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Ecrire au créateur du site : Michel Jourdan

2018-10-20 - Marathon Des Causses 2018

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Marathon Des Causses 2018 - 2018 : classement des 841 finishers
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
Place Nom Temps Cat. Club Sexe Clt/cat.
1 CHASSAGNE Baptiste 3h23'14 SEM M 0
2 DUPUIS William 3h32'46 SEM Usi Issoire M 0
3 DUCASSE Guillaume 3h33'32 V1M Team Uglow M 0
4 ROUX Fleury 3h44'01 ESM Antecimes / Benrun M 0
5 RAJA Yohann 3h48'47 SEM Team Oxsitis Odlo M 0
6 MAGNOU Ludovic 3h53'33 SEM Magnou M 0
7 LASSALE Jerome 3h56'19 V1M Team Provence Endurance M 0
8 DURAND Regis 3h56'21 V1M Team Trail Isostar Ben Ru M 0
9 HAJJI Yahya 3h57'20 SEM Les Givres De Nay M 0
10 LE LONS Thomas 4h01'29 SEM Quimper Athletisme M 0
11 VITET Adrien 4h02'52 SEM M 0
12 BONCOMPAIN David 4h03'59 V1M Atousports M 0
13 LAUMOND Eric 4h04'51 V1M B.a.c. M 0
14 VERNET Fred 4h05'43 SEM Uspi M 0
15 JOURNAUX Francois 4h05'51 SEM Town To Trail / Team Hunt M 0
16 LE GALL Cyrille 4h06'47 V1M Pignon Cycle Klub M 0
17 GUIBERT Leonard 4h12'50 SEM Les Furets D'eiffage M 0
18 MAYET Valentin 4h13'34 SEM Clermont Triathlon M 0
19 PARADAN Laure 4h14'07 ESF Clermont Athletisme Auver F 1ere F 0
20 CAUSSE Gregory 4h14'11 SEM Albi Triathlon M 0
21 PAILLOU Olivier 4h15'50 SEM Aclr M 0
22 SIBOUT Stephane 4h16'56 V1M Les Rainettes Du Pays D'a M 0
23 PAULET Sandy 4h17'24 SEF Usi Athletisme Issoire F 2 F 0
24 JUNQUAS Jeremy 4h18'21 SEM Team Kalenji M 0
25 GARNIER David 4h20'26 SEM Garnier M 0
26 MAISONNEUVE Pascal 4h22'00 V1M Jogging Club Veranne M 0
27 MARTIN Anais 4h26'01 SEF Us Toul F 3 F 0
28 MARGRITA Alexandre 4h26'47 SEM Team Hunter M 0
29 BARBOT Pascal 4h28'05 V1M Ac Avranches M 0
30 BIDARD Philippe 4h28'06 SEM Lyon Mountain Trail M 0
31 ROCHA Geoffrey 4h28'08 SEM Us Issoire M 0
32 MAHE Jean marie 4h29'20 SEM M 0
33 BONNEFOUS Lionel 4h30'11 V1M M 0
34 BRUYERE Pauline 4h31'29 SEF La Foulee Forezienne Team F 4 F 0
35 RONCERAY Mathieu 4h32'46 SEM Aco Sourdeval M 0
36 JEZEGOU Mikael 4h32'54 SEM Team Trail Aber Benoit M 0
37 CABANIS Christophe 4h33'58 SEM Acn Anduze / Kp Sport M 0
38 CARRERO LOPEZ Yannick 4h34'14 SEM M 0
39 GOUTTEFANGEAS Nicolas 4h35'02 SEM M 0
40 PLANQUE Chris 4h36'01 V1M Les Renards De La Caravet M 0
42 CADART Dominique 4h38'44 V2M Cctaverny M 0
43 VANMEENEN Nicolas 4h40'24 V1M Vanmeenen M 0
44 CENNI Thibaut 4h40'49 SEM Sc Mt Aigoual M 0
45 MAUREL Romain 4h41'34 SEM Us Toul M 0
46 BURON Glen 4h42'13 SEM Maria Blanga M 0
47 GUEGUEN Patrice 4h42'29 SEM Korong Sport Nature M 0
48 MARCAULT Caroline 4h42'31 SEF Jogg Hilaire F 0
49 VILLEZ Morgan 4h42'36 V1M M 0
50 MEUNIER Jean marc 4h42'56 SEM Foulee Vedenaise M 0
51 TOURNENINE Paul 4h43'16 SEM Cap Somure M 0
52 IRAZOQUI Sebastien 4h44'46 SEM Spuc Lasterka M 0
53 MOISSERON Pascal 4h45'05 V1M Avenir Athletisme De Mort M 0
54 SAUDEL Alexandre 4h47'30 SEM Asppt Agen M 0
55 MALO Guillaume 4h47'33 SEM M 0
56 GALLEGO Florent 4h47'57 SEM Millau Triathlon M 0
57 TRONCHON Damien 4h49'15 V1M St Cyp Runners M 0
58 DERIVAUX Robin 4h49'28 SEM Lyon Mountain Trail M 0
59 RICHARTE Yves 4h50'24 V1M Vedas Endurance M 0
60 BORNAND Adrien 4h50'39 SEM Les Furets D'eiffage M 0
61 LAMBERT Simon 4h52'12 SEM As Romagnat M 0
62 PELLABOUT David 4h52'28 V1M Clermont Athletisme Auver M 0
63 PASTOL Frederick 4h54'21 SEM M 0
64 DUWATTEZ Sebastien 4h54'29 SEM Team St Yorre M 0
65 MAGNANON Loic 4h54'56 V1M Girou Triathlon M 0
66 FARJOUNEL Jerome 4h55'13 V1M Team Globetrailer M 0
67 BARATTERO Regis 4h55'31 V1M Smac M 0
68 LEBOUCHER Gaetan 4h55'41 V1M M 0
69 MARTIN Alexandre 4h55'43 SEM Club Athletique Du Roanna M 0
70 MARTIN Cedric 4h56'14 V1M M 0
71 GRENIER Stephane 4h56'53 V1M M 0
72 BOSC Samy 4h57'29 SEM M 0
73 CHAPPUIS Louis 4h58'07 SEM M 0
74 GUEGANO Nicolas 4h58'12 SEM M 0
75 BALLANGER Benoit 4h58'21 SEM M 0
76 SUSINI Gregory 4h58'37 SEM M 0
77 GIRAUD Philippe 4h59'27 SEM M 0
78 DURAND Julien 4h59'33 SEM M 0
79 ALCARAZ Gabriel 5h01'13 SEM M 0
80 ROUX Xavier 5h01'19 SEM M 0
81 RIVALAN Valentin 5h01'46 SEM M 0
82 POUJOL Jerome 5h02'28 SEM Salta Bartas / Sport 2000 M 0
83 DEMOY Ludovic 5h02'42 SEM Demoy M 0
84 TISSERAND Xavier 5h02'46 SEM Astt M 0
85 CHINCHOLLE Emeric 5h03'07 SEM M 0
86 VIGIER Marine 5h04'40 SEF Perigueux Running F 0
87 BRICAUD Franck 5h05'05 V1M As Chu Nantes M 0
88 HUBER Charlotte 5h05'39 SEF F 0
89 LEBLANC Francois xavier 5h06'24 SEM M 0
90 JUBAN Stephane 5h06'31 V1M M 0
91 BLANPIED Sylvain 5h06'34 SEM Team Pif Capdenac M 0
92 LE BRAS Luc 5h08'01 SEM Le Havre S'port Athletism M 0
93 LE ROY Vincent 5h08'02 SEM Touquet Trail Nature M 0
94 MOTUELLE Antoine 5h08'32 SEM M 0
95 MARQUES Sandrine 5h08'38 SEF Lyon Mountain Trail F 0
96 LACLAUTRE Thierry 5h08'43 V2M M 0
97 DURAND Mathieu 5h09'19 V1M Aso Ntn snr M 0
98 ROCHER Gwilherm 5h09'21 SEM Acl 44 M 0
