 SEH 10151
1916 GILLET Philippe 06:41:27 SEM - M 932 SEH 12043
1917 POLLET Alexis 06:41:39 SEM - M 933 SEH 12487
1918 BEN SOUSSAN Richard 06:41:41 SEM - M 934 SEH 11252
1919 TRESSE Romain 06:41:52 SEM - M 935 SEH 12219
1920 FAHIM Naim 06:41:54 SEM - M 936 SEH 12462
1921 BUFFARD Nathalie 06:41:59 V1F AMBERIEU MARATHON F 100 V1F 12945
1922 GAUBICHER Frederic 06:42:10 V1H - M 473 V1H 10048
1923 GAUBICHER Guillaume 06:42:11 SEM - M 937 SEH 10022
1924 FILLEAU Gilles 06:42:12 SEM - M 938 SEH 12251
1925 CHARRON Loic 06:42:16 SEM - M 939 SEH 12989
1926 SOLER Frederic 06:42:25 V1H - M 474 V1H 10266
1927 JOURDAIN Christophe 06:42:41 V1H - M 475 V1H 10457
1927 DUVAUT Rodolphe 06:42:41 SEM - M 940 SEH 12333
1929 LEVAVASSEUR Eric 06:42:42 V2H - M 172 V2H 10486
1930 GIRAUD Rodolphe 06:42:43 V1H - M 476 V1H 10197
1930 VIGIER Stephane 06:42:43 V1H - M 477 V1H 10458
1932 MICHALON Amelie 06:42:46 SEF - F 155 SEF 10407
1933 AVRIL Anne sophie 06:42:48 SEF - F 156 SEF 11553
1933 DESPAX Celine 06:42:48 SEF S/L AC HAUTE VILAINE F 157 SEF 11556
1935 PERRIN Serge 06:42:58 V2H - M 173 V2H 13040
1936 BARBIERO Cedric 06:43:04 SEM - M 941 SEH 11289
1937 BERTHELOT Eric 06:43:10 V2H - M 174 V2H 10268
1937 QUENTIN Frederic 06:43:10 V2H - M 175 V2H 10739
1937 PERDIGONES David 06:43:10 V1H - M 478 V1H 11692
1940 PARNET Sylvain 06:43:11 SEM - M 942 SEH 10395
1941 BORNAND Thierry 06:43:15 SEM - M 943 SEH 11178
1942 CAPEL Cyril 06:43:17 SEM - M 944 SEH 11693
1943 ACKER Christiane 06:43:34 V2F - F 39 V2F 10814
1943 ACKER Jose 06:43:34 V2H - M 176 V2H 12522
1945 VITSE Hyacinthe 06:43:45 SEM - M 945 SEH 10366
1946 RAOULT Benjamin 06:43:47 SEM - M 946 SEH 11955
1947 LAMALLE Eugenie 06:43:51 V1F - F 101 V1F 12207
1948 COPCHARD Laurent 06:43:53 SEM - M 947 SEH 10454
1949 ORTEGA Nicolas 06:44:09 SEM - M 948 SEH 12805
1950 CLERE Christophe 06:44:11 V1H - M 479 V1H 10338
1951 CHEVALLEY Severine 06:44:12 SEF - F 158 SEF 10988
1952 BARNIER Laurent 06:44:36 SEM - M 949 SEH 11716
1953 BESSAYE Cedric 06:45:06 SEM - M 950 SEH 12724
1954 MULTIER Gael 06:45:16 SEM - M 951 SEH 11798
1955 WORETH Evelyne 06:45:22 V1F CHAMONIX MONT BLANC MARAT F 102 V1F 12431
1955 COURTADON Celia 06:45:22 V1F LYON SPORT METROPOLE JOGG F 103 V1F 12670
1957 POINAS Benoit 06:45:25 SEM - M 952 SEH 10343
1958 GIRERD Maxence 06:45:36 SEM - M 953 SEH 12680
1959 OBERT Alexander 06:45:54 SEM - M 954 SEH 11701
1960 CHAMPAINNE Jean marie 06:45:57 V1H - M 480 V1H 12502
1960 AMARNIER Christophe 06:45:57 V1H - M 481 V1H 12518
1962 DURAND Emmanuel 06:46:00 V2H - M 177 V2H 10123
1963 DAVID Eloi 06:46:06 SEM - M 955 SEH 12599
1964 VALLAT Jean pierre 06:46:21 SEM - M 956 SEH 10669