99 BURLAUD Antony 5h09'22 SEM M 0
100 RABEC Vincent 5h12'08 V1M Optimasport Solutions M 0
101 GRAND FOURMOND Vivien 5h12'34 V1M M 0
102 CLUZEL Bastien 5h12'42 ESM Cplp M 0
103 TANGAPREGASSAM Helene 5h13'06 V1F Sam Paris 12 F 0
104 BRAHIMI Jallal 5h13'51 SEM Sa Montrouge Paris 12 M 0
105 MAHOU Franck 5h14'39 V1M Pont A Mousson Athletisme M 0
106 MAHISTRE Alexandre 5h14'47 ESM M 0
107 VERGNAUD Bastien 5h14'49 SEM Perigueux Running M 0
108 DECOUARD Laurent 5h14'51 V1M M 0
109 SILVAGNOLI Anthony 5h15'07 SEM Pompier Du Beausset M 0
110 NOGUERA Pierre 5h17'06 V1M M 0
111 DUBRAY Dimitri 5h17'29 SEM Gruissan Sports M 0
112 RIGAL Etienne 5h17'45 SEM M 0
113 TRONCY Aurelie 5h18'38 SEF Plauzat Sport Nature F 0
114 LE TELLIER Nicolas 5h18'58 SEM M 0
115 GUY Laurent 5h19'35 V1M Team 12 M 0
116 SIMON Germain 5h19'45 SEM Team Trail Paris M 0
117 BROCA Francois 5h20'00 SEM Tc Gouletti M 0
118 GICQUEL Kevin 5h20'36 SEM Herbauges Athle 44 M 0
119 ANGILERI Francesca 5h20'58 SEF Les Furets D'eiffage F 0
120 DULILE Christelle 5h22'05 SEF F 0
121 GROUSSIN Tanguy 5h22'07 SEM Groussin M 0
122 CAYREL Pierre 5h22'11 V1M Sport Causse Aventure M 0
123 DOUROUX Arnaud 5h22'35 V1M M 0
124 HANQUET Nicolas 5h23'07 SEM Team Des Traileurs Stepha M 0
125 ALCARAZ Mandy 5h23'28 SEF Team Endurance Shop 13 F 0
126 RICHARD Freddy 5h23'38 V1M M 0
127 DUPONT Jean marc 5h23'49 V1M M 0
128 FAURE Jordan 5h23'51 SEM Usissoire Club Alpin M 0
129 LUCAS Tanguy 5h24'02 SEM Oa35 M 0
130 DI COSTANZO Mickael 5h24'13 SEM M 0
131 DAVID Lilian 5h24'28 V1M Useab M 0
132 GHIRARDINI Andrea 5h24'54 V1M M 0
133 PONCET Jean michel 5h25'15 V3M M 0
134 DEL CORSO Frederic 5h25'33 V1M M 0
135 BECART Marc antoine 5h25'47 SEM Aaava M 0
136 MENAND Mikael 5h25'55 V1M M 0
137 COLOMB Joel 5h26'05 V1M M 0
138 VOLARD GILET Nicole 5h26'13 V2F Athletic Retz Sud Lac F 0
139 PENNES Eugenie 5h26'27 SEF Sam Paris 12 F 0
140 LE BRONNEC Fabrice 5h26'40 V1M Alcp M 0
141 MAJCHRZAK Eric 5h26'57 V2M Usa Aubenas M 0
142 FREIRE Gregory 5h27'03 V1M M 0
143 BOUDES Sebastien 5h27'25 V1M Les Renards De Caravette M 0
144 PRANGE Luc 5h28'36 V1M Usa Aubenas M 0
145 FRANCOIS Thomas 5h28'47 SEM Ttn M 0
146 BOSCUS Nicolas 5h29'38 SEM Les Renards Du Dimanche M 0
147 CONTE Cedric 5h30'32 SEM Maguelone Jogging M 0
148 ROSNET Vincent 5h30'49 V1M Lyon Mountain Trail M 0
149 CLEMENT AGONI Stephane 5h30'55 SEM Talant Sport Orientation M 0
150 ABADIE Henri 5h31'30 V2M M 0
151 GONZALES Laurent 5h31'33 V1M Veloruck M 0
152 LE ROUX Jerome 5h32'01 V1M Esprittrailanjou M 0
153 BRUNEAU Christophe 5h32'24 V1M M 0
154 BOUYSSI Meline 5h32'32 SEF Sam Paris 12 F 0
155 ROUSSET Frederic 5h32'47 V2M Usa Aubenas M 0
156 LEBOISSETIER Anthony 5h32'52 SEM Joggers Louvigneen M 0
157 ORTET Maxime 5h32'57 SEM Ca Balma M 0
158 DURAND David 5h33'26 V1M Megaclub M 0
159 DE BRITO Cedric 5h33'57 V1M M 0
160 PERDIGEON Maxence 5h34'19 SEM Aaava M 0
161 HADIDANE Ines 5h34'41 SEF C.r.v Lyon Triathlon F 0
162 ALLAIN Eric 5h34'55 V1M S/l Herbauges M 0
163 MOLLES Audoin 5h35'04 SEM M 0
163 SAMUEL Franck 5h35'04 V1M M 0
165 LE JEUNE Christophe 5h35'05 V1M Bourg blanc M 0
167 CLERC GUAY Stephanie 5h35'32 V1F Team Gabsports Besancon F 0
168 PRAGNERE Pascal 5h35'44 V1M Uscalbi M 0
169 GASPAROTTO David 5h35'46 V1M M 0
170 UNWIN Tim 5h35'51 V1M M 0
171 JALLOULI Jihen 5h36'16 V1F F 0
172 LECOT Sebastien 5h36'21 SEM Uaca M 0
173 COLIN Celine 5h36'31 V1F Asptt F 0
173 ROBERT Christophe 5h36'31 V1M As Issou M 0
175 RASTELLO Emilie 5h36'45 SEF Gresi Courant F 0
176 TOUMI Rachid 5h37'14 SEM M 0
177 VARENNE Sebastien 5h38'54 SEM Team Trail 86 M 0
178 FRANCOIS Laurent 5h39'15 V2M Asptt Verdun M 0
179 GRANDPRE Antoine 5h39'22 SEM Dijon Singletrack M 0
180 GALLEGO Arnaud 5h40'03 SEM M 0
181 THIBAULT Bastien 5h40'06 SEM M 0
182 COURNEIL Gregory 5h40'34 SEM M 0
183 CHNAOUI Alexis 5h40'48 SEM M 0
184 LOUSTAUD Romuald 5h40'49 V1M Panaloisir M 0
185 REVERT Nicolas 5h41'06 V1M M 0
186 PRONE Nicolas 5h41'09 V1M M 0
187 COLOMBO Cyrille 5h41'17 SEM Team 4 Ze Smile M 0
188 VAN DE VYVER Pierre 5h41'18 SEM M 0
189 BAUDY Nicolas 5h41'45 SEM M 0
190 MAHIEUX Johan 5h42'54 V1M M 0
191 BARRIERE Sebastien 5h43'05 SEM M 0
192 PAILLOTET Romain 5h43'45 SEM M 0
192 HALOPE Fabrice 5h43'45 SEM M 0
194 MAYRAN Boris 5h44'18 SEM A.s. Romagnat M 0
195 FRANCAIS Julien 5h44'22 SEM M 0
196 TARDY Nicolas 5h44'37 SEM Jcv M 0
197 FOUCHER Philippe 5h44'41 V2M M 0
198 WISSOCQ Thibaut 5h44'44 SEM M 0
199 LESVEN Ronan 5h44'46 V1M Dauphins Elorn Triathlon M 0
200 OLIVEIRA Gilles 5h44'54 V2M S/l Etampes Athletisme M 0
201 BOUCAU Julie 5h45'25 SEF Les Bipedes De La Vaunage F 0
202 FARGEAS Guylaine 5h45'38 V2F Panaloisirs F 0
203 LOUVEL Ludovic 5h45'43 V1M Us Camon M 0
204 ADELINE Caroline 5h45'45 SEF Cabb F 0
205 DEMEURANT Karl 5h48'42 V2M M 0
206 TARD Laurent 5h48'44 V1M M 0
207 LAURENT Burel 5h49'06 SEM 4 Runner's Team 2018 M 0
208 LANDRIAU Romuald 5h49'17 SEM Ca Luconnais M 0