1965 DOLMADJIAN Fabrice 06:46:25 V1H - M 482 V1H 10511
1966 LACROIX Sandrine 06:46:32 V1F - F 104 V1F 12152
1967 PIERREL Francois 06:46:50 V2H - M 178 V2H 11852
1968 CHAPON Marc 06:46:54 SEM - M 957 SEH 12916
1969 MARCEL Jacques 06:47:05 V3H AS IBM LYON M 27 V3H 11282
1970 MIGNOT Cyrille 06:47:13 V1H - M 483 V1H 12289
1971 BOLZE Suzanne 06:47:14 V1F - F 105 V1F 10270
1972 LIAUT Aurelien 06:47:23 SEM - M 958 SEH 11501
1972 LE DEIT Nicolas 06:47:23 V1H - M 484 V1H 12241
1974 MARESCAL Maryline 06:47:28 V1F - F 106 V1F 11158
1975 LERAY Eva 06:47:32 SEF - F 159 SEF 11698
1976 OUILLON Christian 06:47:34 SEM - M 959 SEH 10858
1977 MARTIN Pascal 06:47:51 V1H - M 485 V1H 12852
1978 THEVENON Julien 06:47:52 SEM - M 960 SEH 10567
1979 ADAM Michel 06:47:54 V2H - M 179 V2H 12556
1980 LENCZIKI Michael 06:48:15 V1H - M 486 V1H 11019
1981 CHHOM Phyrom 06:48:24 V1H - M 487 V1H 11418
1982 CHANAL Michel 06:48:27 V1H - M 488 V1H 12337
1983 VINSON Julien 06:48:54 SEM - M 961 SEH 11026
1984 LAFOND Benoit 06:49:06 SEM - M 962 SEH 11525
1985 BUFFERNE Gregory 06:49:14 SEM - M 963 SEH 12843
1986 DI LUZIO Stephane 06:49:29 V1H - M 489 V1H 12861
1987 PAIN Guillaume 06:49:32 V1H - M 490 V1H 10808
1988 HUGUES Francois 06:49:33 V1H - M 491 V1H 10810
1988 DUC Olivier 06:49:33 V1H - M 492 V1H 10926
1988 FLORY Benoit 06:49:33 V1H - M 493 V1H 11444
1991 SARDAINE Gael 06:49:37 SEM - M 964 SEH 11957
1991 METAYER Arthur 06:49:37 SEM - M 965 SEH 11966
1991 BEAUBOUCHEZ Alain 06:49:37 V1H - M 494 V1H 12101
1994 DEVAUX GRIFFON Gaelle 06:49:38 V1F - F 107 V1F 12682
1995 ANDINE Romain 06:49:44 V1H - M 495 V1H 12779
1996 VINAS Jerome 06:49:55 SEM - M 966 SEH 10591
1996 GIRAUD Jeremie 06:49:55 SEM - M 967 SEH 10592
1998 COUTTET Nicolas 06:50:00 SEM - M 968 SEH 10514
1998 DURAN Sophie 06:50:00 SEF - F 160 SEF 11712
2000 HENRY David 06:50:01 SEM - M 969 SEH 11264
2001 GABY Monod 06:50:03 SEM - M 970 SEH 11713
2002 GUIO David 06:50:04 V1H - M 496 V1H 10498
2003 OGER Pascal 06:50:42 V2H - M 180 V2H 10686
2004 BENOIT Cecile 06:50:45 V1F - F 108 V1F 10596
2005 TERME Ruben 06:50:47 SEM - M 971 SEH 12180
2006 PERIER Gauthier 06:50:48 SEM - M 972 SEH 12179
2007 ANTHONIOZ David 06:51:07 V1H - M 497 V1H 12364
2008 MEIER Olivier 06:51:08 V1H - M 498 V1H 12019
2009 DERIOL QUERAT Laura geraldine 06:51:35 SEF - F 161 SEF 10424
2010 ANTONIO Frau 06:51:37 V2H - M 181 V2H 10223
2011 ROUVIER Laurence 06:51:38 V1F - F 109 V1F 10045
2011 VIALLET Christelle 06:51:38 V1F - F 110 V1F 10323
2011 FASILLEAU Dominique 06:51:38 V2H - M 182 V2H 11303
2014 LECHON Arnaud 06:51:40 V1H - M 499 V1H 11545
2015 BOSLAND Natacha 06:51:46 V1F - F 111 V1F 11709