209 GUEGAN Fantine 5h49'50 SEF F 0
209 SINAULT Clemence 5h49'50 SEF Les Furets D'eiffage F 0
211 SAUVIAT Yannick 5h50'09 SEM M 0
212 CARQUES Floreal 5h50'13 V1M Uaca Saint brieuc M 0
213 FLINE Karine 5h50'25 SEF Samba F 0
214 DUREAU Boris 5h50'44 V1M Team Ouin Ouin M 0
215 MACHADO Jose 5h51'08 V3M Verneuil Oxygene M 0
216 GOURANTON Laurent 5h53'13 V1M Team Megaclub M 0
217 VAVASSEUR Nicolas 5h54'46 V1M S/l Luce Mainvillier Ptt M 0
218 LACHENAL Nicolas 5h54'47 V1M M 0
219 LIBRE David 5h54'49 V1M M 0
220 COUDERC Martin 5h55'15 SEM M 0
221 MIEZE Nicolas 5h55'19 V1M Louch'angeles Runners M 0
222 CHARRIER Etienne 5h55'33 SEM M 0
223 GAIROARD Armelle 5h56'28 V1F F 0
224 KLEIN Thibault 5h56'35 V1M M 0
225 ANDRIEU Fabien 5h56'36 SEM Amicale Apero Trail 12 M 0
226 RETOUT Loic 5h57'23 SEM Courir A Ploudal M 0
227 ASO Florent 5h58'14 SEM Running Club Elusate M 0
228 GREZE Pierre 5h59'08 V2M As Legrand Fcl Feytiat M 0
229 CASTANERA Jeremy 5h59'12 SEM M 0
230 MOREAU Paul 5h59'37 SEM M 0
231 BARON Maiwen 6h00'06 SEF Satuc F 0
232 MOREAU Stephane 6h00'15 V1M M 0
233 ARCHAMBAULT Florent 6h00'19 V2M Useab Runing M 0
234 PERNE Nicolas 6h00'20 V1M Useab Running M 0
235 NIVET LOUVET Celine 6h00'23 V1F Reder Lann F 0
236 TISON Stephane 6h00'27 V1M Us Camon M 0
237 HADJADJ Norbert 6h00'35 V1M Bordeaux Athle M 0
238 VIVEZ Thomas 6h00'37 V1M BORDEAUX ATHLE M 0
239 CHEZEAUX Valentin 6h00'41 SEM M 0
240 ESCOUBET Cyrille 6h00'42 SEM Sans Club M 0
241 SAINT JAMES Julien 6h00'43 SEM Satuc M 0
242 CUQUEL Gerard 6h00'52 V2M M 0
243 PAGEAUD Damien 6h00'57 V1M Team Ouins Ouins Trail Ru M 0
244 CABOULET Louise 6h01'12 SEF F 0
245 ESPIE Vincent 6h01'14 SEM Les Renards Du Dimanche M 0
246 PAYEN Fabrice 6h01'38 V1M S/l Herbauges Athle 44 M 0
247 GALIVEL Olivier 6h01'39 V1M Es Bonchamp Running M 0
248 POUX Jean francois 6h01'42 SEM M 0
249 FRANCISCO Eloise 6h01'51 SEF Sam Paris 12 F 0
250 HUET Benoit 6h02'14 SEM M 0
251 MATHIEU Remi 6h02'19 SEM M 0
252 THOMAS Hugo 6h02'20 SEM As Romagnat M 0
253 RENAULT Irina 6h02'33 V1F 4s Stade Rennais F 0
254 BUTTNER Guillaume 6h02'38 SEM ASPTT AUXERRE M 0
255 PEGAIN Nicolas 6h02'49 V1M M 0
256 GIRARD Arnaud 6h02'51 V1M M 0
257 GERARD Sebastien 6h02'57 V1M M 0
258 BERTRAND Laurent 6h03'02 V2M Rando Velo La Bazoge Coeu M 0
259 MOINEAUX Christophe 6h03'12 V1M Virkingraid (ffco) M 0
260 BERAUD Jacques 6h03'20 V2M Astt M 0
260 CHARLES Gregory 6h03'20 SEM La Rochelle Triathlon M 0
262 FAUGERAS Gilles 6h03'24 V1M Aso Ntn snr M 0
263 VON DACH Jeremy 6h03'26 SEM Aso Ntn snr M 0
264 DUVIVIER Aude 6h03'31 V1F AS ROMAGNAT F 0
265 DAUCE Jacques 6h03'51 V2M M 0
266 SEIN Jean bernard 6h03'52 V2M Spuc Lasterka M 0
267 FAYARD Marie 6h03'53 V2F Jogging Club De Veranne F 0
268 HADDOU Menouer 6h04'01 V1M ASSP VERGEZE M 0
269 CONVERSET Remi 6h04'16 V1M Les Furets D'eiffage M 0
270 DIAZ Anthony 6h04'29 SEM M 0
271 MACHINAL Arnaud 6h04'39 V1M BACK TO THE RUN M 0
272 BLANC Caroline 6h04'53 V1F Presqu'ile De Crozon Jogg F 0
273 RENAUDIN Cyrille 6h05'12 SEM S/l Herbauges Athle 44 M 0
274 AUGE Anthony 6h05'15 V1M Biscarrosse Olympique M 0
275 MONTROZIER Thomas 6h05'30 V1M M 0
276 BIANCOTTO Laurent 6h05'57 SEM Renards De Caravette M 0
277 BADUEL Gerard 6h06'05 V2M As Legrand Fcl Feytiat M 0
278 SABELLE CRAIG Christine 6h06'08 V1F Defi Raid Aventure F 0
279 VERMERSCH Francis 6h06'34 V1M M 0
280 SCHNEIDER Anne sophie 6h07'08 SEF Asptt Verdun F 0
281 CORNET Emmanuel 6h07'29 V1M St Cyp Runners M 0
282 VISSAC Bernard 6h08'15 V3M Ecla M 0
283 LAVOCAT Pascal 6h08'34 V1M Bussy Running M 0
284 ROCHETEAU Fabrice 6h08'44 V2M Jogg'in Tours M 0
284 BARTHELEMY Laurent 6h08'44 V1M Smac M 0
286 DINARD Sam 6h09'11 SEM Entente Des Mauges M 0
287 ALAMINOS Nicolas 6h09'54 SEM Myb Nimes M 0
288 DELOUTE Tiphaine 6h10'15 V1F Esprit Run F 0
288 HAUDIQUEZ Raphael 6h10'15 V1M Cuja Bike M 0
290 BUFFIERES William 6h10'38 SEM M 0
290 ASTIER Leo 6h10'38 SEM Clermont Triathlon M 0
292 LAROSE Geraldine 6h10'40 V1F Smac F 0
293 GUEDON Richard 6h10'41 V1M S/l Gazelec Angers M 0
293 LEAU Amandine 6h10'41 SEF F 0
295 YOUSFI Hassane 6h10'42 V2M Les Furets D'eiffage M 0
296 MERCADIER Fabrice 6h10'45 V1M Acvr/trail Du Soldat Du F M 0
297 DUBOIS Roland 6h10'48 V1M Cap Nature Beaulieu M 0
298 DUPRE Cedric 6h10'58 SEM Unikalo Running Team M 0
299 KRAFT Jean michel 6h11'03 V2M M 0
300 ROBIN Christophe 6h11'07 V1M Uspca M 0
301 SCHATZ Frederic 6h11'08 V1M M 0
302 BRUNET Ana 6h11'09 V1F Esperance Team Nogent Tri F 0
303 OVA Vincent 6h11'26 SEM Mauves Attitude Running E M 0
303 FORMENTEL Dany 6h11'26 V1M M 0
305 CARRION Julien 6h12'26 SEM Running Team Tamalou M 0
306 DUTRY Dominique 6h13'29 V1M M 0
307 MASSON Philippe 6h14'03 V2M Club Rennais De Course D' M 0
308 LAMBERT Xavier 6h14'19 V1M M 0
309 MARIONNEAU Olivier 6h14'36 V1M Les Furets D'eiffage M 0
310 DE CASTRO FARIA Paulo 6h14'39 V1M M 0