2016 JANCZUK Sylvain 06:51:47 SEM - M 973 SEH 11546
2017 PROTOPOPESCU Viorel 06:51:49 SEM - M 974 SEH 11543
2018 PALOP Denis 06:52:05 SEM - M 975 SEH 1367
2019 FABRE Remy 06:52:30 V2H - M 183 V2H 11700
2019 SAUVEGRAIN Jerome 06:52:30 SEM - M 976 SEH 11815
2021 GAVOTY Patrick 06:52:31 SEM - M 977 SEH 11814
2022 DE RIVAZ Silvere 06:52:41 SEM - M 978 SEH 11020
2023 ABDERRAHMANE Jannick 06:52:43 V1F GRESI' COURANT LE VERSOUD F 112 V1F 10575
2024 DEPRE Monika 06:52:45 V1F - F 113 V1F 11563
2025 WATTIEZ Thibault 06:52:50 V2H - M 184 V2H 12740
2026 MANSOURI Christophe 06:52:51 SEM - M 979 SEH 12554
2027 CHARTIER Benjamin 06:53:08 SEM - M 980 SEH 11060
2028 WAYMEL Pascal 06:53:12 V2H - M 185 V2H 11061
2029 VOILIN Emmanuel 06:53:17 SEM - M 981 SEH 10689
2030 BEAUGENDRE Gaetan 06:53:32 V1H - M 500 V1H 10229
2031 WAGNER Maeva 06:53:33 SEF - F 162 SEF 13030
2032 LIGIOS Agnes 06:53:40 V2F - F 40 V2F 11329
2032 HERRERO Sylvie 06:53:40 V2F - F 41 V2F 11380
2032 CROSIO Catherine 06:53:40 V1F - F 114 V1F 11477
2035 GIRARD Audrey 06:53:41 SEF - F 163 SEF 12044
2035 AVOGADRO Carole 06:53:41 V2F - F 42 V2F 12141
2037 WUTHRICH Catherine 06:53:42 V1F - F 115 V1F 11331
2038 AKHAVAN Shahab 06:53:46 SEM - M 982 SEH 11751
2039 PONCIN Francois 06:53:50 V2H - M 186 V2H 11764
2040 MARTIN Florian 06:54:16 SEM - M 983 SEH 10502
2041 DOISY Damien 06:54:18 V1H - M 501 V1H 11249
2042 SOUCHON Marie france 06:54:22 V3F - F 5 V3F 12507
2043 TRIPARD Nathalie 06:54:25 V2F - F 43 V2F 10900
2044 SCHAEFFER Peter 06:54:26 SEM - M 984 SEH 10899
2044 BREUILLAC Vadim 06:54:26 SEM - M 985 SEH 10982
2046 SCHNEIDER David 06:54:28 SEM - M 986 SEH 11630
2047 PETEUIL Adrien 06:54:33 SEM - M 987 SEH 11953
2048 ULRICH Anouck 06:54:42 SEF - F 164 SEF 11003
2048 FERRAS Nicolas 06:54:42 SEM - M 988 SEH 11717
2050 HABAULT Sylvie 06:54:47 V2F - F 44 V2F 10786
2051 LAURENT Erick 06:54:50 V2H - M 187 V2H 10789
2052 HABAULT Charles 06:54:53 V2H AAA DU LYONNAIS M 188 V2H 10785
2053 RICHARD Maxime 06:54:54 SEM - M 989 SEH 10695
2053 BERNARD BRUNEL Julien 06:54:54 SEM - M 990 SEH 11719
2055 COTTE Alain 06:55:02 V3H - M 28 V3H 11991
2056 DOULCET Philippe 06:55:10 V2H - M 189 V2H 12954
2057 POMMIER Sylvain 06:55:28 SEM - M 991 SEH 12718
2058 GRESSIER Olivier 06:55:50 V1H - M 502 V1H 12053
2059 VACOSSIN Marc 06:55:52 V1H - M 503 V1H 11864
2060 DAVEZAC Olivier 06:56:13 V1H - M 504 V1H 11476
2061 ROSNET Vincent 06:56:14 V1H - M 505 V1H 10950
2062 LECORBEILLER Alexandre 06:56:16 V1H - M 506 V1H 10713
2063 BUISSON Eric 06:56:25 V2H - M 190 V2H 10819
2064 DARNAUD Jimmy 06:56:26 SEM - M 992 SEH 12077
2065 DI CREDICO Fanny 06:56:44 SEF - F 165 SEF 12187
2066 CHAMOIS Cyril 06:57:02 V1H - M 507 V1H 12404