310 BONSERGENT Regis 6h14'39 V1M Adrenateam M 0
312 MOUILLARD Jerome 6h15'26 SEM As Ambares Sport Enduranc M 0
313 AUBRON Olivier 6h16'24 V1M Herbauges Athle 44 M 0
314 DERVIN Eric 6h16'26 V1M Eamya M 0
315 DILLET Mickael 6h16'30 SEM Les Gars Z Elles Fontenoi M 0
316 PROTEAU Nicolas 6h16'31 SEM M 0
317 NSASRA Naima 6h16'33 V2F Sam Paris 12 F 0
318 LOPES COSTA Armando 6h16'55 V2M Asctournan M 0
318 THOME Fanny 6h16'55 SEF Us Cheminots Nouvion/meus F 0
320 RIVIER Loic 6h17'11 SEM Decathlon Ales M 0
321 PHILIPPE Yann 6h17'12 SEM Courir A Vauvert M 0
322 LE CHINQ Gael 6h17'36 V3M Plaisir De Courir Ploudan M 0
323 VAN DAMME Damien 6h17'51 V2M Ddx M 0
324 SANTIAGO Maxime 6h18'53 SEM M 0
325 ORTET Vincent 6h19'00 SEM Us Berry M 0
326 BODARD Mathias 6h19'07 SEM Defi Outdoor M 0
327 GUILLON Frederic 6h19'13 SEM ASAD S/L USA AUBENAS M 0
328 LOVERA Pauline 6h19'17 SEF Sam Paris 12 F 0
329 ROUE Severine 6h19'23 SEF Team Trail Aber Benoit F 0
329 GOURIOU Isabelle 6h19'23 V1F Team Trail Aber Benoit F 0
331 TREMEAC Michael 6h19'24 V1M Teamtrail Aber Benoit M 0
332 GUILLERM Arnaud 6h19'25 V1M Team Trail Aber Benoit M 0
333 NICOLAI Guillaume 6h19'26 SEM AIX ATHLE PROVENCE M 0
334 DELACROIX Clara 6h19'28 SEF Lyon Mountain Trail F 0
334 JOLY Romain 6h19'28 SEM Aaava M 0
336 MALRIC Jean pierre 6h20'09 V2M M 0
337 CHASSAING Christophe 6h20'17 V1M Rtt M 0
338 ORANGE Jeremy 6h20'22 SEM M 0
339 PUCHARSKI Marie 6h20'38 SEF Les Renards Des Caravette F 0
340 MELIN Olivier 6h20'43 V2M M 0
341 DAYDE Damien 6h20'49 V1M M 0
342 VIGUIER Guillaume 6h20'52 V1M Unikalo Running Team M 0
343 MATHIEU Anne 6h20'59 V2F F 0
344 BERTON Julien 6h21'10 SEM Figeac Ac M 0
344 POUDEVIGNE Francois 6h21'10 SEM Figeac Ac M 0
346 REMY Aurelie 6h21'15 SEF Cos Villers F 0
347 DUPRES Melanie 6h21'19 V1F SS76 S/L EA DU PLATEAU E F 0
348 HILLION Armelle 6h21'20 V1F Uso F 0
349 VISSAC Florence 6h21'24 V1F Velay Athletisme F 0
350 D ORIO Jerome 6h21'25 V1M Cap Bugey M 0
351 GALLOUET Nicolas 6h21'27 SEM Balade Du Soir M 0
352 DREANO Samuel 6h21'28 SEM M 0
353 MAISONNEUVE Yann 6h21'30 SEM Balade Du Soir M 0
354 D ALESSANDRO Gessica 6h21'31 SEF F 0
355 MOUSSION Olivier 6h21'33 SEM M 0
356 BERTRAND Aurelie 6h21'34 SEF F 0
357 PASQUIOU Philippe 6h21'36 V2M Safran Nacelle M 0
358 CHAVAROCHE Olivier 6h21'37 V1M M 0
358 GAILLARD Pierre emmanuel 6h21'37 SEM M 0
360 BLASZCZYK Jonathan 6h21'43 SEM M 0
361 GAGNARD Anais 6h21'46 SEF F 0
362 VICARD Matthieu 6h21'47 SEM M 0
363 LABERNARDIERE Jean baptiste 6h21'54 SEM Les Furets D'eiffage M 0
365 SATIN Anne 6h21'55 V2F Uscvl F 0
365 SATIN Dominique 6h21'55 V3M M 0
367 BESOMBES Sandrine 6h22'24 V1F Plauzat Sport Nature F 0
368 GASSER Paul 6h22'25 V2M M 0
370 BARRETEAU SAUVIAT Delphine 6h24'12 SEF Saint Pantaleon F 0
371 BROSSUT Claude 6h24'35 V1F F 0
372 FRILEUX Loic 6h24'38 V1M M 0
373 POMMIER Patrick 6h24'53 V2M Uaca Saint Brieuc M 0
374 DEFORGES Elodie 6h24'54 SEF F 0
375 MOREAU Romain 6h24'56 SEM Run And Freedom M 0
376 MIR Julien 6h25'01 V1M M 0
377 VERLOOVE Gautier 6h25'07 V1M Running Club Noyellois M 0
378 GREGORCIC Ingrid 6h25'22 V1F Artois Athletisme F 0
379 HENGER Christophe 6h25'30 V2M Asap M 0
380 GRILLAT Gerard 6h25'47 V3M Amberieu Marathon M 0
381 JAHAH Aziz 6h25'49 V1M Evreux Ac. Triathlon M 0
382 JAILLON Matthieu 6h26'09 V1M Jaillon M 0
383 MANTELLATO Alexandre 6h26'35 SEM M 0
384 DEPOORTERE Christophe 6h26'53 SEM Eamya M 0
385 VALLEE Laurent 6h27'05 V1M S/l Herbauges Athle 44 M 0
386 DELMAS Cedric 6h27'19 SEM M 0
386 VIREY Thierry 6h27'19 SEM M 0
388 GARRAUD David 6h27'25 V1M Us Mery Ac M 0
389 FOURNIER Olivier 6h27'28 SEM M 0
390 DELARCHE Sebastien 6h27'30 V1M Aso Ntn snr M 0
391 MENARD Sebastien 6h27'33 V1M M 0
392 GOULET Christophe 6h27'36 V1M S/l Herbauges Athle 44 M 0
393 BENARD Stephane 6h27'37 V1M Falicoun Trailplaisir M 0
393 FRADET Elie 6h27'37 SEM M 0
395 TAILLANDIER Thierry 6h27'50 V1M Aspf Gaillac M 0
396 PERON Jerome 6h27'57 V1M M 0
397 DEBOEUF David 6h28'13 SEM Team Trail Touraine M 0
398 BINLICH Jean manuel 6h28'34 V2M M 0
399 HOUSSET Raphael 6h28'56 SEM M 0
400 BERTHIER Christophe 6h28'59 V1M As Legrand Fcl Feytiat M 0
401 MASTROIANNI Joseph 6h29'04 SEM Team Des Traileurs Stepha M 0
401 BOULCH Xavier 6h29'04 V1M Plougonvelin M 0
403 BERNARDI Nicolas 6h29'07 V1M Les Furets D'eiffage M 0
404 ALDEBERT Herve 6h29'22 V1M Usp Running Trail M 0
405 JUIFF Raphael 6h29'41 V1M M 0
406 JACQ Gael 6h29'50 V1M Uaca Saint Brieuc M 0
407 QUAIREAU Clement 6h29'52 SEM M 0
407 BOURGOUIN Bruno 6h29'52 V2M Sarthe Running M 0
409 LEPOUREAU Eric 6h29'55 V2M Entente Des Mauges M 0
409 OISEL Jerome 6h29'55 V1M Les 100 Pieds Brandannais M 0
411 COURAPIED Claire 6h29'58 SEF Perigueux Running F 0
412 GIBEAU Severine 6h29'59 SEF Team Lulu F 0
412 MEGARUS Teddy 6h29'59 V1M Panaloisirs Athle M 0
414 JEANNEAU Didier 6h30'00 V2M M 0
415 WINCKEL Denis 6h30'03 V2M Uaca M 0