2067 PERRAUD Remi 06:57:25 SEM - M 993 SEH 12418
2068 DEMANCHE Gauthier 06:57:41 SEM - M 994 SEH 11368
2069 LECENNE Marie helene 06:58:13 V1F - F 116 V1F 10998
2070 SONIER Bernard 06:58:18 V2H - M 191 V2H 12612
2071 MONOD Nathalie 06:58:37 V1F - F 117 V1F 13042
2072 GRACIA Francisco 06:58:40 V2H - M 192 V2H 11833
2073 CUISSARD Christophe 06:58:41 SEM - M 995 SEH 11765
2073 COUSTOURIER Franck 06:58:41 V2H - M 193 V2H 12067
2075 BONNARD Dominique 06:58:43 V1H - M 508 V1H 12230
2076 TABAREAU Helena 06:58:46 V2F - F 45 V2F 11145
2077 TABAREAU Thierry 06:58:48 V2H - M 194 V2H 11146
2078 GRANGE Armand 06:58:56 SEM - M 996 SEH 10224
2079 BRUGIROUX Stephane 06:59:22 V1H - M 509 V1H 11227
2079 REY Mathilde 06:59:22 SEF - F 166 SEF 12529
2081 SAFATLI Shady 06:59:23 SEM - M 997 SEH 12539
2082 PASCAL Cadet 06:59:45 V2H - M 195 V2H 12620
2082 NGUYEN Sylvain 06:59:45 ESH - M 17 ESH 12882
2084 GUIONNET Michele 06:59:48 V2F - F 46 V2F 12619
2085 CARRER Pierig 06:59:58 SEM - M 998 SEH 10019
2086 MINON Sebastien 07:00:05 V1H - M 510 V1H 11899
2087 CHALENDARD Christophe 07:00:08 SEM - M 999 SEH 11842
2088 BODIN Bertrand 07:00:09 V2H - M 196 V2H 11089
2089 PROTANO Julien 07:00:27 SEM - M 1000 SEH 10918
2090 DUPUIS Nadine 07:00:37 V2F - F 47 V2F 12360
2092 MATIVON Isabelle 07:00:49 SEF - F 167 SEF 11041
2093 DUPUIS Harris 07:01:01 V2H - M 198 V2H 12359
2094 SIRERA Sophie 07:01:04 V1F - F 118 V1F 12878
2095 BOITEAU Ghislain 07:01:18 V2H - M 199 V2H 12498
2096 ORTEGA Mickael 07:01:23 SEM - M 1001 SEH 13061
2097 DECHORAIN Guillaume 07:01:25 SEM - M 1002 SEH 12909
2098 PITAVAL Christel 07:01:28 V1F - F 119 V1F 12323
2099 BLANC Marie odile 07:01:30 V1F - F 120 V1F 12322
2100 LAURENT Bruno 07:01:49 V1H - M 511 V1H 12772
2100 FOURNIER Yann 07:01:49 V1H - M 512 V1H 12773
2102 BERLAND Jean luc 07:01:58 V1H - M 513 V1H 10002
2103 GUYOT Olivier 07:02:10 V2H - M 200 V2H 11086
2104 LAFON Maxence 07:02:23 ESH - M 18 ESH 12853
2105 FACOMPRE Marie 07:02:42 V1F - F 121 V1F 10084
2106 VAUZELLE Isabelle 07:03:43 V1F - F 122 V1F 12495
2107 MALLARTE Jean marc 07:03:44 V3H - M 29 V3H 12613
2107 PARIS BERSENEFF Marion 07:03:44 SEF - F 168 SEF 12731
2109 VASSEUR Jean cristophe 07:04:10 SEM - M 1003 SEH 432
2110 PIGNARD Seb 07:04:11 SEM - M 1004 SEH 11052
2111 BRION Alain 07:04:17 V2H - M 201 V2H 8692
2112 ROUSSIER Nicolas 07:04:18 V1H - M 514 V1H 11364
2113 ROUSSIER Magali 07:04:19 V1F - F 123 V1F 11363
2114 CHOULANT Marine 07:04:33 SEF - F 169 SEF 10059
2114 MOULIN Marie maud 07:04:33 SEF - F 170 SEF 10060
2116 TONON Baptiste 07:05:06 SEM - M 1005 SEH 12958
2117 GUILLONNEAU Julie 07:05:07 SEF - F 171 SEF 10362
2118 PASTRE Laurent 07:05:08 SEM - M 1006 SEH 10479
2119 GRAND Houriane 07:05:14 V2F - F 48 V2F 10719
2120 BRENAC Nicolas 07:05:24 V1H - M 515 V1H 12401
2120 BOGARD Cyril 07:05:24 SEM - M 1007 SEH 12414
2120 BOGARD Anthony 07:05:24 SEM - M 1008 SEH 12466
2123 LOURD Mireille 07:05:55 V2F - F 49 V2F 12997
2124 KARINE Delcey 07:05:59 V2F - F 50 V2F 11389
2125 VAN NOORT Frederik 07:06:01 V1H - M 516 V1H 11116
2126 MICHEL Sandrine 07:06:06 SEF - F 172 SEF 11156
2127 SIMONNET Laurent 07:06:08 V1H - M 517 V1H 11128
2128 FRASS Stefano 07:06:18 SEM - M 1009 SEH 12259
2129 MONTERRAT Florent 07:06:20 SEM - M 1010 SEH 12384
2130 DRADEM Jean maurice 07:06:26 V2H - M 202 V2H 11130
2131 CHEJFEC Thomas 07:06:45 V1H - M 518 V1H 10936
2132 GEVREY Clemence 07:06:55 SEF - F 173 SEF 10026
2133 PEILLON Syvlain 07:07:16 SEM - M 1011 SEH 12203
2134 NOWAK Laurent 07:07:29 SEM - M 1012 SEH 13048
2135 VALERI Francis 07:07:42 V3H - M 30 V3H 10711
2136 LHOTE Antoine 07:07:46 V2H - M 203 V2H 10996
2137 MARTIGNON Bruno 07:07:47 V2H - M 204 V2H 10854
2137 LHOTE Bruno 07:07:47 V2H - M 205 V2H 10997
2139 COMBIER Jean paul 07:07:49 V3H - M 31 V3H 10952
2140 BADIN Isabelle 07:08:15 V2F - F 51 V2F 10565
2141 CAVALAGLIO Mathilde 07:08:18 ESF - F 2 ESF 13016
2142 RUMEAU Robin 07:08:27 V1H - M 519 V1H 10895
2143 ROBERT Gregory 07:08:31 V1H - M 520 V1H 12266
2143 CHAMBON Cedric 07:08:31 V1H - M 521 V1H 12286
2145 MAYER Marjolene 07:08:32 V1F - F 124 V1F 12126
2146 ROLLAND Thierry 07:08:42 V2H - M 206 V2H 12242
2147 CAMPENS Astrid 07:08:43 V1F - F 125 V1F 10316
2148 NGUYEN Ludovic 07:08:51 SEM - M 1013 SEH 10841
2149 RENOUX Bruno 07:09:24 V3H - M 32 V3H 10834
2150 LIBESSART Remi 07:09:32 V1H - M 522 V1H 11893
2151 BERGER Christian 07:09:59 SEM - M 1014 SEH 10961
2152 SGARZI Adeline 07:10:18 SEF - F 174 SEF 12713
2153 BOS Frederic 07:10:41 V1H - M 523 V1H 10200
2154 DHERBASSY Sylvain 07:11:28 V1H - M 524 V1H 12030
2155 GEHANT Sullivan 07:11:31 SEM - M 1015 SEH 10574
2156 BORGEAL Romain 07:11:37 SEM - M 1016 SEH 11973
2157 CABARET Yves 07:11:56 SEM - M 1017 SEH 11039
2158 PELTIER Manon 07:11:58 SEF - F 175 SEF 10228
2159 RIVIERE DUBOIS Stephen 07:12:01 V1H - M 525 V1H 10778
2159 BOUVIALA Agnes 07:12:01 SEM - M 1018 SEH 10779
2161 SERRE Matthieu 07:12:09 SEM - M 1019 SEH 12898
2162 COLARD Quentin 07:12:10 SEM - M 1020 SEH 12896
2162 SERRE Francois 07:12:10 SEM - M 1021 SEH 12897
2164 GUeDON Jean philippe 07:12:59 V1H - M 526 V1H 10161
2164 HERISSON Claude 07:12:59 V3H - M 33 V3H 10201
2166 SOLER Damien 07:13:00 V1H - M 527 V1H 10157
2167 RINGELBERG Philippe 07:13:07 SEM - M 1022 SEH 11810
2168 TESCARI Arnaud 07:13:28 SEM - M 1023 SEH 11229