416 LAMBERT Olivier 6h30'09 V1M Useab Running M 0
417 LEBOUILLE Cedric 6h30'37 SEM Marne Et Gondoire M 0
418 BOUCNIAUX Veronique 6h30'38 V2F F 0
419 ARLABOSSE Cedric 6h30'53 V1M M 0
419 BENECH Caroline 6h30'53 V1F Team Trail Aber Benoit F 0
421 WAVRIN Steve 6h30'59 V1M M 0
422 THIBAUD Fabrice 6h31'20 SEM M 0
423 LORET Fabian 6h31'24 SEM M 0
424 BERBINEAU Romain 6h31'25 SEM Perigueux Running M 0
425 PHILIPPE Carole 6h31'34 V1F Blat F 0
426 BUTTNER Thomas 6h31'35 SEM M 0
426 ELIE Teddy 6h31'35 SEM M 0
428 BELOUAD Mathieu 6h32'02 SEM Les Furets D'eiffage M 0
429 DURY Alexy 6h32'37 SEM M 0
430 BASSARD Clara 6h32'39 SEF F 0
431 RAYNAL Olivier 6h32'54 SEM Sport Nature Levezou M 0
432 DERUMAUX Pierre 6h33'08 SEM Pierre Derumaux M 0
433 CARREZ Pascal 6h34'52 V1M M 0
434 ALLIMANT Edouard 6h35'24 V2M Sam Paris 12 M 0
435 CODRON Franck 6h35'25 V2M Parkrun M 0
436 GUTIERREZ Gustavo 6h35'38 SEM M 0
437 BRINBAL Ludovic 6h35'44 SEM Herbauges Athle 44 M 0
438 DUTHEIL Etienne 6h36'00 V1M Useab Running M 0
439 AUSTRUY Fabrice 6h36'11 SEM Les Renards Du Dimanche M 0
440 QUESNEL Thomas 6h36'13 SEM M 0
441 BELABBES Angelique 6h36'15 V1F Cepal F 0
442 BERNARD Julien 6h36'21 SEM M 0
443 SCHLEIPFER Frederique 6h36'56 SEF F 0
444 GHISLAIN Stephane 6h37'00 V1M As Martigne Briand M 0
445 THIEFFRY David 6h38'23 V1M Manduel Metropole Maratho M 0
446 JEGO Christophe 6h38'35 V1M Sc Orvault M 0
447 WROBEL Marion 6h39'27 SEF Toubkarmeliet F 0
448 BRUNIE Pascal 6h39'42 SEM Acsa Saint Affrique M 0
449 MONTIS Francoise 6h40'12 V1F Verneuil Oxygene F 0
450 TETE Patrick 6h40'15 V2M Verneuil Oxygene M 0
451 DIEZ Christian 6h40'21 V3M 1000 Pattes Vicquois M 0
452 DUPRE Marion 6h40'38 SEF Falicoun Trail Plaisir F 0
452 GONNARD Jean francois 6h40'38 V2M Falicoun Trail Plaisir M 0
454 BERNARD Philippe 6h41'03 V1M Artois Athletisme M 0
455 BARROUILLET Emilie 6h41'04 SEF Team Raidlight F 0
456 CHOPIN Mallory 6h41'14 SEM M 0
457 RABILLARD Bernard 6h41'30 V3M M 0
458 COQUEREL Didier 6h41'41 V2M Jogging Club De Veranne M 0
459 COCHET Benoit 6h41'43 V1M Eac Triathlon M 0
460 RAJOT Sylvie 6h41'46 V1F F 0
461 BENOIT Thierry 6h41'47 V2M M 0
462 DEPIERREUX Carole 6h42'22 V1F Foulees Muizonnaises F 0
463 SABOT Thierry 6h45'04 SEM M 0
464 MOULIN Christophe 6h45'10 V1M M 0
465 AZZOPARDI Ludovic 6h45'21 SEM M 0
466 ROUCHOUZE Fabien 6h45'27 V1M Cap Grand Air / Tts M 0
467 GROSSI Didier 6h45'38 V2M Vytajog M 0
467 DAVID Tony 6h45'38 V1M M 0
469 LE GALL Morgane 6h45'42 V1F F 0
470 PINARD Manuella 6h45'54 SEF As Martigne briand F 0
471 CASCALES Laurent 6h46'09 V1M Us Camon M 0
471 RENAUT Alexandra 6h46'09 SEF Foulees Muizonnaises F 0
473 RAMALLY Philippe 6h46'17 V2M M 0
474 CLOUIN Elodie 6h46'19 SEF Reder Lann F 0
475 VIVEROS Olga 6h46'29 V1F Jogging Club Veranne F 0
476 GAUTHIER Sandrine 6h46'44 V1F Athletic Pont Rean Guiche F 0
477 DORRER Vivien 6h46'56 SEM Faucigny Athletic Club M 0
478 DEREYMOND Jean marc 6h47'22 V2M M 0
479 LACLAUTRE Nathalie 6h47'24 V2F F 0
479 WAILLE Maxime 6h47'24 SEM Team Gabsport M 0
481 GARDES Jean paul 6h47'27 V3M Courir Ensemble Le Grau D M 0
482 ESCUER Lionnel 6h47'28 SEM Running Club Elusate M 0
483 FROMAGET Mael 6h47'32 V1M M 0
484 BOGEY Frederique 6h47'40 V2F Salomon F 0
485 CARIOU Nicolas 6h49'33 SEM Courir A Sizun M 0
486 TEYSSIER Frederic 6h50'26 V1M Jogging Club De Veranne M 0
487 RITTER Caroline 6h50'30 SEF F 0
488 DE CASTRO FARIA Laure 6h50'58 V1F F 0
489 SEZNEC Soazik 6h51'00 V1F Dompierre Course Aventure F 0
490 SEZNEC Michel 6h51'01 V2M Dompierre Course Aventure M 0
491 INCHAUSPE Mirentxu 6h51'07 SEM Irrissartarak M 0
491 TURBAN Eric 6h51'07 V2M Verneuil Oxygene M 0
493 CLEMENCEAU Johan 6h51'15 SEM M 0
494 NICOULEAUD Luce 6h51'16 V3F Va Nu Pieds F 0
495 GUINET Pierre 6h51'39 SEM Balade Du Soir M 0
496 DUBUISSON LECALME Julie 6h51'58 V1F F 0
497 BELLONE Herve 6h51'59 V1M Falicoun Trail Plaisir M 0
498 BUISSON Peggy 6h52'08 V1F St Cyp Runners F 0
498 CHABAL Bruno 6h52'08 V1M Les Renards De Caravette M 0
500 JASSENS Alexandre 6h52'12 V1M Endurance Shop Albi M 0
501 BRAHMI Sabrina 6h52'48 V1F Vga Saint Maur F 0
502 DIRATCHETTE Inaki 6h53'04 SEM Spuc Lasterka M 0
503 MEUNIER Laurent 6h53'06 V1M M 0
504 RIPOCHE Fabrice 6h53'20 V1M Nogent Sur Oise Athletism M 0
505 DROUET Stephane 6h53'21 V1M As Foulees Du Vexin M 0
506 BREARD Nicolas 6h53'28 V1M M 0
507 LE GALL Elodie 6h54'00 SEF F 0
508 LACOUR Cedric 6h54'10 V1M Asptt Grand Perigueux M 0
509 LE PEMP Pascal 6h54'15 V2M Asptt Grand Perigueux M 0
510 DUPOUY Laurent 6h54'24 V1M Velo Club St Geours M 0
510 PORCHER BRIANTAIS Eva 6h54'24 SEF Herbauges Nma F 0
512 LAPLANTE Thomas 6h54'40 V1M M 0
512 PALERMO Toni 6h54'40 SEM M 0
514 BOREAU DE ROINCE Paul 6h54'58 SEM M 0
515 KUBAS Stephane 6h55'15 SEM M 0
516 PINET William 6h55'53 SEM As Chu Nantes M 0
517 JUGUET Claude 6h56'04 V1M M 0
518 FAIJAN Lise 6h56'13 SEF F 0
518 LETORT Franck 6h56'13 V1M M 0
520 MORIN Denis 6h56'33 SEM M 0
521 ROUSSEAU Clement 6h56'35 SEM M 0
522 LE GUILLOU Celine 6h56'37 SEF Jsallonnes F 0
523 PECHEUX Philippe 6h56'38 V1M T3team M 0
524 DEFIN Maud 6h56'39 V1F T3team F 0
525 PRATLONG Nicolas 6h56'44 SEM M 0
526 VERD Victorien 6h56'58 SEM M 0
527 GARRIC Marie 6h57'01 SEF F 0
528 GABORIAU Francois 6h57'02 SEM M 0
529 NOUGAYREDE Eric 6h57'25 V1M M 0
530 SEPCHAT Alexis 6h57'26 SEM Foulees Du Noble Joue M 0
531 TEISSIER Christian 6h57'32 V1M Manduel Metropole Maratho M 0
532 MARTIN Pascal 6h57'38 V3M Ga Commercy M 0
533 SERROUX Stephanie 6h57'39 SEF F 0
534 BISUTTI Frederic 6h57'44 SEM Saint amand Boischaut Ath M 0
535 JEANNE Cecile 6h57'47 SEF Sam Paris 12 F 0
536 CALEYRON Charlene 6h57'49 SEF St Cyp Runners F 0
537 GONTIER Myriam 6h57'55 V1F F 0
538 CORROYER Sandrine 6h58'05 V1F F 0
539 ROZIER Maxime 6h58'09 V1M Hoodobeer M 0
539 GUERRERO Julien 6h58'09 SEM M 0
539 AMIRAT Franck 6h58'09 V2M M 0
542 BOUCAU Jonathan 6h58'44 V1M M 0
543 BERENDS Kitty 6h58'54 SEF Hardlooptrainers Nederlan F 0
544 JONCOUR Pascal 6h58'59 V1M M 0
544 SOUBIGOU Didier 6h58'59 V1M Courir A Sizun M 0
546 GABORIAU Emmanuel 6h59'14 SEM Les Foulees Agesinates M 0
547 LUCAS Jeremy 6h59'15 V1M To Be Sport M 0
547 GUELQUE Karine 6h59'15 V1F To Be Sport F 0
547 DAVID Frederic 6h59'15 V1M M 0
550 PEYRAMALE Pierre 6h59'23 V2M 1000 Pattes Vicquois M 0
551 CARRET Aurelia 7h00'15 SEF F 0
552 DE ZANET Michael 7h00'24 SEM M 0
553 FIRBAL Emmanuel 7h00'28 SEM M 0
554 COSNIER Romain 7h00'54 V1M M 0
555 DUMAS David 7h00'58 V1M M 0
556 BERTRAND Sebastien 7h01'19 V1M M 0
557 MEDINA Guillaume 7h01'38 SEM M 0
558 BUISSON Mickael 7h02'33 SEM M 0
559 POIROT Henri 7h03'00 V2M Sam Paris 12 M 0
560 CHEVALIER Denis 7h03'03 V2M Sa Montrouge Paris 12 M 0
561 ANNEHEIM Marc 7h03'08 V1M Munster Bike Club M 0
562 MAJOREL Jean louis 7h03'20 V3M Ultra Marathon France M 0
563 VILLETTE Frederic 7h03'21 V1M Blanc Nez Triathlon M 0
564 LOIC Moal 7h03'28 V1M Les 17 Soupapes M 0
565 HEBERT Laetitia 7h03'40 SEF F 0
566 PAUTRAT Carole 7h03'50 V1F Trail Raid Nature 58 F 0
567 DUBOC Christian 7h03'57 V2M M 0
568 DELUGRE Thibault 7h04'29 V1M Ua Sargeenne M 0
569 HIRBEC Nicolas 7h04'41 SEM M 0
570 BRISSE Emmanuel 7h05'10 V1M Rrun M 0
571 CONTY Michael 7h05'11 V1M Team Fit Bikerun 36 M 0
572 FAUCHER Fabien 7h05'13 SEM Team Fit Bikerun 36 M 0
573 DANIOU Marie francoise 7h05'15 V3F Gwenn Ha Du Pluned F 0
574 CLAEYS Sebastien 7h05'18 V1M Mega Club M 0
575 CORDUAN Isabelle 7h05'21 V2F As Pommeret F 0
576 LEGEAY EPINEAU Bruno 7h05'27 V1M M 0
577 ESCUDIER Clement 7h05'29 SEM M 0
578 CHATELAIN Guillaume 7h06'05 SEM M 0
578 DELPLANQUE Audrey 7h06'05 V1F Artois Athletisme F 0
581 PLATA Miguel 7h06'15 V2M As Legrand Fcl Feytiat M 0
582 VISSAC Philippe 7h06'26 V2M Velay Athletisme M 0
583 MARTIN Patrice 7h09'23 V1M M 0
584 HUET Myriam 7h09'46 V1F As Martigne Briand F 0
585 GUIGNOT Francois 7h10'45 V1M M 0
586 LALU Guillaume 7h10'49 V1M M 0
587 ROLLIN Regis 7h11'18 V3M Les Foulees De Mornas M 0
588 AYET Anne sophie 7h12'19 SEF Asptt Verdun F 0
590 BARDEAU Jean francois 7h12'27 V1M M 0
590 DUDUN Severine 7h12'27 V1F Eamya F 0
592 LEMOINE VERGE Sylvia 7h12'46 V1F Ce Safran F 0
593 SIEGENFUHR Louis 7h12'49 SEM S/l Nogent Sur Oise Athle M 0
594 LAFON Cyril 7h12'55 V1M Athletic Club Reolais M 0
595 ETIENNE Jeremy 7h13'19 SEM M 0
596 SEBASTIA Guillaume 7h13'20 SEM M 0
597 VAIRON Celine 7h14'10 V1F F 0
598 CORVAISIER Christophe 7h14'30 V1M M 0
599 SLIMANI Peggy 7h14'50 V1F Running Safe F 0
600 BONCHOUX Jean thomas 7h14'53 V1M M 0
601 ESPREUX Sebastien 7h14'57 V1M Trailers Des Fagnes M 0
602 LUXI Fabio 7h14'58 V2M M 0
603 LOIRET Sebastien 7h15'17 V1M M 0
604 MINAUD Francois 7h15'18 V1M M 0
605 BROCHERIEUX Jerome 7h15'19 V1M Cap Forme 72 M 0
606 GUILLON Patrick 7h15'21 V3M M 0
607 RABOUAM Jean noel 7h15'22 SEM S/l Sl Ena Athletisme Tie M 0
608 GEOFFROY Xavier 7h15'31 V1M M 0
609 FARNAULT Alexandre 7h15'32 V1M Paris Universite Club M 0
610 PETIT Virginie 7h15'37 V1F F 0
611 GAUDIN Philippe 7h15'41 V2M Gazelec Angers M 0
612 MORON Agathe 7h15'43 SEF As Martigne Briand F 0
613 BOSSEBOEUF Katia 7h15'44 V1F Caphg F 0
614 GLOTAIN Christophe 7h15'47 V1M M 0
615 POLINIERE Elisabeth 7h15'50 V1F Useab F 0
616 GODARD Franck 7h16'13 SEM Esmpa M 0
617 LAIGNEAU Laurent 7h16'14 V1M M 0
618 BOURGOUIN Stephane 7h16'29 V1M Patriote Bonnetable M 0
619 CINI Stephane 7h16'48 V2M Team Trail Les Givres M 0
619 AKOUN Gerald 7h16'48 V1M Team Trail Les Givres M 0
621 MAILLARD Delphine 7h17'07 V1F Bussy Saint Georges Athle F 0
622 BLEUNVEN Mathieu 7h18'08 SEM Courir A Bourg blanc M 0
623 KHAMHOME Alexandre 7h18'30 V1M Les Furets D'eiffage M 0
624 SARTRE Julien 7h18'37 SEM Les Foulees Saussinoises M 0
625 THIERRY Delphine 7h18'39 SEF F 0
626 LAUTIER Romain 7h19'03 SEM Lautier M 0
627 GRIMBERT Eric 7h19'05 V1M M 0
628 PEREZ Philippe 7h19'12 V1M Vedas Endurance M 0