2169 BUREAU Samuel 07:13:32 SEM - M 1024 SEH 11956
2170 LAMBERT Frederic 07:13:51 V2H - M 207 V2H 10539
2171 GRANGE JARICOT Pierre emmanuel 07:14:06 V2H - M 208 V2H 8681
2172 KLUGMAN Martin 07:14:10 V1H - M 528 V1H 11664
2173 DILLY Laurent 07:14:11 V1H - M 529 V1H 11786
2174 REYMOND Bruno 07:14:38 V1H - M 530 V1H 11636
2175 MARINE Mondot 07:14:54 SEF - F 176 SEF 12538
2176 MIGNARD Chloe 07:14:55 SEF - F 177 SEF 12617
2177 MATHIEU Patrick 07:15:01 V2H - M 209 V2H 10504
2177 GUILMARD Delphine 07:15:01 V1F - F 126 V1F 10623
2179 MEUNIER Anne 07:15:02 V1F - F 127 V1F 10629
2180 GREUZARD Damien 07:15:17 V1H - M 531 V1H 11671
2181 DERDERIAN Jerome 07:15:23 V1H - M 532 V1H 11109
2182 LEFEBVRE Saida 07:15:51 V1F ASC BALAN F 128 V1F 13050
2183 DUMONT Cyrille 07:15:52 V1F - F 129 V1F 10977
2183 HERBOMEL Michele 07:15:52 V3F ASC BALAN F 6 V3F 10980
2183 GUDEFIN Karine 07:15:52 V1F ASC BALAN F 130 V1F 12836
2186 TROUILLET Veronique 07:15:53 V2F ASC BALAN F 52 V2F 10526
2187 PERDRIX Christine 07:15:54 V2F ASC BALAN F 53 V2F 10971
2188 BASTIEN Cecile 07:16:01 SEF - F 178 SEF 12649
2189 MOREAU Magali 07:16:03 V1F - F 131 V1F 7135
2190 DESSEMON Ludovic 07:16:11 V1H - M 533 V1H 12569
2191 BRAYER Gerard 07:16:13 V1H - M 534 V1H 12477
2192 RATHIER Pierre 07:16:33 V1H - M 535 V1H 10418
2193 MICHEL Jean jacques 07:16:34 V3H - M 34 V3H 11681
2194 DA FONSECA Marie francoise 07:16:44 V2F GRESI' COURANT LE VERSOUD F 54 V2F 11829
2195 GOUNON Christelle 07:16:46 V1F - F 132 V1F 11866
2196 SANQUER Ronan 07:16:56 V1H - M 536 V1H 11724
2197 MAGNE Laurent 07:16:58 V1H - M 537 V1H 11723
2198 PIRRA Jean baptiste 07:17:01 SEM - M 1025 SEH 11433
2199 COURIOL Catherine 07:17:04 V1F - F 133 V1F 11259
2199 TURION Emmanuel 07:17:04 V1H - M 538 V1H 11322
2201 PIRRA Bruno 07:17:12 V1H - M 539 V1H 11253
2202 PONTON Philippe 07:17:19 V2H - M 210 V2H 11029
2203 DELOMIER Philippe 07:17:50 V1H - M 540 V1H 11618
2204 FRANCOIS Quentin 07:18:00 SEM - M 1026 SEH 11843
2205 DESBARD Lucile 07:18:02 SEF - F 179 SEF 12985
2206 BORDAT Jean marc 07:18:12 V1H - M 541 V1H 10004
2207 BILLARD Delphine 07:18:13 SEF - F 180 SEF 10005
2208 MAGNET Philippe 07:18:15 V2H - M 211 V2H 11809
2208 AUTISSIER Gilles 07:18:15 V2H - M 212 V2H 12541
2210 FAVIER Annick 07:18:20 V2F - F 55 V2F 12558
2211 VIGNON David 07:18:38 SEM - M 1027 SEH 13034
2212 MOTTEROZ JARICOT Christel 07:18:47 V1F - F 134 V1F 8846
2213 BONNET Benjamin 07:18:48 ESH - M 19 ESH 11023
2214 BONNET Mickael 07:18:51 SEM - M 1028 SEH 11022
2215 MAILLET Mikael 07:19:08 V1H - M 542 V1H 10247
2216 SAUVAGE Sebastien 07:19:09 V1H - M 543 V1H 10118
2217 MICHELET Jerome 07:19:10 V1H DASSAULT SPORTS SURESNES M 544 V1H 10379