629 RUFFLE Stephane 7h19'36 SEM Ruffle M 0
630 BARROUILLET Joelle 7h19'44 V2F F 0
631 LE Van than 7h19'46 V2M M 0
632 TANNOU Chris 7h19'48 SEM M 0
633 BRIAUD Marion 7h19'49 SEF F 0
634 BRUANT Gregory 7h19'54 SEM M 0
635 NASLIN Willy 7h19'57 V1M Herbauges Athle 44 M 0
636 FLANDRIN Milena 7h19'59 SEF Stade Lavallois F 0
637 ARNAUD Olivier 7h20'15 SEM Smac M 0
638 ANGLADE Christian 7h20'19 V2M M 0
639 PAYEN Vincent 7h22'06 SEM M 0
640 BODIN Bernard 7h23'35 V3M As Chu Nantes M 0
641 BURBAN Nathalie 7h23'37 V1F As Chu Nantes F 0
642 VALERA Nadege 7h24'23 V1F F 0
643 AUNEAU Beatrice 7h24'38 V2F As Chu Nantes F 0
644 MARECHAL Yves 7h24'42 V3M M 0
645 MEDARD Stephanie 7h24'43 SEF Les Furets D'eiffage F 0
646 CHANOINAT Charline 7h24'50 SEF S/l Etampes Athletisme F 0
647 GARCIA Victor 7h24'51 V1M Etampes Athletisme M 0
648 RAYNAUD Julien 7h25'04 SEM M 0
649 DUVAL Christophe 7h25'50 V1M Saint Maximin Athletic Cl M 0
649 GARCIA Cecile 7h25'50 SEF Saint Maximin Athletic Cl F 0
651 STETTLER Gwenaelle 7h26'34 V1F Sens Triathlon F 0
652 COUGARD Adrien 7h26'38 SEM Sa Montrouge Paris 12 M 0
652 DIEZ Sophie 7h26'38 SEF Les Furets D'eiffage F 0
654 LUCAS Olivier 7h26'47 V1M M 0
655 FORTIN Lili 7h27'18 V1F F 0
656 CAPEAU Remi 7h27'31 SEM M 0
657 GINER Julien 7h27'32 SEM M 0
658 MARTEL Olivier 7h27'36 V1M EVREUX AC M 0
659 PUENTE Raphael 7h27'49 V2M Esc15 M 0
660 REVEILLAC Claudie 7h27'51 V1F Es Blanquefort Oxygene F 0
661 GIL Laetitia 7h28'02 V1F Falicoun Trail Plaisir F 0
662 ANGLES Yvan 7h29'00 V2M M 0
663 MICHAUD Ludovic 7h29'09 SEM Noirmoutier Triathlon M 0
664 DUPE Herve 7h29'12 V2M M 0
665 HALLEGOUET Nicolas 7h29'21 SEM M 0
666 VIELHOMME Sabrina 7h29'23 SEF Cabb Bar Sur Aube/bayel F 0
666 TRIOLLE Fabrice 7h29'23 SEM M 0
668 DUFFY Catherine 7h29'24 V1F Pgac Guerande F 0
668 ZUGASTI Morgan 7h29'24 SEM M 0
671 ALBORGHETTI Jennifer 7h29'37 V1F Asptt Verdun F 0
672 TROLLI Hugo 7h29'49 SEM M 0
673 GODET Stephane 7h29'53 V1M M 0
673 COULOMBEL Stephane 7h29'53 V1M S/l Etampes Athletisme M 0
675 ROUSSEAU Raphael 7h30'20 V1M M 0
676 DELAUNAY Sylvain 7h30'39 V1M Ligne Bleue M 0
677 ROUSSEAU Anthony 7h30'43 V1M M 0
678 CARCAUD Stephane 7h30'45 V1M M 0
679 LANDRY Guillaume 7h31'27 V1M M 0
680 LANDRY Valerie 7h31'29 V1F F 0
681 GABORIT Anthony 7h31'46 V1M M 0
682 WALOSZEK Julie 7h32'02 V1F Vga Attichy F 0
683 DELAPLACE Yannick 7h32'27 SEM M 0
684 MOLIN Jean paul 7h33'01 V4M Vytajog M 0
685 MARINO Eric 7h33'02 V1M Running Club Noyellois M 0
686 VOYAU Tony 7h33'23 V1M S/l Herbauges 44 M 0
687 DEWEZ Laurent 7h33'48 V1M Aja Marathon M 0
688 ROUBELLAT Marie 7h35'06 V1F Vga St Maur F 0
689 BRAULT Xavier 7h35'53 V2M Acdc 37 M 0
690 POCHOT David 7h36'21 V2M M 0
691 DOMECQ CAZAUX Philippe 7h37'35 V2M M 0
692 VILLETTE Margot 7h38'04 SEF F 0
693 SAMUEL Jerome 7h38'23 V1M M 0
694 CONSEIL Romain 7h38'28 SEM Catalent M 0
695 MOUTARDE Estelle 7h39'15 SEF Athletic Club Angerien F 0
696 BARON Franck 7h40'03 V1M M 0
697 BEBIN Sophie 7h40'13 V1F F 0
697 POTDEVIN Sandra 7h40'13 SEF F 0
699 LEROY Jean yves 7h40'16 V3M Verneuil Oxygene M 0
700 GABORIT David 7h40'54 V1M Team Trail And Co M 0
700 LEFEBVRE Gwenaelle 7h40'54 V1F Team Trail And Co F 0
702 HELLIO David 7h40'56 V1M T3team M 0
703 BARROUILLET Bruno 7h41'16 V2M M 0
704 VAILLANT Marc 7h41'17 V1M As Issou M 0
705 MALEYRAN Christophe 7h41'26 V1M M 0
706 JOUY Mickael 7h41'28 V1M Us Berry Athletisme M 0
707 LEPEZEL Vincent 7h41'32 V1M Asptt Verdun M 0
708 GEMARD Dolores 7h41'36 V1F F 0
709 CORNET Pascal 7h42'05 V2M M 0
710 BARITEAU Coralie 7h42'07 SEF Roche Vendee Triathlon F 0
711 LE CLERC Julie 7h42'08 SEF F 0
712 PICKART Yoann 7h43'44 SEM Team Fit Bike Run 36 M 0
713 DUBOIS Fabrice 7h44'02 V1M M 0
714 DELAFON Christophe 7h44'11 V2M M 0
715 ALLAINMAT Laurence 7h44'38 V1F Reder Lann F 0
716 DENEKETCHIAN Mickael 7h45'01 SEM M 0
717 POTEZ Sylvie 7h45'06 V1F Martigne Briand F 0
718 POMES SARRAMEA Sophie 7h45'07 V1F 1000 Pattes Vicquois F 0
719 LOMBARD Nathalie 7h45'08 V1F F 0
720 DESORMEAUX Martine 7h45'12 V3F Cmbm F 0
721 COUTE Olivier 7h45'16 SEM M 0
722 CONTANT Stephane 7h45'18 V1M M 0
723 MALLET Samuel 7h45'36 SEM M 0
724 OVA Virginie 7h45'48 SEF F 0
725 LEPOUREAU Liliane 7h45'53 V2F F 0
726 GARCIA Pascal 7h45'54 SEM M 0
727 POIRIER Gilles 7h45'55 V2M M 0
728 COULON Cedrik 7h46'14 V1M Ambrussum Team Nature M 0
729 HASLOUIN Laetitia 7h46'24 V2F Dompierre Course Aventure F 0
730 RIVORY Gerard 7h46'28 V3M M 0
731 ZIMMERMANN Anna 7h46'36 V1F Easqy St Quentin En Yv F 0
732 ZIMMERMANN Cyril 7h46'37 V1M Easqy St Quentin En Yveli M 0
733 FRANCOIS Christine 7h46'39 V2F Les Raisins Du Trail F 0
734 MARIE Yannick 7h47'02 V2M Les Furets D'eiffage M 0
735 TRIPET Damien 7h49'28 V1M Team Normal Runner M 0
736 LAGONOTTE Johann lydia 7h50'25 V1F Les Foulees Muizonnaises F 0
738 FOUILLET Mathilde 7h50'47 V1F Stade Lavallois F 0
739 CADOICO Daniel 7h51'05 V1M As Fondettes Vtt M 0