2218 REVILLET Samy 07:19:27 SEM - M 1029 SEH 10528
2219 DESBOIS Florian 07:19:32 SEM - M 1030 SEH 10477
2220 MOURIER Georges 07:19:44 V2H - M 213 V2H 12894
2221 VINCENT Christian 07:19:45 V2H - M 214 V2H 12893
2222 BOYER Dominique 07:19:46 V3F FAC ANDREZIEUX F 7 V3F 10848
2222 VINCENT Nicole 07:19:46 V2F - F 56 V2F 12892
2224 CHATELET Blandine 07:19:47 V1F - F 135 V1F 11458
2225 ROUSSET Lydie 07:19:48 SEF - F 181 SEF 11413
2226 MEALY Philippe 07:20:38 V1H - M 545 V1H 10850
2227 COGNET Laurent 07:20:39 V1H - M 546 V1H 10849
2228 TEMPERE Michel 07:20:41 V4H - M 4 V4H 10372
2228 MOUNIER Christophe 07:20:41 V2H - M 215 V2H 10991
2230 CHANAL Nicolas 07:20:42 SEM - M 1031 SEH 10851
2230 ROMERO Thierry 07:20:42 V2H - M 216 V2H 10852
2232 MESSINA Maria 07:20:54 V1F DREUX ATHLETIC CLUB A. F 136 V1F 10008
2233 BACCI Franck 07:22:11 V1H - M 547 V1H 12018
2234 BERGER Jean francois 07:22:12 V2H - M 217 V2H 12016
2235 NOUREDDINE Yanis 07:23:05 SEM - M 1032 SEH 11048
2236 ARRACHART Didier 07:23:18 V2H - M 218 V2H 11307
2237 FOUCHAULT Heidi 07:23:32 V2F S/L LANGRES AC SUD HT MAR F 57 V2F 10571
2238 GUIGUES Bruno 07:23:34 V2H - M 219 V2H 11550
2239 CUOMO Antoine 07:23:43 V1H - M 548 V1H 12793
2240 DE MONTE Aurelie 07:23:55 SEF - F 182 SEF 10610
2241 PITOLLET Charlotte 07:23:59 SEF - F 183 SEF 10408
2242 SABATIER Pauline 07:24:09 SEF - F 184 SEF 10134
2242 SABATIER Camille 07:24:09 SEF - F 185 SEF 10135
2244 TOLOT Benjamin 07:24:38 SEM - M 1033 SEH 12877
2245 COMOGLIO John 07:24:46 SEM - M 1034 SEH 11534
2246 NUVOLATO Jeremy 07:24:48 SEM - M 1035 SEH 11533
2246 FRANCK Vericel 07:24:48 V1H - M 549 V1H 11535
2248 POYET Henri 07:24:58 SEM - M 1036 SEH 12776
2248 PAPON Frederic 07:24:58 V1H - M 550 V1H 12783
2250 DUPONT Beatrice 07:25:30 SEF - F 186 SEF 10056
2251 PERRIER Matthieu 07:25:49 SEM - M 1037 SEH 10251
2252 CHARLOTTE DUROUX Anne 07:25:50 SEF - F 187 SEF 10250
2253 MARSILLAC Valerie 07:26:31 SEF - F 188 SEF 12794
2254 PEROL Guillaume 07:26:39 V1H - M 551 V1H 12232
2255 MARSILLAC Jerome 07:26:41 SEM - M 1038 SEH 11669
2256 ROUSSON Didier 07:27:01 V3H - M 35 V3H 12655
2257 DUPOIS Florence 07:27:07 V1F - F 137 V1F 10173
2258 DEPOUILLY Helene 07:27:08 V3F - F 8 V3F 10174
2259 MILLIAT Maurice 07:27:14 V3H - M 36 V3H 11917
2259 BORJON Valerie 07:27:14 V1F - F 138 V1F 11920
2261 DE MARTINI Frederic 07:27:39 V1H - M 552 V1H 10282
2261 PIONCHON Frederic 07:27:39 SEM - M 1039 SEH 11293
2263 DUMAS David 07:28:35 V1H - M 553 V1H 10055
2264 MEGHAZI Angelique 07:28:37 V1F - F 139 V1F 10216
2265 AZANNe Catherine 07:28:38 V1F - F 140 V1F 10104
2266 HeMERY Veronique 07:29:02 V1F - F 141 V1F 10473
2267 RICHEBOIS Celine 07:29:03 V1F - F 142 V1F 10494