740 FOUILLET Karine 7h51'19 V1F As Cormaris Triathlon Ath F 0
741 ATRIDE Sabine 7h52'05 V1F Vga Saint Maur F 0
742 BEAUGIER Pierre 7h52'31 V3M Elan Lanbescain M 0
743 DEHEZ Pierre 7h52'57 V2M Les Traileurs Du Marensin M 0
744 BUGEON Jean charles 7h53'29 V1M Ile De Noirmoutier Triath M 0
744 SECHER Sebastien 7h53'29 SEM Chalonnes Olympique Sport M 0
746 FRAYSSINHES Frederic 7h54'10 V1M Sport Nature Levezou M 0
747 REGNIER Thierry 7h54'18 V2M M 0
748 MARCHAND Gaetan 7h54'30 V1M Caphg M 0
748 PRADEL Nicolas 7h54'30 V1M Caphg M 0
750 PELEGRY Natacha 7h54'54 SEF S/l Nogent Sur Oise Athle F 0
751 GUYOT Nelly 7h55'52 V1F Artois Athletisme F 0
752 DARCOURT Valerie 7h55'53 V1F Cs Courtry Athletisme F 0
752 DARCOURT Fabrice 7h55'53 V1M Cs Courtry Athletisme M 0
752 BUISSONNIER Patrick 7h55'53 V2M Tcv Villeparisis M 0
755 HEREDIA David 7h55'55 SEM M 0
755 JEOFFRION Mickael 7h55'55 SEM M 0
757 MARCHAND Jean philippe 7h55'57 V1M Amicale Mlb M 0
758 BARROUILLET Fabien 7h56'00 SEM M 0
759 ROBIC Anthony 7h56'07 V1M Ind M 0
760 MORIVAL Magali 7h56'25 V1F Planete Running F 0
761 LEDOUX Nathalie 7h56'28 V1F Fer F 0
762 CATROU Stephane 7h56'30 V2M M 0
763 FAIVRE Emilie 7h57'12 SEF F 0
764 HUM Daniella 7h57'57 SEF Bsga F 0
765 BETTING Valentin 7h57'59 SEM M 0
766 BETTING Domonique 7h58'01 V2M M 0
767 CITERNE Yves vincent 7h58'49 V1M M 0
767 LABROSSE Bernard 7h58'49 V2M Aso Ntn snr M 0
767 LEBREUX Gerard 7h58'49 V3M Cmbm M 0
770 MARIVOET David 7h59'25 V1M Les Furets D'eiffage M 0
771 SARROUILHE Denis 7h59'37 V2M Tobesport M 0
772 BODIN Guillaume 8h00'46 SEM M 0
773 LE MAO Damien 8h01'39 SEM Courir A Bourg Blanc M 0
774 MATHIEU Martine 8h01'54 V1F Velay Athletisme F 0
775 RABIER Myriam 8h02'27 V2F Vedas Endurance F 0
776 GAYET Brigitte 8h02'29 V3F Coeur De Runneuses F 0
777 VOLPELLIERE Sebastien 8h05'33 SEM Les Foulees Saussinoises M 0
777 SAURY Erwann 8h05'33 SEM M 0
777 DARD Stephanie 8h05'33 V1F Dompierre Course Aventure F 0
780 BOUAKED Samir 8h11'17 SEM Neocase M 0
781 GIRARDO Tony 8h11'18 V1M M 0
782 LEMOINE LEPAREUR Herve 8h15'57 V1M M 0
783 BARDIN Sebastien 8h16'22 SEM Type 1 Running Team M 0
784 HARREAU Isabelle 8h17'27 SEF Asc Cormaris Triathlon F 0
784 CHEVRIER Anabelle 8h17'27 V1F Entente Des Mauges F 0
786 CARRON Christophe 8h17'30 SEM M 0
787 SANTIAGO Pierre yves 8h19'48 V2M M 0
788 CONDETTE Magali 8h19'56 V1F Esprit Run F 0
789 MICHEL Cedric 8h21'46 V1M Smac M 0
790 GARNIER Christophe 8h21'55 V1M Teg M 0
791 GRANGE Armand 8h21'59 SEM Team Perf' M 0
792 FROMENT Frederic 8h22'32 V1M M 0
793 LOPES Marie isabelle 8h24'02 V1F Les Furets D'eiffage F 0
794 BERTHE Meriem 8h24'12 V2F Courtforest F 0
795 MENARD Jerome 8h24'46 V1M Les Foulees Douces De Mon M 0
796 PEREIRA Mathieu 8h24'47 SEM M 0
797 VANALDERWEIRELDT Nicolas 8h24'48 SEM M 0
797 PEREIRA Pascal 8h24'48 V2M Rtt/ Les P'tits Potos M 0
799 HURAULT Dominique 8h25'08 V2M M 0
799 LEROY PASQUET Elyse 8h25'08 SEF Es Blanquefort F 0
801 BOURGUES Vincent 8h25'19 SEM Asa Sapeurs Pompiers Pari M 0
802 LALEVEE Lydie 8h25'40 V2M M 0
803 BONNINGUE Patrice 8h25'41 V1M M 0
804 MORIVAL Jimmy 8h26'13 V1M Hem Athletic Club M 0
805 LE MEUR Sophie 8h26'19 V2F Courtforest F 0
806 ANDRAUD Marianne 8h26'35 SEF Uaca Saint brieuc F 0
807 LUXI Marie 8h26'36 V1F F 0
808 CAMUS Jean luc 8h26'43 V2M Bussy Running M 0
809 LIGONNIERE Michele 8h26'45 V2F Bussy Running F 0
810 PRUVOST Bertrand 8h27'04 V3M Ac Villeneuve D'ascq Sect M 0
811 GIENG Saly 8h27'32 SEF Bsga F 0
812 DELECAUT Patrick 8h30'10 V3M Runcrew59 M 0
813 TONKIN Stephanie 8h31'12 V1F Asec La Pommeraye F 0
814 LUSSON Helena 8h31'16 V1F Asec F 0
815 VILLET Jean 8h32'58 V2M Team Trail Evoisson M 0
815 VILLET Veronique 8h32'58 V2F Team Trail Evoisson F 0
817 TIPLIE Michel 8h33'18 V3M M 0
818 GEORGET Philippe 8h33'40 V2M Sancerre Running M 0
819 GRAEF Antoine 8h33'41 V1M M 0
820 JEANNETTE Stephane 8h33'49 V1M M 0
821 CLAISSE Christiane 8h38'31 V3F Vytajog F 0
822 BERTAUX Carole 8h38'43 SEF Asec La Pomeraye F 0
823 GAMOT Valentine 8h39'13 V1F F 0
824 PY Angelique 8h42'00 V1F Trail In Woippy F 0
824 DUBILLARD Remy 8h42'00 V1M Trail In Woippy M 0
826 LETESSIER Elisabeth 8h42'03 V1F Bsga F 0
827 COURMONT Xavier 8h42'30 V1M M 0
828 BRIOIST Stephane 8h42'32 V2M M 0
828 CORLAY Eric 8h42'32 V2M M 0
830 LE BOURDON Christophe 8h42'36 V1M M 0
830 GAUTIER Antoine 8h42'36 V2M M 0
832 ECHALIER Matthieu 8h42'37 V1M M 0
833 ZHAO Shasha 8h44'37 SEF Running Panda F 0
834 LERMITE Thierry 8h44'50 V2M M 0
835 LAGIER Elisabeth 8h53'04 V2F Cs Courtry F 0
836 LAGIER Eric 8h53'07 V2M Triathlon Club De Villepa M 0
837 TOUCHANE Laurence 8h53'35 V1F Cs Courtry F 0
838 LESSART Vanessa 8h55'11 V1F F 0
839 LUCAS Stephanie 9h02'21 V2F F 0
840 TREGUER Erle 9h02'54 SEM Courir A Bourg Blanc M 0
841 ZAMBITO Jean marc 9h37'37 V2M M 0
842 LE SAOULT Romain 9h38'07 SEM M 0

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