2268 JEROME Feuillas 07:29:10 V2H - M 220 V2H 11891
2269 BORSATO Alain 07:29:12 V2H - M 221 V2H 11894
2270 FERREIRA Antoine 07:29:13 V2H - M 222 V2H 13006
2271 MULLER Bernadette 07:31:00 V2F EA CHAMBERY F 58 V2F 12597
2272 SERVIANT Luc 07:31:01 V2H - M 223 V2H 12409
2273 ROCHE Vincent 07:31:04 V3H - M 37 V3H 12410
2273 LOLLO Nicolas 07:31:04 V1H - M 554 V1H 12411
2275 NIEL Jean yves 07:31:12 V2H - M 224 V2H 12988
2276 CHAUDET Lucette 07:31:14 V3F - F 9 V3F 12172
2277 ALAN Dumont 07:32:16 SEM - M 1040 SEH 12460
2278 GAUDIN Bruno 07:32:36 V2H - M 225 V2H 10456
2279 FRAIGNEAU Sophie 07:32:39 SEF - F 189 SEF 11836
2280 ReVOIS Frederic 07:32:48 SEM - M 1041 SEH 10468
2280 VOISEY Quentin 07:32:48 SEM - M 1042 SEH 10469
2282 BOURDILLON Romain 07:32:54 SEM - M 1043 SEH 12040
2282 BADENS Quentin 07:32:54 SEM - M 1044 SEH 12046
2284 SALOMON Thierry 07:33:29 V1H - M 555 V1H 11153
2285 JALLUD Pierre yves 07:34:04 V1H - M 556 V1H 10638
2286 BOUTELLIEZ Gaelle 07:34:18 SEF - F 190 SEF 12127
2287 GRESSIER Jean marie 07:34:20 V1H - M 557 V1H 12050
2288 BEATRE Isabelle 07:34:24 SEF - F 191 SEF 12062
2289 GRESSIER Christian 07:34:27 V3H - M 38 V3H 10011
2290 THEODOROU Thomas 07:35:01 SEM - M 1045 SEH 10233
2291 FOND Jean pascal 07:35:42 V2H - M 226 V2H 11361
2292 KLEIN Laurentine 07:35:43 ESF ACR DIJON F 3 ESF 11276
2293 DEBRION Xavier 07:36:34 V1H AS IBM LYON M 558 V1H 10964
2294 DAUMET Romain 07:37:16 SEM - M 1046 SEH 12006
2294 SELMI Bilel 07:37:16 SEM - M 1047 SEH 12007
2296 DOLLE Gabriel 07:37:28 V1H - M 559 V1H 10430
2297 ADAM Michel 07:37:33 V3H - M 39 V3H 11416
2298 DESPORTES Samuel 07:37:45 SEM - M 1048 SEH 10564
2299 SCHUTTER Olivier 07:37:46 SEM - M 1049 SEH 10566
2300 LEFEBVRE Loic 07:38:32 SEM - M 1050 SEH 12130
2301 BADRI Mustapha 07:39:50 SEM - M 1051 SEH 11032
2302 DURET Sebastien 07:40:44 V1H - M 560 V1H 12864
2303 SARAZIN Maxence 07:41:05 SEM - M 1052 SEH 12566
2304 GAUDIN Sandrine 07:41:32 V1F - F 143 V1F 11257
2305 LACOUR Philippe 07:42:14 V2H GRESI' COURANT LE VERSOUD M 227 V2H 1904
2305 LACOUR Michele 07:42:14 V2F - F 59 V2F 10128
2305 LEVASSORT Carole 07:42:14 V1F S/L FOULEE DE VARCES VIF F 144 V1F 10585
2308 OLPHAND Laurence 07:42:15 V1F GRESI' COURANT LE VERSOUD F 145 V1F 10577
2309 VAURE Pierre 07:42:16 V2H GRESI' COURANT LE VERSOUD M 228 V2H 11988
2310 SAKAEL Sebastien 07:42:32 V1H - M 561 V1H 12672
2311 LACOMBE Arnaud 07:42:43 SEM - M 1053 SEH 12586
2312 PLEAU PISON Thomas 07:43:29 SEM - M 1054 SEH 10365
2312 PRICAZ Nicolas jean 07:43:29 SEM - M 1055 SEH 10371
2312 HAUET Quentin 07:43:29 SEM - M 1056 SEH 10537

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